Rapunzel and Red Riding Hood (Futanari Erotica Fairy Tales) (3 page)

BOOK: Rapunzel and Red Riding Hood (Futanari Erotica Fairy Tales)
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blonde opened her eyes, feeling a little sluggish for a bit, before she ran her
hand over the redhead’s back, slowly and teasingly, from the bottom of the
woman’s spine to the top, making goose bumps appears on the feral woman’s skin,
and she grabbed hold of the short red hair, fisting her hand on it and pulling.

redhead didn’t resist and didn’t protest, because the next moment Rapunzel
started to move her hips once again and drove her cock deep into the redhead’s

rutting was slower this time, less urgent, but not less pleasurable, the
sensibility provoked by their earlier orgasms making sure of it.

thrusts were harder, but less frequent.

never let go of the redhead’s hair, keeping her positioned just as she wanted,
while her other hand focused on the woman’s clit, flicking  and tugging it
until the woman came again, Rapunzel’s cock buried deep inside her cunt.

scene repeated itself again and again, and again, until the redhead’s upper
torso rested on the floor, her head poised over her arms, her breasts and
nipples leaning against the hard stone, and Rapunzel’s cock had nothing more to

blonde leaned back and let her now flaccid cock slid from the woman’s pussy,
her member aching from use, her hair releasing its grip on the redhead and
letting her tired body lie on the floor.

now freed redhead turned to Rapunzel, her wolfish eyes wide and alert, and for
a moment Rapunzel feared she would have to restrain her again, but the feral
woman simple whined at her and moved a hand between her thighs, her face scrunching
up while she did it.

felt guilt when she realized she had hurt the other woman, blaming herself for
not controlling her urges, but the redhead whined again, and Rapunzel preferred
to comfort the woman instead of stewing on her guilt.

sorry.” She said while she moved to lie at the woman’s side. “I didn’t want to
hurt you.”

redhead locked at her with such a lust laden look that Rapunzel let the rest of
her words die on her mouth, and then the redhead moved and licked her face,
repeatedly, making her giggle again and again, and she forgot her worries.

they lay on the stone floor, their bodies pressed against each other,
protecting them from the cold.

felt the redhead’s breasts press against hers, and felt her cock twitching,
starting to harden again, but then she looked at the woman’s sleeping face, her
features completely relaxed and she controlled her urges.

would have time for further play later.








Chapter 2


woke when she felt bare skin against her hard cock.

opened her eyes to find the redhead pressed against her body, the woman’s
buttocks digging into her groin.

mind couldn’t help but flash to the night before and the memories of loving the
other female – of sinking her cock into the redhead’s willing sex and losing
herself in the pleasure.

ran her hands over the other woman’s back, feeling the smooth skin, waiting for
her to waken.

didn’t take long.

redhead turned around, stretched her body and yawned.

watched her, feeling her cock twitch at what the motion made to the other
woman’s breasts.

redhead opened her eyes, blinking twice in confusion before her eyes found

The blonde said, watching the confusion disappear from the other woman’s face
as memories of the night before resurfaced.

redhead remained silent, trying to process what had happened. She remembered
telling the blonde to run while she started to transform, but after that it was
all a blur of images and sensations.

remembered being hurt and restrained, but above all she remembered pleasure
that followed, as the blonde took her again and again.

didn’t know quite what to think.

she transformed she always attacked those around her, ripping people apart with
the strength of ten grown men … yet the blonde girl before her, a little slip
of a woman tamed her beast.

just tamed, the redhead could tell.

blonde girl had completely dominated her wilder side, taking her beast at her
leisure, fucking her with abandon and the only thing she managed to do in her
transformed state was moan and beg for more.

hadn’t resisted.

could feel it in their mingled scents, the blonde smelled like she was part of
her pack – like her mate.

watched the redhead’s struggle, instinctually knowing the woman was coming to
terms with what happened. She poised her hand on the woman’s face, caressing
it, making the redhead lean into it.

she saw what she was doing the redhead stopped and focused on the other woman’s
face, letting her gaze follow down the blonde’s body. She wasn’t surprised when
her eyes fell on the woman’s cock, not after the night before.

saw where her gaze rested and smiled, before she leaned forward and kissed the
woman, slowly, tenderly, maneuvering herself between the other’s legs.

redhead didn’t complain spreading her legs almost automatically, the rising
excitement she smelt from Rapunzel’s body enough to make her desire the blonde.
She let her mate crawl between her thighs, positioning herself at her entrance
and then Rapunzel pushed.

redhead arched her body into the blonde when she felt the large cock reach deep
inside of her body, pressing her breasts against the girl’s, Rapunzel starting
to move in and out of her.

couldn’t help but think it felt right.

was tender, a much more gentle lovemaking than the one they had the day before,
and soon enough she felt her walls tighten around Rapunzel’s cock and she came,
clutching the blonde’s body, her teeth biting down on the girl’s shoulder.

was enough to take Rapunzel over the edge, and she screamed loudly as she felt
her cock release her seed.

held each other afterwards, the redhead’s legs locked around Rapunzel’s waist,
keeping them joined together, sharing each other’s warmth.

Rapunzel started after a while. The other woman looked at her and she couldn’t
help but blush. “I’m Rapunzel. I mean, we haven’t exactly introduced each other
before …” She trailed off.

redhead felt her own cheeks reddening at that. She had never done something
like this before. She coughed twice before she managed to speak without her
voice getting caught. “I’m Ruby.”

smiled and their lips found each other’s.

the next month Ruby found something she hadn’t had in a long time – a home.

was lovely, gentle and bright. Ruby soon found herself feeling more than just
lust for the blonde woman.

spent their days very close to one another.

the first time Ruby found herself grateful for her curse, it was the only thing
that allowed her to keep up with Rapunzel’s sheer desire and stamina. They made
love several times each day, and any of those occasions lasted longer than any
sex Ruby had before.

didn’t take long for Ruby to find out that the other woman had her secrets,
especially when they related to the woman that lived with Rapunzel, but Ruby
didn’t care about that. She didn’t care about the other woman’s scent in
Rapunzel’s skin, a scent coupled with the musk of lovemaking – she cared only
for the blonde.

had surrendered herself completely to Rapunzel’s charms and only feared having
to leave the beautiful blonde.

didn’t dissuade the redhead of her fears, but Ruby realized that, despite her
prowess when it came to sex, Rapunzel was quite an innocent and sheltered person.

day, when they lay together in the blonde’s large bed, their bodies sweaty and
exhausted from their lovemaking, Rapunzel asked the redhead about her past,
where she came from and what happened to make her as she was.

rested against Rapunzel’s warm body for a long while before she answered.

happened a long time ago.” The redhead started, slowly, her eyes looking far
away into the past. “I was born in a village in a kingdom north of here. It was
a small one, built at the edge of the biggest woods in the region. We weren’t
rich, but there was no famine or disease. We had no need of anything.”

heard the sadness in her voice and touched the redhead’s chin, making her look
up. She gazed at Ruby’s almond eyes, seeing the tears and sadness held within
and leaned forward, kissing the other woman, gently, lovingly, telling her that
she was there for her and always would be.

kissed back, grateful for Rapunzel’s caring nature, before they separated and
she returned to her tale.

met a smith’s son and fell in love.” Ruby continued. “I knew my mother wouldn’t
like it and hid our budding romance from her. I knew she had some kind of plan
for my future, but I wanted to make my own choices.”

ran her fingers through Ruby’s red hair while the other woman spoke.

mother and grandmother were considered a little strange by most of the people
in the village. The two worshipped the moon and practiced some strange rituals,
but most believed them to be harmless and let them be.”

paused and had to hold back a sob as she remembered what happened.

held and kissed her again, licking away her tears, until Ruby stopped crying.

all came crashing down the day I gave myself to my lover.” Ruby spoke, her
voice hollow and despondent. “We planned to meet on the night of the full moon.
I planned to give him my virginity, to force my mother to accept our
relationship. The last thing I remember from that night was the pinprick of
pain as his cock entered, and then nothing.”

breathed deeply as Rapunzel’s caresses continued. Ruby didn’t want to remember,
but she wanted Rapunzel to know all about her – she didn’t want to hide
anything from the other woman.

woke up in the woods covered in blood and mud. I could only remember flashes of
what happened, but it was enough – something terribly bad had happened. My
mother found me eventually and she knew. I don’t know how, but she guessed what
happened the night before.”

turned to Rapunzel, looking the girl right in the eyes. “She gave me that
cloak,” She said pointing at the big hooded cloak Ruby wore the night before.
“To hide me as she smuggled me home. Then she and my grandmother told me the
truth about themselves.”


were worshippers of Selene – goddess of wolves and the moon.”

answer didn’t mean anything to Rapunzel, and Ruby realized it.

can’t say I knew what that meant at the time; I only learned more about it
later.” She said with a shrug. “We didn’t have time to discuss it really –
someone had seen me leaving with the boy I loved, and then they found the
remains of his body. It didn’t take long for the people of the village to jump
to the conclusion that we were some kind of witches, or demons, and they came
after us.”

voice became fainter.

mother told grandmother and me to run while she stayed behind. We did.  I don’t
know what happened after; we only heard a lot of screams and something I could
only describe as a monstrous growl while we ran.”

looked at Rapunzel. In her eyes the blonde could see a vacuum of emotions and
sentiments, a void of anything that might hurt.

was the last time I saw my mother.” The redhead continued her voice flat. “And
it wasn’t enough. They followed us, and a few hours later they caught us.
People I had knew my whole life looked at me as if I was a beast, a monster. I
tried to talk to them but they only cursed my name.”

tightened her hold on the woman. Part of her wanted to shush Ruby, kiss her and
make her forget about everything wrong that had ever happened to her.

knew it wouldn’t work.

might soothe Ruby’s mind for a while, but only when the woman dealt with what
happened could she truly overcome it.

did you escape?”

grandmother turned into a beast, a giant half-human-half-wolf creature that
walked in two legs – I realized then what the growl I had heard before was – my
mother confronting the villagers, and I knew they were right. I was a monster.”

kissed Ruby’s temple, tightening her legs around the redhead’s frame, using her
body and heat to comfort her. “You’re no monster.”

tear escaped from Ruby’s eye. “Yes I am. That’s why my family worshipped

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