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Authors: The war in 2020

BOOK: Ralph Peters
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But he had carried those dead American pilots with him, unknowingly. They had waited deep inside of him as he garnered new ranks and fresh honors. Then, unexpectedly, unreasonably, their ghosts had begun to appear to him. His dreams were not the dreams of amorous regret that visited the sleep of healthy men. Nor were they the dreams of a true soldier. They were the dreams of a coward. His gunship sailed the morning sky, the blue, vast African sky, again. But this time he was the hunted. He could see the faces of the Americans behind the windscreens of their gunships, far too closely. They were the faces of dead men. Flying around him, mocking him, teasing him. Drawing out his agony until they grew tired of the game and decided to finish him off, laughing, howling for revenge.

Akiro called suddenly, in his startling military bark.
This is interesting.

Noburu shook off his demons. He rose and crossed the room to where his aide sat intently before the screen of the commander's workstation. There was no trace of the Scotch in his walk. All that remained of the drink was a sharpness in his stomach. I'm growing old, Noburu thought.

What is it?

Have a look at this imagery, sir. It's the Soviet industrial complex outside the city of Omsk.

Noburu considered the crisp picture on the screen. Like all of his contemporaries, he had learned to read imagery from space-based collectors at a glance. He saw rows of industrial halls and warehouses, with the active heat sources indicating a very low level of activity. Everything
looked antique, monuments to decline. He could detect nothing of evident military importance.

You'll have to explain it to me,
Noburu said.
I see nothing.

Akiro said.
In a sense, that's the point.
He gave the terminal a sharp verbal command, and the industrial landscape faded, then reappeared. Noburu noted the earlier date in the legend of the new picture. In this previously harvested imagery, the buildings were cold, unused.

This image was recorded just before the start of the offensive,
Akiro said.
You see, sir? No activity. The industrial park had fallen into complete disuse. Then, yesterday, as our forces approached the border of western Siberia, we scanned the area again.
He gave another quick command. The first image reappeared.
And this is what we found. Suddenly, there are heat sources in the derelict buildings. But there are no signs of renewed production. Only these muffled heat sources. They were so faint that we barely picked them up. This image has been greatly intensified.

Have we X-rayed the site?
Noburu asked.

Akiro smiled. After another brief command, an X-ray image appeared.

Now there was nothing in evidence except the skeletons of unused machinery, vacant production lines. Emptiness.

Noburu got the point. Someone was going to great lengths to use very sophisticated technical camouflage means to hide whatever was dispersed throughout the mammoth complex.

He and Akiro understood each other.

If the weather had not taken such a cold turn, we could have missed it entirely,
Akiro said.
As it was, the imagery analyst almost passed over it.

How large a force does intelligence believe is in there?

It is, of course, difficult to say. The camouflage techniques are remarkably good—this must be the very best equipment the Soviets possess. In any case, intelligence believes it would be easy to hide an entire armored division in there. Perhaps more.

Noburu reviewed the geography in his head. The force could be employed to defend Omsk. But, given the lengths to which the Soviets had gone to hide it, the formation would more likely be used as a counterattack force, probably on the Petropavlovsk front.

Noburu said,
even a fresh division won't make much of a difference. It would take at least an army-level formation to begin to shore up their lines around Petropavlovsk. And, given the backwardness of their military technology, even a full Soviet army could not sustain a deep attack against us now.

We could, of course, simply catch them as they attempt to deploy,
Akiro said.

Noburu waved his hand.
No. There's no point in taking chances. How current was that image?

We just scanned the area during the night.

Noburu thought for a moment, reexamining the details of the battle map he held in his memory.
Even if they moved immediately, they could not influence the battle in less than forty-eight hours. The distance is too great. I'll tell Yameshima to hit them tomorrow. There's no point in disrupting today's schedule. But tomorrow we'll take care of whatever the Soviets have hidden in there.
He stared at the screen a moment longer.
Really, quite a remarkable effort. It almost seems unfair that none of them will ever reach the battlefield.


The weapons are no good,
General Adi Tanjani told Noburu in English, which was the only language all of the commanders shared in common.
They are breaking.

Noburu looked at the man, trying not to reveal the slightest hint of his disdain. He shifted his glance from the Iranian to General Shemin of the Islamic Union, then to General Biryan, late of the Soviet Indigenous Forces, Central Asia, and now the senior military man in the Free Islamic Republic of Kazakhstan. To Noburu, they looked like a gang of thieves. Finally, Noburu met the eyes of Colonel Piet Kloete, another
contract employee,
who was the staff man responsible for the stable of South African pilots who flew the most sophisticated intermediate-range Japanese systems. Noburu shared many of the South African's views, not least of which was disgust at the illogic and ineptitude of these men to whom they were nominally subordinate. Yet, ultimately, Kloete had the limitations of the mercenary, just as his nation had those same limitations on a grander level.

My dear General Tanjani,
Noburu began, choosing his words carefully,
warriors who fight as boldly as yours are very hard on the machinery of war. Your successes have taken many of these land systems well over two thousand kilometers in less than a month. Under such circumstances, careful maintenance procedures are very important. It would be of the greatest help if your soldiers would follow the prescribed methods.

Tanjani would not budge.
It is not the task of the soldiers of the Islamic Republic of Iran to work as rude mechanicals. It is the task of the Japanese to guarantee that all machines operate.

Noburu wondered how on earth Tokyo would deal with men such as this in the future, when the Tanjanis had no more pressing needs for Japanese military support. The unconsidered arrogance involved in driving the Soviets— the Russians—from the heart of Asia was becoming ever more clear to him. As suppliers of resources, the economically starved Soviets were bound to be more dependable than the half-savages with whom Tokyo had determined to replace them.

Noburu was especially irritated with Tanjani today because Noburu's in-house intelligence sources had informed him of the Iranians' loss of one of the latest-variant command aircraft. Tanjani had not said a word about it, which told Noburu that the unexplained accident had been indisguisably the fault of the Iranians. The loss was potentially an important intelligence compromise—although, fortunately, the computer system was utterly unbreakable. The revelation of new aircraft composites to the enemy was nonetheless a sufficiently serious matter to outrage Noburu, but he had learned the hard way that it never paid to directly confront the Iranians with their failures. He would simply have to wait, exercising all of his selfcontrol, until the day came when Tanjani decided to mention the loss—if such a day ever came.

General Tanjani, I assure you that all maintenance
workers are doing their best to maintain the systems. But basic measures taken by the operators are essential. Otherwise, too many systems break down unnecessarily, and the maintenance system becomes overloaded. We have discussed this before.

Tanjani smiled cynically.
If the great industrial power of Japan can do no better than this, perhaps our confidence has been misplaced.

Noburu wanted to shout at the man. Those systems have carried your incompetent mob farther and faster than any force in history. You have crushed one of the fabled armies of the world. But, when hundreds of vehicles develop major problems simply because no one bothered to maintain proper lubrication levels or to change dust filters, you cannot expect to parade around in them indefinitely. The yen costs resulting from inept—or nonexistent—operator maintenance were astronomical.

We must,
Noburu said in a controlled voice,
all work together. We must cooperate. There are no more systems in the rear depots to instantly replace those lost unnecessarily. At present, I'm told that there are more tanks in the forward repair yards at Karaganda and Atbasar than there are on the front lines.

Your system of maintenance is very slow,
Tanjani said.

Our system of maintenance,
Noburu replied,
is overwhelmed. If only the truly avoidable maintenance problems could be prevented by your operators, you would find our system very effective.

The problem,
Tanjani said,
is that the tanks are no good. You have sold us second-rate goods.

General Tanjani,
Noburu said, trying to smile, to reach back toward friendliness,
consider your successes. Whenever our tanks have been deployed against the Soviets, you have not lost a single significant engagement. Consider how few of the tanks in our repair yards are actually combat casualties. Not one in twenty.

Our success,
Tanjani said,
is the will of God. Everything is the will of God.

The will of God,
General Shemin agreed, awakening from his daydreams at the explosively powerful words.

Biryan, the ex-Soviet, moved about uncomfortably in his seat, mumbling something that might be taken for agreement. Noburu knew that Biryan had been sufficiently well-trained by his former masters to understand that poor maintenance was not necessarily a direct reflection of the divine will. The maintenance problems in Biryan's rebel units were as much the result of combat stress on the decrepit systems with which the central Soviet government had equipped the regionally homogenous formations as they were of incompetence—although there was still plenty of that to be found.

Perhaps, Noburu thought bitterly, Allah could be persuaded to do a bit of preventive maintenance, or to do some overnight repair work.

This ... is a very important issue,
General Biryan said carefully, catching Noburu off-guard.
The combat strength of the great forces of Iran must be maintained. My troops alone cannot finish the task before us.
Noburu pitied the man, who seemed to have no real understanding of the fate planned for the rebel forces. Noburu knew that, for all of the problems under discussion, Tanjani's Iranians had the strength to make a far larger frontline contribution, as did the forces of the Islamic Union on the southwestern front. But it had been agreed that the rebels should be sacrificed to the maximum feasible extent now that success seemed imminent. It was vital that those with nationalist tendencies in the liberated regions have no significant military strength of their own on which to fall back. This very expensive war was not being waged to cater to the intoxicated visions of Kazakh or Turkmen nationalists.

God will provide,
General Shemin offered. The chosen tone suggested that Shemin might take on his occasional role as mediator.
But I think that we are under an obligation to help our Japanese friends when they tell us that they are in need. Just as they have been helpful to us. Now is not the time for such disagreements between friends. Surely, my brother,
he said to Tanjani,
we will help the Japanese. We must consider their requests about this matter of maintenance.

Tanjani sensed that he was in the minority on this issue.

Yet, Noburu well knew, nothing was predictable. At times, Shemin would side rabidly with Tanjani. And, despite any verbal concessions, Noburu suspected that little would change as regarded maintenance. The conditions in Shemin's Islamic Union formations were only marginally better than those in the Iranian forces. It was astonishing that they had done so much, come so far. A tribute, Noburu thought, to the technical mastery of his homeland. The war-making systems were simple to operate and really very simple to maintain. It had taken negligence bordering on the ingenious to run them into the ground.

But the margin was thinner now than it had been at any time during the campaign. It was a good thing that the Soviets were so disorganized, so psychologically distressed. Noburu thought again of the incredible ratio of maintenance losses. At present, there were almost five combat systems awaiting repair for
on the front lines. Even the most skillfully designed high-technology systems did not have the simplicity of a bow and arrow.

Noburu's mind drifted back to the imagery of the possible Soviet counterattack force in the industrial park outside of Omsk. Really, a negligible matter in the great scheme of things. But he would have to deal with it. The Iranian and rebel forces were so depleted, so worn, that the sudden introduction of an organized counterattack force might prove capable of causing at least local panic. He decided not to rely on Yameshima and his Iranian Air Force charges to do the job. Kloete's South Africans could fly this one. It was not a time to take chances. And the South Africans needed to earn their keep.

An orderly delivered fresh tea and a plate of biscuits, catering to Noburu's guests. Noburu himself would have much preferred another Scotch, but he deferentially took the required thimble glass of tea. He watched as Tanjani dropped cube after cube of sugar into the orange liquid.

And now,
Noburu said, bracing himself against the impending storm,
there is another matter I would like to discuss with you. Among friends.
He glanced toward the workstation, where his aide sat monitoring the flow of information, temporarily suppressing anything that might not be appropriate for the eyes of Noburu's guests. Noburu knew that Akiro would disapprove of his next tack. Perhaps the aide would even report the matter to the General Staff. Personal loyalty was not all that it once had been. But Noburu was determined to go ahead with the business.
This matter of the employment of chemical weapons against mass targets . . . specifically, against noncombatants ... I know we have spoken of this before.
He looked at Tanjani.
But the battlefield situation has continued to develop in our favor, and I'm certain that we all can agree that there is no longer the least justification for such attacks. We are on the edge of victory. I do not think our cause is furthered by attacks that can only turn world opinion against us.

Noburu noted that Akiro had stopped fiddling with the computer. The aide was listening attentively, aware that his commander was speaking in violation of the directive from Tokyo.

To Noburu's relief, Tanjani showed no immediate excitement. He continued to sip his sugar-laden tea. There was a moment of near silence, the clinking of metal and glass. Then Tanjani said wearily,
World opinion? Why are we to concern ourselves with the opinion of the world? Especially as we are still speaking largely of the opinion of the Western world, are we not?
He put down his tea glass, readying himself to speak at greater length.
For more than forty years, my country has laughed in the face of world opinion, and today we are the victors. World opinion? What does it matter? Dust in the wind. The American devil is impotent. He is a caged Satan.
He laughed in tepid amusement, as at a good joke heard once too often.
And the Europeans care only for their economic welfare. They may weep, but they will still line up to buy our oil.
Tanjani's eyes came to rest on Noburu's beautifully cut uniform.
They have become our tailors, our purveyors of sweets. Nothing more. And the Soviets . . . cannot effectively retaliate. Even if they had threatening weapons, they would not attack our home countries—they are too anxious not to draw our attacks down upon their main cities. They are degenerate cowards, who deserve to be destroyed. God is great, and his sword smites the infidel. He places fear in their hearts.

But is it necessary to strike the refugee columns?

It costs Japan nothing,
Tanjani replied haughtily.
These are
weapons. And, you see, they are more dependable than your machines.

But such actions,
Noburu said,
simply cause the enemy to retaliate with chemical weapons of his own. Your forces have taken needless chemical casualties.

God is great,
Tanjani said.
The soldiers of Iran welcome the opportunity to die the death of the martyr.
Biryan, the rebel commander, leaned forward abruptly. It was a strikingly violent gesture that betrayed anger that could no longer be contained. He inadvertently knocked over his tea glass, but made no move to right it.

The Russian and his brethren
be destroyed,
he said. His face had grown pale.
They are all demons, the worst of infidels.
people have lived under the Russian yoke for more than a century. We know the Russian. He is an animal, a dog. And he must be beaten like a dog, destroyed like a mad dog. Not only the men, but their women and children—they are the source of the greatest evil in this world. They are a plague on the earth. There is no suffering too great for them.

Noburu glanced at Shemin but saw instantly that he would get no help from the man this time. Shemin was a survivor of struggles both military and political, and he picked his fights carefully. Bo
in Baghdad, he had begun learning his lessons as a lieutenant, back in 1990, leading a tank platoon into Kuwait.

Biryan's intensity had genuinely shocked Noburu, who still could not believe that this man had lately served beside the men he now wished to annihilate, that he had lived among the women and children whom he so ardently wished to butcher.

When will it be
turn? Noburu wondered.

Tanjani was smiling, clearly feeling himself the master of his Japanese counterpart. Yes, Noburu told himself, I'm just another infidel to them. Not fully human. It is only that I am temporarily useful. How on earth did we ever allow ourselves to make a compact with men such as these?

My brother,
Tanjani said to Noburu,
it brings . . .surprise to the righteous to hear you take the side of the infidel. Especially, when you refuse to employ all of your own weapons on our behalf.

Noburu wondered how much surprise his face betrayed. Hopefully, the years of discipline were standing him in good stead now.

Was Tanjani merely fishing? Did he really know?
General Tanjani
Noburu said,
. . . the government of Japan is supporting you to the full extent of our treaties. You have received all specified aid.

And yet,
Tanjani said,
friends do not conceal their wealth from their true friends.

I don't understand,
Noburu lied.

Tanjani sat back in his chair, thoughtful, teasing. Then he lifted his eyebrows at the amusing trend of his thoughts.
Perhaps ... if
of the Japanese weapons came to the support of the true cause . . . perhaps then there would be little need of these chemical weapons that are such trouble to you.

No, Noburu thought. Far better the chemicals.

My friend,
Noburu said,
you must tell me the details of your concern. Exactly which weapons are you speaking of? Perhaps I am too ill-informed.

Tanjani looked at him hard.
And what is at the base in Bukhara? What is so great a secret there? Why are my men not trusted to guard their Japanese brothers?

He doesn't know, Noburu decided, relieved. He's only guessing. He's caught wind of something. But he doesn't know the details.

The base at Bukhara,
Noburu said, regaining his selfassurance,
is a very sophisticated technical support site. You know the terms of our agreements. There are some electronic matters . . . industrial secrets . . . which were developed at great expense to the people of Japan. Today, in a world still hungry for the tightening supplies of oil, Iran has no need of such things. You are very rich. By the grace of God. But, for Japan, these technical matters are our 'oil,' our only wealth. There is nothing at the Bukhara site other than electronics—to be used in your support, as necessary.
The last part was true, Noburu told himself. If the whole story came out, he had not actually lied. There
nothing at Bukhara but electronics. The Scramblers were really nothing more than another arrangement of conductors.

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