
Read Sleeves Online

Authors: Chanse Lowell,K. I. Lynn,Shenani Whatagans

BOOK: Sleeves
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Title Page




Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

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Chanse Lowell

Mayhem Erotica

Copyright © August 2013 by Chanse Lowell

All rights reserved.

This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with others, purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and you did not purchase it or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

CONTENT WARNING — This story contains scenes of an explicit, erotic nature and is intended for adults, 18+. Story includes anal sex, rimming, dirty talk with crude language, mention of children being abused, BDSM themes, and graphic consensual sex. Characters portrayed in these sexually charged scenes are 18 or older and of a sound mind.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents are created solely from the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or deceased, locations and businesses, along with events, are entirely coincidental.


Published by Mayhem Erotica Publishing

Cover illustration by Mayhem Cover Creations © 2013

This book was inspired by a dear friend, and with her encouragement, it was made a reality…

To Catastrophia


You are the friend every author needs to succeed




Edited by: K.I. Lynn, Shenani Whatagans

Prereaders: Angela Bohr, gooseonline, Lynda Kimpel, J. M. Shaw, Judith Sokolowski, Tricia Lockwood-Smith

Chapter 1


April 12th, 2023


“Casey, you have to come,” her friend, Jana said, tugging on her arm as they walked through the parking lot after work.

“No thanks,” Casey replied, sighing as the warm air hit her from the outside, melting the chill away from her cold office.

What was the big deal? Why did they keep hounding her about this particular club?

“Oh my God! You’re not honestly scared of this, are you?” Jana stared at her with her baby-blues like Casey was being ridiculous and then she tightened her ponytail, making sure her sandy blonde hair looked flawless as usual.

“No—why would I be?” Casey’s forehead creased and she turned away. “I’m just tired. It was a shitty day at work, that’s all.”

“This man has a monster cock, and he lets the women touch it and play with it,” Maddie said, fanning herself. “We have to sign something before they even let us into the club.”

“Fine. One drink, but that’s it. And I’m not touching that man.” Casey headed over to Jana’s car.

Every Friday night. Why couldn’t they just let her go home and relax? Why did she always have to accompany them to these crazy dive places they scrounged up?

“He’s hot—wanna see a picture?” Maddie shoved her phone into Casey’s hands.

“You’ve already seen him?” Casey barely glanced at it and handed it back. He looked like any other male stripper. Dark hair, dark eyes, broad chest, sculpted cheek bones and light scruff on his chiseled jaw. Not to mention he was tan and imposing with ripped muscles. Probably was relegated to monosyllabic answers when spoken to, due to his shriveled vocabulary since a man that spent that much time on his body, surely didn’t have any left over to dedicate to his mind.

“Yeah, I went last Saturday night.” Maddie grinned. “I need to see that man again, ‘cause damn, he’s so fucking hot, I’m hoping to touch him again. It fueled some incredible fantasies all week long and kept my vibrator busy.” She paused, and her face dropped for a moment. “They say he’ll only allow a woman to touch him once. No second chances, but I think that’s just something some bitter old bitch made up because she wasn’t ever chosen. I’m sure he’ll choose me again and give me a second shot.”

Casey rolled her eyes and got in the car.

“It’s not like any of us are dating someone exclusively, so why are you so hesitant?” Jana asked Casey while starting the car. “We need to get out and meet people.”

is the not the same as molesting some strange man in a cage,” Casey clarified, “and paying to get inside the club just to see him, on top of it all.” The rest of the audience no doubt would be women, and how was that “meeting people?”

The drive was short and entirely irritating as Maddie continued to drool over the picture on her phone of this man.

“What’s his name again?” Casey asked before exiting the car.

“Kel,” Maddie answered.

? Are you serious?” Now Casey was wishing she’d driven herself so she could fake a stomach bug and drive home as quickly as possible. What kind of ridiculous stage name was that?

“Yeah, trust me, it fits him. You’ll see, along with all the sleeves he has available to play with.” Jana’s eyes lit up.

Casey looked up at the sign over the club or bar or whatever the hell this was supposed to be. “You’ve got to be joking . . .”

Sleeves? That was the name of this sleazy night club with a man in a cage she could manhandle, and who supposedly owned various sleeves she could put over his hard cock? Could it get any more ridiculous?

She sighed and stepped behind them as if in line to do something mundane like catch the bus.

This was absurd. She was a grown woman, in charge of her life. She did
need to pay to touch a caged dick; she could find one for free. Or better yet, she could stop and can get some new batteries on the way home for her B. O. B. They could spend some quality time together tonight, and she wouldn’t have to worry about catching some crazy venereal disease.

The door opened, and a rush of music took over.

They were welcomed by an all-too-thin, androgynous looking male as soon as they went through the second set of doors, once they closed behind them. Each of the ladies was handed a pen and the appropriate paperwork they had to sign, stating very clearly they were not to reveal what happened in the cage while they were in attendance tonight at the club. No video recordings or pictures were permitted either.

So how did Maddie manage the photo she took? Her friend was tenacious and always got what she wanted. She found a way to break rules without being caught, but still . . . This paperwork made it sound hardcore, like they’d cut you to pieces if you were caught taking pictures.

Casey shoved those thoughts aside and kept signing her name in the appropriate spots.

Fine—whatever they said was good with her. She was going to drink and ignore the idiocy going on in there. No pictures required for her to get through the night.

They paid the admission price, walked through the dark halls and were admitted inside.

There were black lights surrounding the bar; tables crowded by chairs around them were scattered all around with art deco lighting above each one. It wasn’t enough to impress her.

She took a seat at the bar, and as soon as she ordered her favorite drink, a cosmopolitan, she knew she should’ve just gone home. Some dude at the other end was leering at her, and it was obvious he was tipsy with the way he was barely able to hold his own drink without sloshing it all over himself. He looked like he’d forgotten how to operate the knob in his shower with his messed up hair and general greasy skin. The rumpled clothes only added to the creepy, repellent vibe he was giving off.

She turned away and ignored him, going back to her drink. Simple drink for a simple woman, and if there was a simple way to get out of here, she would’ve.

But it was too late.

The lights that were already dim, lowered even more and an announcer said, “Time for Kel and his ladies to play.”

“Oh give me a fucking break,” Casey muttered over her drink.

A cage was revealed after a thick blue curtain was drawn back. It was set in the corner of the room, and the lighting was a little eerie in that thing.

She strained her neck to see since all the ladies in the room were now standing, hooting and hollering.

“Take a seat,” said the gruff, gritty voice of the caged creature.

The effect was alarming. They all did as they were told, and every one of those ladies seemed overjoyed about obeying the command.

What the hell was this all about?

Casey almost snickered, because it reminded her of some poorly written erotica novel with a Dom, thinking he was God’s gift to every ovary around.

“I need quiet,” the voice said.

Once more—the room complied.

Casey’s brow bunched at the bridge of her nose. How silly that these women were frothing at the mouth over a bossy man in a corner.

She took another sip of her drink and let her mind wander.

“I will choose one lady—just one, and she will follow my demands, or she will suffer the consequences,” the man said loud enough for all to hear.

That voice though—my God, no wonder some of them were hysterical. It was so deep and melodic, and sounded like a man with roughened vocal chords after a couple of rounds of pounding, sweaty, animalistic sex. It made her think of the perfect phone sex operator.

Good Lord. She turned away, but tried to stay out of the drunken dude’s radar across the way.

“I hope he picks me,” some woman at the bar whispered and then giggled.

“I don’t,” Casey murmured to herself. No way was she buying this act.

“Who’s first?” the man in the cage asked, sending the crowd into a ripple of shifting women, almost lunging out of their seats. “Well, how bad do you want it?”

He wasn’t mic’ed, but she could hear him easily all the way across the room. She could also ignore him just as easily, so she went back to draining her glass.

“Hundred bucks right here!” her friend, Maddie screamed with a deafening screech.

She lurched through the crowd of people, and Casey’s eyes went wide as she followed Maddie’s movement over to the cage.

Was he going to let her inside?

Casey’s mouth went dry, and she failed to blink. The man was dressed in nothing but dark jeans, and his wrists were bound together with leather cuffs.

“What’s up with the bondage shit?” Casey asked herself.

The bartender, a really athletic looking guy with sandy colored hair and light blue eyes, leaned in and answered, “He must be in the mood to take a risk tonight. Usually he’s chained to the bars so he can’t escape. But then he always gets loose by the end of the show.”

“Why? What’s so great about that?” She took another sip.

“The chains are unbreakable, and he has no key in there with him, yet somehow, he busts them apart.”

“Big deal . . .”. What kind of idiot thought this was entertainment? So he figured out how to turn magic tricks into smut and BDSM. Didn’t seem all that creative to her.

“When no one’s looking, but,” he pointed around the room, still leaning toward her, “does it look like any of them are going to take their eyes off him anytime soon? Part of the attraction is to see if they can break him free as well. If they can, the cage gets covered, and they get a half hour alone with him without prying eyes.” His eyebrows jiggled up and down.

“Oh.” She swiveled back around on her stool and watched Maddie with added interest now.

“I can do it,” Maddie grunted, her arms through the bars, her hands pulling at his cuffs, trying to break them apart.

Nothing happened other than her brow being covered with dots of perspiration and her tits jiggling around.

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