Radio Boys (6 page)

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Authors: Sean Michael

BOOK: Radio Boys
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He laughed, warm and happier than he could have imagined, given that he was in the water. “You make me feel so good.”

“Good, ‘cause you make me feel pretty damned good yourself.” Thor stroked his belly with gentle fingertips.

Paul purred softly, focused only on Thor. “What would you like to do tonight after our swim, lovely man? Any requests -- movies, supper, dancing? What’s your pleasure?”

“In all honesty, Paul? I want to take you home and make love to you until we stick to the sheets.”

“Take me to your house this time?”

“Are you sure? I’ve tried to neaten things up, but it’s not big like yours and a little cluttered. I just don’t want you to feel like you’re stuck on whatever piece of furniture I leave you on, you know?”

He thought for a few seconds, then grinned. “We’ll manage. I need to know your home, too. I want to know you, Thor. I want to make love in your bed.” He squeezed Thor’s arm, the complications poking their heads up again. “I can call a cab to take me home whenever you need me gone. No worries.”

“I’ve got kids showing up here at ten a.m., Doc. I’ll take you home before coming here. Unless you don’t want to stay overnight...”

“I love sleeping with you, Coach.” He blushed dark. God, they were silly. So many stupid little steps to this dating business. “I was trying to be subtle and see if you wanted me there or not.”

Thor laughed. “Oh, Paul, haven’t you figured it out by now? Subtle always sails right over my head.” A kiss was pressed to his shoulder. “I want you there, if I hadn’t I would have said so -- maybe not outright bald like that, but I would have said so.”

“Oh, then I want to come home with you, Thor.” The sound of a door opening startled him and he stiffened, tilting a little in his lover’s arms.

Thor’s hands started moving on him again, gentling him. “That’s Ben, nighttime clean-up crew.” Thor’s mouth came to his ear to whisper. “Pretty fucking sexy, he wears these tight, thinning jeans and these itty bitty t-shirts at least two sizes to small and he’s all muscles.”

Paul chuckled, shook his head. He had come to realize a long time ago that his definition of sexy didn’t gibe with everyone else’s. He whispered back. “You sound intrigued. Were you lovers?”

“Not nearly as intrigued as I was by your voice. I’d sometimes see him when I was heading home and think, ‘hey, there’s some nice fantasy material’ but by the time I got home, had the radio flipped on, got into bed, well... lets just say I’ve come to the sound of your voice more often than the times you know about.” Thor cleared his throat. “Hopefully that doesn’t sound too stalkerish.”

Paul thought his body was blushing all over -- he was definitely hot enough. “No... no, it sounds exciting, sounds sexy. Of course, now I’ll wonder if you’re listening, if you’re hard for me.”

Thor licked his ear. “Every night, Doc.”

“Every night.” Paul bit back a moan, voice low. “My show will never feel the same to me, knowing you’re there.”

Thor shuddered beneath him, the cock digging into his back jerking. “I think we’d better get out now. You keep talking like that and I’m going to drop you when I go off.”

“Okay, let’s go.” He nuzzled Thor’s jaw with a whimper. “I want you.”

Thor nodded, one hand and his feet working in the water, making them sail through it. “Ben’s finished in my office. I did mention both doors had a lock, didn’t I?”

“No. No, you didn’t.” He was shaking, but not scared this time. Not at all.

“Yeah, they do. Which is a good thing, because I’ve got to tell you, I can’t wait until we get back to my place. Hell, I can barely wait until we get out of the fucking pool.” He got a squeeze. “You rock my socks off, Doc.”

“You make me hard, make me want you, Coach.”

Thor whimpered. “I’m not going to be able to walk...”

“I want to taste you, want your cock on my tongue.” He was whispering, voice low, intimate, tongue sliding out to rub over his own lips.

“Paul...” Thor’s voice was hoarse, their motion in the water changing as Thor braced them against the edge of the pool. The sound of a door closing came again and Thor started rubbing up against him. “No one here but us now.”

“So I can tell you how much you turn me on? I can tell you how I went to bed last night and couldn’t think of anything but your hands, your cock, the flavor of your mouth?” Paul pressed back, holding on to Thor’s hands.

“Jesus, Doc, I’m going to blow.”

Paul started rocking his hips, thighs parting. “Want you to take me home, Coach. Want you to make love to me, let me feel your cock pushing inside me. Fucking me and making me fly.”

“Oh fuck!” Thor jerked pushing up against him hard. He could feel heat spread between them for a moment before the water stole it away. Thor pushed them upright and they were standing again, waist deep in the water.

He turned to face Thor, hands stroking over his lover’s face. “Thank you. Thank you for not letting go, Coach.”

Thor’s pulled his head down, mouth warm and hungry. “I said I wouldn’t. And I didn’t, despite that sexy voice of yours.”

“I love the sounds you make when you come.” He brought their lips together, tongue pressing into Thor’s mouth and tasting.

Thor opened to him, hands on his hips, tugging him close. “I make sounds when I come, Doc? Me?”

Snuggling close, Paul nodded. “Little ones. Sexy as fuck.”

Thor chuckled and gave him another kiss, this one quick. “Let’s get out of the pool. I need to check the ph and put in some chemicals -- you wouldn’t believe the bodily fluids that wind up in this water.”

“Don’t tell me. I don’t want to know.” He grinned and followed Thor’s lead. “Just point me to a chair and I’ll sit and wait.”

Thor guided him over to the stairs, putting his hands on the railing. “It’ll only take me a minute or two. I just don’t want to forget or we’ll get in tomorrow and I’ll have to make them do calisthenics while the chemicals dilute.”

“No stress.” He made his way up the stairs and sat at the top of the ledge. Paul rested and listened to Thor move around, water splashing near his feet.

It wasn’t very long at all before a hand fell on his shoulder, warm and familiar. “All right, Doc, I’m all finished up for the night. Let’s get changed and get you into my bed.”

“Sounds like an excellent plan.”

He stood and followed easily. He still didn’t trust the water, but he did trust Thor, trusted him enough to meet him halfway.

Chapter Five

Coming in the pool had taken the edge off and Thor managed to not jump Paul again in his office, in the car back to his place, or the minute he opened the door to his apartment. Instead, he gallantly offered his arm and asked if Paul wanted the two-cent tour to familiarize himself with the place.

“Hey, I’ll even pay for the nickel tour.” Paul wrapped his hand around Thor’s arm, a look of concentration on his face. “We’re at the front door, right?”

“Yeah and there’s a hallway right in front of us -- it’s clear all the way down to the kitchen with doors on the right hand side. Each one lets into a different room -- living room, bedroom, bathroom and then, like I said, kitchen at the end.”

He took Paul around the small apartment, apologizing for stuff that was in the way and naming each piece of furniture as they went by it. Soon enough they were in the small kitchen and he sat Paul at the breakfast table.

“You want some supper? I make a mean spaghetti. Or we could, you know, order something later and just go make like rabbits.”

Paul’s hands moved over the table, finding the salt and pepper shakers, the stacks of bills, the little jar of toothpicks. “I’d love something to drink and honestly? I vote we order in later.” Paul chuckled, the sound low and rumbling and sexy. “Besides, you owe me breakfast from that first night, remember, Coach?”

“I remember. I remember we tried several times to go to IHOP and got stalled before we got out the door each time.” He chuckled, the memory making him hard. “I’ve got pop, water and coffee if you want to take the time for me to make it.”

“Water. Save the coffee for breakfast.” Paul tilted his head. “I smell something good -- cinnamon?”

“Cinnamon? I don’t know -- I warmed up some buns from the bakery today and they had cinnamon in them. You’ve got a pretty good sniffer on you.” He opened a couple of bottles of water and set one down against Paul’s hand, sitting across from his lover.

“Yeah, I rely on it a lot.” Paul’s fingers slid up the bottle, almost stroking it. “Like you -- I can smell you in my bed now.”

Thor’s cock went from interested to outright gotta have him now hungry. “Fuck, Paul... You’re going to have me creaming in my shorts.”

An eyebrow appeared over black glasses. “What? I’m just sitting, Coach!”

“And talking, and not just talking, but saying sexy things. Not to mention that thing you’re doing with the bottle...”

“The bottle?” Those long fingers slid up and down again, Paul’s tongue sliding out to lick pink lips.

Thor groaned. “Paul... are you finished your drink? I need you to meet my bed.”

Paul wrapped those lips around the neck of the bottle, throat working as he drank. “All done, Thor. Take me to bed.”

“Fuck, yes.” He got up, almost knocking his chair over in haste. It was probably bad manners and horrible etiquette to rush your guest into bed like this, but Paul drove him crazy, made him so dammed horny.

Paul stood, holding his hands out to him, fingers trembling. “Show me.”

He grabbed Paul’s hand and started tugging him back to the bedroom. “You make me so hot, Paul.”

Paul followed along, laughing and stumbling behind him. “You’re something else, Thor. So fucking sexy.”

“Me?” He laughed and pushed Paul up against the wall, rubbing and kissing. “I’m an amateur in the sexy department next to you, Doc.”

“Not a fucking chance.” Paul’s hands found his ass, squeezing and rubbing. “Want to feel you inside me, Thor. Want to feel you everywhere.”

A shudder moved through him. “Fuck. Bed. Now.”

Thor grabbed Paul’s hand and got him into the bedroom quickly, pulling his own clothes off and then working on Paul’s. Paul grabbed his hands, brought them to his lips. “Slow down a little. You’re making me dizzy. I need to know where we are, where’s your bed?”

“Fuck, I’m sorry, Paul. It’s just that when you say those things...” A shudder moved through him.

“I don’t intend to stop saying them, I just need to know you’re here and I’m here and where it’s safe to let my knees collapse.” Paul winked, licking his knuckles, nibbling on his fingers.

His chuckle was half moan. “The bed’s three steps behind you. Me? I’m right here.” He turned his hand, taking Paul’s and pulling it down to his cock, already hard and eager.

“Oh, fuck. Thor. Feels so fucking hot in my hand. I can’t imagine how it’s going to feel inside me.” Paul’s cheeks were flushed, eyes bright and unfocused in the lamplight.

“Like heaven if we do it right.”

“Everything we’ve done has been close to heaven, Coach. Hell, you even made the pool feel good.”

“Well we’ve saved the best for last. I’m going to make you see stars, Doc.” He leaned forward and whispered softly into Paul’s ear. “And I mean that literally.”

Paul moaned, pressing close. “I want you, Thor. Show me your bed. Show me stars.”

He nodded, pulling Paul’s pants off and pushing the open shirt off Paul’s shoulders. He guided Paul to his bed, positioning his lover on hands and knees. “It’ll be best like this.”

Paul’s hands explored the blanket, the sheets, the width of the bed, fingers searching the pillows. “It’s big enough for two.”

“Barely -- I sprawl, remember?” He stroked his hands along Paul’s back, from shoulders to ass and back up again.

“You’ve always fit just fine next to me.” Paul purred, arching under his hands, skin warm and soft, supple.

He tilted his head. Paul was right -- he didn’t sprawl when they slept together. “I guess I just needed the right body to curl up with.”

He started dropping kisses on Paul’s spine.

“Mmmm... Thor... That feels good.” Deep and rich normally, when Paul was excited, hungry, his voice growled and purred. It was more than enough to make Thor come, but he forced himself to focus on Paul, to make this good for his lover.

“I just need to get some lube,” he murmured, pressing a biting kiss onto Paul’s ass. “Not going anywhere but leaning past you to reach the bedside table.”

Paul squeaked and chuckled. “What’s on your bedside table, Coach?”

“Well there’s a lamp, my radio,” he felt himself blushing as he mentioned that. “A box of condoms, some coaching handbooks and, what I’m here for, a pot of lube.”

“Your radio? To listen to my show?”

He chuckled. Trust Paul to pick up on that. “Yeah, Doc. To listen to your show. Every night -- nine ‘til midnight, I’ve got me a date with the sexiest voice in the world.” Not that Paul didn’t already know that, but now he knew Thor listened in bed.

Paul blushed a bright, deep red. “How is it in person?”

“Even sexier, Doc. Even sexier.” He got back and slid between Paul’s legs. He kissed the small of Paul’s back. “Your voice is a real turn-on. No doubt about it.”

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