Radio Boys (3 page)

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Authors: Sean Michael

BOOK: Radio Boys
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His shirt was pushed open, belly explored. “You have an outie and you had... a hernia or appendicitis?”

He chuckled. “Appendicitis. When I was twenty-three. You should have heard the lecture my Mama gave me about grown boys scaring their mothers half to death.”

Paul’s laugh tickled and those fingers were hot on his waistband. “I got that lecture from my father. Car accident two years ago. It’s okay though, I wasn’t trying to drive. Although, I guess you know that, if you listen to the show, huh?”

“Car accident? The show? Oh! Yeah. Yeah, I remember you saying... oh fuck, you’re a tease.” He whimpered as Paul’s fingers continued to play with his waistband.

“No. No, just feeling you. Just wanted to touch.” Paul licked at his ear. “Tell me, are you smooth all over?”

His jeans were opened with shaky fingers.

“Oh, god, how did you know?” Thor swallowed, turning his hands into fists as he tried not to come. “Swimmers shave. Less drag. I make the kids do it so I do it, too and I figured a while back I’d try shaving my pubes too and I liked how it felt, so I’ve kept it up.”

Paul’s fingers slid over his skin, tracing the top of his cock. “Oh... oh, fuck. So soft and I bet you smell so...” Paul stopped, blushed again. “Sorry, I’m focused. You smell so good.”

He laughed. “Shit, Paul. You can focus on me all you like, as long as you don’t mind me shooting before you’re even undressed.”

“I’m still dressed?”

He gave a short bark of surprised laughter. “Yeah, yeah, you’re still dressed. I should stop living in my cock and do something about that.”

Paul nodded distractedly, hands sliding his pants down over his hips. “Going to touch you, Thor. Need to feel.”

Thor closed his eyes and swallowed hard. If Paul was going to say and do stuff like that, it was the man’s own fault if he was coming while Paul was still fully dressed. “Yeah, touch me, Paul.”

Paul’s hand wrapped around the base of his cock, fingers warm, his moan warmer.

“Oh, God, Paul. If you say one word right now, anything at all, I’m gonna blow my load all over your hand.”

Paul groaned, the sound low and harsh and vibrating against his ear. His cock was pumped, once, twice. “Do it.”

Thor’s mouth dropped open with a gasp, hips shoving his cock through Paul’s hand as he came hard.

“Oh...” Paul’s fingers kept moving, kept pumping, so easy. “Smells fucking hot.”

“Feels...” He cleared his throat. “Feels pretty fucking good on this end.”

“Good.” Paul’s lips found his throat, kissing with a soft touch. “That was the plan, after all.”

“Half the plan, anyway,” he murmured, brain waking up a little now that he’d come, now that that awesome fucking voice was only making him hard again rather than making him need to come with an ache that drove everything else from his mind.

Thor slid his hands over Paul’s shoulders, dropping them down to play with the shirt buttons. “Your turn, Paul.”

“Oh. Right. Still dressed. Yeah.” Paul grinned, blushed. “I was busy.”

“Yeah, me too.”

He took Paul’s mouth, kissing and licking at the soft lips, searching for the warm taste of Paul as his fingers slid open buttons. Paul relaxed against him, cock hot against his belly. Thor could see himself, dark and hungry, in the reflection of Paul’s glasses.

He slid Paul’s shirt off, making a soft, happy noise into Paul’s mouth as their skin kissed for the first time. Paul was warm and smooth and smelled really good. Paul was sweet, groaning and shivering as they moved together, Paul’s body finding the rhythm of the music again. Thor let his fingers tease around the waistband of Paul’s pants, sliding, teasing, turning the tables just a little.

“And you called me a tease.” A soft bite stung his shoulder.

He jerked, cock suddenly right there again.

He undid the top button and carefully pulled down the zipper before sliding his hands in to grab Paul’s ass. The rounded flesh fit perfectly in his hands. The warm ass pressed back, a little whimper sounding, lips pulling at his skin.

“I think we’d better move this to the bed,” Thor murmured, pushing Paul’s pants down his legs.

“Yeah.” Paul stepped out of the pants, toeing off his shoes and then drawing them to the mattress. Solid and wide chest easing down into a little, pert ass, Paul looked strong, sure. Sexy.

“You are one fine man, Paul.” Thor climbed into bed after Paul and pressed their bodies together, groaning a little at the heat. Oh yeah, this was nice.

Paul rocked, snuggling for a second before reaching up and removing the dark glasses, setting them up on the wide headboard. Then Paul buried his face against Thor’s throat, licking with a slow, easy rhythm. Thor slid his hands down along Paul’s back, stroking and arousing.

“What do you like doing?” Thor asked.

“So long as it doesn’t involve hide and seek, I’m pretty open to suggestion.”

He chuckled. “Does that mean hide the salami is out?”

Paul’s laughter filled the room again, one hand sliding down his belly to tweak his cock gently. “I bet I can figure out where it goes.”

His own laughter turned into a moan. “Anywhere you want it, Paul, anywhere you want it.”

Paul moved until their cocks were side-by-side, Paul’s long, thin cock sliding alongside his own. “Oh... this okay?”

“Oh yeah. This’ll do just fine.” He slid his hand down to grab Paul’s ass again, pulling Paul tighter against him. Their pricks slid together and he moaned.

Paul moved against him, body finding the angle to keep their dicks close, then repeating it, over and over. Thor turned Paul’s face up, closing their mouths together again, feeding off the sweet flavor.

Hot tongues fucking. Hot cocks fucking. Yeah, this was it, this was good.

Purring into the kisses, Paul seemed to agree, body driving their motions. Paul’s hand was on his ass, his lower back, moving and petting and making him feel fucking amazing. Pushing his hand between them, he wrapped it around both their cocks, sliding over the silky hot flesh. That got him a rumbling growl, Paul moving faster, hips jerking as he pumped them both.

“So sexy. Hot.” He murmured into Paul’s mouth as his hand worked their cocks.

“Yes. You’re fucking burning, Thor.” Oh, shit, this close to coming, that voice was sheer porn.

He needed Paul to come with him this time. He slid his thumb across the top of their cocks, pressing in against Paul’s slit as he passed it. The fingers of his other hand slid along the crack of Paul’s ass.

Paul cried out, nipped his shoulder hard as spunk sprayed over his hand. Oh yeah, that’s what he wanted. The hot splash against him, the smell of man and sex. He jerked and came, too, mouth open on a silent scream.

Paul nuzzled his shoulder, aftershocks causing the man to shiver against him. Paul’s hand stroked over his belly, his hip.

“Mm. That was nice, Paul. Felt good, hot.”

Thor tilted Paul’s head and took a long, slow kiss. Paul’s tongue was lazy in his mouth, exploring and tasting with careful motions. He murmured happily, letting Paul lead the kiss, doing some exploring of his own with his hands.

“You taste good. Hot. I like it.” Paul licked at the corner of his lip.

“Good.” He grinned and touched the tip of his tongue to Paul’s. “I’ll let you taste me any time you like.”

“I like.” Paul flushed again, but followed his tongue with hungry lips.

“I love how sensual you are. A lot of guys just want to fuck -- you want to taste and touch and take your time.” Thor shrugged, maybe it was a silly thing to like, but he did.

“Well, most guys get to look and admire -- I’m working at a deficit in the beginning.” Paul grinned, fingers tickling his ribs, “I like to learn up close and personal.”

“I like the way you learn.” He chuckled and retaliated, sliding his fingers along Paul’s ribs and down by his navel, just on the right side. Paul had a ticklish belly -- it was something to remember.

Paul snorted, jerking against his fingers. “Feels like you’re learning yourself.”

“I like touching you. Like the way your skin feels under my fingertips. I bet your skin is unbelievably soft when it’s wet.”

“Wet?” Paul pressed close. “As in the shower?” The low voice was hopeful and teasing all at once.

“That’s what I was thinking. Nice and warm, get us all unsticky.” He slid his fingers through the come that was drying on their bellies. “Your shower big enough for two, Paul?”

“I bet it is.” Paul grinned, that soft, sexy chuckle sounding again. “And if it’s not, we’ll just have to snuggle.”

“Oh, am I the first one who gets to try it out with you?” For some reason he liked the sound of that. “Don’t you usually let your dates stay long enough to clean up?”

To his surprise, Paul turned a deep red. “I haven’t had any dates since I moved in. I’m sort of married to my work, odd hours, you know?”

“Wow -- not one? ‘Cause I’ve got to tell you, the place is neat, really neat, but it doesn’t feel like you’ve just recently moved in either.”

“I’ve been here a while. I moved in at Christmas, 1998.”

“Whoa. That’s a long time without a date.” Thor had gone six months once between picking up guys. One-night stands weren’t at the top of his list, but they sure beat a solo act. “That’s a long time without any companionship aside from your hand.”

Paul shrugged and sat up with a grin. “Like I said, I work a hell of a lot, building up the show’s reputation, doing voice-overs, commercials. There’s just not been any time. I mean, Dad’s cool, but he’s not likely to drive me to the bathhouses, you know?”

Thor watched as Paul stood, moving confidently through the apartment. “You coming to shower? I’m curious about this whole ‘big enough for two’ thing.”

“Yeah, I was just watching you move. Pretty fucking sexy.” He got up and followed Paul.

The bathroom was completely spotless -- towels and washcloths stacked, bottles standing side-by-side, each one labeled in brail. The tub was huge; they’d have plenty of room. To his surprise, there was a telephone on the wall, right by the tub.

“You make a lot of calls from in here?”

“No. That’s for Dad. He worries.” Paul’s face screwed up, voice changing, morphing into Lew’s. “What if an axe murderer came in? This way, you could call 911 from the bathroom. Or what if you fell?”

Thor chuckled. “He’s got a point. Well not so much with the axe murderer, I mean, an axe would go through this door long before you had 911 dialed, but about the falling -- ‘course you don’t have to be blind to do that. My mom got stuck at the bottom of the basement stairs for four hours when she fell a few years back. Dad put phones in every single fucking room in the house after that.”

It felt good to see Paul grin, relax, as he bent down and started the water. “Yeah, exactly. Dad’s a little protective -- I was born blind and he had a lot of adjustments to make.”

“You haven’t though. I mean, it must be easier like that than...” He chuckled. “Well, don’t I sound like a jerk ‘it must be easier for you to be born blind than turn blind?’ Sorry.”

“No apologies needed. You’re mostly right. I don’t know what I’m missing.” Paul’s hand slid down his arm and drew him into the warm water. “I’m curious, mostly -- especially about color. I mean, I read about them, but I don’t understand them at all.”

Thor closed his eyes, enjoying the fall of water, looping his arms around Paul’s waist to keep them close. “I can’t imagine that. No color... it’s one of the first things I notice about something. The first thing I’ll mention if I’m describing something is its color.”

Paul’s hands started exploring, not even trying to arouse, just sort of... looking. “I tend to replace colors with stuff I know. Red is hot, green smells like plants, blue is wet. That sort of thing.”

Thor nodded. “Yeah, that makes sense. What’s brown?”

“The smell of good coffee.”

He chuckled. “That’s my skin -- brown, like good coffee -- but with milk in it.”

“Oh...” Paul nuzzled his temple. “That’s how I take my coffee. Works out nicely.”

“Cool.” He reached over for the soap. “Can I wash you? I like the idea of sliding my hands all over you.”

“I’d like that.” Paul’s fingers slid around his waist, tracing his hips, exploring the muscles of his thighs.

“I like the way your hands slide on my skin, too.” He stretched and soaped his hands up. Starting at Paul’s shoulders, Thor slowly soaped up the pale skin. Paul felt good, skin soft from the water and slick from the soap and there was something very sensual about closing his eyes and just feeling. Soft throaty moans filled the shower, Paul’s body responsive, warm, following unselfconsciously toward his fingers.

He explored thoroughly, giving up the pretense of soap after the first few minutes. No, he was just enjoying the wet, warm, soft skin of his lover.

Paul’s fingers stroked over the bare skin above his cock, the man purring. “So sexy. So smooth.” Then his balls were cupped and stroked.

“Oh fuck!” He pushed into Paul’s hands, the lazy sensuality disappearing in favor of wanting, not quite desperate but tinged with it. “I’m kind of sensitive there without the curls.”

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