Rachel Laine (The Women of Merryton Book 3) (18 page)

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you didn’t like her?”

are a smart woman,” she said with a smile. “I didn’t feel like she was the
right woman for him, but that was his choice. I always promised myself I would
do my best to love any woman Andrew brought into our family.”

know I have a long time before I have to worry about it, but I sometimes think
about the woman that will steal Drew’s heart.”

reached across the island and rested her hand on mine. “When it is the right
woman, it makes it easy.”

you speaking from experience?” Had Andrew brought home the right woman before?
The thought kind of made my heart drop.

squeezed my hand a tad. “Maybe not experience, but from a place of great hope.”

to hoping both of our sons find the right woman someday.”

know, Andrew and I made the pies last night, and he has everything else pretty
much covered. Why don’t you follow me? There are some things I would like to
show you.”

I nodded. “Can I get a tour of your beautiful home while we’re at it?”

laughed. “You and I are going to be the best of friends.”

Chapter Nineteen


and I spent a lovely day sipping wassail and going through Andrew’s life in
photos while Drew and Andrew cooked and watched football. Every once in a
while, Andrew would pop his head in the den, which was in the English-style
basement, but his mom always shooed him away. I thought he was becoming
frustrated. He was acting like a kid who wanted his friend to come out and

about the fourth time, she grinned at me. “I think someone has missed you. And
I wouldn’t mind some time with my grandson. What do you say we head upstairs?”

but first would you tell me about this picture?” I handed her a photo of
Andrew’s dad, Oliver, standing in front of The Front Range Boys Home.

took the photo and lovingly looked it over. “Oh … This was Oliver’s crowning
achievement as state representative. He worked for years to get the funds and
land to build the boys’ home. Once it was complete, he spent hours there
volunteering, even after he retired his seat. He felt like every kid deserved a
chance at a better life.”

must have been very proud of him.”

was. He was the best husband and father a woman could hope for. Don’t get me
wrong, he drove me crazy, but he was a compassionate leader. I think Andrew
will be the same.”

sighed. I didn’t want to think about Andrew running.

know,” she said. “The timing isn’t good.”

at all,” I responded.

we will all make it work.”

hope so. Thank you for sharing your life with me today and showing me pictures
I can tease Andrew about later.”

pleasure, dear. I’ve been looking forward to the day Andrew brought someone home
that I could.” She stood up and stretched after that unusual statement. “Let’s
go find our boys. I hope you don’t mind, but I bought Drew a few presents. I
wanted him to have some things to play with here.”

don’t mind at all. That was very considerate of you, thank you.”

looking forward to the day I can tell him who I am, and kiss him all over.”

be offended if he doesn’t appreciate the kisses,” I warned her.

won’t let it bother me … or stop me.” She locked up the den as we exited. We
decided it was best for Drew not to go in there until he knew the truth about
Andrew. I swear he and Andrew were twins born several years apart.

we emerged from the stairs and into the family room, Andrew’s eyes lit up. He
and Drew were sitting comfortably next to each other like the best of friends.
Drew was holding the signed football Andrew had gotten for him a few weeks ago.

paused at the scene. They looked so natural together, like this was the way it
had always been.

Andrew said.

all yours.” Evelyn nudged me forward.

wouldn’t say I was all his. I had a feeling, though, she liked the thought. And
maybe sometimes I did, too, if I was being honest with myself.

jumped up from sitting next to Drew, who was engrossed in the game. Drew looked
content to be hanging out with his buddy, as he thought of him. He looked like
he had warmed up from earlier in the day. Andrew said Drew had tried to make it
as long as he could outside without his coat. He was trying to prove his
manhood, I guess. That lasted for about twenty minutes.

terrific,” I commented.

helped make the turkey.” Drew looked as proud as he could be. He looked that
way a lot when Andrew was around.

can’t wait to taste it.”

we need to check the turkey again?” Drew asked Andrew. He seemed serious about

looked at his protégé. “Do you mind if I let your mom help this time? We don’t
want her to feel bad.”

shrugged noncommittally. “I guess.”

was hoping you and I could get to know each other better, Drew,” Evelyn rang
in. “I may have a surprise or two for you in that closet.” She pointed across
the room.

magically forgot about the turkey and raced to the closet. We all watched in
anticipation as Drew pulled out a racecar set and a remote control robot.

think we will be busy, if you two want some time alone.” Evelyn looked between
Andrew and me.

wasn’t sure how to respond to that. I was happy to help in the kitchen. I
wasn’t looking at it as spending time alone with Andrew. I stood there,
speechless, trying to process it—and my feelings about Andrew.

on the other hand, reached for my hand and pulled me forward. “Thanks, Mom.” He
looked toward our son, who was in awe of his new gifts. “Save me the red car.
We’ll race later.”

barely muttered something.

what do you say to Miss Eve?”

didn’t say anything. Instead he stood, ran to her, and hugged her.

didn’t expect that at all. I don’t think any of us did.

was barely containing her tears as she held him to her, and stroked his hair.

pulled on my hand again. “Follow me.”

was a whole lot of touching going on in this house.

Andrew felt the need to keep a hold of my hand while he led us to the kitchen,
I didn’t know. Kind of like I didn’t know why I let him. That’s what I kept
telling myself, because his touch had me feeling things I craved, and not just
from anyone.

closer we got to the kitchen, the hungrier I got. “It really does smell

a great cook.”

for being so good with him, and being so good for him.”

stopped us in our tracks outside of the arched kitchen entrance. His normally
playful eyes were now anything but. “Do you mean that?” He pulled me closer.

little tingly there. “I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t.”

ran his large but smooth hand along my cheek as our eyes locked.

some more tingles, and maybe some stiffness—I wasn’t sure how to react to him.

just me,” he whispered, sensing my reaction.

that was the problem. “We need to be careful.”

right … but I’m finding I don’t want to.”

either,” I admitted.

were saved by the buzzer, literally. A kitchen timer went off, making us both
jump. Andrew laughed at our reactions. I needed to come to my senses.

we should stick to creating heat in the kitchen,” he suggested.

probably a good idea.”

took the turkey out of the oven and checked the internal temperature of the
roasted bird. “It’s almost done. We should probably start on the potatoes and

peel potatoes,” I volunteered.

showed me where everything was that I needed to make the brown butter potatoes.
I noticed he was keeping his distance. He pointed from across the kitchen,
which was for the best. I felt a desire to want to be near him, and it confused

I was peeling the potatoes, I looked out the kitchen window above the sink. The
grounds were stunning. The tiered backyard design, which backed up to the
forest, was breathtaking. But then I saw something that made me groan.

wrong?” Andrew asked.

see flurries already. It wasn’t supposed to start snowing until much later

joined me by the sink, but maintained a good distance between us. “Hopefully it
will stay light for now, but if not, Drew and you are welcome to spend the

stared up at him. “That’s definitely not a good idea.”

why’s that?”

I mentioned how alluring his voice could be? And those eyes. Eyes I was
beginning to read. Eyes that were making me wish I didn’t understand what was
written in them. Eyes that were inviting me in, and making me want to accept
the invitation.

swallowed my beating heart down. “I need to get home.”

inched closer. “Do you really? I thought your office was closed tomorrow.”

is, but—”

what?” He removed almost any distance there was between us.

don’t want to worry anyone.”

what phones are for.”


ran the back of his hand down the length of my cheek. “You suppose?”

nodded, because speaking seemed impossible with him so near.

blushing.” He spoke in intimate tones.

felt my warm cheeks.

took my hands and held them away from my face. “It looks lovely on you.”



should probably finish dinner.”

if I want my dessert first?” He pulled my hands to his lips and kissed them
with the lightest of touches.

coursed through my body like it never had before. I kept telling myself to pull
away, but I didn’t. I couldn’t. “What are we doing?”

don’t know about you, but I’m failing miserably at not falling for you. You’re
my toughest opponent yet, and imagining you in your underwear is only making
the problem worse.” He grinned and I was finding it irresistible.

tiny laugh escaped before I came to my senses. “Drew,” I said.

reluctantly dropped my hands. “I know.”

should finish the potatoes.”

nodded and walked back toward the stove, leaving me feeling conflicted and
breathless. I almost grabbed Drew right then and there to leave. How could I
fall for Andrew Turner, the father of my son, of all people?


knew how to set a fine table. Her dark, wood table with high-back white chairs
were elegant all on their own, but add fine china and silverware, along with a
beautiful floral centerpiece, and you had a Thanksgiving dinner that looked worthy
to be featured in
Food and Wine
magazine. Though a photo wouldn’t do it
justice. You had to be there to know how amazing it smelled and tasted.

all sat gathered together at one end of the table. I liked the cozy environment,
even if Drew chose to sit by Andrew. It was probably a good thing. It meant I
could focus on Drew and not his dad, who was increasingly coming into my focus.
I wasn’t sure how that happened, but as I watched father and son, it made some
sense. I could see Andrew’s adoration for Drew in all of their interactions.
From the way he made Drew feel empowered, like he could do anything from
carving the turkey, to saying grace over the food, to being a professional
baseball player. He believed in Drew. He loved Drew, and that made me fond of
Andrew. Fonder than I would have ever imagined.

is possibly the best Thanksgiving meal I’ve ever had,” I complimented the chef.
I wondered if he was picturing me in my underwear from the way he was grinning.

was all Drew,” he responded, before the two high-fived.

and I looked at each other, like
what are we going to do with our sons?

I knew what I needed to do with my son. “Bud, we should probably hurry up and finish
eating so we can help clean up and head home.” The flurries were now light snow

worry about cleaning up, Andrew and I can handle that.”

feel terrible leaving you with that. The weatherman was wrong again,” I

Mom, Andrew and I didn’t get to play with my race track set yet.”

was so torn. I knew this was probably the last time Drew and Andrew would see
each other until the election was over. I could see in Andrew’s eyes he wanted
that one last moment with his son before we had to depart. March seemed so far
away. “Why don’t you play with Andrew for thirty minutes while I help Miss Eve
clean up?”

and Andrew darted toward the family room without saying a word.

and I handled her family heirloom china with care as we walked toward the kitchen.
“Those two remind me so much of Oliver and Andrew when he was that age.”

going to be hard on Drew not to see him for a while.”

will be hard on Andrew as well. He will miss both of you,” she added.

gently set the plates I held on the counter. “I suppose I will miss him, too,”
I reluctantly admitted. “He has a way of growing on you, or maybe inundating

laughed. “He’s like his father in that way. If Oliver wanted something, he went
for it full force. Never retreated.”

wish Andrew would see that dropping out of this race would be a win for him.”

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