Race Riders (The Hidden Quest- Book One) (9 page)

BOOK: Race Riders (The Hidden Quest- Book One)
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“One will never know how far they can go or what they can accomplish until that step is taken to inner greatness. It lies within us and is in everyone. The right situation brings it out. It may lay dormant for years just waiting below the surface. Then one day you wake up and the inner warrior is there, fierce, competent and no longer struggling to be heard, because they have simply arrived.” Faazen leaned over and whispered to Zach. “Listen to your inner spirit and unleash the warrior. Find courage, honor and something worth fighting for.”

Zach, hearing the words the wizard spoke was mesmerized. He felt a deep desire, and maybe a thousand steps took him on this journey to be the man he was yet to be. There was something within him and he started to feel those stirrings. His heart beat faster as he anticipated rising to that place.

Thomas looked intently at Zach. “You look a million miles away are you all right son?”

“I’m tired and ready to go back to the castle and relax a little.” It had been a long day for him and he was looking forward to feeding his horse and hanging out in Faazen’s stables.

“Well gentlemen, we should be going then. I am sure Cook has prepared something light for supper due to the excitement of the day.” Faazen guided them both out of the festival and back to the entrance. Other folks were preparing to leave also.

Out of the corner of his eye, Thomas noticed a disturbance. It was building up in the clouds and advancing closer. “It looks like we are in for inclement weather. I have seen this before back home.”

Faazen gazed up to the skies and saw the black cloud gathering up everything in its path.. The wizard looked concerned but didn’t move. He stood his ground, raised his arms and they both watched as it stayed suspended in the air several feet above them.

Zach watched with amazement as it actually grew smaller and smaller until it disappeared in a grey mist.

“What was that?” Thomas inquired of him.

“Not sure, but I did not like the looks of it. It is time to go back,” Faazen told him. He led the way as three horses galloped up in front of them. “Climb on, time to go!”

The horses were beautiful stallions. Midnight black with silky manes. They each had a jeweled headpiece and were almost regal in appearance. The wizard scooped up Brownie and carefully placed him in one of the large saddle packs. Zach felt like he was flying because the horses sped so fast through the countryside, their hooves barely touching the ground. They arrived at Dragmar within minutes and the horses galloped off into the dusk.

Zach was surprised, “Where did they go? Are they from your stables Faazen? I don’t remember seeing them before.”

The wizard stopped for a moment and crossed his arms. “Well Zach, our creatures are most intelligent and I call these horses on special occasions when they are needed.”

“They’re magnificent.” Thomas said.

“No, I understand “Zach chimed in, “they’re like Fallicon.”

“Yes something like that indeed.” The wizard smiled at Zach. “Why don’t you take Brownie to the stables and give him some oats. Thomas, you and I can have a small nip of brandy before supper.”

Zach walked Brownie to the stables. So much had happened today, his mind was still unsettled. He tried to shake it off as he settled his new pet in its quarters. The little horse looked content with Faazen’s horses lying peacefully next to one of the silver mares. Zach made himself comfortable nearby on a soft pile of thick hay. He yawned a few times and closed his eyes.

Thomas looked everywhere for his grandson and became concerned when he couldn’t be found. He went to the wizard’s study and knocked on the door. “Faazen, it’s me Thomas, Zach is missing. Where would he go around here? I thought you might know.”

The wizard stared intently at him. “Did you check the stables? Remember he went there to feed his horse. He probably curled up on a pile of hay and fell asleep. I wouldn’t worry.”

Thomas smiled; “of course, I forgot he went to the stables. I’ll go check now, did not mean to disturb you. Please go back to what you were doing.”

“Don’t think anything of it my man. Tell you what, I’ll go along with you.” As they walked outside a unicorn was standing underneath one of the trees in the courtyard. Thomas had a look of surprise on his face.

Faazen walked up to the beautiful creature and spoke clearly. “Good evening Jannalor, what brings you to Dragmar?” The wizard had a look of concern on his face. Jannalor was very elusive and rarely made an appearance such as this. He thought something might be amiss. A soft voice echoed in the sky.

“Kind wizard, please help us. We are in danger “A most unfortunate event has taken place and it threatens our very existence. No more can be said at this time.” She reared up, made a piercing cry and galloped away.

Faazen was perplexed and a worried expression creased his brow. “I am sure you are wondering what that was about.” Thomas turned to him. “Yes and no” he said quietly. “I have learned it is best to allow these things to unfold, as you say. Unicorns appear out of thin air and dragons speak.”

“Unfortunate events are never good in any kingdom. It is my task to protect Jannalor and, Fallicon as well as most of the inhabitants here.” He stopped for a moment. “She is going to hide away for a time. Let us go and find your grandson.” Faazen’s tone was light, “and you are right Thomas, dragons do speak. They are wonderful at conversation.”

Seven - The Charming Mr. Shaw

Colby Shaw kept running, he had been running for several days and felt like he should keep going.

He was almost out of breath and his brow was wet with sweat. His head was throbbing, but still he ran. The hills turned into mountains and then the mountains turned into valleys. There he decided to rest for the night. He did not even have a crust of bread, but Colby Shaw was clever. One just needed to stay a step ahead of everyone else when on the road, but at least he was alive and none worse for the wear. He carried a large leather satchel strapped to his back. Inside it held all five of his worldly possessions.

A silver canteen, a pearl handled pocketknife, changes of clothing and a compass. The fifth item was the most important. His small, well loved guitar. Talk about traveling light! His green eyes sparkled with wit and humor and he knew he was a bit of a rogue, but his heart was always in the right place. It’s just the way he went about things sometimes that landed him in a bit of trouble. He tried to stay a step ahead, but somehow it always managed to find him. Trouble was funny that way. He whistled a little tune as he sauntered down the path. The trees were large and overhanging with ripe apples. “Don’t mind if I do” he said to himself picking the most juicy and delicious apples on the tree.

“You there, who said you could pick that fruit? It belongs to us. You are on Domino property now.” The auburn haired woman had her hands on her hips as she spoke, and Colby eyed her with amusement.

“Dear miss.. your name please.” He was calm and sure of himself.

“Andi Domino,” she said coolly.

“Dear Miss Domino I am just a poor, weary traveler and your tree looked so inviting. Why I can tell you are quite the gardener!”

She smiled shyly at the tall, sandy haired stranger. “I try to take care of what we have here for my brother and I.”

“Well, what a fine job you are doing at that, I might say.”

“Mr.. And your name please,” she stammered a little.

“Miss Domino, I am Colby Shaw at your service,” he said tipping his hat.

“Mr. Shaw, you can help yourself to those apples.” He looked so endearing, with those green eyes. “If you would like I can put those apples in a tart and it would be more filling than just eating them plain off the tree.” “Now why did I go and say that,” Andi said under her breath.

“Well, that sounds very nice indeed. I have been traveling for so long and resting for a bit with a treat like that, would surely be a welcome break in my day.”

“All right then Mr. Shaw, there’s a barn up here behind the house. You can use that to freshen up from your long trip, there is also a spring out back with a bucket for drawing water, and please call me Andi.”

“Your farm is lovely Miss Andi.”

“Thank you,” she said, “I have tried to keep it going.”

“Do you live here alone?” Colby asked casually.

“No, my younger brother Dredd lives here too. He is probably out now. He likes to practice his riding techniques He’s quite good, and a very determined rider.”

“He sounds like an interesting young man, purposeful in his quest to be the best.”

“Yes he can be Mr. Shaw, Dredd doesn’t like company or people in general. He likes to keep to himself. I doubt if you will see him, he prefers it that way. I can tell you this; he’ll see you before you see him.

Fine, I have said enough. You need to wash up and I’ll get to work on that apple tart. Oh, and we are having stew and brown bread for supper, would you like some of that too?”

“Why Miss Andi, you are such a wonderful hostess. I will enjoy being your guest. It would be an honor to partake of good food and fellowship. Let me just wash this road dust off my clothes and spruce up a bit for dinner.”

“Well, take your time Mr. Shaw. I will be inside preparing our evening meal. It will be a little while.”

Colby went to the barn, cleaned up and changed his road clothing. He removed his hat and smoothed back his light hair with a splash of water. “Ah, that feels good.” He had some time to wander around the farm and was amazed at how spacious it was. She really did take care of it. Just then, he heard some footsteps and faced someone of the same height.

Dredd stared him down. “Who are you? “

Colby smiled. “Why you must be the younger brother?” He extended his hand.

“Why? Are you a friend of my sister’s?”

“Yes, I think I could be. Right now, she is giving a hand of mercy to a road weary traveler.”

“Maybe you should leave!” Dredd stormed off.

“Not friendly at all,” Colby mused

Andi returned in her floral apron and a dab of flour on her cheek. Immediately he decided she was adorable, like a breath of fresh air. You might say this is how he found trouble.

“Supper is ready Mr. Shaw, Come on in and sit down at the table.”

It was a quaint farmhouse, but elegant in its furnishings. Andi had an eye for color and it was both warm and inviting. She informed him that Dredd had a prior commitment and it would just be the two of them for the meal. Conversation came easily and so did the laughter. They told one another funny stories about their lives. Colby looked out the window as the sky turned a mellow shade of amber.

“I should be going Miss Andi.” He graciously took her hand and bowed slightly.

“Where will you be staying Mr. Shaw? It is getting dark. You should go to Wellers Tavern? Our friend Angus is the proprietor. He will put you up for the night in one of the rooms.”

She was giving him directions and so he felt obliged to take her advice and stay there for the night. They waved goodbye and he quickly pecked her cheek in thanks. Andi softly blushed.

“Goodnight lovely lady.” Colby blew her a kiss as he started down the road.

Andi closed the door and went inside. She touched her cheek and smiled.

Dredd watched the whole scene from his bedroom window. He was telling a half-truth, wanting to avoid dinner with the rogue his sister was entertaining. He thought Andi had more sense than that. What was wrong with her? Couldn’t she see he was a common lothario, all smiles and smooth talk? He was trying to take advantage of her because she was innocent in the ways of the world. She never had a suitor, unless you count that one fellow with the watery eye. He was dreadful and ever so short. Andi did give him a chance though and saw him for a while until she caught him with a serving maid. The whole thing was very distasteful. After that, she holed herself away here on the family farm. She enjoyed canning and making pies, also tending to their fruit trees and the animals. It was a busy but contented life, but the way she acted today made him think she wasn’t as happy as she led everyone to believe.

Colby Shaw arrived at the tavern and made himself comfortable at one of the tables. Soon a server brought over a foamy glass of frosty ale for him and gave him a smile. She was quite fetching in her own way, and Colby was used to attention from women. No shortage of females, that was for sure. He wasn’t interested at this time. Sweet little Andi made him think of picket fences and family farms and other things, not now though because the road always called him back and it would time and time again. The Innkeeper Angus Weller walked over to Colby’s table and introduced himself.

“Now you must be a stranger to these parts. The name is Angus. Would you need lodging for your stay here young man? I have a few rooms that are vacant and would be obliged to accommodate you. You will find the price is fair.”

“Thank you Mr. Angus, but I am without means right now. Miss Andi did tell me you were a kind man.”

“Andi Domino,” his grey eyes twinkled. “Oh my lad, well now if you are a friend of Miss Domino, I’ll help you.”

“I can sleep in the barn, if you have one,” said Colby.

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