Race Riders (The Hidden Quest- Book One) (13 page)

BOOK: Race Riders (The Hidden Quest- Book One)
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“Whatever” Dredd called as he stomped around the kitchen, still in a foul mood. “I don’t care about his stupid dinners.” He was acting like a child and Andi chided him in her sisterly way.

“Come on brother, we will have a wonderful time if you get a better attitude.”

“Too bad, this is the only one I have at the moment” Dredd growled, “Take it or leave it!”

Shaking her head, she latched the windows and untied the sashes. Just in case it rains, she thought. Andi reached for her cloak.” I’m leaving Dredd.”

“Hold on sis, I’ll be there.”

Zach was doing a bit of sulking too. He followed Bergouhy around the dining table watching him put out the place settings. There were golden runners on the long table and it all looked very festive when they were finished.

“I believe we are ready for a party now. What do you think Zachary?”

“I would rather be somewhere else, like back home!” He pulled at the collar of his shirt and muttered something about feeling as if he was choking.

The gnomlie could not help but laugh. “I’m thinking you will be fine. Don’t over think it so much my young friend.”

“Whatever you say Bergouhy, I’ll try. Oh, something smells good, Let me go and see what Cook has prepared.” Zach sniffed his way back to the kitchen. He lifted the lids off almost everything as he had his nose in just about every pot and saucepan. Cook was getting frustrated as the sauce was not quite to her liking, and she was sure it needed more salt. The boy was clearly in her way, although she liked Zachary, he needed to leave her kitchen now. Bergouhy gently moved Zach out of the kitchen and back to the dining hall. Zach helped him with the glassware, they were rounded goblets tinged in amber.

Faazen entered the room resplendent in his purple ceremonial robes. He had a small cap that fit tightly on his head. “Gentlemen everything looks wonderful.”

Zach smiled, “he did everything “pointing to Bergouhy.” I just followed him around and bothered Cook.”

“You were quite good at it Zachary.” The gnomlie said laughing.

A few minutes later Thomas entered the room. He had also dressed for the occasion and was elegant in tweed. He was smoking a pipe; the aroma was a faint mixture of cherry and vanilla. Zach was still fumbling with the collar of his shirt and now his legs itched from the trousers. He was sure he would have a horrible rash the next day.

There was a sound of chimes, and then Bergouhy led in their guests. “Follow me,” he said as they made their way down the very long hall. “Master Faazen is expecting you.”

Andi gasped as she always did upon entering Dragmar. It was such a beautiful castle with all the tapestries and dark polished wood. There was literally a forest, as they passed tall and willowy plants. Small dragons and other creatures had free run of the castle. It wasn’t unusual to find a tiny dragon alight on your shoulder, or see them flying along the high ledges. Dredd looked bored as he had his head down and was not saying anything. Andi was chattering like a magpie and the little gnomlie was doing his best to keep up with her conversation.

Upon entering the dining area, the guests were standing off to the side with drinks in their hand. Zach had his arms folded and was eyeing Dredd suspiciously. Dredd was nonchalant as he slouched down on one of the plush velvet chairs oblivious to the boy’s stare.

“Come, my friends lift your glasses and join me in a celebratory toast. We are grateful for friendship, laughter, and the joy that it brings” Andi smiled as she tasted the sweet drink that warmed her heart and lifted her spirits. It was a wonderful toast and she sighed happily.

Faazen tapped his goblet with a long handled spoon, “friends we now present our banquet.” He clapped his hands and a flurry of servers appeared one by one with a stack of silver trays. They started with steaming bowls of a creamy mushroom and dill soup. Thomas passed the large plate of buttery rolls. Just on cue, the servers reappeared with more trays. This time there were roasted meats and rich sauces to accompany them. Everyone waited in anticipation for the first bite. The meal lasted for another hour. A selection of aged cheeses and ripe fruit prepared the palette for the desserts that followed. From the dessert cart, Zach cut himself a large piece of the apple crumb cake. Andi went for a sliver of mocha almond torte, and Dredd had a thick chunk of chocolate and walnut cake. Thomas and Faazen passed on the elaborate desserts and were content to pick at a cluster of red and green grapes.

Faazen then motioned for his guests to join him in the parlor for hot drinks.

Dredd ducked out a side door as the others followed the wizard. Zach spun around and saw him leave in a flash. Wondering what he was up to, he decided to follow Dredd.

The moon was bright and full and enough stars lit the sky to keep his path easy to see. Dredd went to the stables, took one of Faazen’s horses and galloped off. Zach, who was a little further behind not to arouse suspicion, jumped on another horse and followed him. He was unsure of his way around, but logic did not figure into it because if it did he would not have ventured out.

Dredd knew the kid was behind him as he heard another pair of hoof beats. He certainly was not in the mood to babysit, and wished Zach would just get lost. He had a few plans of his own and did not want the nosy kid messing things up. The dinner tonight was good enough, but hanging around while the older folks bored him to tears was a little too much.

“Whoa Boy, that’s it” he said as the horse slowed down to a trot and then stopped at the side of the tavern. Dredd dismounted and carefully secured the horse with the others there. He liked going in and watching the antics of that shifty lout, Colby Shaw. He usually was around going on and on about one thing or another. He could practically talk the bar patrons out of their life savings without batting an eye. This man certainly was not good for Andi. If someone was going to come into his sister’s life, he had to be worthy of her, Not the likes of Colby Shaw. Dredd would see to it that his sister’s virtue would stay intact. Someday she would thank him. After all, they were family and family looks out for one another.

Zach was out of breath when he pulled into the tavern. His face flushed and ears burning. The horse seemed to know the way because it led him there and then galloped off. “Great!” now how would he get back to the castle. This was slowly turning into a bad idea. His granddad would be upset, and Faazen would lose trust in him. Zach was starting to become more apprehensive and stood in front of the door not sure what to do.

Someone sneaked up behind him and pulled him off to the side. “What are you doing here kid? You look too young to be hanging out in a tavern. Go home to your mother and play with your blocks!”

Zach looked up in the dark and saw the man was snarling, and had a few teeth missing still he spoke. “My mother has been dead for several years now; let me go about my business.”

This surprised the man because the kid was confident. He let him go for a moment. “What are you here for anyway then?”

“Well if you must know, I am following someone who is quite mysterious and ducked out of the castle rather quickly after our evening meal.”

Now the hulk was interested. “What castle, where do you stay boy?”

“My grandfather and I are guests at Dragmar,” Zach said, “Faazen the wizard lives there. Do you possibly know of him?”

The big man let him go. “Well that’s a different story then. The wizard Faazen is respected in these parts. If you are his kin, we best leave you alone.” He looked at Zach again.” Well who are you following?”

Zach spoke quietly. “His name is Dredd Domino.”

The man nodded. “Oh him, yeah he sits in the back spying on the stranger, most nights anyway.” He shook his head. “That kid is a strange one too. I Don’t want nothing to do with either one of ya.”

Zach turned and walked quickly into the tavern, making his way to the back where Dredd was sitting in the shadows.

“Why did you leave so fast back there? And aren’t you too young to hang out in a bar?”

Dredd eyed him curiously. “You’re only allowed one question and then get out of here.”

“Fine,” Zach said.” Why did you leave Dragmar so fast, and does your sister know you’re here?”

“That’s two questions,” Dredd said. “I only agreed on one.”

“Stop being so dramatic, what’s with you anyway?” Zach folded his arms and smirked at him.

Dredd was now amused. “I’m not social”

“Yeah, you could have fooled me. Faazen just wanted us to meet because we’re around the same age.”

Dredd glared again. “The wizard interferes too much.”

“No, he’s nice Dredd, he’s actually pretty cool to granddad and me. The castle is amazing.”

“You’re a kid what do you know?”

“Stop calling me a kid! I am older than my years. My granddad says I have an old soul.”

“What does he mean by that?” Dredd said slightly intrigued.

“My dad disappeared when I was young, and years later I lost my mom in a car crash. It’s just been my grandfather and I ever since, and you grow up after something like that.” Zach was pensive thinking how much he still missed them both.

Dredd understood because he also lost his parents at an early age. “Yeah, me too. It does something to you I guess.”

“Then it’s just you and your sister?” Zach asked.

“Yes, for several years now,” Dredd said.

“Well, then you know how it changes you.”

Dredd had to agree with him. “I do know,.”

“Then can we try to get along for Faazen’s sake?” Zach said eyeing him hard.

“I suppose I could tolerate you in small doses,” Dredd said.

I’ll take that,” Zach said.

Dredd sat back in his chair and nodded. “Don’t mention it” he said with a half-smile.

Andi had a worried look on her face, and wrinkled her brow looking furtively towards the door. Dredd had taken off in a hurry after supper and she knew he was at the tavern. He had something against Colby Shaw. She also knew that Zachary had followed Dredd, wherever he was going. She motioned to the wizard as he was pouring the brandy.

“What is it my dear, you seem troubled?”

“I’m sorry to say Faazen, I believe Dredd went to that tavern to spy on Mr. Shaw. Zachary took off after him.”

“Oh, I knew that, boys will be boys. They will be fine I’m sure.”

“Won’t Thomas worry about his grandson being out so late?” Andi was wringing her small hands in an anxious way.

“Perhaps” Faazen stated. “I will mention it to him in a bit if the boys don’t soon return.” Faazen stood up; “will you all excuse me for a few minutes?” The wizard walked outside and looked up at the evening sky. “Fallicon, I need you to go and retrieve Dredd and Zach. I think they could be in a dangerous situation.”

There was a voice echoing in the air. “As you wish Faazen, I will bring the boys back safely.”

“Very well my friend, as always your service is appreciated.”

“It is my pleasure good wizard.” The voice trailed off in the distance.

Dredd stood up and Zach was quick to follow. “C’mon Zach we have to get out of here.”

“What’s going on?” Zach said.

“Just follow my lead.” Dredd made his way to the door.

“Dredd” a female voice called out, “don’t leave so soon. We haven’t had a proper drink to celebrate.”

He slowly turned around . “Ilsa Ivey, what rock did you crawl out from under?”

She scowled at him. “Now is that any way to treat another racerider, and an old school chum.”

“Well Ilsa, every time you show up bad things happen” Dredd said in a matter of fact way.”

“It must be my devastating charm I guess.” She said coyly.

“It’s something much worse. Goodbye Ilsa, and don’t tell your family of toads hello.”

“You can tell them yourself Dredd, my brothers are right outside the door. “

Zach looked amused, but Dredd gulped nervously.

“Are you ready to have that drink now?” Ilsa had a defiant stance as she blocked their way with her muscular form.” I’ve got you now Dredd Domino you cannot run from me this time.”

She wasn’t a pretty girl, not as pretty goes. Her features were masculine and she had a squat powerful build. Zach decided she could whip them both in a fight with little effort on her part. That nasty scowl made her look evil. However when she talked to Dredd she almost smiled once or twice. Her dark hair was short, but her face was almost interesting with its planes and angles.

“Forget it Ilsa. If I see you again it will be too soon.” Zach followed as Dredd quickly exited past her almost knocking her down. Outside the tavern Ilsa’s brothers, a nasty pair, were leaning against the post in a menacing way. Ilsa came out very upset. Both of them sprang to action and muscled in on Dredd starting to corner him. The large one pulled out a short dagger and flicked it back and forth. Dredd wasted no time and proceeded to go for his horse. Her two brothers blocked his way and the one held the dagger at his throat. He almost growled the words. “When our sister asks you to have a drink with her, you do it! Understand pretty boy!”

At that moment, they saw Fallicon. He was waiting with his silver wings poised and ready to fly off. “Come gentlemen, I was sent by Faazen. There will be trouble here.”

Dredd jumped on the winged horse with Zach right behind him. “Too late Fallicon trouble already showed up, let’s get out of here now! “

Ilsa shouted at the pair as they took to the sky. “Next time Dredd, you won’t be so lucky.”

Fallicon dropped them both off at the castle and flew off in a hurry. Faazen was standing close by. He waved to the winged horse and collected his wayward boys. “What were you two doing tonight?”

“Nothing much,” Dredd said nonchalantly.

Zach just stared at the ground, his hair hanging over his eyes.

“It must have been something or I wouldn’t have summoned Fallicon. I sensed there would be trouble afoot. Dredd I don’t want you involved with that girl and her family of pirates and rogues.”

“I don’t either. We tried to leave but her nasty brothers cornered us outside. I was going to get the horse but he wasn’t there.” Dredd was apologetic as he tried to cover his tracks.

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