Race Riders (The Hidden Quest- Book One) (3 page)

BOOK: Race Riders (The Hidden Quest- Book One)
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“Yes, only a wizard powerful such as Faazen can undo this I suppose. It’s all quite complicated, or so I’m told.”

Zach stepped forward and took her small hand. “My grandfather and I will help you. I’m Zach,” he said with a flourish.

“Thank you Zach, I appreciate your concern, and yes it’s true I am growing quite anxious and ready to leave, these things are not so simple. Now the two of you should be on you way as there is probably a good reason to why you have been brought here.” She reached up out of the water and hugged them both. “Goodbye dear friends,” her voice sang out, “do be careful, and enjoy your stay here in Brandiss-Dor.”

Thomas reached back into the lake to splash some water on his dry skin. “Be careful, I do not know what effects these waters could have on you.” Mella’s eyes narrowed as she spoke. “At night these waters change colors and although quite beautiful they harbor unknown secrets.

Thomas nodded in agreement. “Well thank you for the warning, do take care young miss.”

“Goodbye again, please come back and visit,” she placed a jewel in Zach’s hand and smiled shyly.

“I will,” Zach said solemnly. “You can be sure of that.” He watched as she swam away until all but a mist on the water.

Zach was smiling, “What a pretty girl.”

“Yes Zach she is enchanting, however I do wonder what she meant about the lake.” Thomas frowned.

“I know, that warning was a little spooky, Mella looked almost frightened when she told us about it,” Zach said.

“It would seem so, she knows more than she is telling us and probably wary to divulge it to strangers. After all, we just met” Thomas said.

Zach ran his fingers over the sparkling gem Mella gave to him and placed it in his pocket. “I wonder why we’re here, and why would my father come to this place?”

“Well that’s why we came here, hopefully to find some answers. I have the same questions.” Thomas put his hand on Zach’s shoulder and patted him a few times. “Look on the bright side, you met a cute girl and I think she likes you.”

Zach’s eyes widened, “really, you think so?”

“Sure why not, she asked you to come back and visit didn’t she?” Thomas said grinning.

“I thought she was just polite, that’s cool though.” Zach walked on with a new swagger in his step.

Thomas watched his grandson and couldn’t help smiling, but the situation at hand was to find the wizard who could explain things further. “Come Zach, let’s see if we can investigate a little here.” He was feeling very good, almost energetic. Probably the excitement of a new place and a different world was heightening his senses.

“Grandfather you look deep in thought, are you alright? Maybe you aren’t feeling well and we should rest a little.”

“No I feel fine; actually I haven’t felt like this in years, even before the illness. Could be all the excitement of the winged horse, the ride, the lake, everything!” Thomas was indeed puzzled.

They both kept walking until they heard a scream and the ground vibrated around them. Up ahead all sorts of little creatures were scurrying around. The tiny animals were frightened and seemed to be running for their lives. Then it was obvious, a large dragon was chasing them. The beast stopped directly in front of them.

“Quick, climb on we are leaving now! My name is Marquor and you would best listen and leave with me. These orcs will destroy everyone in their path. I do not know who you are, but at this time you are not safe.”

Thomas and Zach hoisted themselves upon the sleek dragon, as they didn’t have time to bring logic into it. She stretched her impressive blue wings, and before they knew it, they reached the clouds. What a breathtaking view. Trees dotted the countryside and the colors were so vibrant. The air was fresh and clean. Thomas filled his lungs repeatedly and felt his energy level increasing with every invigorating breath.

Marquor spoke again. “We will land over there in Long Vine. You will be safe there for a while. I will devise a plan of attack against those filthy creatures.”

Their landing was swift and powerful. The dragon had amazing speed and agility and was quite elegant in her stature. If dragons were beautiful, this one was. Encircling her throat was a jeweled necklace with two rubies and an opal in the center. Marquor was very intelligent and her moves were purposeful.

She swung around and started surveying the surrounding area. “We must find a spot to hide you. I do not want anything to happen. We must get you to Faazen in one piece, he sent Fallicon for you.”

“Yes!” they replied in unison, “the winged horse never does these things on his own. At least that’s what Mella told us.” Zach shrugged his shoulders.

“Well they never do, it is a known fact with those creatures.”

It was quiet in the forest and Thomas and Zachary stayed close to their dragon companion. There was a small cave and she motioned for them to go inside.

“Well gentlemen, I am going to make sure you are secure here while I return to White-Echo Forest and ambush the orcs. I will return after that, so please wait for me.” They could hear her moving away from them as the ground stopped shaking. Zach turned to Thomas, “talking dragons?”

“Just go with it,” Thomas replied with a grin.

Zach hugged his knees as he sat on the damp floor. He was tired and welcomed this time to talk to his grandfather about the amazing events that were taking place. Zach looked strangely at Thomas as if he was seeing him for the first time.

“You look different granddad, you look younger somehow.”

Thomas agreed. “I feel better Zach, more alert and focused. It must have been the Hyperion Lake. Mella said the waters had magical properties. When I splashed it on my face I felt different, it was rejuvenating and invigorating at the same time. I can’t quite put my finger on it but the change took place after that. I could swim in there for hours. It was life giving in a way.”

Zach kept shaking his head. “Yeah that must be it, and this is definitely a strange place. Do you think we can trust that dragon? She just left us here. What if she comes back and attacks us.”

Thomas thoughtfully stroked his beard. “I strongly doubt it son. She didn’t seem fierce towards us in the least, actually kind and caring. I think Marquor will return as she said and lead us to Faazen. We just need to be patient and wait.”

Zach yawned, flopped down next to his grandfather and fell asleep. He didn’t realize he was that tired. Thomas interestingly enough was not sleepy and was going over a few scenarios in his head. He wondered if he could find the truth here, someone knew what happened back then. He glanced over at Zach who was snoring lightly, his dark hair flopping over one eye. They had been through much in the past hours but the sheer excitement of the adventure gave him newfound strength and fortitude, and there were the magic waters from the lake, couldn’t forget that. He was sure their dragon friend was destroying the orcs. He would hate to be her enemy. Marquor could probably tear someone in two with her size and strength. He decided to close his eyes and rest. He wanted to be alert when they saw Faazen. Thomas was looking forward to their meeting.

Coming down the path was a small wizard with a jeweled scepter, wearing a long green velveteen robe and talking to himself. He appeared to be agitated and was hurrying along rather quickly. He stood about three feet, and his tall hat bobbed up and down as he walked.

“I know you are following me Jessa, I can smell the muffins you are carrying in the basket.”

“Oh Algor, can I not surprise you anymore?” The apple-cheeked gnomlie laughed heartily as she chided him.

“Jessa I have business to attend to in the Seia Woods and I will not be eating muffins at this time. Take them back home my dear and I will eat them there.”

“Very well she sniffed, I will do as you say and let you take care of this pressing matter. It has been weighing heavy on your mind these past days.”

“Ah yes,” the wizard gnomlie agreed it had indeed. “I am on my way to take care of it now. Go back to the castle and mind JuJu and Mackie, otherwise the wee ones will be following you down the road as I speak.”

“I will Algor, I’m leaving now. Please be careful and I will see you late this noon.” As Jessa made her way back to Kinnledge, she came upon Mei-Ling, The wizard ‘s silver-winged cat. “On an outing this fine day.” she called merrily.

His enormous, green eyes looked quizzically at the little gnomlie. He was on his way out, and really was it any of her business anyway? He sniffed the air and glided down the path.

“Everyone is certainly in a hurry today,” she said half aloud. Whatever was going on certainly had everyone’s attention to be sure. Determined to find out, she gathered JuJu and Mackie from the courtyard and made her way to Castle Dragmar.

The wizard Faazen was standing by one of the stately trees with a large basket. He was plucking fruit from the branches. “Hello there, what brings you to Dragmar today Jessa Palgon?”

“Well Faazen, it has been quite a mystery to me why Algor has been in a tizzy, and Mei-Ling has his nose up in the air. Something strange in the Seia Woods and it has been going on for a little while now. Why now that I think of it, when I saw Fallicon he was also in a hurry, and Marquor is nowhere to be found.” She said in a slightly annoyed voice.

Faazen chuckled thoughtfully and scratched his beard. “I might have an answer or two. Come, and bring JuJu and Mackie along for some cool peach berry tea.” The two of them made their way inside with the little ones following behind. Once inside the castle gates Faazen spoke slowly.

“For some time there have been problems at Windsword with Rianor and Daksha.”

Jessa nodded in agreement. She knew about the two of them, a pair of troublemakers to be sure.

The wizard continued, “Somehow and we do not know when, Rianor has secured one half of the silver leaf. This may be a rumor, but we believe it could be true.” His loyal apprentice at one time, greed and a lust for power had overtaken him. It was as if Rianor was a different person. Gone was his faithful and kind friend. Now he lied, cheated and hurt everyone he once loved. The Ice Wizard was very secretive and rarely left Windsword. With Daksha joining forces, his reign of terror could be swift and powerful. “As you know they are both skilled in the magic arts and have been honing their craft well.”

Jessa shook her head. “My my, I believe then Algor is upset about this because he knows our gnomlies could also be in danger, changing our way of life we have known and cherished for so long. For that we thank you Faazen, as you have been our protector and dear friend who has always come to our aid.”

The kindly wizard bowed graciously. “It’s been my honor to serve you and the others well. The Seia Woods is our home and Brandiss-Dor is our kingdom to protect. There is also more to this story, but that is all I can say for now. You and the others will just have to trust me.”

“Why Faazen, I knew there was something going on here lately. Whatever will I tell Algor, you know his ears will be twitching?”

“There isn’t anything he doesn’t already know, it will unfold in time. Now there is much to do. Please help me to prepare the guest rooms.”

“Very well Faazen, but who are your visitors?”

“They are from another land.” That was all he could say at this time and the little gnomlie eyed him curiously.

She nodded in agreement. “The winged messenger brought them last night didn’t he?”

“Well my dear lady you know too much already. Come, there is work to do!”

Jessa rolled up her sleeves and removed her hat. She made up the rooms with clean linens and put fresh cut flowers in the vases. She also swept out the hearth and put golden bowls of crisp and juicy appleys on the mantles. The appleys were a favorite of almost everyone, a miniature apple that came in several varieties. The gnomlies harvested them in their orchards.

Faazen was busy in the library. He was returning the books back to the shelves as Jessa came into the room and looked up as she spoke.

“Everything is quite the way you like it. When will your mystery guests be arriving”? She winked. JuJu and Mackie were at her side munching cookies.

“Soon, very soon. Now the three of you should make your way back to Kinnledge. The wee ones look like they are ready for a nap. Then as if cued, the gnomlie children started yawning and rubbing their eyes.

“Oh will you look at that.” Jessa gathered up her little ones and waved goodbye.

“Thank you Jessa for all your help today.” The wizard was smiling as he went back into the castle. He stopped briefly at the kitchen and instructed Cook on what to prepare for the evening meal.

Faazen watched as Cook put on her white apron and started pulling flour and sugar down from the shelves. There was much baking to do. Honey rolls and apple pies. Soon the delicious aromas would fill the air.

In the Seia Woods the weebies were playing with a large crystal. They kept tossing it up in the air. It sparkled in the sunlight and threw prisms of light around the large mushrooms. They were about the size of a small bird and had tiny fluttering wings that made it possible for them to flit about as butterflies. Their heads were oversized compared to their tiny bodies and they frolicked as puppies scampering around the woods. Algor Palgon came upon the pair as they peeked out from behind a small appley tree. “Oh Myloe and Moplie, what trouble are you getting into today?” Both of them watched with mischief in their eyes. The wizards gaze fixed on the crystal clutched in Myloe’s claws. “Aha I see exactly what you are trying to hide, our crystals are not playthings. Kindly return that jewel to where you found it.” The weebies looked sad as they went back behind the tree. Moplie’s fat tail stuck out a bit and the gnomlie wizard could not help but smile. “Boys I’m not mad but you know better, so please do what I say.” They flew directly at Algor and nearly knocked the little wizard off his feet. “Yes, I like you too.” The pair then took off in a flash with the sparkling gem. “Oh those two,” he scratched his beard and shook his head. “Mischief is their middle name.” No one could stay angry with the adorable Myloe and Moplie for long. Yesterday they were rolling a chocolate cookie they had found in his cookie jar. “Never a dull day in the Seia Woods.” He said aloud.

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