Race Riders (The Hidden Quest- Book One) (22 page)

BOOK: Race Riders (The Hidden Quest- Book One)
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It was a fierce dragon with a powerfully built rider. The sculpture looked as if was about to leap into the heavens. There were cascading jets of water arching from the base of the statue out to the edges of the surrounding pool; he was transfixed by the hypnotic motion of the waters, then jolted to his senses by a loud roar. A massive rush of wind overhead made him duck. Giant bat-like wings and talons extending for landing quickly brought him back to reality.

“All of the riders are ready. Come on now!” Thomas was waving wildly to get his attention.

“Granddad,” Zach yelled! He started jogging towards him. “You look fantastic my boy! I am reminded of your father at this age. I could not be more proud.”

Zach noticed a slight trembling in his grandfather’s voice. “Thank you granddad.”

Thomas hugged his grandson briefly and then cleared his throat, “Go get ‘em Zach!”

The riders gathered at the small tavern. It was an important meeting explaining the rules of conduct. A tall man with a red beard and spectacles walked forward. Clearing his voice, he spoke with authority.

“Weapons are not allowed no matter how small. If any are found the rider will be immediately disqualified! I will be handing out these armbands signifying your entry and participation in the race. Come forward after I call your name, you will put these on and wear them for the duration of the course. This will track your place and progress in the Dragon Masters Championship and if you encounter any problems, we should be able to find you. As you can see these will be worn on the outer side of your upper left arm.”

Zach and Dredd both listened to the rules and regulations but everyone knew that rules were meant to be broken, and some troublemaker would do just that. Zach scanned the contestants and closely watched their expressions. As the man from the committee spoke, Dredd nudged him “relax, we can take ‘em.” Zach smiled weakly; Dredd was always so cool and confident. Then again, he had been through this a few times and won the past three years. That would make one quite self-assured. Dredd could size up his opponents and come out on top. But look at him, everything about the guy was awesome. From the way he walked, spoke, and dressed, a winner for sure, no questions there. Today Dredd was wearing a sleek, racing outfit. Head to toe in black and grey with silver chains and buckles. He was lucky they were friends, and there was that rules thing. Dredd seemed to make them up as he went along you had to admire that…

Andi and Colby sat in the stands with the other race fans; they were holding hands and smiling. It was clear to everyone present that there was something special in the air. Colby was smiling from ear to ear and Andi would blush when he whispered in her ear. Faazen motioned to them as he walked up and put his arm around the young couple.

“Well well, this must be your young man, Andi.”

“Faazen this is Colby Shaw, Colby this is Faazen, a very dear friend of our family.”

The two men exchanged pleasantries. The wizard looked at Colby, paused for a moment and then spoke. “You have won the heart of our fair Andi. Her heart is your treasure Mr. Shaw, keep it well.”

“I will sir,” he said solemnly with eyes wide.

Faazen nodded and cleared his throat. “It is a fine day for our annual race. I am excited that both boys are participating and they have become friends as well!”

Andi shielded her eyes from the sun. “I’m happy Dredd has a friend near his own age.” The boys had been spending time at the farm, and Andi was able to get to know Zach a little better. She thought he was a good influence on her brother and helped him lighten his mood. Today Andi was smartly dressed in pale yellow linen. Her hair fell in spiral curls and it shone as polished amber. She was wearing white gloves with a tiny seed pearl on each one. She stood next to Colby who looked as proud as a peacock.

Faazen smiled at the young couple. They gazed into one another’s eyes and it was obvious to him that Andi might be more than interested in this man. The wizard was protective of Andi and thought to himself he would look into this young man’s intentions.

Andi excused herself and said she wanted to check on Dredd to see if he needed anything.

“I won’t be long,” she said brightly. She waved as she left the stands.

Eighteen - Dragon Masters Championship -The Race

The contestants left the tavern and made their way toward the course. Thomas met up with Zach and they started discussing strategy. Passing the fountains, they walked another thirty yards with their heads close together. Lined up was a growing throng of spectators who had traveled near and far for the race. Excitement was building in anticipation of the event. The people’s enthusiasm reminded Zach of the auto races back home, but no machines in this race, just massive living and breathing dragons. The scene before him was truly awe-inspiring, to say the least. Five incredible dragons was a sight for anyone to see. They towered over the crowd, their wings folding and flexing as they stretched and craned their muscular necks. The dragons were excited and proud to be part of this time-honored race. They were spectacular and in top racing form, training for months before the championship race. One mistake or miscalculation while in flight could result in serious injury or worse to both themselves and rider.

The start area was at least a quarter of a mile wide and the length was far as the eye could see. It was beautifully manicured emerald green grass. It reminded Zach of a golf course.

“We better get going, it’s soon time for your race.” Thomas patted Zach’s back affectionately.

“Alrighty, there’s Faazen.” Zach was glad to see the wizard who was clothed suitably in brown, unlike his usual robes of purple and blue.

“Zach my young dragon rider, are you ready?” Faazen eyed him with raised brow.

“I think so, I hope so,” Zach rubbed his forehead.

“No young man you are ready. You have trained with the best rider in the land and you will do well” he added with a wink.

“You’re right there Faazen, Dredd is the best and I’m honored to be in this race with him.” Faazen nodded his approval.

The trio walked over to where the dragons were waiting for their riders. Xandar-Sym, Zach’s dragon partner lowered his head, looking Zach square in the eye with concern. “Are you ready to be a Race Rider?”

“Yes, Xandar I’m ready.” This time he meant it and raising his head, he appeared almost noble as he spoke.

There was a flurry of activity going on at the stalls. The dragons were groomed with light oils, and riders were having their saddles adjusted for safety and comfort. Each team was discussing tips and strategies as they prepared for the race. Dredd and his sister Andi were in the first stall. His dragon, the color-shifting Payne, was displaying a blue and white zebra pattern today.

The orc, Alghern was next to the Domino’s with two of his companions and a brutish dragon called Razorback. It had thick tufts of sharp looking coarse hairs along his spine, and a piggish snout with tusks protruding from his lower jaw.

Ilsa Ivey and her female dragon were next to the orcs in the third slot. Ilsa looked intimidating in her leathers. Every so often, she eyed Dredd with a cold and direct stare. Her dragon was Sennah, an impressive fiery orange-red with iridescent fringes. Sennah was majestic and proud and Dredd caught Payne looking her way more than once.

“She’s pretty Payne,” Dredd nudged the dragon and Payne growled as his white stripes took on a pinkish hue.

Zach’s stall was next. His dragon Xandar-Sym, was dark purple with a hint of crimson and gold. The colors took on a rainbow effect in the light. Xandar was a powerful battle dragon and still wore his armor. He was used to carrying the extra weight and the metal plates glistened in the sun as he moved. Jewel encrusted armor covered his head and snout, the hand-tooled designs were intricate and the effect was stunning. Zach was pleased with how intimidating he looked. The dragons’ armor was allowed by the rules committee, as it was considered to be for defensive purposes only. Just then peeking out from behind was Zach’s little dragon, Julefire. The little hatchling, now the size of a pug dog was talking incessantly and demanding to be in the race.

“Maybe someday J-Fire, we’ll see.” Zach was smiling at him, the little dragon was endearing in that cute and annoying kind of way. Arrathon-Sym, Xandar’s mate had brought the little fellow along with her other offspring Xaxxar. They started chasing one another around the stalls, knocking over buckets and generally causing chaos in their wake.

Xandar shook his head. “Those two are mischief-makers today. They should calm down soon enough.”

In the fifth stall stood Lash Beckett and his dragon Azzreen. Lash was a well known, but not well liked land baron from the north. He wasn’t an evil man but usually seemed unconcerned for the welfare of others, being quite selfish and only for himself. He was a descendant from a long line of old wealth. His father Simon Beckett had been kind and generous, but Lash was unlike his well respected father and usually treated everyone badly. He was born with servants attending to his every need. Lash was a legend in his own mind and the townsfolk would twitter and gossip about him. Lash was unaware of this and considered himself as well liked as his father. Two shabbily dressed young men tended to his every need and their anxious faces showed how they feared Lash Beckett. They did not want to displease him.

“You there boy lace my boots the correct way and make it snappy! Please do not soil them. I need them to shine.” His handlebar mustache twitched as he barked orders at his attendees. “Make sure my saddle is properly secured and be certain it’s comfortable. I have a long way to ride”

Zach felt bad for the young men as he watched how they were treated. “What a….” As Zach was about to complete his comment Andi came out from behind and quickly grabbed him.

“Zach, something very bad is being planned for Dredd!” Andi was trying not to draw attention to their conversation. “I overheard the orcs when they thought no one else was around.”

Zach was puzzled “How could you hear anything with this noisy crowd?”

“It’s just lately I can hear even the tiniest of whispers. We do not have time to go into it. Please keep an eye on the orc if he’s near you in the race.”

“I’m mostly going to be trying not to fall off Xandar and hit a tree or something, besides the race is just about to start. Andi you know Dredd is the best out there, and I’m sure he’s ready for stuff like that.”

“All I can say is be aware and careful out there because I know what I heard.” Andi let go of his arm and hurried off.

“Man that girl’s got a grip!” and just then he remembered the little visitor in his room that morning. “That wee-bie was right, watch out for the green one” He whispered to himself.

Algor and Jessa Palgon rode out onto the field in a small carriage pulled by a miniature white horse with a full plumed tail. The horse was wearing a colorful bridle. The minute wizard was resplendent in a long cream-colored robe and a paisley cap. Jessa was queen-like in a red velvet and lace dress with a small bow gathering her short cap of curls. They waved to the crowd while being escorted up to the podium.

“Greetings my friends, today it is my privilege and honor to welcome you to our Dragon Masters Championship Event. Today you, the loyal fans of this time-honored tradition will witness courage and skill as we watch dragon and rider compete for the prize. However, with this said I must also let you know the dangers involved in such a death defying sport. Nevertheless our contestants are more than up to the challenge, they have trained hard and are ready for the event that awaits them. Now it is time to introduce you to the line-up of Race Riders.” The crowd cheered wildly.

As he called the names, each contestant made their way to the starting line.

“From the north riding Azzreen, Lash Beckett,” he took a pompous low bow. There were subdued cheers and Zach smiled to himself as Lash climbed upon Azzreen.

“Next, will be a new contestant, please welcome Zachary Wellington, he is accompanied by Xandar-Sym. Zach nodded and waved to the crowd. There was a smattering of polite applause. “Next to young Zachary are Ilsa Ivey and Sennah.” Ilsa had a determined scowl on her face as she glanced at the other riders. There were cheers for her from the crowd. “We also have Alghern who will be riding Razorback.” The nasty orc growled at the audience and the crowd became silent. “Now my dear friends, our reigning Dragon Masters champion Dredd Domino.” The crowd went wild with thunderous applause and cheers, while a bevy of adoring female fans blushed and giggled as they waved their scarves in the air. The orc cracked a slight, evil grin.

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