Race For Love (9 page)

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Authors: Nana Malone

BOOK: Race For Love
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ou mean
to tell me
is your trainer?"

Kiss adjusted her sunglasses as she shifted on the lounger. "Yeah. That's him all right."

Leah studied Derek over the rim of her glasses as he did laps in the pool. "Just one question."


"Just how are you managing
to jump his bones, because that man is...wow. Seriously, he is everything."

Yeah, Kiss knew all about his wowness. She spent half the time they were training drooling over him. "He's my trainer. We have a professional relationship."

Leah shifted her glance to meet Kiss's. "Uh huh. Professional." When she said professional, she used air quotes.

Kiss giggled. "And he's sort of a pain in the ass. He's annoying. And insists that I drink these green smoothie things, and pushes me until I think I'm going to die, then pushes me some more. What you're seeing is my annoyance."

They'd been friends since they were kids, so Leah wasn't buying any of it. "Right. You can smell the bullshit dripping off your words, right? Just so we're clear."

Kiss laughed. "Yeah I can hear it."

"What is the problem, honey? I mean look at him." She nodded as Derek flipped over at one end of the pool. The water glistened over his strong back as he sliced through the water, and the sun kissed his already tanned shoulders.

"Believe me, I see him. But he's not interested, trust me." The moment the words were out of her mouth she wished she'd just shut up. There was no way Leah was letting that slip go.

would we know he's not interested?"

Heat suffused Kisima's skin. "I had a nightmare the other night. A pretty bad one. He, uh, came in to see if I was okay."

"Yes," Leah prompted, as she leaned forward and pulled up her imaginary popcorn bowl.

"We sort of passed out. In the morning, when we woke up, I guess he had his hand on one of my boobs."

Leah sat up abruptly, brows knitted. "Say what? Where the fuck was my phone call?"

"Would you clam down before he hears you? I may also have been rubbing myself all over him. Neither one of us was really awake."

Her friend's eyes went wide. "Jesus, that sounds hot. Sleepy sex is so fun."

"Yeah, except when he fully woke up, he sort of freaked and acted all weird and distant."

Leah wrinkled her nose. "Ahh, the good old, I got caught showing how I feel, so I'm going to pull back and make it extra awkward."

Kiss laughed. "So you've been here before?"

"More than once, I'm ashamed to say. What did you say to him?"

"What I normally tell guys. To get over himself."

Leah reached over to give her a pound. "So what now?"

"Nothing now. I'm already coming along fast. I'm starting to use the canes now, and to be honest, I really don't need them as much but they help when I'm tired. Maybe another month and he'll be gone, so it's not going to happen."

Leah rolled her eyes heavenward. "Have I taught you nothing, girl? If you want something, be upfront about it. Take it. Don't apologize to anybody either. Someone doesn't like that, fuck 'em. They can talk to me."

"Not that easy in this case. He's got a big thing about professional conduct. And honestly I don't know if I can."

Leah cursed under her breath. "I know Antonio fucked you up, but you can't sit on the sidelines because of it. He hit it and quit it because he's a douche."

"Not entirely his fault. I was a moron. So I deserve to take my lumps."

Leah sat up, her dark hair cascading over her shoulders. She swung her leg to the side and leaned forward, making sure she had Kiss’s full attention. "Antonio Bates is a first class asshole. You cared about him and believed him when he said he loved you. What happened wasn't your fault. You are a sexual person, you were allowed to sleep with him. Hell, he was your boyfriend. You didn't deserve to be slutshamed for it. I swear to God, if I get my hands on him, I will kill him."

"He's hard to kill. I was in a crash right next to him and he escaped unscathed. The guy is slippery."

"Just remember,
guy, is not
guy. You're a woman who can sleep with whoever the fuck she wants to. Anyone who has anything to say about it can feel free to kiss your black ass. And when they're done with that, they can come kiss my bony Asian one."

The laugh bubbled out of Kiss easily. Leah had a way of putting things in perspective. "Man, what would I do without you in my life?"

"Let's hope you never have to find out. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to continue to ogle your future bedmate."


o how long before
she's ready to get in a car?"

Derek attempted to drag his gaze off of Kiss and her friend on the loungers outside. He'd come inside over an hour ago, but he'd been hard pressed to leave the living room with the clear view to the pool area. To be fair, since the entire wall of the living room was glass, there was really nowhere else to look. The sun glistened on her skin. He was glad she was relaxing. She deserved it. She'd been working her ass off for days.

"When I took this job, I told you that I couldn't guarantee when she'll be back to normal. I'm trying to bring her to healthy now, but then she'll have to condition to be ready to get back in a car. The average person can't just climb in and be ready to rumble."

The older man nodded. "Yes, I understand that, but can you give me some kind of ballpark. Something to work with? I've got a car with no driver and I know no one is going to give me the same kind of commitment that Kiss is going to do. If she plans on racing in Abu Dhabi, she's going to have to start training soon."

Derek dragged in a deep breath. He was here to do a job. TJ had hired him for the specific job of getting her ready to go. Just because he'd gone and caught a case didn't mean he didn't have the same objective. And that was to get her up and ready to go.

But, he also had an obligation to her, not to push her beyond what she was ready for. Her health and wellbeing were all that mattered.
That and you're afraid of her getting in another car

"The work we're doing should have her ready to train in a couple of weeks. She's already graduated to using the cane, and in a couple of weeks, she won't need it anymore if she keeps working as hard as she has been. Beyond that, she'll need at least another two months of conditioning."

"I don't have another two months for her to condition. She doesn't have that time."

What the fuck? "Sir, all due respect, but if you put her in a car before she's ready, you could do damage to her physically and mentally. She needs to heal in both respects. She still can't remember much, but she's been having some pretty ugly nightmares about it."

The older man paled before sagging against the bookcase. "I know you think I'm a callous prick, but I love that girl like she's my own. I'm trying to build her legacy here."

Derek frowned. "Are you sure this is about

TJ's brows drew down. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Derek put his hands up. "It's none of my business."

"You think you know so much, why don't you enlighten me." TJ crossed his arms over his chest.

"I know that your own son abandoned the family company to work for the competition. I know your former driver also left for the same company. It's not hard to see that Kiss is your hope and a prayer for this team. Your other drivers have some promise, but not as much as she does. You've been grooming her since she was a child for this. What I don't know is if that's the reason your other drivers quit. She's your favorite. It's clear to see that. Did the jealousy start to eat at your son?"

TJ shook his head. "You don't know anything."

"I'm trying to protect her. She thinks of you like her dad. She'd do anything to make you happy. She's so loyal to you."

"I think of her as mine. All I want to do is protect her. Look, I'm pushing hard to make a legacy for her. One day I won't be here. All she has ever wanted to do is drive. Since she was a little kid and following her father around the track. When her dad died, I promised to give that to her. Right now, most teams are such a boys club. They think she's a joke. A pretty set of legs to stare at. They don't respect her in a car. I know what she can do. She always had the magic. Christian, as much as he wanted to have it, he just didn't love it enough to work his ass off. And as for Antonio, he could drive, he had an instinct, but the boy just doesn't love it like she does. It's the difference between muscle and finesse. He does it because he can power through and force it. She gets in the car and it's like she’s flying. I've never seen anything like it. It makes her an amazing driver, but no one will give her the chance when I'm gone. Not unless I can prove it before that day comes."

Derek frowned and stared at the big man, taking in his sallow complexion. "You're sick."

TJ nodded. "Yeah."

"How bad?" His heart wrenched. This would kill Kiss.

"Stage two lung cancer. I've already had one surgery. But I'll need several more. Then chemo."

"Fuck. Kiss know?"

TJ nodded. "Yeah, she's aware. It's the only reason she consented to have you here. She understands what's at risk. She knows I'm the only one giving her a fair shot. And frankly, after what Antonio did to her, there is no team she'd feel comfortable on unless she had the chops to tell them to go fuck themselves."

Derek did not like the sound of that. "Who's Antonio and what did he do to her?"

TJ pursed his lips. "I don't know everything, mind you. But the two were dating. Kid stuff. Christian, Antonio, and Kiss were a staple of the circuit. They grew up together. Inseparable, the three of them. She and Christian are like brother and sister. But Antonio, you could always see the tension there. It got worse when she grew up. I mean, you see her. She looks just like her mother. A face to strike a smart man dumb. Legs long enough to make a giraffe jealous. Antonio had a major thing for her but she was guarded. Losing her parents young closed her off. I think they got together, but she won't ever confirm anything to me. Something happened with them, then next thing I know, Antonio is headed to Gifford and rumors start flying around about Kiss."

"What kind of rumors?" Fury flared to life, white hot and fierce.

"The kind a father doesn't need to hear about his daughter. I tried to shield her as best I could. With my name behind her, I could keep a lid on most of it. But she's not stupid. Pretty girl like that, in this boys club?" He shrugged. "Well you know men."

Anger hummed in Derek's blood. He was going to put a fist in Bates if he ever met him.
Easy does it, she's not yours
. "And Christian? They have a thing now?"

TJ shook his head vehemently. "My son and I aren't exactly on speaking terms. But I know Kiss and she's not interested. Christian has always been jealous of how I felt about her, but he loves her. Doesn’t blame her for it. He loves her like family. Saves all his ire for me. And that's my own fault. I made a lot of mistakes. But I was responsible for that girl. I took care of her like my own."

Derek ran a hand through his hair and he glanced back out at the pool. "This is one hell of a family drama."

The older man sighed. "Tell me about it. So you see why I'm so interested in getting her back into a car and pronto. She wants respect. She's worked hard. While I'm here, I can help give it to her. But she needs a shot. Everyone says she's unproven. But I know what she can do. And I've got a limited time to give her the opportunities to show it. Once I'm gone, this world will spit her out. I have the sponsors who are willing to back her, but they need to see something. She was supposed to show what she could do at the exhibition race in Montreal, and you know how that turned out. And I have to get her into a car in order to prove how good she is, so I need your help."

"And like I said, we're doing our best, but her physical well-being is more important to me right now. I won't compromise that." But if it meant her future, he'd try to help her get there.


t had been
a week since she'd seen Leah and Kiss still couldn't get her friend’s words out of her head. It didn't help that everywhere she turned, there was Derek. Sometimes shirtless, looking good enough to tempt a celibate girl. Okay, so maybe she wasn't exactly celibate by choice. Being nearly crushed to death in an accident didn't do anything for one's dating life.

"Focus, Kiss. Where are you today?" As she moved over the treadmill, she ground her teeth together. "What does it matter what I'm thinking about as long as I'm doing the work. I assume it's better for me to fantasize about Michael Fassbender than it is to focus on how much this sucks. Or on all the various ways I could possibly kill you."

"You should focus on the work you're doing." His voice may have been stern, but his lips twitched.

"I prefer Fassy, thanks. I mean who knew Irish men were packing so much—"

He choked a laugh and hung his head. "I swear to God, that mouth of yours."

She frowned. "Hmm, not one of the ways I'd envisioned, but I supposed if humor and sarcasm do the trick, then who am I to complain." Cocking her head, she added, "Donovan, that's an Irish name right?"

His laughter bounced off of the walls in the gym. "Exactly what do you think I'm packing, Kiss?” The tone was teasing, but there was a layer of heat just under each word.

"Personality," she said deadpan. "What did you think I was talking about?"

He merely shook his head and upped the speed on the treadmill.

"Hey now," she balked. "There is no need for all of that. What did I ever do to you?"

"Compared me to Michael Fassbender."

This was easy and fun. She might not enjoy his special brand of torture, but she liked his company. Besides, next to TJ and Leah, he was the only company she'd had for weeks. They'd built a bond of sorts. "What's wrong with Fassy? I mean I'm being very complimentary. Have you seen the size of his—"

"Kisima!" Derek choked on a laugh.

"What? I was going to say smile. Jesus, Donovan, you have a dirty mind apparently. Why are you so obsessed with Michael Fassbender's cock? Is there something you want to tell me?" She winked.

His lips twitched and he upped her speed once again. In no time, she was walking quickly and sweat poured from her face. "Come on, distract me okay? If I have to do this, then at least keep my mind off of it. And if you won’t let me daydream about Fassbender, then talk to me."

"Fine, what do you want to talk about?"

"I don't know. Maybe why you're in robot mode with me half the time, but when one of your sisters or your friends call, you're silly and fun."

His brow furrowed. "I'm always fun."

She huffed a breath. "I beg to differ. I do not call this fun." His lips quirked and she tried not to focus on how full they were. Day dreaming about him would surely get her more time on the treadmill.

"This is fun."

"Oh come on. Give me something to work with, Irish. You've been here for weeks and I barely know anything about you besides your penchant for superhero antics."

He shook his head. "You're like my sister, Delilah, you never let anything go."

"That's a good thing right?"

It took him a second, but finally he answered, "Yeah, I supposed it is."

"How many sisters do you have?"

"Six. Delilah is the oldest."

She nearly tripped. "Shit, six sisters. I knew you were Irish, but I didn't think you were
Irish. Being the only boy must have been tough. Did your sisters beat you up a lot?"

He laughed easily. "Very funny. Who said I was the only boy? I have five brothers."

She almost face planted when she forgot to keep moving her feet. "Say what?"

"You can relax. With the exception of Delilah, Dylan and I, the rest of the crew is adopted."

"Wow, just when I'd started to feel sorry for your poor mother. Like this was a twenty-seven kids and counting type dealio."

"Yeah, no. Knowing Mom, she would have neutered Dad ages ago if that was the case. Sarah doesn’t mess around."

She frowned. "You call your mom Sarah?"

Derek sighed. "She's actually my step-mom, but as far as I'm concerned, she’s been my mom since I was eight."

The hint of pain was palpable in his voice, but she was so curious to know anything about him. "Your parents divorced?"

"More like Mom took off and left us. Apparently she wasn't too great at the whole being married and being a mom thing."

"Shit, I'm sorry. I didn't know."

He shook his head and inhaled deeply. "It's old shit. And it's actually fine. At the time it hurt. Pretty bad. I was convinced that if I'd just been good enough and behaved like she told me, she never would have left. But in hindsight, best thing that ever happened. Sarah is awesome."

"That's great. She must had a big heart if you have all these adopted brothers and sisters."

"The biggest. Man, she can't stand to see anyone in need. Kids, pets, her patients."

"Patients?" she asked, hungry for any tiny window into his life.

"Yeah, she's a doctor. Her husband and my dad were best friends and had a law firm together. But then her husband died. Dad wasted no time scooping her up."

"They sound pretty awesome."

He nodded. "They are. Maybe if you keep working hard, I'll introduce you to Delilah and Nate when they come down for a visit."

"Then you better get ready for me to get all the dirt on a teenaged Derek because I'm working my ass off." Glancing at her rear, she sighed. "Yeah, if only that was a possibility."

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