Race For Love (8 page)

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Authors: Nana Malone

BOOK: Race For Love
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"Even if it's on a first class douche?"

"Yeppers." Kiss could almost see her bestie nodding up and down enthusiastically. "Have you forgotten the idiot Olympic swimmer who ran around wearing Grillz for fun, and saying ‘Jyeah,’ in interviews?”

Kisima's heart sank. Yeah, he was very nice to look at body wise, but God, he pretty well had “I'm a giant douche” stamped on his forehead. “Okay, fair enough, but he's an asshole of the highest order."

"I'll agree to that sight unseen, because that is the way of girl code, but make no mistake, I too shall ogle some abs."

Kisima laughed despite the fact that the marvelous set of abs belonged to Derek. "Don’t say I didn't warn you."

"Does the face match or will we not be bothering to look him in the eyes?" Leah chortled.

"You think I would be so lucky that he wouldn't also be totally hot. Yeah, the face matches and he knows it. And he can back up that swaggar. He used to play basketball for LSU. But tore his ACL and Achilles. He's healed up but his playing days are over. Though that didn't stop him from playing a little the other night.” She was curious about the injury, but damned if she was going to talk to him all chummy like.

"Now you know I love you, but maybe I should point out that the reason you're so against this guy is because you find him the teeniest bit attractive?"

Kisima sputtered, "Leah, come on. I see hot guys every day."

"Yeah, but they're not living in your house and under foot all the time"

"I promise you, Leah, I'm not interested," she said with perhaps a hint too much bite.

"Uh huh, if you say so. How are you feeling anyway, like really feeling?"

"Tired. In a little bit of pain, but I need to get back on the track."

"Are they pressuring you? I know how much TJ loves you, but sometimes he can push too hard for his agenda."

"It's not like that, Leah, he’s doing this all for me. He's sick. And the Abu Dhabi race is our last try for bigger sponsors for me, if I don’t win and show everyone what I can do, it’s over. He sank all that money into me for nothing."

"I didn't know it was that bad."

"Once word gets out about his illness, his decisions will be called into question. There will be people willing and able to wrestle control of Daniels from him. He needs me in a car. Needs me to win."

Leah sighed. "Kisima, that's too much pressure on you."

"It's fine, Leah. I'm fine. Barring an overbearing trainer, I'll live." Besides TJ needed her and she owed him.



Pressure on her chest as she rounded the first corner. Through her visor, Kisima had the other car in her sights.
. She wanted to nail him. For once show that she could beat him. That she had the fast car, that she had the grit.

Kiss waited for the corner and then clipped him. Shards flew out onto the track. With a slight smile, she kicked her engine into gear as she passed.

Holy shit, she'd done it. She was leading. Now all she had to do was hold on to the lead. Corner after corner, straight after straight, she led him.

Montreal was one of the most difficult tracks in the world. The number of corners combined with the banked straights made it a challenge, but she knew it inside out. This was life. This was perfection. On the track, no one judged her. It was her and her car.

But then Antonio slowed down. Why? What was he doing? What the– Then, for what seemed like an eternity, she was flying. Her stomach flipped and adrenaline spiked her blood as her heart thundered.

The force that jarred her back to the ground made her head feel like it was going to pop off and her teeth ache.

Her arms ached with the sheer force required to get the car under control. Fear gripped her and the terror rooted and took hold. There was no controlling the steering at that point. The barricade came at her. Once again, time slowed. Giving her the cruel illusion that she had time to do something, time to stop it all. But that was a lie.

The car flipped.

Pain registered first. Radiating all over her body. Everything below her neck hurt. What the fuck had happened? Fire licked at her skin, the gas fumes filling her lungs, making her cough and wheeze. The heat cooking her inside her car like a rotisserie chicken. Desperately, she tried for her release but it wouldn't budge. Oxygen waning, she tried to breath faster, but no air came. The suffocation she could handle, but not the heat. She was really going to die in her car...and there was no one to come for her. No one to mourn her death.

Except, she hadn't died.

If being trapped in that car was bad, what was worse was waking up in the hospital days later in the most intense kind of pain she'd ever felt in her life. It was only when she knew she was going to live that her brain let her register the pain she was in. It all hurt. Her neck and back burned and she could smell that acrid smell of burning flesh. Oh fuck, she was cooking.

The scream bubbled up in her chest before she could recall it. She screamed and screamed and screamed and screamed, begging to die, begging for someone to save her, begging for someone to help her. Her body shook and convulsed.

"Kisima, wake the hell up!"

Her lids fluttered open and just like that the smell of charring flesh was gone. The heat that baked her was gone. She was safe, at home in her bed. Derek was here. He wasn't going to let her burn.

Without thinking, she threw herself into his arms, wrapping herself around him. Screw her protesting shoulder, she wasn't letting him go until she was able to shake off the feeling of impending death.

"So...scared...save..." Her words were broken as she tried to separate her wakeful state from her dream state. From the actual events of that day to whatever manner of evil her brain could cook up.

Derek held her close and she let the scent of ocean wash away the stench. His strong arms keeping her safe from the fire, from the pain. "Shhhh, it's okay, you're safe. I have you. Nothing is going to hurt you. You're safe, Kisima. I have you."

She didn't know how long he held her, crooning in her hair, but she knew with each word he uttered, she relaxed into his hold, the tension slowly ebbing out of her body. She didn't know why, but she felt safe with him like nothing could ever hurt her. "Please don't let go."

She felt him stiffen, but she held on tight. She'd regret this decision in the morning, but she couldn't sleep, she needed this. Needed the contact. Needed him to hold her. "I'm not, sweetheart, you're okay. I have you." When he tried to loosen her grip, she did an excellent spider monkey impression and he chuckled. "I'm just going to move you over okay? I promise, I'm not going anywhere."

Oh, he wasn't trying to leave her. "O-okay."

She tried to help, but it was easier to let him just lift and reposition her. When he scooted into the bed next to her, then brought her over so she could tuck her head into the crook of his shoulder, she realized his chest was bare and he only had on low-riding pajama bottoms.
Oh. Wow
. He was warm and smelled amazing.

Those pecs that looked just fine under cotton looked even better up close and naked. Tentatively she placed a hand over his chest, her fingers settling on the very light dusting of hair.

His heartbeat thundered under her cheek and she could feel every single thump of his heart.

He must have noticed the tension in her too because he whispered, "Don’t worry about it, Kisima. This is only to help you sleep. Close your eyes. I have you. You can trust me."

And instinctively she knew he was right. She knew she could trust him. With him nothing bad was going to happen. She finally relaxed and enjoyed her position. His heartbeat eventually calmed down and the steady thump comforted, lulling her to drift, to relax.

His voice was mellow and deep as he asked, "What was the dream about?"

She stiffened again and he smoothed a hand down her back. She thanked God she'd opted for a T-shirt to sleep in instead of one of her camis, because then he'd be all up close and personal with her scars and skin grafts. "The accident."

"Do you want to tell me about it?"

She shook her head, unable to even say the word no.

"You're safe now. Nothing is going to hurt you. You're tough. After what you did in the gym today, nothing can touch you. If you talk about it, you can let it go."

She wasn't ready for that yet. She couldn't talk about it because none of it made any sense. "I remember the pain. I thought I was going to die. I-I wished to die. So...horrible." Her voice sounded dreamy and far away to her own ears. "Please don't leave me."

He stroked a hand over her head. "Not gonna happen."


erek turned away
from the bright wash of sunlight and snuggled into the warmth and smell of woman. He loved this smell. Coconut and vanilla with just a hint of spice.

He could smell it all day long. As he nuzzled deeper, his cock twitched, pushing up against firm, warm buttocks and he wanted to lie here forever. His hand teased up her soft belly to cup her bare breast and he groaned. Jesus she was so full for someone so slim. And she was all natural, nothing artificially enhanced about her. As he kissed the hollow of her neck, he rubbed his thumb over her nipple and relished in her soft, aroused gasp.

There was nothing better in the world than waking up like this, with the promise of sex and comfort and love. He reveled in the way his partner wiggled her ass further into his crotch. The soft way she whispered his name as he ran his thumb over her nipple again. "So soft and fucking perfect. I could hold you forever."

"Derek..." The whisper was soft, aroused and needy. She wanted him. Just as much as he wanted—

His brain stuttered as he focused on the sound of her voice. The way she said his name. Like she was used to this. Like they had been lovers for eons and she knew his touch intimately. But, they didn't know each other's bodies. As much as he'd imagined it, the feel of her breast in his palm was new, not familiar. It was too new, too good. Too...unexpected.

His eyes popped open and he lifted his head. The all-white room startled him. Not his fucking room. What alarmed him even more were Kisima's legs intertwined with his and his hand on her fucking breast.

Oh shit. His brain went into preservation mode and sent the command.
Do not squeeze. Don’t do it.
But motion was a reflex. He cupped her gently and tested her weight. Heavy, full. Overflowing his hand. In that moment, he was desperate to know what she tasted like. What color were her nipples. Did she like to have them pinched, sucked, bitten?

Her hips shot back into his and he cut off an abrupt curse as her barely-clad ass cheeks slid over the length of his cock. Once, then again. Oh hell, yes. He could come just like this. His ever-helpful brain conjured an image of him sliding his cock up and down the oiled seam of her ass, taking pleasure in that soft skin and tightness of her body.

Stop it, now
. His brain reasserted command and he released his hold on her breast, sliding it out from under her T-shirt.

With a mewled protest, Kisima turned toward him and nuzzled into his chest like she had done last night.
. He needed her. Wanted her. Craved to hold her, kiss her. More. But he was not going down this path with this girl. "Kiss, wake up."

She didn't wake, instead burrowed even closer into him. "Kisima. You have to get up. We have work to do and we're getting a late start on the day."

Slowly her lashes fluttered against her high cheekbones and she peered up at him. Her first response was to nuzzle his chest, which, let's face it, he enjoyed. Her second response was to blink up at him and smile, that lazy grin of a woman who wanted to be fucked by her man—and fucked well. Except he wasn't her man, and he wouldn't be fucking her. Though, his cock begged to differ.

Derek saw as soon as awareness hit her, because she tried to push to a sitting position and dragged the sheet up over her breasts.

Yeah, like that would hide the fact that she was stacked. It was as if her first thought was that they'd slept together and he was naked. Had she been as tormented by dreams of him as he had about her?



Her gaze slid over his naked torso. "Uh, w-what happened?"

He shook his head. "Nothing happened." Shit not the truth. "You had a nightmare. I guess I ended up crashing."

She nodded as the fog of sleep was finally dissipating. "Oh, I remember."

He licked his lips. We, uh, got a little cozy. I was asleep. I didn't mean to—"

She put up her hand. "Please stop." She narrowed her gaze. "Did we have sex? Or end up with our mouths in places they should not have been?"

Fuck, he wished. What would she taste like? "What? No. You're still dressed in case you didn't notice." He cocked his head and gave her a sheepish smile. "I accidentally found out that you're a very full C, but that's about it. I swear, I would never—"

She shook her head. "This is embarrassing enough without you stumbling through an apology. It's not like we woke up screwing." She shrugged and dropped the sheet. "Besides, I have nice boobs."

Despite the bizarre situation, he laughed. "You seriously make me insane."

"It's weird, not the first time I've heard that."

Clearing his throat, he went to yank back the sheets, then thought better of it. If she kept staring at him, she was going to get a bird's eye view of the erection tenting his pajamas. His mind, again being helpful, provided basketball stats. "Are you okay? Last night you seemed pretty freaked out."

She ducked her head. "Yeah."

He nodded. "You said it was about the crash?"

She licked her lips and glanced away from him. "Yeah, I was stuck in the car again. I couldn't breathe, and I couldn’t get out. My belt was jammed and all I could do was get my upper body free. I—" She rolled her lips inward. "I was right back there. Suffocating."

"You have those often?"

She shook her head. "No. But thank you for staying with me. I know I probably wouldn’t have been able to sleep."

"Glad to help." He needed to establish some distance between them again, otherwise he was going to do something stupid, like kiss her until she was riding him, screaming out his name. "We should get going. I think we slept in a little and we have some work to do."

She nodded, but made no move to get out of the bed. "Why do I have a feeling that this is going to hurt really bad?"

"Because anything worth having is worth working your ass off for." He stood, grateful that his pajama bottoms weren't tenting. But to keep it that way, he'd better get the hell up out of her room. "Let's get to work.


ow was that for embarrassing
? Derek had practically sprinted out of her room that morning. It's not like she meant for that to happen.
Don't act like you didn't like it.
Yes. Yes she did, but she was not going there with him. He was the kind of guy that would leave a path of destruction and heartbreak in his wake and she wasn't going to do that again.

What she should do was try to focus on Christian. Now if only he made her hot and tingly all over. Instead of warm and squeezy. She loved him, she really did, but the idea of kissing him did nothing for her. How was she supposed to tell her best friend that she didn't want to date him? It would be just like that day when he'd left Daniels Racing. She could just see the hurt and pain on his face now. And she wasn't looking forward to it.

Derek's voice called out from somewhere deep in the house. "I don't hear the shower going. Do you really want me to come in there and help you?"

Yes, dear God, please.
She'd been in the throes of a really good dream, reveling in that tingly body feeling this morning. Then he'd had to go and ruin it by waking her up.

She didn't get it, he was clearly a little flirtatious, but there was also this distance. Which worked fine because she didn't need that kind of complication.
Yes, yes you do
. "I'm getting ready. Keep your pants on...or don't."

She hated to admit it, but it was so much faster and easier to get moving and get ready in the mornings. She had better use of her shoulder. Her hip was achy, but she didn’t wake up in excruciating pain every day.
she felt stronger. When she let her body do the work, things were actually a million times easier.

She dressed quickly in her yoga pants and tank top. After the last couple of days she'd learned not to wear sweats because they'd get too hot.

When she made her way into the kitchen, he'd already started the eggs.

The same heart-stopping smile was there, but it didn't reach his eyes. "Here you go." He handed her the spatula to continue stirring the eggs on the stove. "Use your left hand."

She scowled at him, but he didn't seem to notice. "So what's the plan for today?"

He gave her a wide berth as he grabbed some fruit out of the fruit bowl. "More of the same. Work, sweat, pass out."

She studied him out of the corner of her eye. "You going to act all weird around me just because you've touched my boob?" Better to get it all out there so they could get back to normal. He didn't want her, no big deal. She wasn't going to let it get all weird. Why was he?

Derek sputtered into his coffee and thumped his chest as he worked past the coughing. "Jesus, Kisima."

She plated the eggs. "And that's another thing. Considering you torture me by day and you've touched a boob, you might as well call me Kiss. All my friends do." She shifted her weight. "Especially the ones who've touched a boob. So can you go back to being a giant pain in my ass already and stop with the weird extra gentlemanly thing? It's creeping me out. Besides, I get it. You're my trainer. And I get it, it had nothing to do with me. I don't think you want me or whatever."

His wary gaze turned sharp and focused. "Is that what you think? That I don't want you?"

The intensity of his gaze made her insides warm. "What I think is it doesn't matter either way, right? You're here to fix me. You said it yourself. You can't do that if there is weirdness. So get over it already. I mean you're not

His shoulders relaxed as he cocked his head. "So you think I'm cute?"

"I think you're a slave driver."

"I am. But I'd also like to point out that you've been standing up eating and you're only leaning on one of the crutches."

She blinked in surprise and glance down at her body. "Well, how the hell did that happen?"

"Oh, you know, I'm just a miracle worker."

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