Quinn (The Beck Brothers #3) (24 page)

BOOK: Quinn (The Beck Brothers #3)
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Christian moved toward his best friend. Dammit, why did he
have to be in love with the one man he couldn’t have? Life was so unfair.
Christian plastered on a smile as he sidled up next to Shea, clapping him on
the back.


“It was nice of you to dress up,” Christian teased.


“I hate suits.
I only wear them when I have to.” Shea grunted, tugging at the collar of
his shirt.


Christian huffed and brushed Shea’s hand away. “Stop
fiddling, you’re messing up your tie,” he muttered as he turned Shea to face


Christian fixed Shea’s askew tie, smoothing his hands down
his lapels to make sure they were flat. “There, now don’t touch it.”


“Thank you, honey.” Shea smirked.


Christian gave him a dirty look that made Shea chuckle.
Meanwhile, his stomach twisted with the
‘honey’ remark.


“Go sit down, we’re going to start soon,” Christian


“Yes, sir,” Shea said with an exaggerated salute.


Christian snorted and shook his head before walking away from him.


Christian stopped to give his mom a kiss and his dad a hug
before he stood on the dais with Sebastian and Henry, who were both looking at
him funny.


“What?” Christian asked.


Both of them shook their heads vigorously and muttered,


Christian narrowed his eyes at them. What the hell was up
with them? Christian decided to let it go.
Knowing his brothers, it was something stupid anyway.
Christian glanced in Shea’s direction.
Margot was now sitting next to him, and Quinn was making his way up to
them. Christian sighed with a heavy heart; he would probably be doing this
again in the near future for Quinn and Margot. First Henry, then Sebastian, and
now Quinn - they all found the one person that they wanted to spend the rest of
their life with. Christian has, too, but that was never going to happen. He was
never going to get married because he would never find someone he would love more
than Shea - it just wasn’t possible. Shit, weddings were so depressing; he
couldn’t wait for the ceremony to be over so he could drink away his sorrows.






Everyone stood as the music started playing. Margot turned
to see the double doors in the back of the room open to reveal Raelynn and her
father. Margot’s breath caught, Raelynn looked absolutely exquisite in her
wedding gown. It was an A-line style ivory strapless dress with a sweetheart
neckline, and a beautiful lace overlay. Her blonde hair was half up with her
veil at the back of her head. She looked elegant and graceful, and Margot hoped
that she would look half as stunning when it was her turn to get married.


Margot glanced at the dais to check out the guys. Sebastian
looked like he was fighting off tears, and Henry and Quinn were smiling as they
watched Raelynn come down the aisle; however, Christian was frowning with his
head bowed slightly. Margot wondered what could possibly be bothering him now.
She elbowed Shea and nodded in Christian direction.


“What is his problem?” she whispered.


Shea’s smile faded as he looked over at his best friend. “I
don’t know, maybe his anxiety is up.”


As if Christian knew they were talking about him, he lifted
his head and looked right at them. Shea mouthed to him, asking if he was okay.
Christian gave him a tight smile and nod before turning to look at Raelynn, who
just stepped onto the dais. Sebastian met her, shook her father’s hand, took Raelynn’s
hand, and led her up to the center where the minister was waiting.


The ceremony was short, sweet, and to the point, maybe all
of fifteen minutes. The bridal party exited first and went to go take pictures,
while the rest of the guests headed for the cocktail hour. Margot got a glass
of champagne off a passing waiter and made her way over to the hors d’oeuvre


“Margot, there you are,” said Anne Beck, who was behind her.


Margot turned to see Quinn’s mother standing behind her
looking lovely in a burgundy colored gown that really brought out her light
green eyes. Margot smiled. “Bonjour, Mrs. Beck.”


“Oh please, call me Anne,” she said, waving dismissively. “I
wanted to ask you how Quinn is doing.
He said very little last night.
Does he seem to be doing okay?” she asked, a hint of concern in her


“Très bien.” She nodded. “He is doing very well,” Margot
assured her.


Anne sighed in relief. “Thank you, dear; I have been a mess
over this whole situation with him. I just feel like it’s my fault.
I should have done something when he
started having those fits when he was a little boy. I thought it was just a
phase he was going through; I never could have imagined that something like
that happened.”


“Non, Anne, do not blame yourself. How could you have
known?” Margot said, taking her hand and squeezing it.


Anne nodded. “I guess. I am just so glad that he’s found
such a wonderful, understanding woman,” Anne said warmly.


Margot smiled. “Merci.”


Anne chuckled and patted Margot’s hand. “I just love when
you speak French!”


Margot spoke with Anne for a little longer before her
husband dragged her away to speak with other guests. Margot sipped her
champagne and looked around at the crowd, everyone seemed to be mingling and
having a good time. She was dying to see Quinn, though.
He looked so handsome in that tux of
his and she just wanted to stare at him all night.


Finally, everyone was ushered to their tables so that the
reception could begin. Margot found her place card and went to table number
two. It appeared that she would be sitting with the bridal party since
Sebastian and Raelynn had their own little sweetheart table. Shea was already
sitting at the table. Margot sat down next to him.


“Bonjour, Shea.”
Margot greeted him.


“Bonjour, Margot,” he replied with a cute little side smirk.


Shea was a very handsome man. He fit right in with the Beck
brothers, that was for sure. Shea had a warm, heartfelt smile and dark brown
eyes that seemed to be always shimmering with amusement. His dark hair cropped
close to his head and he had a short neatly trimmed goatee. Margot has never
seen him dressed up before, and he definitely cleaned up well.


“I have been wondering, how long have you and Christian been
friends?” Margot asked as they waited for the other guests to find their seats.
She did not know much about Shea other than that he and Christian were best


“Jesus, forever. I think we became friends in pre-school and
have been practically glued at the hip ever since,” Shea said, a fond smile on
his face.


“You two are very close then.” She surmised.


“Christian’s my boy; I don’t know what I’d do without him.”
He nodded.


“You are very lucky to have such a wonderful lifelong


Shea smiled. “I am very lucky. Christian is awesome.”


She nodded in agreement. They chit chatted for a couple of
minutes before the DJ got on the microphone, starting the music and the
introductions. The song that came on had Margot and Shea laughing; it was,
Too Sexy,
by Right Said


“If everyone can please turn your attention to the dance
floor, we are going to introduce your bridal party!” The DJ said. “First up, we
have Christian and Bianna!”


Christian and Raelynn’s sister, Bianna, came strutting in
like they were runway models. Christian had his jacket tossed over his shoulder
and a pair of mirrored aviator sunglasses on his face. Bianna flipped her hair
over her shoulder in a very diva-like manner.


“Next, give it up for Quinn and Claire!”


Quinn and Claire walked in. Quinn also had the sunglasses
on, his jacket was open and he had his free hand in his front pocket. Claire
was sucking her cheeks in and had her free hand on her hip as they swaggered
in. Margot couldn’t get over how sexy Quinn looked; she always loved the way he


“Alright now, here’s your Best Man and Matron-of-honor,
Henry and Elise!”


Henry and Elise strutted in, again Henry had on sunglasses,
but he wore an arrogant smile on his face along with them. He slid his
sunglasses down his nose, pointed at someone and blew a kiss before pushing his
sunglasses back up with one finger. Elise did her best runway walk and posed
just before they split apart.


“And now… your couple of the night… Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian


The music
changed to
Sexy and I Know It
by LMFAO right before Sebastian and Raelynn walked out. Everyone stood to watch
them, and honestly, Margot has never seen anything like it. They had a dance
put together and they were both awesome dancers. They were in sync with each other
and were doing all kinds of crazy moves. It was hilarious. Margot knew at that
moment, this was going to be a night to remember.






Quinn laughed and clapped to the music as he watched Raelynn
and Sebastian dance. It was so them. After that, the bridal party went to their
seats and they danced to a slower song with their son Michael, now eight months
old, held in between them. Quinn sat next to Margot and put his arm around the
back of her chair as they watched them sway to the music.


After the song ended, Sebastian handed Michael back to
Raelynn’s mom, and the two of them went to their table. Then Henry got up to
make his Best Man speech. The DJ handed him the mic, and Henry made his way to
the dance floor, which was in the center of the room.


“Good evening everyone. If you have no idea who I am, I am
Sebastian’s older brother and Best Man, Henry Beck. This is my second time
around as Sebastian’s Best Man, and hopefully the last,” Henry said, turning to
give Sebastian a pointed look. Sebastian smirked and nodded. “Anyway…it takes a
special kind of woman to be able to put up with Sebastian day in and day out.
He’s a nightmare to live with, I know this personally, and God knows he’s the
only one on this earth who could annoy the crap out of even the most patient of
souls.” The crowd laughed as Sebastian scratched his nose with his middle
finger. “Raelynn is definitely special; she is an amazing woman, who has become
the center of my brother’s world. It is very easy to see that they are completely
in love with each other and their son. I could not ask for a better
sister-in-law, and I pray that she can put up with all of Sebastian’s flaws for
the rest of their lives.” Henry finished with a wink at Raelynn. The crowd
clapped and cheered as Henry went over and gave Sebastian and Raelynn both a
hug and a kiss before taking a seat.


Dinner came next, buffet style, and it was delicious. After
dinner, the real drinking started. The women went to the dance floor, while the
men headed for the bar. Quinn, his brothers, and some friends did about five
shots before grabbing a beer each. An hour in and Quinn was feeling pretty
He took his bottle of beer
and went to find Margot, who was on the dance floor in a group of women dancing
Don’t Stop the Party
by Pitbull. Quinn sidled up behind her and slipped an arm around her waist. She
glanced over her shoulder and smiled when she saw it was him. Margot turned in
his arms and grabbed his loosened tie, tugging him down for a kiss.


“Are you drunk already, mon amour?” Margot asked, as her
eyebrows rose in surprise.


Quinn shrugged. “I figured you would want me to dance with
you. Well, drunk is the only way that’s gonna happen.”


She laughed. “Oh, so you got drunk for me?”

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