Quinn (The Beck Brothers #3) (21 page)

BOOK: Quinn (The Beck Brothers #3)
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Every time Margot closed her eyes, she saw Quinn’s face as
she drove away.
She saw disbelief
and devastation, and she hated it. She completely let her anger take over, and
she probably did the dumbest thing ever, but she was so furious with him over
what he did, and the way he made her worry. He hurt her, leaving her as he did,
not caring about her at all, and Margot felt that he deserved to be hurt in
return. That is why she left him, she needed him to hurt as she did; she wanted
him to understand what he did to her.


Margot quickly washed up and got out, wanting to get into
something comfy and watch TV for a little while before climbing into bed and
getting some much needed rest. Since she was no longer going to the wedding,
she decided that she would call up a few of the girls from work later to see if
they would want to go out for drinks tomorrow night. Oui. That is what she
would do because she needed to forget about Quinn for a little while.


Margot put on a pair of flannel pajama pants and a tank top
before going out to her living room where she plopped down on the couch. She
just picked up the remote to turn on the TV when someone started banging on her
door. Margot rolled her eyes.
could only think of one person who would be banging on her door right now.


“Margot! Open up!” Quinn’s deep raspy voice called.


Margot ignored him and turned on the TV. She flipped through
the channels as the banging continued.


“Margot! I know you are in there. Your car is here, and I
can hear the TV.
Open the door!”


Margot snorted to herself and continued to flip until she
came to a show she liked. Quinn kept banging and telling her to open the door, but
she kept ignoring him. An hour went by and he was still out there, pounding on
her door. She even heard him snap at a couple of her neighbors who wanted to
know what the hell he was doing.


“Margot, if you don’t open this door right now, I’m going to
break it the hell down! I’m not leaving until you let me in so that we can
talk, so you might as well just come open the damn door,” Quinn called.


Margot sighed and got up. She went over to the door and
peeked out of the peephole. Quinn’s distorted figure was standing there with
his hands on his hips looking determined.
He really was not going to leave until
she talked to him.


“I do not want to talk to you, Quinn,” Margot called through
the door.


“I don’t care.
I’m not letting you break up with me.”


“You do not have a choice.”


“Yes, I do.
will stand out here all night banging on your door until you take me back,” he
in return.


Margot sighed in exasperation; her neighbors would kill her
if she let him do that.
unlocked the door and pulled it open. Quinn stood there with one hand leaning
on the doorframe while the other fist was up and poised to pound on her door
again. His dark hair plastered to his forehead, and a bruise marred his cheek
where Henry punched him. He was still soaking wet, and his gray T-shirt, which
was already snug fitting, was glued to his torso, showing off every ripple of
muscle he had. His jeans hung low on his lean hips and hugged his hard thighs
with their dampness. Damn him for being so sexy when all Margot wanted to be
was mad at him.


Quinn pushed off the doorframe and stepped inside, making
Margot back up as he shut the door. Margot had no time to react because Quinn
was on her in the next second. He grabbed and crushed her against his hard body
as his mouth came down to ravage hers. Quinn backed them up until her back hit
a wall. She gasped against his mouth, completely powerless against his frenzied
She loved him too much
and missed him too much not to respond to his kisses. Her anger slowly pushed
to the back of her mind; the more her kissed and touched her, the farther back
it went.


Quinn dragged his mouth down to her neck, his beard
scrapping her skin deliciously. “Fuck, I missed you...so badly,” he whispered
hoarsely just under her ear.


His hands shoved her pajama pants and panties down her hips.
Margot helped by kicking them away when they made it past her knees. Quinn
quickly undid his jeans and rolled on a condom. She had no idea where it came
from; she didn’t even see him take it out. Then he lifted her, making her wrap
her legs around his waist as he pressed her against the wall with his chest.
Margot let out a strangled cry when he swiftly entered her. She shoved her
fingers into his hair and held on. He moaned, attacking her mouth again, as he
started pumping his hips.


“Margot...” he breathed, his lips brushing hers. “You
can’t...break up with me.”


“Why not?”
panted, nipping at his bottom lip.


“Because I...oh, god...I love you,” he moaned, his brown
eyes opening to meet hers.


“What?” Margot asked, blinking stupidly, sex momentarily


Quinn smiled slightly at her reaction. “I love you,” he


Margot’s eyes immediately teared up, and she smashed her
lips to his so hard that their teeth bumped, but she didn’t care, she just
needed to kiss him. Quinn somehow got out of his wet jeans and shoes, and
carried her over to the couch while still inside of her. He laid her down then
tore his mouth away from hers, so that he could straighten and yank off his
shirt. Margot heard it soggily plop to the floor; he pulled her shirt and bra
off and covered her with his body again.


“Touch me,” Quinn murmured as he nuzzled his face against her
neck, his hips rolling forward.


Margot tentatively slid her hands under his arm and around
to his back. He gathered her up in his strong arms, making it so they were
touching from chest to hip. Margot ran her hands over the muscles of his upper
back before slowly making her way down.
Mon dieu!
She loved the way his skin and muscles
felt under her hands. This was a completely different experience, being able to
touch him like this. She got bolder and raked her nails lightly down his back,
making him hiss and arch, but he did not stop her. Margot decided to take it
one-step further and run her hands down over his tight derrière.


“Shit,” Quinn rasped against her neck.


She immediately lifted her hands, thinking that it was too
much for him. He lifted his head and looked down at her.


“No, it’s okay, you don’t have to stop,” he said softly, his
eyes raking over her face.


“Really?” Margot asked dubiously.


“Yeah, it’s okay,” Quinn assured her.


While Quinn held her gaze, Margot placed her hands back on
his rear end. She loved feeling the way the muscles flexed with each thrust of
his hips. She moaned, her eyes fluttering closed as she felt her orgasm
building. Quinn growled low, vibrating through her chest since they were
pressed so close together. She tightened her grip, pulling him deeper, and he
gasped and dropped his forehead to hers.


“Your touch feels so good,” he moaned.


Annnd...that was it for Margot.
She cried out as her orgasm took over her whole body. Quinn
bit out a curse as he followed her with his own orgasm. They laid there
panting, wrapped in each other’s arms for who knows how long. He finally
groaned and lifted his head from where it was resting on her shoulder.


Margot dragged her eyes open to look up at him. Quinn smiled
softly and she could not help but return it. She reached up and brushed his wet
hair off his forehead. “Je t’aime aussi,” Margot murmured quietly.


“I love it when you speak French, it’s so sexy, but I have
no idea what you just said,” Quinn chuckled.


Margot smiled wider and cupped his bearded jaw. “I said that
I love you, too,” she said sweetly then kissed him.


He grinned. “Well, I definitely like the sound of that.”


She nodded and kissed him again.


“How about we get cleaned up so we can talk?” Quinn asked solemnly
after their kiss.




“Do you have anything I can wear besides a towel? There is
no way I can get back into those jeans,” Quinn asked as he got up off Margot.


“I do have a pair of men’s boxers in the top right hand
drawer of my dresser,” she replied.


Quinn narrowed his eyes at her. “Why do you have men’s


She shrugged. “They are comfy to sleep in sometimes.”


“Mmm hmm.”
grunted as he headed for the bathroom.


Margot sighed and pressed her hand to her racing heart.
Quinn loved her and he let her touch him! He did not freak out, or ask her to
It was incredible! It
obviously really did do him good to leave as he did. How could she stay mad at
him now?
Non, it was impossible.


Margot put her panties and pajama pants back on, and just
put her bra back on, when Quinn stepped into the living room in her boxers. She
could not help but laugh. He gave her a dirty look and planted his hands on his


“Really, Margot? This is your idea of a punishment isn’t


Margot snickered as she looked at her big buff boyfriend
wearing Bugs Bunny boxer shorts, one size too small. They were red with a big
picture of Bugs Bunny on the front holding his carrot and saying, ‘What’s up,


“Non, they look cute on you,” she giggled.


“Cute?” Quinn squawked. “I’ll give you cute!”


Quinn started toward her, and Margot squealed and ran around
the couch. A mischievous grin curled his beautiful lips and she swore her that
heart stopped. She has never seen him smile like that and,
mon dieu
, was it glorious! Quinn chased her
around the couch a few times before hopping over it to try to catch her. Margot
ran down the hall and into her bedroom with him hot on her heels. She was
laughing so hard that she could barely breathe. Quinn ended up tackling her
onto the bed and tickling her until she screamed. Margot absolutely
this rarely seen playful side of him,
even if she hated being tickled. The last time he had been somewhat playful
with her had been when they were in London and she farted.


Quinn let her go after she accidentally kneed him in the
groin. He lay on her bed face down, his hands tucked under him where he was
cupping himself. Margot was lying on her back next to him trying to catch her
breath and


“I am sorry! I did not mean to knee you there!” Margot


“Yeah right, this is all part of your plan to get back at me
for leaving,” he teased, his voice muffled by the comforter.


“Non!” Margot giggled breathily.


Quinn grunted. Margot rolled onto her side and slid her hand
across his back so that she could trace the tattoo between his shoulder blades
with her fingers. She remembered that Quinn said that it was the Chinese symbol
for ‘Strength.’
The tattoo made
more sense now that she knew why exactly he needed strength. He turned his head
so he could look at her, his eyes warm and full of the love and affection he
felt for her.


“I am glad you were able to find the strength to break free
of the chains holding you down,” Margot said.


Quinn’s eyebrows shot up and he pushed up to his elbows.
“That is a very accurate analogy,” he said, impressed. He leaned over and
kissed her on the lips. “You should thank yourself for that, it was thoughts of
you that did it,” he murmured sincerely.


Margot smiled. “You are so sweet, Quinn Beck, do you know


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