Queens' Warriors (16 page)

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Authors: Mari Byrne

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic

BOOK: Queens' Warriors
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Vincent agreed absently, his next thought so tight he wondered if Shan Lin might not glean it.

Now she must claim us truly, or we all shall perish.

* * * * *

Shari’s thoughts were not nearly so morbid. At least about dying, killing on the other hand… The thought held great appeal.

The thought came out of nowhere, but Shari agreed with it. She had worked herself up nearly as much as the hands, teeth, and mouths had done and her body was still on fire. She wanted to scream out her frustration but knew it would only work her up more.

Panting heavily, she tried to hold her body still.

No dice. Her body was screaming in acute frustration needing immediate release.

“Please…” she whispered, her frustration bringing a tear to her eye and a plea to her voice. She was so horny, one touch in the right place and she would go over the edge.

And then the mouths, hands, teeth, and tongues were back, working her into another frenzy. This time, the fingers did not just rim her asshole, they delved gradually inward, stretching at intervals as if to accustom her opening to the intrusion. Each time she thought she couldn’t take another millimeter into her body, the fingers stopped. She nearly groaned aloud in frustration at the cessation but never needed to. Once again, before she knew she was ready to continue, another inch sank deeper.

The fingers, which had previously dipped into her channel, now sank in fully, stroking her, filling her. She began to rock her hips, first forward, jamming them on the fingers in her pussy, then backward, sinking onto the fingers slowly filling her backside. Her mind imagined her body filled with cocks and Shari came screaming her release until the breath left her body.

When the muscles of her body stopped convulsing, Shari found her body truly was filled with cocks. Her mind connected the fact and her body responded.

“More?” Two voices asked simultaneously, passion spilling from the word.

“Fuck me…please.”

Shari was too far gone in desire to realize what she said, but the voices took her at her word. Hips pistoned wildly into her pussy and ass, and Shari held on, reveling in the attention her body received.

Her climaxes came one on top of another until finally her mind overrode her body and she passed out.

* * * * *

It was sometime later that Shari awoke surrounded by bodies and immersed completely in warm fluid. Her first and only thought was thanks.

“Our pleasure,
. You are our bride. Our life. You are our heart and soul. What you desire, what you command, is ours to give,” two gravely voices crooned.

“Did we pleasure you well?” Shan Lin asked as he ran a soapy cloth down Shari’s breast.

Shari stretched briefly, wincing at her body’s delicious aches and smiled, her eyes closing in memory of the love play the two men had given her.

“Immensely. I’d even enjoy a repeat.”

The shaft currently resting against her backside twitched and Vincent spoke in her ear.

“We can arrange it,
. All you have to do is ask.”

Preparing to lift her onto his lap, Shari forestalled him.

“Just as soon as I have a nap. It’s been a long day. It’s not everyday a woman leaves…home and finds herself married. To two men. In another realm…”

Shari’s voice trailed away as her mind began to think of more than sex. She would have to explore that line of thought further. Snuggling against Vincent’s chest a bit more, Shari lay there and allowed the men to tend her.

Just as soon as she had a nap.

* * * * *

Theresa pounded on the door and simultaneously yelled, “Get your lazy asses out here. The night’s not fit for beast nor woman, and we need shelter.”

Theresa smiled, knowing her crew would get a kick out of seeing their Commander ordering Warriors to do anything. Any one of the people in her unit could stand the rain, and they could have even traveled through the night. But as the Captain had known, the crew would enjoy seeing the Warriors, and she was loathe to let the opportunity to spend a night under part of her family’s roof pass her by.

Turning back to the door and raising her fist once more to smash against the wood, she quickly jerked it back when the heavy door opened silently and Winters stuck his head out.

“Ah, my little
. Come in. Come in. If you’ll give me your gear, I’ll store it for you and have rooms prepared.”

Theresa smiled as she walked into her cousins’ home and prepared to make herself comfortable. Stopping on the other side of Winters as he held the door, Theresa took off her protective head gear.

“Are they in, Winters?” she asked him around the rest of her crew coming through the door.

“Yes, they are. At present, they are making their wife comfortable in her new home. Shall I send for them, or would you rather find them yourself?”

Smiling wickedly, and very curious to see the woman who pinned down two of the most eligible bachelors Aranak had on it, Theresa opted to find them herself.

“I’ll go, Winters. I know where they are. Anything you’d like me to tell them?”

Fighting a grin of his own, Winters answered her.

“Please inform their Highnesses dinner will be served in five minutes.”

A sound came from one of her crew and had her looking to them. Standing in the foyer of her cousins’ home, her crew seemed to be in awe. She couldn’t really blame them, and going forward after exchanging a look between herself and Winters, she did her level best to reassure her crew they weren’t walking into the enemy’s camp.

Hearing the words ‘Vicious Warrior’ and ‘Death Bringer’, Theresa held back her smile.

“Ladies and Gents. This is my cousins’ home. The Rayan Princes’ may be hell on their enemies, but to friends, they are gracious hosts. Please, follow Winters who’ll show you to your rooms. I want you back here in five minutes ready to dine with our hosts.”

“Yes, Sir!”

“Dismissed.” Theresa turned and headed in the direction of her cousins’ rooms as her crew went in the opposite direction, awe still clearly showing on their faces.

Making her way into the spacious living area of the house, Theresa passed countless objects of her and her cousins’ trade. Swords hung on the walls next to priceless paintings that hung beside more objects of a Warrior’s trade. She ignored them now as she had when she’d visited the house the last time. They were part of her childhood and had hung there forever.

She continued toward a hallway off to her left that segued to another hallway toward her left. If someone didn’t know their way around the house, they could easily get lost.

Coming to a doorway on her right, she opened it to find an airlift. Stepping in, she punched the button marked with three lines, and waited for the lift to engage.

The ride was short, and opening the door now in front of her, she stepped out into another foyer. The door directly in front of her belonged to the apartments of her cousins’, Shan Lin and Vincent.

Not bothering to knock, she walked right in. The moment she opened the door she heard a woman’s agitated voice and knew she would soon be meeting her marriagecousin. She listened a moment, then continued on toward the voices.

“…don’t care who you are. Put some clothes on. While very impressive, I don’t go around speaking to naked aroused men every day and I’d…”

The woman’s voice trailed off as she spotted Theresa.

“Hello. Sorry to interrupt, but Winters says dinner will be ready in five. Boys, better get a move on and dress like the lady asked.”

The moment she’d opened her mouth, the Warriors sprang into action. Both men, naked as the day they had been born, put their bodies in front of the obviously naked woman, protecting every part of her. The looks on their faces told Theresa everything she would have questioned them about. This was their life-mate, their soul-mate, pure and simple.
help anyone who harmed her.

The smile stayed on her lips even if it dimmed at the thought she’d never have her own set of twins. She relaxed her stance as casually as possible and waited for the bloodlust to leave her cousins’ eyes. The wait was not long.

* * * * *

“Theresa!” Shan Lin and Vincent cried in unison and relaxed their stance around their wife. They both started forward to greet her but halted quickly when she held up her hand for them to stop.

“Your wife’s right. They’re impressive all right,” she gestured toward their midsection, “but I agree with her when she says you need to put some clothes on. I don’t mind for myself, but my crew might be a little discomfited by your dinner attire.”

Vincent watched the smile on her face strengthen into a real one as she spoke, and even though he’d forgotten his state of dress, he was glad Theresa had been able to laugh at their expense. It had been too long since most people had seen a real smile light her eyes, and not just her face.

“Since our wife insists, we’ll dress.” Vincent heard Shan Lin speaking to Theresa even as he heard his brother silently agree with his thoughts.

“Don’t even think if she wasn’t here we’d do anything for you. You’re just lil’ biddy
come to torment us all over again.” Smiling, Shan Lin turned back to Shari and gently kissed her cheek. Vincent walked toward Shari and kissed her other cheek. Both men walked toward a door in the wall and opening it, went through the clothing hanging inside, ignoring Theresa completely.

* * * * *

Shari stared at the woman standing in the doorway. The woman was beautiful with the same good looks the two men shared. She was obviously part of the family, and someone Shari would be wise to avoid.

The orgasms her husbands had just given her were making her daft. She was still wet between her legs with an ache to once again jump one, if not both, of the men currently donning clothing over their magnificent bodies.

Whimpering mentally at the loss of those gorgeous cocks, Shari stepped forward to play the gracious, if newly appointed, hostess. Reaching out her hand as she walked toward the woman, Shari plastered a hopefully convincing smile on her face.

“Hi, I’m Shari. We’ve only been home for a little while, so you’ll have to excuse their behavior. They’re…”

Her mind went blank as she watched the woman hold out her own hand and shake Shari’s. What the hell kind of explanation was she going to give this unknown woman?

“Not to worry, Shari. I’m Theresa Lawsai, a cousin of the two barbarians over there and know just what they’re like. Now even more so.”

There was a choked sound from the closet as the woman spoke and Shari turned to glare at the two men as they dressed. Turning back to Theresa, she was all set to offer the woman a seat when the word clothing registered in her brain.

Looking down at herself, even knowing what she would find, she found she was still naked.

Completely mortified, Shari choked as she tried to find the words to explain just why she was greeting a member of her husbands’ family naked. At the word husbands, she choked again. There were two of them.
Holy Mary, Mother of God. Just what had she gotten herself into?!?

* * * * *

Theresa watched the knowledge come into Shari’s eyes as the woman looked from herself then back up to Theresa.
The poor thing. Yes dear, you’re very naked. But as long as you weren’t going to comment, neither was I. Just think of it as a custom.

Theresa willed the woman to hear her words, and had to wonder if Shari just might have. For one moment Shari was white as
, and the next, red as the blood of the
fruit. Then suddenly, though still the color of
, the woman seemed to steady herself and asked Theresa to have a seat while she dressed.

The woman went to the closet, balled both hands into fists, and sent them flying in opposite directions. One landed on the shoulder of Vincent, and the other landed on the arm of Shan Lin.

Theresa watched as both men flinched politely for their wife then looked over their shoulder with a wink at Theresa. Then their wife was physically shoving both men out of the closet, and the doors slammed behind her.

“What?” the men asked in unison, speaking as they always had when in some kind of trouble with their mother. Together.

Theresa held the laughter in for as long as she could, but could only hold it in for a few seconds. Suddenly, laughter roared out of her. She laughed so hard she fell over and onto the floor, rolling around as she used to do as a child.

When she could finally speak, Theresa saw the brothers sitting across from where she had fallen to the floor.

“Feel better,

Vincent stroked her hair as she sat up. Shan Lin grinned at her from the chair he’d taken while waiting for his wife.

“Yes. Yes I do. It’s been a long week and there’s much I’ve still to tell the two of you. But I
need the laughter.” A look passed between Vincent and Theresa before Vincent turned to look at his brother.

“There will be time later. For now, we need to see to our wife. Out,

* * * * *

Brother mine, she may have not been the intended one we chose, but she
the one destined to be ours.
Vincent pathed to his brother as they waited for Shari to shriek in outrage. Vincent found it a plus their bride had yet to do more than grumble and demand they allow her privacy.

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