Read Queens' Warriors Online

Authors: Mari Byrne

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic

Queens' Warriors (12 page)

BOOK: Queens' Warriors
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His tongue touched hers briefly before moving on to explore her mouth in devastating thoroughness. He skimmed her teeth lightly, touched the sensitive roof of her mouth then sought her tongue once more.

The second touch of his tongue on hers roused her into motion. He slid his tongue along side her own, stroking one side, then the other, coaxing it into a dance of slowly dueling partners.

All the while she tried to concentrate on the wondrous kiss before her, she realized Vincent had not just been sitting idly by and letting his brother get to know her mouth intimately.

Vincent’s hands seemed to have begun an exploration of her body. While Shan Lin’s hands held her face as if she were made of spun glass, his brother’s hands roamed her body in seemingly random patterns.

They had started at the top of her shoulders in a kind of massage that seemed to have loosened her body into Jell-O. They had traveled down her spine lightly massaging here and there along her back, and now were on her hips.

The minute she noticed them there, they moved. With a gentleness Shari never suspected Vincent had, he slid his hands toward her bottom leaving a trail of fire in their wake.

He stopped at the rounded curve of her butt and began to knead her cheeks like an expert masseuse.

A groan escape her throat as Shan Lin’s tongue started to pick up its pace. His thrust became vigorous, just as she felt Vincent moving behind her.

Vincent never took his hands from the position he’d taken on her butt, but Shari suddenly felt her ass plastered into the V between his legs.

Shan Lin continued his assault on her mouth as Vincent guided her body backward and Shari found herself sandwiched between the two brothers on the vehicle’s seat.

Shan Lin took one hand away from her face briefly to adjust his position so Shari could breathe, but was soon back once again. As he lay nearly fully on top of her, she had her evidence of just what the kiss was doing to him.

A hard bulge nudged at the juncture of Shari’s thighs causing her pussy to ache in response. A second bulge nudged the seam of her backside in nearly the same place Vincent’s hands had been.

The feeling of two hard shafts nudging the entrances to her body at one time was heady. Her head spun and her hips began to rock back and forth as both brothers pressed their impressive hard-ons into her.

“That’s it,
. Give in to the fire burning between us.”

Once again Shan Lin let her up for air and Shari drew in deep hungry breaths. All to quickly, Shan Lin re-claimed her mouth.

He stroked his tongue, in and out of her mouth in rhythm to the slow rocking of his hips. Shari quickly found the rhythm and matched him when she felt teeth scrape against her neck.

A cry of pleasure escaped but was quickly swallowed by Shan Lin. Before she knew what was happening, both teeth and tongue were nipping and licking at her neck.

Her pussy was on fire when Vincent bit the lobe of her ear.

“Do you like that Shari? Would you like me to do it again?”

Wanting desperately to say yes, she tried to nod her head.

It must have been a rhetorical question because before she could answer, Vincent sank his teeth into a spot so tender on her neck she near came right then and there.

Her thoughts were shattering rapidly now and when she felt the first questing hand on her breasts, she nearly screamed out loud. Shan Lin was making encouraging noises as Shari’s hips began to rock faster onto the shaft straining against the confines of his pants.

She wanted nothing more than for him to stop what he was doing and take off their clothes to thrust it…

“You want his hard cock in your pussy, don’t you,
? You want his cock buried so deep inside your wet cunt he can never leave you. Is that what you want?”

Vincent asked the question, but Shari was too busy reacting to the moment when he closed his mouth once more over the nape of her neck and bit down hard. Shan Lin did his part as he ground his shaft into Shari’s pussy, his tongue mimicking the thrust of his hips.

Vincent ground his own hard shaft against her ass, then bit down a final time when Shan Lin wrenched his mouth away from Shari’s and the three let out a roaring scream of mutual release.

* * * * *

Shari panted heavily in the aftermath of her orgasm, wallowing in the afterglow. There had been so much light when she came Shari thought for sure she had seen the other side of heaven.

Opening her eyes now when she hadn’t remembered closing them, she smiled up at the man looking down at her. His breath still heaved as he looked on, but a smile of tired joy shone back at her.

“Thank you,

The words, in stereo, caught her by surprise. She turned her head and looked back to find Vincent nearly wore the same look as his brother.

Swiveling her head, she replied, “You’re welcome. That was wonderful.”

The men managed to right themselves and Shari, and she was grateful for their help. Her body seemed to have become boneless. Her limbs had been infused with Jell-O and hardly cooperated when she commanded them to move.

The brothers didn’t seem to be affected as much as she was because they were already sitting up and alert. Shari had to wonder if the men were uncomfortable moving around with come soaking their pants but didn’t want to break the mood by asking.

Although they didn’t look as if they minded…

“We’re here.” Vincent’s gruff voice interrupted Shari’s thoughts. “Would you like to drive through the town, or would you rather get out and walk?”

“Here?” Her mind still refused to work. “Where here?”

It also seemed she’d been reduced to caveman speak.
Where here, indeed.

When she did remember, she sat up all too quickly.

“We’re in Narawhatsit already?” she asked stupidly.
Of course that’s where they were. Wasn’t it where they told her they were headed?

“Naralin. And yes, we’ve been here for about twenty minutes or so.”

Twenty minutes?
She wondered just how close they’d been to the town to begin with, then quickly reversed the thought.

She didn’t really care.

She had just nearly had sex with two completely insane strangers who thought they lived in another Realm. A Realm that wasn’t Earth. In the back seat of a Lincoln Town Car. Which might or might not have a driver in a car, which was not a Lincoln Town Car, but sure looked like one. All the while a strange landscape had past by her with strange vehicles and…

Her mind was rambling. Or so she thought.

“Do not worry, little one. You haven’t gone completely insane. If you’ll look out the window there, maybe it will convince you.”

Shari turned blindly toward the window Shan Lin pointed out of and would have surely fallen off the seat if the two men had not caught her in time.

There, for the entire world to see, was something out of a Star Trek movie.

Hell and damn and shit all rolled into one served with a twist! Dorothy, I’m no longer
near Earth!

* * * * *

“But…? How did you…? What is…” Shari turned in slow circles as she gaped in wondered amazement at her surroundings. Her mind was having difficulties wrapping itself around what her eyes were seeing.

The scene before her could be Anytown, USA if not for the buildings with spacecraft hovering above them. And now upon closer inspection, Shari could see the strange animals. Cattle type creatures baying like hyenas as children walked them as she would a dog. They were also the size of a Pekinese and sported three tails with twice the amount of hair.

The buildings looked strange to her too. It took Shari a moment to realize why. They weren’t brick and mortar as she knew the substances. They appeared to be made of rubber. Shari imagined if she stretched one, it would bounce back as if in a cartoon. Reaching out to try just that, she was pleasantly surprised to find them more solid than rock, but much softer.

“Easier to wash down and more practical. They can withstand a severe catastrophe. We’ve managed to create material that can withstand what you would term a hurricane.” Shan Lin smiled indulgently at Shari as he explained.

“Amazing,” Shari muttered.

Do I pinch myself?

“No, you needn’t. But if you’d like, I’d be more than happy to show you the areas on your body a pinch would produce the most pleasure.”

Shari whipped her head around at the husky suggestion to find Vincent hovering to her left, a wicked gleam in his eyes promising even more pleasure than she had recently found.

Cheeks flaming, Shari stared at him for a brief moment. Her first thoughts were a jumble of immediate escape attempts from this insanity. On the other hand, they were warring with the memories of pleasure she had found so recently in the arms of this man and his brother.

“You need not fight your body’s natural response to us. You only have to ask and we will leave here immediately allowing you to find as much pleasure as you are willing to take.”

The purring offer was whispered in her ear by Shan Lin making, Shari shudder. She felt a hand come up to slowly caress her back in slow sensual circles, which left trails of pleasure skittering through her body. A soft moan sounded from her lips as her eyes closed on the amazing sights around her. Two other hands found their way onto her body. One of the hands wrapped possessively around a butt cheek and began a massage of its own. The other cupped the side of her face and turned it toward its owner.

“Anything you wish. Any time you want. In any way you can imagine, we’ll give you. You have us until you cannot stand to be apart from us, until you crave our touch more than your next breath of life giving ether. We are at your beck and call for anything you desire.”

Shari felt the butterfly soft kisses along the back of her neck and her body’s response to them. Her pussy began to pulsate in time to her racing heart as her barely satiated body ached for its next release.

She was at the point of giving into the demands her body screamed for when a loud crash sounded. She tried to pull away abruptly from the embrace of the two men now surrounding her, but found it impossible. Both Shan Lin and Vincent had her locked tightly against their bodies and instead of the relaxed muscles she had just been held against, the two men’s bodies had become hard as a stone.

Her head was nearly surrounded by the chests of the two men and when she tried to wiggle out of the embrace, a hand came up and firmly held her head still.

. We will protect you. No harm shall ever come to you.”

Shari snorted out loud, a muffled response followed.

“What?” a distracted Vincent asked.

“Leeeh hooo!”

“What?” Shan Lin asked as he finally turned his attention to Shari and eased up his hold.

Shari began to struggle harder in their embrace drawing in a deep breath. Glaring back at Shan Lin, then at Vincent, who had finally let her go, she gritted her teeth and answered once again.

“I said,
let go

Straightening her clothing to give her something to do so she wouldn’t hit either man, Shari ignored Shan Lin and Vincent and turned to find where the noise had come from. When she finally did locate the commotion still going on, her mouth gaped open once again.

“Everything is fine. One of the local shop owners had just dropped his merchandise.” Shan Lin informed her unnecessarily.

“I can see that.” Shari replied in an aggrieved tone. She watched as the man ran around what seemed to be a million tiny chicks running in every direction of the street.

Well, maybe not a million
, she quickly amended. But there sure were a lot of them.

No one seemed to pay the man chasing the chicks any mind, all eyes stayed trained on the animals scurrying to and fro. In fact, most of the people walking down the street were doing their best to avoid the animals.

“Why are the people not helping him? They’re only chicks. The worst they could do to a person would be to peck their hands.”

She directed the question to no one in particular, but Vincent answered her in a conversational tone.

“Actually. Those are
. They’re more inclined to open their beaks and take a hand or foot off, than to actually peck at you. The man should run in and grab some protective gear before he touches them.”

“Think we should ask if he needs help?” Shari turned from watching the man nearly capture three chicks at once as she asked the question of Vincent. Then watched as Vincent almost hid a grimace.

“That bad are they?”

Vincent shook his head then turned to his brother resignedly.

“Stay with her, I’ll take care of this.”

Before walking off, he turned back to Shari, grasped her against his body, kissed her roughly yet thoroughly, then sauntered over to the now cowering man.

It took Shari a moment to recover from the kiss, and when she did, she began muttering to herself.

“I’ve got to get away before I convince myself to stay.”

BOOK: Queens' Warriors
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