Push The Button (2 page)

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Authors: Feminista Jones


BOOK: Push The Button
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5:34 p.m.

Nicole impatiently tapped her fingers on the steering wheel of her Chevy Malibu. A nervous tick of hers, she found that the brevity with which she tapped her fingers directly correlated to the trouble she anticipated she’d find herself in.

She was late.

Though He indicated that His flight landed at 5:40 p.m., she knew that arriving at least 30 minutes ahead of schedule was what He considered her being on time. Occasionally, flights arrived early and He hated having to wait in crowded airports. Of course today, of all days, is the one where His flight landed at 5:22 p.m. and she was nowhere near the airport.

Where are you??

When she received that text, Nicole knew she was in trouble. If she knew anything, she knew He never wanted to have to question where she was; He was to be in the know at all times. When she received the text alert that His flight had landed, and she was at least 10 minutes away, she knew what was in store for her. She prepared herself for the chastisement, swallowed every urge to refute and explain, and accepted her shortcoming for what it was- a disappointment to Him. She had another disappointment to explain, the reaction to which she feared even more.

She bombed her presentation.

From the slideshow she spent weeks working on not working properly, to her administrative assistant having not brought paper copies, to her spilling her coffee on poster charts she’d paid a great deal for, to one of the board members falling asleep… she felt like completely failed at one of the most important presentations of her career. She tried to salvage what she could and rely on her outstanding verbal skills, and most of the members seemed to be supportive, but she didn’t feel that she was able sell the idea beyond any doubt or question as she’d intended. She braved a smile through handshakes and nods, but walked away with the sinking feeling that she’d failed and her project would not receive the approval she sought. For the rest of the day, she found herself lost in her own mind, drowning in doubts of her abilities. She dared not express them to Him because He hated when she got like this. She knew, though, that the first thing He would inquire about upon being greeted at the airport would be the presentation. As if the disappointment she had in herself wasn’t enough…

5:57 p.m.

“You’re late. You may speak”

“I know. I’m sorry, Sir”

“Explain yourself”

“My day didn’t go so well”

“And that takes priority over your obligation to your service and responsibilities?”

“Of course not!”

“Watch your tone…”

“I’m sorry, Sir”

“Let’s go”

David began walking, heading towards the parking lot leaving his suitcase where it stood. Nicole knew He meant for her to bring it and follow behind Him. And so it begins, she thought to herself. This was her penance for being late and taking an agitated tone with Him. She grabbed his suitcase and followed behind Him, head down. It was an embarrassment for her to carry His bag, as He was a gentleman and would never have His woman, whom he cherished carry His bags. He stopped walking and she continued, knowing she had to guide Him to where the car was parked. Walking in front of Him was something she was never completely comfortable with, but she figured this was part of her penance too. His leading was something she craved, especially after periods when He’d been away on business and she spent several days without His physical guidance and leadership. She quickened her pace, hoping He would follow suit. Instead, He continued to walk with slow, measured steps, each one more deliberate than the last… each tap of the heels on his chocolate brown Kenneth Cole loafers heightening her anxiety.

When they arrived at the car, He opened her door and she slid inside. He put His suitcase in the trunk, entered the driver’s side and turned the key in the ignition.

“How did your presentation go?”

She knew this question was coming and no matter how many ways she considered presenting the truth to Him, she knew she would not be able to avoid telling it. She remained quiet, breathing deeply, a mixture of embarrassment, disappointment, anger, frustration, and the overwhelming desire to please Him stirring inside of her. Tears began to form behind her now-closed eyelids. She sniffed them back.


David turned to look at her and she felt His gaze burning through her. He knew her…so well. When they first met, they were both amazed by how easily and quickly they fell in close with each other. They were comfortable, almost immediately, and became close friends rather quickly. She seemed to see Him plainly, for who He was, in ways most people in his life, even life-long friends seemed to overlook. He recognized, in her, a support system, a friend, a confidant, a cheerleader, and later, a fantastic lover. She felt that He was genuinely interested in who she was, the woman behind the mask, and He made it clear that He had no intention of letting her go, no matter how their relationship developed. Things were intense for them both from the very beginning. They were each recently coming out of romantic situations, both scared to rush into new ones. They took much-needed time getting to know each other, enjoying each other’s company and reveling in the newness and simplicity of dating. From the beginning, she recognized the natural Dominance in Him. She was drawn to it, compelled to serve and please Him, beyond anything that even made sense that early; He was her One. Before her submission informed her of this fact and before His Dominance claimed her as His to own. It just was. He’d been unsure of Himself, at least in terms of how to display His Dominance with her; this was somewhat new to Him. He asked her to help Him learn, to guide Him so that He could grow to be what she needed in a Dom. She was more than happy to do so and, in the beginning, she would often drop hints here and there. She had more experience in “The Life” than He did, but He never seemed intimidated by that. She was never overbearing or chastising. She gently guided Him with subtlety He appreciated. The more time they spent, either in person, online, or via phone, the more comfortable He grew in His Dominance, she in her submission, and they grew together.  Their love for each other grew, slowly, surely, intentionally, and purposefully.  He would eventually take over and she no longer needed to tell Him what she needed and craved; He knew. David came to know and fully understand Nicole’s needs like the back of His own hand and was intrinsically tuned into her desires.

Now, as they sat in the car cloaked in excruciatingly loud silence, intense electricity began to form between them. Still, she said nothing. She couldn’t.  In the next second, His left hand was clasped firmly around her throat, forcing her face upwards. His lips were less than an inch away from her left ear and she could feel the warmth of his breath against her eardrum.

“Answer me”

She opened her mouth, but no words came out. She responded, just not verbally. As she felt her panties dampen, she closed her eyes and for the first time that day, felt herself relax a bit. He was home. He turned her face towards His and she opened her eyes. He searched her face for answers and she read in His eyes that He was beginning to understand what was wrong with her. His face softened and His hand released its grip of her throat. She leaned back and fastened her seatbelt as he fastened his own, checked the rearview mirror, and put the car in reverse. He paused, slightly.

“Crop or cane? Speak”


“Ok. Let’s go home”



6:58 p.m.

She’d been on her knees for fifteen minutes.  When they arrived at home, she immediately removed her clothing, put on her collar, and took her place on her knees on the service pillow He’d had made for her. When she was being disciplined or punished, no pillows were allowed and she had to deal with the discomfort of their hardwood floors. This time was different, though. This scene was for release. David had the pillow custom made for her, purple satin case with the word “HIS” sewn into it in cursive. She waited for Him while He showered and used the time on her knees to clear her mind and spirit as much as possible. She had to prepare to receive Him and what was to come.

She was so intensely into her meditation that she didn’t hear Him walk up behind her. She was startled when she felt her head jerked back by a hand wrapped in her hair.

“I’ll ask again…how did your presentation go?”

She said nothing, still feeling paralyzed by embarrassment. Her lips parted slightly, but the words didn’t come. The warm sting of the bamboo cane as He brought it down across the right cheek of her buttocks was a welcome distraction. Then the second… and the third… and then the fourth.

She felt the heat spread across her skin as he pulled her head back further. Her eyes remained closed and unconsciously licked her lips. She felt the pluck of His fingertips across her lips.

“Don’t get too comfortable, Star. You are a nasty girl, indeed, but this isn’t the time for that. Focus”

Star was her “scene” name, her “sub” name, the name He’d given to her when He claimed her as His. He had once said that she shone brilliantly as the brightest reflection of His light, so “Star” was the perfect name for her.
“I asked you a question. Twice. With no answer, yet. Have you forgotten how this works?”

She shook her head as best she could, given the tight grip He had on her hair.

“This is how it works… I ask, you answer. You don’t answer, I make your skin burn. Do you understand? Speak.”

She nodded her head in response.

“I said ‘Speak’!”

For emphasis, He drew the hand wielding the bamboo cane further back and brought it down harder again the same surface area He had just reddened. She flinched this time, quite visibly. She was beginning to feel the painful side of it.

She remained silent. He drew back and smacked her again. Again she flinched, this time falling forward a bit, as far as she could go with His other hand grabbing her hair. He could tell the pain was getting to her, but she was holding something stronger back.

“Talk to me, Star. Tell me what happened. Speak now!”

Another whack, this time on the left cheek. He took care not to overdo it and do anything that could lead to permanent tissue damage. He knew that alternating spots to strike was important, and would elicit different responses. He also knew that she was far more sensitive on the left side, which He was reminded of when she let out a painful yelp.

“I blew the presentation!”

“What do you mean?” He asked as he pulled her, by hair, back to a tall kneeling position. When she didn’t speak immediately, He struck her on the left cheek again.

“What. Do. You. Mean??”

Each word was accompanied by another strike of the cane. Two strikes on the upper portion of her cheek, two on the lower. She whimpered, falling forward again. This time He let her hair go and let her fall forward. She sniffed back tears again, as she did in the car.

“Oh no you don’t…”

He struck her again, this time on the backs of her upper thighs. Ten cane strikes, even tempo, consistent force, different parts of her thighs. This was her weakest area. She usually didn’t last very long when He focused there. The tears began to flow freely. She didn’t lift her face to him. She began rocking back and forth crying harder with every rocking movement.
“Tell me, Star. Tell me what happened that was so bad”

She stopped rocking and the words poured forth. She told Him everything about the mishaps of the presentation and how she felt like a complete failure. He stood quietly, cane still in hand, and listened intently. He didn’t caress her or even touch her with His hands at all. He let her have this moment, this release. He stood firm in front of her, which was all she needed in that moment. She cried through her recount, letting go of the tears she’d been holding back the entire day. At the end, she fell forward, placing her forehead on the tips of His now bare feet.

“I’m so sorry, Sir. I’m sorry I let you down. I’m sorry I failed you. I’m sorry I failed myself. You believe so much in me. You helped me with this for weeks. You’ve shown me so much care and support…and I failed. Forgive me, please!”

Teardrops landed on His feet and rather than brush them away, she rubbed them in. He loved when she washed His feet with her tearful releases.

“You did not fail me. You did not fail yourself”

“Yes I did!! Yes I did!!”

“Are you disputing me and my assessment? Is that what’s happening right now?”

“No, of course not, Sir. I’m sorry. I… I’m just struggling with this.”

“Let it go, Star”

“It’s not that easy”

“I said… Trust in me and Let. It. Go. Now!”

With that last command, He grabbed her by her arms and pulled her up off of her knees. They were now standing face-to-face, almost eye-to-eye. He shook her shoulders a bit.

“You have to let it go. You did the best you could. You encountered a few mishaps, but it happens to the best of us”

She looked down. She couldn’t seem to bring herself to accept what He was saying as truth. He lifted her chin up with His index finger. He leaned closer and kissed her, softly at first, then increasingly deeper as He sought to convey His love and appreciation for her and her intelligence and skills. She felt herself relax and melt into His arms. He caught her. He always catches her. He gently led her to their bedroom and guided her to lie on their bed. She couldn’t lie on her back, as her skin was still on fire, so she lay on her stomach. He retreated to the bathroom and retrieved the skin cream she liked, the one that soothed her best after a scene like this. He gently applied the cream to the areas He could see were in need of tender care. When He was done, He lay in bed next to her, sitting up on their pillows.

“Service me”

She moved towards Him, taking Him into her mouth. This was her favorite way to pleasure Him and He thoroughly enjoyed the warmth of her mouth and the skilled ways in which she almost devoured him. He could feel her throat massaging His tip, her tongue lavishing attention on His shaft, and he leaned His head back closing His eyes.

“I’m going to cum this way tonight, so don’t you dare stop”

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