Push The Button

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Authors: Feminista Jones


BOOK: Push The Button
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“I want to see you”

Though the words could be taken as a request or a simple expression of His wants, she knew that they were heavier than that. Five typed words, one command sent via text, and she had but a few minutes to comply completely.

It did not matter that it was 4:07 a.m. or that she had been deeply asleep for 5 hours. She knew that keeping her phone under her pillow was necessary, as He could summon her at any moment and she had to be available, ready, and willing to do whatever was asked of her. She groggily rolled off of the side of her bed, stumbling over her shoes then regaining her composure, and made her way to the bathroom. She splashed water on her face, removing remnants of her nightly facial mask, brushed her teeth, removed her scarf and fluffed her hair a bit. Staring briefly at her reflection, she thought, 
This will have to do. 
 She turned on her computer and while it booted up, she went to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. She glanced at the clock. 4:14 a.m. 
Not bad. 
She hurried to the couch and signed onto Skype. Within 30 seconds, her screen flashed with an incoming call.

“Good morning, beautiful girl”

She smiled at His greeting, and put her headphones in. For some reason, listening to His voice via earbuds made her feel closer to Him. She sat up straight and stared at His chest, which wore no shirt. She could see the chest hair she’d fallen asleep against many times before. She felt familiar warmth slowly begin to stretch across her skin.

“You may speak”

She continued to look at His chest, having not yet received permission to make eye contact.

“Good morning, Sir. It is an honor to be at your service. May I ask how you are?”

“You may”

How are you, Sir? How was your day? Is there anything I can do for you at this time?”

“I am well. My day was long, rather exhausting. Look up…”

She raised her eyes without hesitation, meeting His sleepy, but focused gaze.

“I’m being pulled so many ways at work. I know I can handle it, but some days… some days it is just too much. I must have clocked 15 hours today.”

“Oh, Sir, I’m so sorry to hear that. I know you’ve been dealing with a lot at work lately and I hate that it is overwhelming you this way. How can I help you, in this moment?”

“It would help if you followed my instructions and appeared on screen prepared. I’ve mentioned this before, so you’re not unaware. Have you forgotten? Lost your rule book? What?”

She’s felt the chills of disappointment prickle down her spine. In her sleepy disorientation, she’d forgotten to fully remove her clothing and attach her collar. The last time, she had gone to sleep with the collar on because He had demanded she do so. This time, it was beside her bed, in the drawer of her nightstand.

“Get it”

She scurried to her bedroom and withdrew her collar. She hastily fastened it to her neck and ran back to her computer.

“I don’t remember telling you to put it on. Take it off… Now. You think you deserve to wear My collar right now? Never mind, don’t answer that. I don’t want to hear a word”

The bite of the last word forced her eyes to cast downward, shamed. Embarrassed, she removed the collar, holding it in her hands, thumbs rubbing over the ridges in the leather. She received the purple collar on her birthday, 9 months prior. After a year of training and service, she’d received her most coveted prize: His collar. She’d known better than to ask for it, but several times during any given week, she would catch herself fingering her neck longingly. When out with her friends in The Life, she would often feel tinges of jealousy while looking at their beautiful collars. She would only hope that her submission pleased Him sufficiently and that He would, one day, bestow upon her His symbol of ownership. When He took her out for her birthday, during for a walk in the park after dinner, he surprised her with the collar. He sat her down on a bench, stood behind her, and clasped it around her neck, whispering only, “You’re mine.” It was one of the best nights of her life and she cherished His gift and His appreciation of her. She never wanted to disappoint Him, but there were times, like this, that she faltered and made simple mistakes.

I’m sorry”

“Don’t be sorry. Do what I ask of you and prepare yourself accordingly when I summon you. It’s rather simple, actually. Do as you’re told. Look up…”

She looked up and met his eyes, this time seeing a smile. She didn’t immediately understand where the smile came from, but she felt comforted. That was enough for her at the moment.

“Take off your clothes”

This was not a new request and she knew very well what He wanted when He commanded it. He enjoyed her slow movements, never breaking eye contact… focused… deliberate… dancing on the bridge between sensuality and gratuitous sexuality. She was wearing an ivory satin push-up bra and white boy shorts, so she didn’t have much to remove. She reached behind her back and gingerly unhooked the latches of her bra. She then delicately hooked the index finger of her right hand under the left strap and guided it down her shoulder. She did the same for the other side, never breaking eye contact. She watched Him shift in His seat a few times, which she recognized as the onset of His arousal. She was pleasing Him.

“Show me”

She fully removed the bra and cupped her breasts. They weren’t overly large, but not small either. They were a full C cup, and He deemed them “perfect” for His taste. When He made this simple command, she knew He meant that she was to present them to Him, playfully and sensually, so she began massaging her breasts and rolling the nipples in between her thumbs and index fingers.


She watched Him lean back in His chair and slowly place His hand atop His groin area. She could see slight twitches in His boxer-briefs, but dared not let her enjoyment of His new predicament show in her face. He could read her so well. She lifted her left breast towards her mouth, preparing to suck the nipple when He stopped her…

“Where’s your toy? Go get it. Now.”

She rushed to her bedroom again, opened the same drawer, and pulled out her lilac g-spot vibrator. She hurried back to her computer and looked at the screen. She saw that He had removed his boxer briefs and was holding Himself, slowly stroking back and forth, up and down. She knew what He needed. She sat back on her couch and lay back, spreading her legs.

“Push the button”

She turned on the vibrator and it began to buzz in her hands. She looked up at Him, meeting his eyes again.

Sir, may I play with myself?”

“Yes. Do what I need you to do, what you need to do…”

Angling herself for a better view, she began to move the vibrator along the outer lines of her vagina. It slid easily, as she was naturally well-lubricated. With her left hand, she spread the lips wider and with her right hand, she massaged herself with the lilac-colored device. With every movement, she slipped deeper into the moment and allowed herself more enjoyment of it. At least He’d given her permission to do so, this time. He told her to do what she needed to do and she proceeded to do just that. She broke eye contact with Him when her own eyes began to roll back into her head. Her hips slowly began to gyrate to the rhythm her hand and toy had started. After a few minutes and at last three low groans from Him, she inserted the toy inside.

“Yes, baby girl. That’s it. Show me. Good girl. Make my pussy cum for me. NOW”

Hearing the urgency in His voice, she knew He was not far off from His own release. She knew He needed her to give Him the visual stimulation He needed to get over and release completely.  Making Him cum was one of her greatest pleasures. To be able to serve Him in such a way, cater to His pleasure… she felt so lucky and honored to be the one He chose to be the source of His pleasure.  She widened her legs and pushed the toy deeper until it hit her spot. She knew it would be any second now. She moaned once, and then again, and finally a low, guttural raw sound came from her throat as she felt the wave of an intense orgasm take over her body. She felt her body jerk as her back arched and just then, her body released its juices and she squirted them all over her keyboard, some of it hitting the screen. She knew better than to be embarrassed by this, though, because He loved every drop that came from her.

She opened her eyes just in time to see Him making his final feverish strokes as He erupted into a handful of tissues he had. She hated to see His cum go to such waste, but what could she do?

Did I please you, Sir?”

“Oh. Yes. Yes, baby girl. You were fantastic! You always are”

She beamed with pride, despite her temporary weariness.

“Good girl”

Thank you, Sir. I’m glad to be of service to you”

She lowered her head again, gathering her belongings. She’d clean it up tomorrow, she was too tired now.


She looked up, having heard her birth name. She saw his hand extended, open palm, towards the camera.

“Yes, David?”

“I love you. So much”

“And I adore you, my love”

“You are so fucking beautiful. I wish you could have come on this trip with me”

“I know, honey”

“I’ll be home Friday”

“I can’t wait”

“You may put your collar on. Sleep well with it until then”

“Ok, I will”

She blew Him a kiss and signed out of Skype.  She padded back to her bed, stretching her limbs a bit to work out the kinks from their awkward positioning during their session. She lay down and heard the notification ring on her phone. She glanced at it and saw a text from Him.

“You’re mine.”

She typed the only response He needed and expected:














Waking up before her alarm went off, Nicole lay in bed awake, but with her eyes closed. She spent a few minutes committing her dream to memory before she lost the details that could reveal some important revelation about her present and/or future. A believer in dreams, stars, mysticism and things of that nature, she did not take for granted what truths were being imparted upon her spirit by way of oft-overlooked occurrences, such as vivid dreams here and there. In this particular dream, she was about seven months pregnant with twins, a male and female, and was on bed rest because the male fetus showed early signs of potential cardiac issues. She remembered David being by her side in a hospital room, mulling over a decision related to the twins, but she could not remember exactly what it was. She focused a bit more…nothing.

United 4679, 5:40 p.m., LGA. Black-and-white Donna Karan pinstripe pencil skirt, white silk Calvin Klein blouse. The peep toe pumps. Good luck today.

Her phone buzzed with a text from David. He was set to come home today from his business trip and she was excited to see Him. She knew that getting involved with a man who traveled a lot for business would be tricky and lead to many lonely nights, but she was supportive of His ambition and drive and happily accepted her role as being his primary support and biggest cheerleader.

Well, that was easy, she thought with a smile. She hated the time she wasted trying to figure out what to wear to important meetings at work. He knew this, of course, which is why He told her what to wear. He was also very particular about what He wanted to see when He arrived home. Rather than risk disappointment, Nicole consented early on to His dictation of her attire.  He made His preference known, simply, and she fulfilled his wishes, completely.

She was presenting a proposal to the board of directors for the non-profit agency for which she was one of two Deputy CEOs. She wanted to start a new initiative that would create internship opportunities for current clients within the agency itself, since the poor economic climate limited work opportunities for the people with whom they worked. She’d done all of the necessary research and put together a 30-minutes presentation, complete with a slide show, short video and printed materials. She felt both confident and nervous because this initiative was near and dear to her heart and she wanted to convince the board that it was worth the financial and human resource investment.

You’ll do fine. Relax. You got this.

Her phone buzzed again… another text, right on time. He knew exactly how nervous she felt and how important today was in her career. He’d worked it out so that He could get an earlier flight and come back to be there for her when her work day was done. She loved that about Him, the effort He made to be supportive of her.

Nicole showered and dressed, then did her hair and make-up. Conservative, mostly, with enough subtle sex appeal to grab the attention of those who might be interested. One of the things she’d become better at during the time she’d been involved with David was embracing her femininity, her sensuality, and using it to her advantage when necessary. A little employment of feminine wiles never hurt anyone, she would come to discover. With that in mind, she unbuttoned the top button of her blouse, exposing her “work collar”. She had a few collars, a variety to choose from in whatever environment or circumstance she found herself in. He made sure of that. For work, she wore a simple sterling silver herringbone necklace with a platinum heart charm. Engraved into the back of the charm was one word: Mine. Each piece given to her by Him made clear that she belonged to Him… and she reveled in that. After one last glance into the mirror, and one quick caress of the heart charm, Nicole took a deep breath, grabbed her valise and other presentation items, and left for work.

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