PureIndulgenceVSue (2 page)

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Authors: VictoriaSue

BOOK: PureIndulgenceVSue
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Joe pulled out of the parking lot and sped down the road. There was hardly any traffic this time of year, so he could open the engine up. He cruised down Templeton Road until he had to slow for the changing lights. He glanced to his left as he slowed.

What the hell?
Adam’s bright yellow mini was half-balanced on the curb, listing to one side. Joe could see the flat in the back tire from here, and a small figure hunched over it.

Joe quickly did a U-turn, deciding he’d best lend a hand. He wasn’t supposed to, but hell, the road was deserted. He was just in time to see another truck crawl past Adam. He heard shouts—definitely the word
—before he pulled alongside the mini. The other truck sped off.

Adam was hunched over the wheel, swearing like a trooper. He’d jumped up, fear written all over his face, as he’d heard Joe pull up alongside him. He raised the wrench across his chest.

Joe jumped out of the truck. “I hope you’re not gonna hit me with that.” He stumbled as Adam launched himself at Joe like a five foot hurricane.

I am
glad to see you.” Adam clung to Joe in obvious relief and Joe grinned back and totally forgot he shouldn’t be letting him. Adam scraped a wet cheek across Joe’s face as he lowered himself.

Joe tilted Adam’s chin up. “Hey, it’s okay. Did this just happen? I thought you left a while ago.”

Adam sniffed and lowered his eyes. The Dom in Joe wanted to take him back in his arms. “No, I’ve kinda been stuck,” Adam said. “I can’t get the thingies”—he pointed accusingly at the wheel—“undone.”

Joe grinned—he couldn’t resist. “You don’t usually have a problem with nuts.” Adam’s jaw fell and he chuckled. It wasn’t often Joe got to shut Adam up. If he ever scened with him he’d have to use a ball gag. Of course, that thought sobered Joe instantly. Maybe he should get a pink flashing sign above his head—
Joe is gay.

Joe felt the boy’s hand on his arm. Adam fixed him with a mischievous face. “Seriously Sir, I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t...come for me.”

Joe gave that comment precisely the attention it deserved. He ignored it.

In no time, they got the wheel changed. With some exasperation, Joe noticed the spare tire wasn’t exactly full of life either. “Why didn’t you call me? You know I would have driven straight out.”

Adam waived his phone. “Battery’s dead.”

Joe was just about ready to strangle him. He heaved a sigh. “I’m going to follow you home. I don’t trust that car to get you there.”

Adam flushed and fidgeted. “It’s okay, I’m sure you’re tired. I don’t live far.”

Joe frowned. He was definitely getting bad vibes from Adam. Why wouldn’t he want him to see where he lived? “I will follow you home.”

He stared at Adam quietly until Adam’s eyes dropped. “Yes, Sir.”

Joe got in his truck. He was curious. He wanted to know why Adam was so reluctant for him to follow him home, and he also hadn’t missed the second “Sir”. The subs didn’t have to call the masters “Sir” outside of the club, and he was certain the first time Adam had just been teasing him. The second seemed automatic, though, submissive. Joe tried hard not to think how much it excited him. He’d never scened with Adam, obviously—he wasn’t gay
But to give Adam his due, he’d really helped last year when Lee had been kidnapped. Joe had stepped up to help Callum and he and Adam had been thrown together quite a bit then. And it wasn’t like Joe had suddenly started liking any other boys. Of course, now that he was a friend it was only right Joe should take an interest in the kid. He was just trying to repay the favor. Yeah, that was it.

He trailed the yellow mini until he came to a late night 7-Eleven. Joe frowned. Where the hell was Adam going? He parked the mini at the side. Joe pulled the truck up alongside the mini and got out. Maybe Adam needed some milk or something. Adam walked up to Joe and shuffled his feet a little. “Thanks for following me home.”

Joe looked at the shop, astonished. “Where do you live?”

Adam blushed. “My apartment’s around the back. You don’t need to follow me farther—I’m home now.”

A trickle of something Joe didn’t like wound its way down his spine. “Adam, I don’t care where you live. I just want to make sure you get in safely.”

Adam blushed again. “It’s small. I can’t afford much.”

“I don’t care. I’m not going until I know you’re in.” Joe firmly set off to the back of the store.

Adam quickly caught up to him up and gestured to the fire escape. “It’s up there.”

Adam climbed the steps, Joe right on his heels. Joe saw the smashed padlock and the door ajar at the same time that Adam made a funny noise in his throat and took a step forward. Joe shot his arm out to block him.

Last day on the job and he had no gun on him. Joe immediately stepped in front of Adam and pushed at the door. A smell like rusty nails hit Joe, and every hair on his arms stood up. Adam paled. Joe had been on the job too long not to have developed a strong stomach. “Stay here.”

He cursed again at his lack of a gun. Joe saw immediately that the place was empty. It was one very small room, attached to a smaller space with a toilet just visible. Someone had attempted to close it off with a curtain, but that lay in tatters on the floor. The room was completely trashed. The drawers in the only chest were ripped open and smashed. Clothes had been torn and thrown about.

Joe heard a small gasp and whirled around to see Adam had taken a step inside the door. Joe followed Adam’s appalled gaze to the wall above what used to be Adam’s bed. On the wall, the only thing left was a blown up picture of Adam, the same one as the cover shot for the magazine. In what Joe knew was blood—from the smell—were scrawled the words:

Indulge me.



Chapter 2


Joe just had time to shakily acknowledge the incredible relief that he’d insisted on following Adam home when he heard another small sound and turned around to see Adam’s eyes roll up. He lunged and caught the boy before he hit the floor. Adam was out cold.

Joe settled Adam carefully in his arms then turned and walked down the steps, doing his best not to jostle Adam. He noticed the store was closed and swore softly. Then he remembered the cooler in the truck still had a couple bottles of water. He’d got used to driving around with a cooler and water on the nights he’d had to sleep in there. He managed to open the back door and get Adam inside just as he was stirring.

Joe started the engine. Adam might need the air on. He put his hand to Adam’s forehead, but it seemed cool. Joe pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and quickly made two calls. Adam groaned just as he finished the second.

“Hey, lie still. You’re okay.” Joe slid into the back where he’d propped Adam up. Without thinking about it too much, he picked up Adam’s hand. It was cold, clammy. Joe rubbed it.

Adam blinked slowly. “S-sir?”

One word that Joe didn’t just like this time. It hit him in the gut, as if that was what he wanted Adam to call him. Joe stilled. Did he? Did he want Adam to call him that? Adam groaned softly, and Joe scooted closer and pulled him in to his side.

Whatever. Adam needed him now. He had to get his shit together and stop second guessing every damn thing. “Hey, it’s okay. Cops are on their way.”

One of the calls Joe had made had been to his buddies. There was no way he was going to let this one go to someone he didn’t know. He could hear a siren. He’d also called the paramedics, and a good thing because Adam was now shaking.

“What was it…who…?” Adam stammered. Joe could feel his panic.

“Here, take a sip of water.” Joe held the bottle, because Adam’s shaking hands couldn’t. An EMT truck pulled in at the same time as a beat up blue sedan. Joe smiled, satisfied at the sight of Dobbs and Rodriguez. The sheriff car pulled in just as the EMTs were getting out—that was an automatic response because he’d called an ambulance. Joe had a quick word with the paramedics and slid out of the truck. A small hand grabbed his arm—Adam.

Joe looked into his white face. “Let them check you out. I just need to go talk to the cops.” He gave what he hoped was a reassuring smile and moved out of the paramedics’ way.

Joe put his hand out to Carl Rodriguez. “Thanks, guys.”

Dobbs got out of the blue sedan and the wiry, bald man pulled a jacket on. He grinned at Joe. “Halloran, you ain’t even been gone one day.”

Joe laughed and beckoned. “Up here guys. Got any gloves?”

Rodriguez chuckled and handed Joe a pair of green latex he pulled from his pocket. “Now sir, you haven’t touched anything, have you?”

“Yeah,” piped up Dobbs, joining in. “Civilians really need to stay out of the way and let the police do their job.”

“Fuck off, Dobbs,” Joe said, but he was smiling. Then he remembered the reason they were here and sobered as they started up the fire escape.

Both the cops whistled as they saw the state of the trashed room.

“Shit, Halloran, you into little boys now? I mean, I know the divorce had to be rough...”

Joe ignored the teasing. He stared at the same picture of Adam that both cops were gazing at. Dobbs stepped out of the room and got on his radio. Joe knew they needed to know if the blood was human.

He quickly explained how Adam had got a flat, and he’d followed him home. Both guys seemed to understand his unspoken relief that Adam hadn’t been on his own, and stopped their teasing.
Thank God.

He suddenly wanted to go check on Adam, so he set off down the fire escape. Joe jogged over to his truck. When he arrived, one of the paramedics—someone he had met once before on the job—shook his head. “I would be happier if we brought him to the ER,” he told Joe, “but the kid’s refusing.”

Joe hunkered down to where Adam was seated. He clearly was refusing the oxygen mask that the other paramedic held as well. Joe looked at Adam. His black hair was plastered to the side of his face where he’d been sweating. Big green eyes made his face even whiter.

Adam shook his head as Joe bent closer. “I can’t afford it.”

“Adam, they have to treat you,” Joe said.

Adam shook his head again and tried to rise from his seat. Joe held him in place. He sighed in total exasperation.
Stubborn boy.

“Do you have a friend we can call?” the paramedic put in, trying to be helpful. Adam hesitated.

“He’ll be staying with me,” Joe blurted out.

Adam’s mouth rounded in surprise. Joe didn’t blame him—the words had shocked the hell out of him as well.

Joe never really gave Adam the chance to object, but he noticed Adam didn’t really try either. Once the decision seemed to be made, things were wrapped up pretty quickly. Dobbs took an initial statement from Adam, and the paramedics left. Joe intervened when it was clear Adam was getting distraught at the implication from the detective that it was someone Adam knew who had done this. Joe got Adam settled in his truck and went to say goodbye to the two detectives, and he quickly texted Rodriguez his new address.

When he was all done, Joe slid in the driver’s seat, and Adam cracked his eyes open. He still looked like a stiff breeze could have taken him out.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “You don’t have to do this, Sir.”

There it was again. That word that seemed so natural dropping from plump, pink lips. “Look, we’re friends, aren’t we?” Joe deliberately kept his voice light, despite naturally wanting to drop it an octave or two, and despite him mentally chaining the boy to an A-frame

Adam nodded, his eyes drooping. “I’m sorry. I don’t do blood very well.”

Joe grinned and set the truck into drive. “Yeah, all the more reason for you to stay away from Kerrick.”

Adam smiled and closed his eyes.

They drove a short distance until finally Joe pulled into the underground parking space for his new apartment. He’d loved Callum’s parking arrangement and if there had been any spare apartments in Callum’s building, he would have taken one. Failing that, underground parking had been a prerequisite for him when he finally searched for a place.

Adam was out for the count, and Joe hated having to wake him to get him inside. Adam stirred and managed to get on his feet to get out of the car. He mumbled softly as Joe helped him in the elevator and up to the spare room.

Joe stopped at the door.
What was I thinking?
He didn’t even have a damn bed in there.

He quickly directed Adam to the master bedroom instead. Adam had clearly passed exhaustion point. He stumbled to the bed and just sat there, eyes half closed. “Sorry.” He bent to untie his sneakers, and if Joe hadn’t been holding on, he would have tipped straight onto the floor.

“Adam, just sit.” Joe quickly took of Adam’s shoes and socks. He eyed the boy’s tight leather pants. Not really comfortable for sleeping in. “Adam, you need to take these pants off. I’m going to help you, okay?”

Joe pushed Adam so he was on his back, and Adam went without a fight. Quickly, Joe bent over and unbuttoned Adam’s pants. They didn’t even have a zip for God’s sake. Joe’s hands were shaking as he undid them.

Adam had gone commando. Joe sat down on the bed, totally at a loss. He looked over at Adam. The boy breathed steady and even—he was fast asleep.

Joe could do this. For God’s sake, he was a Dom. He spent most evenings around completely naked men and women, so why the hell was he getting in such a twist about this?

Decision made, Joe stood up again and unfastened the last two buttons on Adam’s pants. He swallowed, felt like he hadn’t had a drink in days, like he’d just crossed the Sahara or some shit. Shaky hands eased the black leather over slim hips, and Adam’s cock peeked out. Not hard or anything, but just there. Looking at him. Shit. Joe was so totally fucked. He finished pulling Adam’s pants off and doing his best not to look, gently turned Adam on his side, and pulled the comforter over him. He pulled one of the pillows down and carefully slid his hand under Adam’s neck to ease his head up a little. He was just laying him down when Adam sighed a little and bent his head.

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