Punishing Petra [Locks and Chains 3] (27 page)

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Authors: Sara Kingston

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Punishing Petra [Locks and Chains 3]
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Focusing back on her work, she checked the time before beginning to type as she had to pick Joel up from school soon. Now back to the new series she was writing. She had finally convinced herself that her fans wouldn’t judge her for releasing a paranormal book, and so she was writing the first in the series. Granted it would be difficult to suppress her inner kink from flowing into every page, but shape-shifting alphas really did make great Doms. And claws and teeth, hello, how does that not sound like BDSM? The animal aspect was an added bit of bestiality, but you can’t win them all. Her fingers once again began their magic on the keyboard as the story poured from her head onto the screen. She chuckled at a piece of witty dialogue and thanked God no one saw her write. Otherwise she’d have to kill them before they told anyone she talked out loud and laughed at her own jokes. Sometimes she even cried at the sad bits.

Baltar looked at his pack that were whining and bickering with each other, and he was sick of it. The Elders were anxious. Since his brother’s death there was no clear line of succession because the pack didn’t contain another alpha male. Though rare, in some cases an alpha would take a beta position but unfortunately even with the size of his pack, there was no one. The pack was now seen as weak and the threat of attack from neighboring packs was high. He needed not only a mate to give him a son but also another alpha. One that would be willing to live in his pack under his command, but also one who could take over the pack should anything happen to him. Fuck, fuck, and double fuck. The need to let his beast free, to run and hunt was great. The head elder approach him and he nodded a welcome. He saw Jael more as a father than an advisor since his father’s death and he was eternally grateful to him. Jael had helped him with pack politics and helped him become the man he was today.

“You know son, you are fucked.”

“Gee, Jael, don’t sugar coat it for me will you.”

“You need a mate as of yesterday, my boy, and then you need to get a pup in her quickly.”

“Yeah, that’s just the biggest turn-on for any woman, isn’t it, Jael! Hey, babe, I need a kid, come be my mate.”

“Well, only a fool would tell her that, wouldn’t they, my boy. There are many of your own pack women who’d happily agree to be your mate.”

“I know. I just hoped I’d be able to find a true mate, an alpha bitch. Not only do we not have another alpha male in the pack, we also don’t have a single alpha bitch,” he said, gazing off into the distance.

“That’s not surprising, Baltar, you know how rare they are. You know Alpha Remo has an alpha daughter, don’t you?”

“The ballbuster.”

“Well, you know, beggars can’t be choosers,” Jael said, looking at him closely.

He hadn’t actually met the woman but her reputation was legendary. It was rumored no man could tame her. Her family’s wealth and position had been coveted by many and many had tried and failed to win her. He’d never considered her for himself though. Hell, the woman sounded like way too much trouble. Yeah, he wanted an alpha but not that much of an alpha. He wanted to sleep soundly next to his mate at night, not drift off worrying if he’d wake up with his cock cut off in the morning. He looked around the room again at the one hundred or so of his pack members crowded into the hall and not one single one of the females tempted him in the slightest.

“You know, I think I need to visit our good friend Alpha Remo. I haven’t seen him for quite a while.” Jael smiled meekly at his alpha’s response, needing to keep himself in check and not show his enthusiasm. How long, he wondered, until he could get away and call his old friend Remo and tell him that his alpha had taken the bait. His friend Remo was at breaking point and he needed a mate for his daughter and fast before she caused a war. Little did Baltar know not only was she desired for her alpha blood and social status, she was a beauty like no other and alpha males from all over were after her. He remembered back to when he had last seen Remo and how Remo had moaned and told him of how he’d wished for a beautiful daughter. He just didn’t realize he’d get one so goddamn beautiful that men fell at her feet and she’d kick them for it. But he knew his alpha would be the first to stand his ground and demand she kneel. His excitement grew at the thought of the two packs being united with the mating of Remo’s daughter and Baltar and of course the new generation they would produce. Remo knew his daughter Jasel, had been taking contraception and hiding it from him. Little did she know her father had order sugar pill replacements for the tablets and she was as fertile as ever.

Petra glanced at the clock. “Shit, shit, shit.” Quickly saving her work, she ran for the door. “I’m a good mother. I’m a good mother,” she chanted as she sprinted for the car. “Crap, why the hell didn’t I look at the damn clock? I set the alarm on my phone, too, but I must have been so engrossed I didn’t hear it,” she chided herself as she sat at the traffic lights, waiting to turn into the pick-up zone at Joel’s school. When she finally was able to make the turn, she instantly saw Joel standing with his teacher and only one other class mate. “Well, at least I’m not the only slack mother at this school. Fuck, fuck,” she mumbled. Plastering a smile on her face, she jumped out of the car and hurried over to collect Joel. When he saw her, a huge smile spread onto his face, and he called out, “Mom,” and no matter how many times she heard it, it always sounded so perfect. She smiled and waved to his teacher, who waved back.

“Hey, my boy, how was school today?” she asked, hoping he wasn’t upset with her for being late. She was only ten minutes late, not a really long time. God, she’d been a mother for a whole three months, and this was the third time she’d been late. She was going to ask the boys to spank her for this tonight, and maybe then she’d get it through her thick head to pay better attention to the time. She would text them as soon as she got home.

“School was great, Jordon brought a fire engine in to show-and-tell, and it was awesome,” he answered excitedly as she finished buckling him into his seat belt and then pulled out into the traffic and headed home. Joel’s chatting filled the car, and as always he wasn’t one bit worried that she was late. Neither were Kyle or Caleb, but she could never forgive herself for being even one minute late. It always made her feel like a bad mother, and she so wanted to be a good one. But truthfully she knew she was a good one. Maybe she did it as an excuse to get punished. Ah, she’d leave it to a shrink to ponder sometime down the track. Right now she’d worry about an afternoon snack with her son, a nice family dinner with her husbands, as both her men would be home for dinner tonight, and then a kinky night full of punishment and hot, hot sex. Life was truly good.


* * * *


As Caleb entered the doctor’s lounge, his phone’s beeping tone alerted him to a new text message. His day had just gotten better. Petra had been a whole ten minutes late picking up Joel at school, which was worth at least ten lashes of his brand new single-tail whip tonight. He was still working it in, but the strokes it left behind were like a true piece of art. Petra loved the kiss of the soft leather on her skin, and the memory of when he had first tested it was still fresh. He was chuckling to himself with thoughts of the rosy pink hue to her skin and the way she’d begged for more just as Kyle entered the room.

“You got the message?” Kyle asked, holding his phone.

“Yep,” he answered, heading to the coffee station to make himself a cup. “You ever going to tell her that parents are allowed a twenty minute window to pick the kids up, so technically she was still five minutes before deadline?” he asked, already knowing the answer.

“Nope,” Kyle said as he, too, moved to pour himself a coffee.

“Good work, man. Dibs on using my new single tail on her,” he added quickly before Kyle had any ideas about using the intricately carved flogger he’d bought on their honeymoon.

“Bastard,” Kyle replied, grabbing some creamer. “But I get her ass when we fuck her.”

Compromises had to be made in any relationship, and so he’d make this one. Ass for whip, yep, he would cope with that.

“Deal.” They both looked at each other and smiled, clinking their coffee cups together in toast to their life and wife.


* * * *


Caleb’s phone rang, the ring tone announcing the caller. He pulled it off his belt clip and accepted the call.

“Hello, almighty leader,” he quipped.

“Caleb, thank God I got you. I need you!”

The panic on the other end of the line scared the shit out of him. “Craig, what’s up, what’s happened?” he asked.

“It’s Sophie, she’s hurt really badly. I’m not sure she’s going to survive,” Craig choked.

“Tell me where you are, I’m on my way.” He looked over at Kyle, who nodded, letting him know he would cover anything that came up at the hospital. Running down the hall toward the parking lot, he listened to Craig explain the situation and prayed he’d arrive in time to help her.









I spent over a decade in the stock market, finance, and IT industry. I had always considered writing a chore, a job to pay the bills as taxation and financial modelling can be a very dry subject.

After a few laughs and I will admit a few drinks, I decided to make a change of genre. I then discovered my love and passion for writing. I have so many stories and adventures to tell my poor fingers can’t keep up.

When I am not writing, reading, or playing with my latest technology toy (yes, I am a geek and proud of it!), I am enjoying my three beautiful children, hoping that the day they realize that they outnumber me never comes. I would love to say that like so many other authors in this genre I thank my loving and supportive husband, but alas I’m a divorcee, waiting for the day when my hero, my knight in shining armor will come and sweep me off my feet. Until then the heroes in each of my stories keep me warm. Also dating gives me fantastic ideas.

I hope that you enjoy reading each of my books as much as I enjoyed writing them. Visit my website www.sarakingston.com and join my Facebook group or even send me an e-mail. I love to hear from fellow romance and erotica lovers.



For all titles by Sara Kingston, please visit





Siren Publishing, Inc.


Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

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