Read Punishing Petra [Locks and Chains 3] Online

Authors: Sara Kingston

Tags: #romance

Punishing Petra [Locks and Chains 3] (25 page)

BOOK: Punishing Petra [Locks and Chains 3]
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“If you agree to never walk away when you have doubts or issues ever again. If you agree to stand beside us and work with us to make our marriage work and we as a unit will find solutions together,” Petra said while struggling to hold back tears.


“Fantastic. We’ve just created the ultimate chick-flick moment. Now let’s leave the words of devotion for the ceremony and get this show on the road, because I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to start the honeymoon,” Kyle said, already opening the door as they all laughed.

“Okay, boys, hurry up and get out of here and get ready to pretend like you’re seeing me for the first time.” She chuckled as she pushed them out the door.

They walked into nave of the church and saw all the seated guests.

“You had to do the whole church thing, didn’t you?” Caleb said.

“Hey, you can’t just blame me. Petra had a hand in it, too.” He laughed as they walked together down the aisle and took their places. To anyone in the audience, Caleb would have looked like the best man.


* * * *


Petra was thankful that it was finally over, and as much she loved the wedding, her feet were killing her. Her face hurt from smiling, and she couldn’t wait to get her men into bed with her. She wondered whether they would also have a collaring ceremony at the club soon and wondered how she could ask them for their collar without having to actually say the words. As a submissive it was not her place to ask for a collar. However, sometimes even the best of Doms needed a little push to get them to the altar. Kyle opened the door of the limousine and helped her inside, and she turned to see where Caleb was. He had to be coming with them, but she couldn’t see him anywhere. “Where’s Caleb?”

“Don’t worry, my love, he’ll be coming.”

They waved their good-byes to the assembled guests, and as they started to drive away, Petra looked at Kyle in a panic. Maybe Caleb wasn’t coming with them to the hotel after all. She shouldn’t be disappointed, but she was. The limousine slowed down and then stopped just as they got to the end of the driveway, and the door opened and Caleb jumped in. A wave of happiness filled her heart at the sight of his happy, smiling face, and she leaned over and gave him a gentle kiss. She felt complete, her two men with her, heading off to celebrate their wedding night.

“You’re here,” she said, stating the obvious, and thought, God, what a stupid thing to say.

“You think I’d miss this? Not likely, my little sub.”

As if they’d practiced the move many times before, her two men, working like a choreographed team, took an arm each and circled her wrists, pushing her arms back against the seat, restraining her with the pressure of their bodies. Her blood pulsed, her face began to flush, and she could feel the beating of her heart in an ever-increasing rhythm. With their other hands they cupped a breast each. Lifting them out of her corset, they began a slow rolling of her tightly budded nipples.

“Now we have our sub wife exactly where we want her,” Caleb said while moving his hand down over her gown to gather up the massive skirt. When she felt his hands touch her bare skin, a moan slipped from her lips only to be captured by Kyle’s lips as he thrust his tongue deep into her mouth. Her body vibrated with need, and she could feel her dripping pussy flush with heat as if it sensed the satisfaction to come. Caleb’s hand caressed her inner thigh, and she saw him smile with a wolflike expression.

“Well, well, well. What have we here, little sub. Our wife isn’t wearing any panties, Kyle. I wish I’d known that before now. I had a vision of kneeling under her dress at the reception and licking her until she came. If I’d known there was no barrier to my prize, I might have tried it.”

Petra began to pant, she wanted him to thrust his fingers inside her. She needed satisfaction and right now!

“Hmm, our little sub is panting and desperate, just the way we like her.”

Caleb’s fingers brushed against her swollen pussy lips, demanding admission. She could feel the wetness seeping from her body, the flow answering his call. She needed to have something fill her, and at this moment anything would do. Her need was overwhelming her. “Please,” she whined.

“Please what, my little sub?”

She really had to try one of these days to see if she could come from his voice alone. “Please, I need…” she begged.

Caleb suddenly let go of her wrist and the shock of her release didn’t last long as Kyle took her free hand, pulling her up off the seat toward him. His movement was so quick that without realizing it, she was now lying face down over Kyle’s lap. She felt Caleb gathering her skirt and flipping it over her head, baring her ass. Before she could decide what she thought of her situation, a sudden sting to her ass and a loud smacking vibrated through the air. She moaned, and Caleb followed with another three quick smacks on alternate cheeks. The heat on her skin and the pinch of pain just made her body burn more. “Please, Master, make me come, please?” She moaned.

“So now you’re our wife, you’ve suddenly decided to make demands, have you?” he asked as he rubbed her burning cheeks.

“No, Master, I’m begging you.” Caleb then grabbed her waist and pulled her over onto his lap, and as her breasts dragged against Kyle’s waist she felt his hard cock trapped in his pants. She moved her hand forward and rolled it in her palm, cupping it and desperately grappling at his zipper with her other hand. Finally she freed his shaft, and its silken length burned and throbbed in her hand.

“Suck my cock, my wife,” Kyle said with a growl and a gentle stroke of her hair.

At this moment there was nothing more she wanted to do in this world, so she took his hot cock deep into her mouth, not bothering to tongue or tease it. She just wanted to hold it deep within her. The salty bitter taste was like ambrosia to her, and she moaned as she suckled. Caleb recommenced her spanking, and over and over the sounds of flesh hitting flesh combined with the sounds of wet suckling echoed throughout the car. Petra thrust her ass up toward Caleb, arching into each smack. She felt like pleading for him to fuck her with the steel pole she could feel under her stomach as she lay draped over his lap. The thought of his hard cock pounding into her made her moan and twist first up into the smacks and then down against his hard cock as lust consumed her.

The spanking stopped and Caleb’s hands took hold of each of her butt cheeks, crushing them, making her feel the heat in her skin from the spanking so much more. She felt his hand at his pants and then a sudden sharp, hard thrust as he pushed up from below her. He was punishing, he was demanding, he was Caleb. He began thrusting into her as hard as he could in the limited space. He stiffened his body with each upward stroke and ground her down onto his lap with his hand with a force that would no doubt leave her swollen and bruised tomorrow. The pleasure-pain only drove her higher and the thrumming in her blood increased to a tempo she’d never before felt.

Her mind was lost in a realm of pleasure, and her body keened for release. She knew she was making animal noises, and she didn’t care. She felt Kyle’s hands wrap through her hair, pulling her farther down onto his shaft. He was thrusting deep into her mouth, and they were all lost to the pleasure of the moment and all striving for the same goal. Her body tensed, and she felt every muscle lock, and like a match to a flame, she ignited. It swept through her body, tingling every nerve ending. She felt her pussy clench again and again, squeezing Caleb’s shaft, and she moaned and groaned around Kyle’s cock in her mouth. In the background she heard two male shouts of victory at the attainment of their goal, and she was unprepared as Kyle erupted in her mouth, which made her nearly choke. She swallowed again and again, but not quickly enough as she coughed and spluttered. The sound of panting was all that could be heard in the suddenly silent limousine.

“Now that’s the way to start our marriage,” Caleb said.

“I couldn’t agree more,” Kyle agreed, and they both chuckled. Petra moved so she could kneel on the seat and push her skirt back down. As she did she looked out the window and realized that the limousine was stopped. “I think we’ve arrived.”

“Darling, we arrived quite a few minutes ago. The chauffeur was just giving us some time.”

“Oh my God.” Her face flamed, much to the amusement of both the men. They all adjusted their clothing, with Kyle and Caleb putting themselves back in their pants and zipping up. Petra felt her and Caleb’s combined fluids dripping down her legs and wondered how many brides had cum dribbling on their wedding day. She’d bet a hell of a lot more than people thought. Caleb turned her to face him before she could leave the limousine and said, “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

“I love you all,” Kyle chimed in from the other side of her with a wicked grin.

Chapter Twenty-Five


Petra gazed out the window, looking at the deep blue ocean in the distance. Her eyes then roamed closer to the glimmering white sand where it met the turquoise water of the lagoon. It was a tropical paradise, so quiet and private that you felt all alone, and yet in the distance the shoreline was dotted with houses. She smiled when she thought back to when they’d first arrived at the airport four days ago. Her husbands had arranged their honeymoon, but they hadn’t told her where they were going. They’d said it was a surprise, and she hadn’t known what to expect. Because they were both doctors, getting time off work together would be difficult, and so she was shocked when they’d boarded a plane for Bermuda. Her fantasy was that they’d rent a private island to play on, and she was nearly bursting out of her skin by the time they arrived. When she realized they’d rented a private house, she’d jumped with excitement. The house had an open floor plan, light colored parquetry floors, and crisp white walls decorated with colorful shell paintings, which gave it a relaxed and comfortable seaside feel.

An escape, she thought, and she’d let go of her honeymoon dream of the private island and focused on making the best out of their vanilla time together. Right up until the moment she’d turned away from the view out the windows and actually looked at some of the furniture in the room, which wasn’t what you’d call ordinary in any way at all. To the vanilla world, it may have seemed like interesting pieces of furniture or even art. But those in the lifestyle would understand the true purpose of the furniture. The pieces had been converted to look arty but were actually very useful. A bench seat with an anchor design that camouflaged the built in rings and attachments, which made it a terrific spanking bench. An artistic-looking sculpture built from stressed timber that looked like part of a shipwreck, but in reality was a Saint Andrew’s cross. Joy and desire had rushed through her when she realized that, like the good Masters they were, they had planned a sadist’s honeymoon just for them.

Shifting her weight from one leg to the other by moving her hips slightly, she glanced sideways and admired the design of the Saint Andrew’s cross she was currently strapped to and wondered if maybe they could add something like it to their bedroom. When they got home, she’d see the club’s custom furniture designer and see what he could do. Maybe it could be an interesting hat rack or something.

Her attention was brought back to the present when the crop fell heavily against her back, and a flash of pain vibrated through her body. God, she loved it. Her mind began to relax and let go of all her thoughts and slip into the abyss of peace that subspace offered.


* * * *


Caleb maneuvered around Kyle as they worked in tandem on their wife’s back and ass, and the rosy glow of her skin made his inner beast chuckle with happiness. He damn near purred when he watched her slip into subspace. Pulling back into himself, he felt his muscles shimmer and flow with each strike of the crop. He felt freedom and serenity as his body slipped into autopilot, and he found his own Dom space. No longer did he have worries or doubt, he just let the power flow. He needed to feel the heat of his marks. He needed to feel the swell of her flesh from his crop. He wanted to claw at her body with his hands, and so dropping the crop, he moved toward her, and in his peripheral vision he saw Kyle do the same. He grabbed her flesh, her body in his hands, and rubbed her, held her. He couldn’t get enough of her. He squeezed her ass cheeks and felt them burning under his palms. He rubbed his hardened cock against her side and tore at his shorts, needing flesh against flesh. His cock flexed as it finally touched her glistening skin, and he thrust against her, needing her to know how hard his cock was. He took hold of her tightly budded nipples and pinched hard as he bit at her neck while all the time thrusting against her side, letting her know he was ready but not willing to take her yet. Each moan that left her lips drove his need higher, and he slapped her ass with his cock while crushing a nipple between his fingers. “Beg, sub,” he demanded.

“Please, oh God, please, Master, please, please, please.”

“Please what?”

“Please let me come. Umm…please fuck me, please anything, Master, anything.”

“No. I want to torture you some more. I want you so desperate you’ll give me your very soul,” he replied as his hand snaked down around her front and slapped her clit as hard as the limited space allowed and grinned with pleasure when she squirmed and moaned. “Master Kyle, I think we can torture our little sub a lot better if she was off the cross, don’t you think?”

BOOK: Punishing Petra [Locks and Chains 3]
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