Protecting You (The Boston irkpatricks #1) (6 page)

BOOK: Protecting You (The Boston irkpatricks #1)
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Chapter Nine



My God, Billy was an asshole. Brendan obviously had his moments, but there was no way these two were related. They were complete opposites. It was nice to see different sides of Brendan. It was cute to see him jealous, although he looked like he wanted to throw Billy into a wall. Hopefully that didn’t happen when I left.

Candy looked exactly as I expected her to. She had bleached blonde hair and gigantic boobs, but she seemed really nice. I wonder how these girls get hooked into this kind of profession. I would think it’s because of need and desperation. I will soon find out.

“We have a private room in the back of the club. It’s really nice. We have a shower, beds, and a kitchen,” Candy said.

“Wow. Your boss really takes care of you. He seems like a nice guy. My old boss was a jerk off.”

“Oh yeah,
Sugga, Mr. Kirkpatrick, Brendan that is, is a really amazing guy. He never disrespects us. We barely interact with him. It’s the other Kirkpatrick you have to worry about. He’s a dog.”

She got that right. He was truly a dog.

“You’re lucky to have a boss like that. My old boss use to try to get in our pants every chance he got.”

“Not him. He has never slept with any of us. Well, that I know of. Roxy swears she’s sleeping with him, but we don’t believe her. She lies about everything. Watch out for her. She’s a troublemaker. The rest of the girls are nice, but she thinks she’s hot

“Thanks for the warning.”

“No problem. Keep to yourself. Know who to trust... So, what’s your stage name?” she asked.

I had thought of the perfect name to make Brendan eat his heart out.

“Oh, it’s Twisted Teaser.”

“I like
name, honey.”

“Thanks. Are you from down south?”

“Yes... I’m from Louisiana. I moved here when I was twenty to live with my aunt. I got pregnant and my mom kicked me out, so my aunt took me in. I make good money here to support me and my daughter.”

“The money is great isn’t it?” I smiled. I didn’t know what to say because my situation was so much different than hers.

“Hey girls,” Candy said, as we walked into the room. “This is the new girl, Tiffany… a.k.a.Twisted Teaser. Tiffany, these are the girls. You have Sparkle on your left. Baby Bling, Bee Jazzle and Rockin’ Robin sitting at the table. This is Rosy Cheeks here on the sofa. Lusty Passion is home sick and that’s Foxy Roxy over there on her cell phone.”

“Hi everyone,” I said, eyeing them all up. Roxy was on the phone rolling her eyes at the person on the other end.

Candy continued to explain everything to me.

“This is our kitchen/hangout area. Back here we have changing rooms, bathrooms with
showers, and we also have some private rooms with beds. They’re not for sex if that’s what you’re thinking. Some of us work real late until around 3 A.M. We may lie down before driving home or in between shifts if we are here for a double. Some girls get too fucked up and have to sleep it off. We are like sisters, though. Well… some of us. No one comes back here. The only one really is Billy. He thinks he owns the place, anyway. No doubt, he will try to get you in one of those beds. That’s your choice. He will threaten to fire you, but ultimately it’s up to Brendan. He’ll then make stuff up about us and tell Brendan if we refuse to fuck him or pleasure him.”

“Wow, he’s a piece of fucking shit.”

“Pretty much and some of us have kids to support and can’t afford to lose our jobs. Come on let me show you the practice studio.”

“There’s a practice studio?”

These girls were like high class strippers. They had it good. I have a friggin tiny desk to write notes on at the police station.

“Yes. We are not just pole dancers. We perform shows. There’s a stage out there and we also do private shows, lap dances, and just mingle with the guys if they request us. We have what’s called mingle hour. It’s from 6 to 7 P.M. All of the girls have to
walk around and talk to the guys at the club. If someone has to perform that night they would go get ready at seven. Other than that, we make our own choices, unless someone famous comes in. Billy starts his shit. He wants us to do what they want, no questions asked. There’s normally a full house and plenty of security around in case anybody tries anything on you,” Candy explained.

“That’s really great to know. I really like this place so much better than my last.”

“Where are you from?”

I had to come up with something quick. I couldn’t say Philly. Brendan and I came up
with the gas station story, but not where I’m from.

“I’m from Florida. My husband abused me and I jumped in my car and drove. I took what was left of my money. I met Brendan at a gas station. My pump was broken and he helped me out. Then my card was declined, that was when he offered me a job,” I lied.

This was starting to be the norm. I hated lying to people, but that’s the whole thing with undercover work. You’re not who you say you are. The bad thing is people start believing their own lies.

“That was nice of him. He’s always helping people. I’m sorry to hear about your husband.”

“Yeah, well, I try not to think about it.”

“There are plenty of hot guys that come in here. It doesn’t hurt to look.”

Candy was really starting to grow on me. She seemed really smart with a good head on her shoulders.

“You’re going on at eight. You can prepare in the studio or if you need alone time you can use one of the nap rooms.”

I hope I remembered to bring my Clorox wipes.

“Thanks so much, Candy. Oh. I need to meet with the DJ to give him a CD. Can you tell me where to go?”

“Sure, his booth is out front by the stage. Put your stuff in a locker first and lock it.”

“Thanks for everything, Candy.”

“No problem. I’ll catch you a little later.”

I hated being in an environment that I was not familiar with. I was nervous as it was since I never danced before, but the only person who knows that is Brendan. I opened one of the lockers and I heard someone say, “What do you think you’re doing?” I turned around to see Roxy standing there with her hands on her hips.

“I’m putting my stuff in this locker,” I responded.

“Well that’s my locker.”

“I don’t see your name on it.”

knows it’s mine.”

Oh, this bitch is a bully. I got her number. You don’t fuck with the BPD.

“I’m not everyone. I’m me and I’ll put my stuff in here if I want.”

“No, you won’t.”

“Yes I will. What are you going to do about it?”

“Oh, you’ll see. Watch your back.”

“Are you threatening me?”

“Maybe, but I’m going to talk to Billy about you.”

“Go ahead,

All the girls were standing around watching the argument take place. No one stepped in or got involved. It was as if they were all scared of Roxy.

“And what’s this I hear you came in with my man.”

I couldn’t help it. I busted out laughing. I’ll admit this girl was hot. She reminded me of the wrestler Eva. She had red hair just like
her. I couldn’t see her with Brendan, but who knows who’s lying around here.

“What are you laughing at?” she asked clearly pissed off.

“You’re delusional if you think you’re dating Brendan.”

“You’re going down, bitch.”

“Bring it,” I said sarcastically.

Now I have a stripper after me. It’s been a fun two days I must say.

After I put my stuff in the locker, I went out to the DJ booth and introduced myself to him.

“Hi, I’m Tiffany. I’m the new dancer…” I said, as I held out my hand to him.

He winked at me. This dude thought he was hot shit.

… Name’s DJ Discharge, at your service,” he said in a thick Boston accent.

DJ Discharge… Charming with his gelled up hair, tight black shirt and cocky look.

I gave him the CD I made. I looked over at the bar and I saw Roxy talking to Billy. She was throwing her arms around him. He rubbed his hand down her arm then he smacked her ass as she walked away back to the hooker house. When I left the booth, Billy called me over.

“Come here, Sweets.” I gave him a dirty look. “I mean Tiffany. Roxy is complaining about you. She says you threatened her.”

“She started with me over a locker.”

“Listen, she has seniority here no matter who you may or may not be fucking. I handle the girls and you report to
. Now move your stuff out of Roxy’s locker,” Billy demanded.

No, this fucker didn’t go there

He grabbed my arm.

“You’re gonna want me. I’ll make sure of it.”

“Get over yourself. I don’t sleep with my bosses.”

“I’ll let you think about it.”

What he did next shocked the shit out of me. He grabbed my breasts and said,” Yeah, these will definitely do.”

This guy was actually assaulting me in public. Anyone could have walked out.

“Don’t you ever touch me

“Oh, I see you’re
gonna be tough. You won’t be making it here long.”

“Where’s Brendan? I need to give him my information for employment reasons.”

“He’s in his office.”

I flipped my middle finger at him and walked away. The fucking nerve of this guy! Who does he think he is and he is totally sleeping with Roxy, that damn whore?

I knocked on Brendan’s door.

“Who is it?” he called out.


“Come in and shut the door behind you. Are you okay?”

“No. these people are assholes. I told Billy I had to give you employment information. That was after he groped me. I was ready to handcuff him and take him in for assault.”

“What the
did he do to you?!” Brendan asked, looking like he was about to charge out and beat his ass.

“To start he grabbed my arm, then he fondled my breasts. He told me it didn’t matter who I was or was not fucking. I’m assuming he meant you. Then he said some shit about me wanting him. He told me I won’t be here too long since I told him never to touch me again.”

“I’m gonna fucking kill him.”

“I don’t want to take you in for murder. Calm down.”

“No way. He’s not gonna touch you and get away with it.”

“He will get his, trust me. Oh, and your girlfriend’s a piece of shit too.”



my girlfriend. I wouldn’t touch that with a ten foot pole.”

“That’s not what she seems to think.”

“She’s a liar.”

“Considering your past…”

He walked around his desk and stood directly in front of me.

“Look, I’ve never been with her. I don’t have a past. I’m sorry for this morning. I shouldn’t have kissed you. I couldn’t help myself. I’m also sorry for the things I said to you. I didn’t mean it.”

“Yeah, whatever, it’s fine. I have to go. Apparently I have to watch my back or Roxy’s going to kick my ass. She’s a fucking bully.”

“Don’t go,” he said moving forward. I stepped back.

As I was about to leave, Billy knocked on the door.

“Come on. You’ve been keeping the boss long enough. It’s time to get ready for
mingle hour. We open at six and I need you on the floor. I’ll introduce you to all the men.”

“I was just leaving anyway.” I gave Brendan one last look and walked quickly past Billy. I didn’t like this guy one bit. He treated these girls like he was their pimp. I had some serious notes to take tonight. I don’t know how much longer I could take working here. I’d rather be walking the beat right now.

I went back to the hooker house and slammed the locker open. I grabbed all my belongings and slammed it shut again. I threw my stuff in another locker.

Roxy was in the background saying to the other girls, “See bitches, that’s how it’s done.”

Deep down inside I was hoping that Roxy was the kingpin, so I could have the pleasure of taking her stupid ass out in handcuffs. She was getting added to the list of people to investigate. I don’t know if it was my rage against her for being an asshole or for her saying she slept with Brendan. Either way, I couldn’t fucking stand her.



Chapter Ten



You could probably see my veins bulging on my temple. I was about to flat line this dude, but I had to remember what Joella said. She didn’t want to arrest me for murder. I couldn’t believe the way Billy just talked to her. I need to gain my composure.

“Sit the fuck down, now!” I yelled.

Well I tried to gain it, but I’m too pissed.

“What’s up,

Cuz me! What’s your fucking problem?”


“You know damn well what I’m talking about.”

“These chicks need to be kept in check. They take advantage,” he said, laughing.

He thought this was a joke. I was not kidding.

“Why did you practically fucking attack her?”

“She told you.”

“She was upset. It’s her first day for
sake. Your Ma didn’t raise you to be a womanizer.”

“Yeah, well neither did yours.”

“I’m not.”

“Admit you’re fucking her. If you weren’t, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. If you’re not, I am.”

That did it. He had my blood boiling. I got in his face and pointed at him. I told him not to lay one hand on her or any of the other women. I had to throw them into it so it wouldn’t be obvious. I really meant Joella.

“You’re still here because of Connor and you know it, but let me tell you something, you’re pushing limits with me!”

I was so aggravated, I couldn’t even think of my brother right now, but I needed to tell Joella about him tonight.

“I have to go on the floor. Are we good?” Billy asked.

“Yeah, just be nice to the ladies,” I said letting out a breath.

I didn’t want him to think I hated him or was out to get him. I wanted him to think we were cool.

“And Billy.”


“I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

“I figured.”

I was not going to leave Joella to the wolves. I needed to be out there making sure she was okay. My fucking nerves were a mess. I was about to go out there and see her in a tight dress and have to watch guys drool all over her. Was my obsession more about protecting her or for my own selfishness?

I walked out of my office and that was when I saw her in a sheer tight black dress that came below her luscious ass. She had on a black bra and thong underneath.
What the fuck?
She was talking to a corporate guy. Billy wasn’t too far away listening to the conversation. I decided to walk up to Billy and act like I needed to ask him a question. I really wanted to hear their conversation and also stop Billy from pushing her into something she didn’t want to do.

“Billy, did you finish the entire inventory yesterday?”

He looked at me like I was crazy. Maybe because I was at the moment.

“Yeah, we needed a lot of beer.”

“Okay, just order it.”

“I always do. Are you okay? Maybe you should go home. You’re acting strange.”

Home was the last place I was going. I was ignoring Billy entirely and listening to the conversation. The guy’s name was Philip. He was telling Joella lies about his life. Then the question came. He asked her if she wanted to go into a private room with him and show him a good time. “I’ll give you extra if you make me a happy man,” he said to her

That was it. I had enough. I was ending this conversation now. She saw me looking at them. I strolled over to them casually. I mean I don’t know how casual I looked considering my face was bright red.

“Is everything okay over here?”

“Just perfect,” she said. I think she didn’t want me to start anything with this guy. She had another thing coming because I was going to drop kick him.

“Well, I couldn’t help but overhear you asking her to go to a private room with you.”

“Isn’t that why they are here?” the guy asked.

I needed to think of something quickly.

“Yes, but they are closed for renovations.” The guy was looking at me like I was nuts. I was getting use to that today.

“They are always open. Is the owner here or something?”

“You’re looking at him.” The guy didn’t know what to say to me.

“I want to take this beautiful woman to one of
private rooms.”

Little did this guy know that statement pissed me off even
more. Great, here comes the other one. Billy was watching the situation unfold and came over to intervene.

“Excuse us,” he said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me into the corner.

“Dude, what the fuck? You hire this girl and then act all protective and shit. This is her job, let it go. This guy is a regular and has a ton of money.”

“Billy, I don’t care. He’s a nasty pervert.”

“Get a hold of yourself. What are you going to do, sit in the room with them?”

“I’m changing all the rules.”

“You’re snapping out.”

I think I am. I really do. I would die before I see her go into the room with that man. Joella kept staring at me while she was trying to act interested in what Philip was saying. I wanted to touch her and feel her and take her away from this setting. In actuality, she was doing all this for me. Now I felt guilty. I’d rather shut this place down but that’s not an option.

“Billy, I need to see her in my office. Send her in. I want to know her feelings about going to the room with this guy, because maybe we are putting too much pressure on these women.”

Cuz, I think you need sleep. Go sit down. I’ll send her in.”

“Don’t disturb me either. Have one of the other girls take this guy to the room.”

“Dude, you got a fucking thing for Tiffany.”

“I do not.”

“Keep lying to yourself.”

Was I being that obvious? Joella and I need to have a talk.

Billy walked up to them and apologized to Philip who looked just as pissed as me. Yeah, she had that kind of effect on people. Candy walked over to smooth everything over and took the guy upstairs.

I entered my office and started pacing back and forth. I didn’t know what to say to her and I was so jealous my ears were ringing. It didn’t matter round one was about to begin. Joella came barging into my office and slammed the door. I’m sure everyone out in the club heard it.

“Who the fuck do you think you are?”

“Calm down.”

“No. You need to calm down. First of all, you made me look like a fool. Secondly, you have no right. I can defend myself. Philip was a nice man. We were talking,” she said defending him.

“Really, no. He’s not nice. He wanted to fuck you and he will tell you anything you want to hear to make that happen. No matter what rules I enforce, private rooms are just that. I can’t put cameras in there and I can’t control everything that happens in there. Security is outside the door, but only comes in when you tell them.”

“I’m a big girl. I can handle myself,” she pleaded.

“So what were you going to do in there?”

“Talk, dance, flirt.”

Bahahahahaha. You’re naïve and plus it’s not going to happen.”

“Don’t laugh at me and don’t tell me what to do. I am my own person who happens to be undercover, you know…
for you
. I didn’t ask to be here. I’m making the best of it.”

“I know. Don’t remind me. I can’t have you do this.”

“Well genius, what do you propose I do?” she asked sarcastically.

“You can only perform on stage and lap dances, which is pushing it, but at least I can see you.”

“You’re an asshole.”

“Joella, I’m trying here.”

“What’s the fucking deal? Why are you being like this?”

“I can’t see you with another guy. I want you all to myself. There I said it.”

“It’s not going to happen. I’m not getting involved with you.”

She hurt me with those words. I moved in closer to her. She looked so fucking sexy. I put my face up to her ear. “I know you want
me as much as I want you. I can prove it to you. She stood still without moving her folded arms which were across her chest. I unfolded them and grabbed her hand. I put it up against my mouth and kissed it. She looked at me blinking her eyes. I took her finger and put it in my mouth and ran my tongue around it. Then I took two fingers and put both of them in my mouth and sucked them hard. I reached forward and took her earlobe in my mouth all while standing there. “I can make you come, just standing here,” I said.

“Why are you doing this to me? I need to resist you. I don’t have room for you in my life,” she said.

I ignored her questions. I lifted her dress over her head. She was standing in front of me with a bra, thong and heels on.

“Before you go out there and dance for anyone else, I want you to dance for me.”


“You were so easily going to dance for Philip.”

“That’s my pretend job. I’m not a stripper and you know this.”

“I refuse to see you with another man.” I pulled her in to me and kissed her. This time she didn’t pull away. I shoved my tongue in and out of her mouth. I moved down to her breasts. I bit her nipple through the fabric of her bra.

“Come here, I begged seductively.

She followed me to the sofa. I sat down and pulled her ass on top of me. I reached up and put some slow jams on the IPod. I put my hands on her hip and guided her up and down over my hard aching cock. This grinding made me want to take her to my house right now. She moved my hands away.

“Oh, Brendan. I’m so hot right now. Keep your hands on the sofa,” she whispered.

“No way, I want to feel you.”

“No.” She turned around and was rubbing her ass against my dick. I wanted to throw her on the ground and fuck her right then and there.

“Come here,” I requested. I kissed her again.

“Joella, I want you so

“I have to go back out there. I am dancing on stage and they are going to be looking for me. You have to stop being obvious. You will blow my cover.”

“I’m sorry,” I said, kissing her again. She was driving me crazy. “Can you at least tell me you want me too?” I asked.

She leaned over. “I want you, but we have to be careful. You need to control yourself. Promise me.”

“It’s very hard. I want to kill every guy that touches you. Can we continue where we left off tonight?” I asked. Hopefully she wanted this too.


I couldn’t believe she said no after she just told me she wanted me.

“Are you playing games with me?”

“Brendan, you are hot. You make me hot. You turn me on, but I’m not a stripper. I’m a detective.”

“I don’t see you as a stripper. I want Joella not Tiffany. Come here.”

“What do you want?”

“I just want to kiss you again. Joella, I want to pleasure you. I want to make you feel things you never knew you could. I want to take you to the top and bring you right back down and I want to hear you scream my name every time you do it.”

“I have to go before I end up letting you do all that to me,” she said seriously as she turned and left.

My dick was so stiff. I needed a release. I locked my door and sat back on the sofa. I unbuttoned my pants and let my cock free. It was so sore. I started to stroke it. I needed to take the pain away. I pushed my fist up and down harder and harder. My tension was so
. I thought about Joella riding my cock and her pussy contracting around me. This was making me hotter. I want to flip her over and take her from behind. I want to shoot come all over her back and ass. This pushed me completely over the edge. As I came, I cried out, “Oh fuck. Joella, I want you so

I was definitely not going to be able to get through this night. I had to watch her perform on stage topless in front of all these men and then sleep in the room across from her once again. I never had a woman turn me on so fucking much before, not even my ex-wife.


I went back out to the main room. The show was about to begin. I went over to the main bar, which Mike always works with Corey as his backup. I really needed a drink. I don’t usually drink while I’m here, but today was an exception.

“Mike, can I get a Lager?”

“Do you want draft or bottle?”

“I’ll take a bottle.”

I took my beer from Mike and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Carmen sitting at
bar. He was a dirty
from down the way. He was always into some very bad things. He was dressed in a business suit and was buying two of his “friends” some drinks. I really didn’t feel like saying hi to him, but he was waving me over. This better not take long.

“Brendan, it’s been a long time,” he said.

BOOK: Protecting You (The Boston irkpatricks #1)
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