Protecting You (The Boston irkpatricks #1)

BOOK: Protecting You (The Boston irkpatricks #1)
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Protecting You – Createspace Edition

Copyright © 2014 S. Donahue - All rights reserved.

Protecting You is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or places is strictly and entirely coincidental.

This is a self-published work. All rights belong to the author, S. Donahue. Please note that no parts of this book may be copied, used, or redistributed in any manner without written consent from the author.


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Aloysius Patrimonio
Deborah Kolb
Olga Sapegina
Pontus Edenberg
Zoran Zivkovic
Manfred Weichselbaum

1497410371/978- 1497410371


Protecting You







S. Donahue





This book is dedicated to all my fans. You make this entire experience possible every day. Thank you for all of your continued love and support. I feel so honored to have you by my side every step of the way.


Chapter One



It’s always a great day when you get called into your boss’s office…
. I recently received a promotion to second level detective with the Boston Police Department. It was such a great honor, but it came with huge responsibilities. Since my promotion, my boss has been a huge pain in my ass. With that being said, I love my job immensely. I could have had a job with the Philadelphia Police department where I lived my whole life, but I was looking for something different. I decided to move away and take some chances. I’ve always hated criminals and wanted to bring them to justice. It gives me great pleasure to take them off the streets. It didn’t matter where I brought them down, but I made the move to Boston for personal reasons. The toughest part is catching the criminals, but I do my best to make that happen.

“Soriano, get your ass in here now,” Captain Jeremy Watson yelled into the station intercom.

All eyes were on me, like they knew exactly what he wanted.

“What are you all looking at?!” I snapped, as I made my way to the Captain’s office.

I took a deep breath as I opened the door.

“You rang, sir?”

“Don’t be a smart ass. Take a seat, detective. I need to talk to you about something.”

He was driving me crazy as he tapped his pencil on his desk. I wanted to take it and stick it up his ass.

“This is top secret. You can’t tell anyone. Not your mother, not your sister. You hear me?”

I raised my eyebrow. “This sounds serious.”

“More dangerous, which is why I was called,” he confirmed.

“What do I need to do? Just tell me.”

I’m always willing to take on new assignments. It looks good on my record.

“You’re not going to like it at all,” he warned.

“Then why would you assign me?”

“It’s an undercover assignment and you’re the key part.”

“I’ve done them before.”

“I’m positively sure you haven’t done this one before. My friend Brendan called me.
I’m sure you’ve heard of him. He owns the nightclub, Hush,” he explained.

“Brendan Kirkpatrick?”


“Um… Who hasn’t heard of him? He’s always in the papers and on the news.”

“So, you know what I’m dealing with.”

“Yeah, a dirty businessman.”

“No, he’s not dirty. It’s the people working for him, one being his cousin, Billy Kirkpatrick.”

“You believe him?”

“Yes. I’ve known him my entire life. We went all through Catholic School together. Being Irish and Catholic is a big thing. We help each other out. He called me because he needs our help and wants it done the right way.”

“We Italians stick together too, but if I’m on the case, I investigate everyone… including him.”

“Okay, deal.”

He knew better. I don’t play that shit. I do my job completely. This Brendan guy could be trying to play a fast one to cover his back.

“So what’s the deal?” I asked in annoyance.

“Billy’s the manager and he’s been hiring employees that are in the drug business. He’s hiring them to move his drug supply. Brendan realized what was going on, but he can’t prove it. He doesn’t want to accuse Billy, but he’s giving him a bad name. Brendan really can’t trust anyone right now, especially since it’s his own family involved.”

“So, what’s my part in this?”

“Now, take this with an open mind.”

“I don’t like the sound of this at all.”

“You’ll be undercover. I don’t even want you coming into the station.”

“They will wonder where I am.”

“I’ll tell them you took time off because your mom is sick and you are staying in Philly for a while. You can send me your notes via email with a secure lock on them. This is a major drug operation and can get very dangerous.”

“I’ll have no fucking backup?”

“For a few months you won’t need backup. You will only be observing.”

“And how do you suppose I’ll be doing that?”

“You will be undercover as a stripper.”

My face practically fell to the ground. This guy can’t be serious. Yes, I dress like a woman outside of my job, but I don’t own fucking stripper clothes, that’s for sure, nor do I dance on poles.

I busted out laughing because that is all I could do to keep from cursing my boss out.
This has to be a fucking joke
. I’m ready to go back to my desk and say, “The joke is on me… haha…Very funny.”

“What are you laughing at detective?” he asked.

“This is a joke, right?”

“No. I’m completely serious.”

“I’m not stripping. Not happening.”

“You have to. There’s actually more. Sit back down.”

I sat down because I felt like I was going to faint. He wanted me to shake my goods in front of strangers every night for God knows how long. The thought was mortifying, the more I thought about it.

“You will be staying with Brendan at his house while you are undercover. When we plan on making the bust and bringing them down, you will come back to work. We will then provide backup. I’m doing this so no one suspects anything and you’re not mortified in front of people you know.”

“Gee, thanks for caring about me. You’re making me take off my clothes and live with a stranger.”

“Pack your bags. You start tomorrow.”

“I can’t wait.”

“You’re dismissed. I’ll email you the address.”

I felt my lunch coming up my throat. He had to
hate me or
trust me. I ran to the bathroom and threw the stall door open. I threw my guts up in the toilet and sat on the ground. I’m not this weak but my dignity was on the line.


Chapter Two



“Brendan Kirkpatrick speaking,” I say into my phone. I answered it quickly because Billy was looking at me from behind the bar. He was doing inventory and I didn’t want him to see Jeremy’s name come up on my caller ID. He knows Jeremy from the hood where we all grew up at. We are all from South Boston, otherwise known as

“Hold on one second,” I said to Jeremy.

“Billy, I need to take this call. I’ll be in my office.”


I was hoping that Jeremy would be able to make my day. We came up with a possible plan, but we needed his female detective, Joella, to agree. We figured no one would suspect anything if we had her go undercover as a stripper.

I’ve been so fucked up in the head lately since I saw my cousin Billy selling cocaine in the back of the club. I have also witnessed other transactions taking place lately, but Billy’s was the hardest to take. I’m trying to run a clean business and now I suspect that
he has hired undercover drug dealers. Being a businessman at the level of success I have achieved, my name can get tainted very quickly. I work too damn hard for some lowlifes to come in and drag me down. I need for this plan to happen before it’s too late.

I closed and locked my office door. I don’t trust anyone anymore.

“Jeremy, hopefully you have good news for me.”

“She wasn’t happy, but she didn’t back down. She’s going to need gear and not police gear.”

“I’ll take her shopping...whatever it takes.”

“You may want to have her take a pole-dancing class.”

That comment made me laugh out loud. This should be

“A cop on a pole.”

“Hey, she’s a really great detective.”

“I know, I’m kidding. She’s going to be shell-shocked when she meets the rest of the girls,” I said jokingly.

“Brendan, you need to take care of her. I am trusting you completely. She’s one of the best that I have.”

“Sounds like she’s special.”

“She is. She can be tough on the outside, but she is sensitive.”

Jer, calm down. I’ll make sure she’s okay.”

“I gave her your address. She’ll be at your house tomorrow morning, 8 A.M. sharp.”

“Great. She can stay in one of the spare bedrooms. I’m taking off tomorrow to prepare her. I’m going to tell Billy I hired her off the street. Normally he hires all the girls.”

“Okay, please call me if you need anything. I’m warning you, watch out for her.”

“I will. Thanks, Jer. I really appreciate it.”

“You got it.”

My life is about to get interesting. I have a woman, who is a detective, moving into my home. I haven’t lived with a woman since my ex-wife, Jessica, moved out six years ago. We were happy, but then she became greedy. Money became more important than me. She made out very well in the divorce settlement. She has since remarried… poor sucker. Hey, I guess she’s a business woman. I’m over her. That was a long time ago.

I see Billy sitting in the booth talking to Candy Cane, one of the most popular dancers at my club, Hush. I walk up to them
and interrupt because I’m sure it’s not important.

“Candy, can you excuse us for a moment?”

“Sure, boss.”

I thank her but she’s so engrossed in herself she doesn’t even notice. She’s off to harass
Mikey the bartender, her obsession.

“What’s up,
cuz?” Billy asks.

“I’m leaving for the day. I have some things to take care of. I won’t be in tomorrow either. I have an interview with a new dancer.”

“Really… Oh I get it. You’re interviewing her… meaning banging her.”

What a dick!
I guess I know how these dancers got their jobs. I mean at least hide the fact that you’re a piece of shit.

“No asshole. I don’t sleep with my employees.”

“That’s not what Foxy Roxy said.”

“Yeah, well she’s lying. I don’t tolerate dishonesty from my employees.”

“Dude, what you do is your business.”

“I don’t like liars. I can easily fire her if she wants to talk shit.”

“I’ll talk to her.”

“That’s what I like to hear. I’ll see you Wednesday.”

That was my warning to Billy. He’s so oblivious, he didn’t even get it.

I drove the fifteen minutes from the club, which is located in Dorchester, to my three
decker located in Beacon Hill. I needed to make sure everything was prepared for Joella’s arrival tomorrow morning. My assistant Jocelyn was meeting me at my house to go over some details. I would be lost without her. She is a lifesaver. She’s an older woman who is like a second mother to me. She‘s been working for me for the past ten years.

As I exited the car, I saw Jocelyn standing by the stoop waiting for me. She always has
such a warm smile on her face. She rarely ever gets upset.

“Hey Joc,” I greeted her as I walked toward her.

“Brendan, you’re looking dapper today.”

“Thanks. I have some things to discuss with you. Come on in.”

We went into the kitchen and sat at the table. She pulled out her laptop and started taking notes.

“Joc, I have a woman moving in here for a couple months. I need you to help her with anything she needs. She’s going to be
dancing at Hush. She’s going to need some gear.”

“You’re dating a dancer who’s working for you?”

“No, No. It’s complicated, but she’s going to be staying here. Can you go shopping with her?”


“I also need you to find pole-dancing classes and sign her up, but don’t tell anyone. She’s also going to need to change her hair color and style maybe. Can you make her an appointment at the salon downtown?”

“Is she on the run?’

“Something like that.”

“Poor girl. I’ll get right on it. Do you trust this girl to stay here?”


“Okay. Then I agree. No problem. I’ll call you with the information tonight.”

“Thanks so much, Joc.”

I hated lying to her, but I had to. Now that that’s off my mind, I need to make sure the spare bedroom is ready for Joella. I also need to make sure the food is stocked up. I called a meeting with Sylvia, the cleaning lady, and Marco, the cook, to fill them in on the extra house guest. I need to feel
confident that everything will be perfect or Jeremy will reem me a new asshole.

It just dawned on me that I never asked Jeremy if she was even dancer material. He could be sending a heifer for all I know. She could weigh a ton for all I care, as long as she’s good at what she does. I guess I’ll find out tomorrow.


I fucking overslept. I wanted to be showered, dressed and have breakfast on the table by the time Joella came. Now I have to rush around like a lunatic.

I walked into the bathroom and dropped my boxers on the ground by the shower and turned it on. I stepped in and let the hot water run down my body. I lathered my hair and rinsed it. All this stress was tightening my muscles. I needed to let loose. I rubbed my chest with body wash and moved my hands to my cock. It was aching to be touched. I could see the veins throbbing. I started stroking it harder and harder. Visions of a woman came into my mind. She had no face or body. It was just the thought of her living down the hall from me. I’m so turned on. It feels so fucking good.

“Ding Dong!”

This is not happening to me right now. The fucking doorbell is ringing. My cock is so hard right now, it hurts. How am I going to answer the damn door?

I jumped out of the shower and threw my Red Sox towel around my waist. It does nothing to cover my massive erection. Hopefully, I can answer the door and run up the steps without her noticing.

I run down the steps sounding like a herd of elephants. I open the door. I’m taken aback because she is beautiful and I was not expecting her to be. I expected her to be a manly looking cop. She has blonde hair and blue eyes and a great body. I can’t help but look at her boobs, which are perfect. I’m a guy for
sakes. I can feel my damn cock getting bigger by the second.

I want to extend my hand to her but I was just masturbating with it. If I switch hands I could drop my towel. I just need to
chance it. I switch hands and extend the non-sticky hand to her.

“Hi, I’m Brendan. Sorry, I woke up late.”

“That’s okay. I’m Joella,” she said, eyeing me up suspiciously.

She probably thinks I’m some kind of pervert that she has to live with for months. I put my hand back on my towel and try to maneuver the door at the same time, so that I am standing behind it to cover my
embarrassing moment. This does not work in my favor. Her face has dropped to the ground. I look down and my cock is sticking straight out greeting her.

Oh Ma


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