Protecting the Enemy (8 page)

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Authors: Christy Newton

BOOK: Protecting the Enemy
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It wasn’t jealously. It wasn’t. Julianna pushed away whatever she was feeling as she watched Reid sit across from the pretty artist he’d called Tess. Her brown hair was styled short. She was thin, thinner than Julianna. The way the younger girl looked at Reid like a love struck puppy unnerved her. He’d told her he knew Tess from his wild teenage years and had heard she still lived in the house she grew up in. He’d said that she could draw anything or anyone. Had she drawn Reid before? If so, had he been nude? Julianna narrowed her eyes at the two of them sitting close together. Tess was drawing the image in Reid’s head, so they could figure out the identity of ambiguous man who kept Boss’ number taped inside a desk drawer in his basement office.

It seemed Reid had all these acquaintances in his life. Julianna had no one. The past six months, she’d kept to herself. And if she did have people in her life before the blast, she couldn’t remember them. Her career was all she’d had and now it was gone just like her memories. Not that she was bitter or anything.

Tess turned the sketch around to face Reid. “Like this?”

He grinned. “Close, but his nose was pointier.”

The girl nodded and went back to work.

Julianna felt useless, like a third wheel. She crossed her arms and stood in the corner feeling invisible. Reid had told Tess that he was a consultant for the Baltimore Police Department. She’d been eager to help him and hadn’t even given Julianna a second glance in the hour they’d been there. Julianna looked down at her nails. She needed a manicure. Life on the run was taking its toll on her.

“How about now?” Tess asked him.

Julianna looked up from her battered nails.

He smiled at the drawing. “Perfect! You’re talented.”

Tess’ face lit up as if he’d just asked her on a date.

Reid took the paper from her and stood up. “The BPD thanks you.”

“You’re welcome. It was good to see you again.” Tess giggled. “You know if you’re ever not busy with work, you could thank me with dinner.”

Julianna turned her head so they couldn’t see her roll her eyes. She hated feeling covetous as if the man were hers. Well, in a way he was. Her hand went to her neck. What ever happened to her ring? It must have gotten lost in the explosion.

Reid smiled and glanced at Julianna. “I’d love to, but I’m afraid I’m taken. I hope you understand.”

Tess frowned, showing her disappointment. “Of course.”

Julianna did a mental cheer and maybe even a little victory dance.

They left the bungalow without speaking. When they got into the car, Reid handed Julianna the sketch.

Her heart skipped a beat. “Oh my God. I know who this is.”

His eyes widened. “You do?”

“It’s Senator Grant. He was in the paper last month. He’s very respected in the community.”

“Shit! Are you sure?”

Julianna nodded and looked again. “Pretty sure.”

Reid gritted his teeth. “How is Boss involved with a respectable senator and who works for who?”


Julianna groaned in the passenger seat of the newly exchanged car. Reid swapped the silver sedan with a white one last night. He’d taken the borrowed and stripped free of prints vehicle back to the lot he’d taken it from and then they walked to the next car place for the replacement. “My head is pounding.”

Reid, one hand on the wheel, glanced over at her and frowned. “I know what you need.”

She tilted her head and raised an eyebrow.

He laughed. “Where’s your mind at? I was talking about a double chocolate fudge brownie from Blondie’s on 9

She tried not to seem as disappointed as she felt. “Never been, but it sounds delicious.”

He nodded his head. “Yes, you have. It was your favorite place that time of the month.”

How humiliating! It was so unfair that he knew so many personal things about her. “Thanks for reminding me.”

“We’re not far from there.” He made a U-turn. “Do you get headaches often?”

She pressed her fingers to her temples in a circular motion. “Ever since the night we tried to erase each other.”

He gave her a concerned look. “But not before that?”

She groaned again. “Not really.”

“Your brain is trying to remember.” He paused. “Maybe someday you’ll get your memory back.”

Maybe, but what if she didn’t? What if she never knew who she really was before six months ago? Too bad she couldn’t trade her short term memories for her long term ones.

He pulled into the busy parking lot. Blondie’s bakery was covered in white siding with an oval painted sign hung over the door. The teal and white striped awning topped off the bakery. It was a cute place, but she didn’t remember ever having gone there before.

They looked around for any sign of being followed. They had to stay on high alert no matter where they went. It was exhausting. Reid opened the door for her signaling a bell. The delightful aroma of fresh baked breads, donuts and brownies filled her nose. She looked around and still didn’t recall the place. Julianna stepped up to the glass and gazed at all the sweet treats.

A plump lady in a hairnet walked over. “I haven’t seen you forever! Did you move to another area?” She studied Julianna. “You look different, more… relaxed.”

Realization washed over Julianna. She had lived in this city, even frequented places. Everything Reid had told her was proving to be true.

The lady’s face reddened as if she had inserted her foot into her mouth. “The usual?”

Reid nodded. “Make that two.”

Julianna stepped aside. Reid grinned at her. She wanted to trust him, wanted to confide in him everything she knew. Maybe it was time.

Reid handed her a thick frosted brownie nestled in waxed paper. They walked back out to the car. She let her teeth sink down into the most amazing chocolate she’d ever tasted. The sweetness swirled across her tongue making her eyes snap shut in delight. It was worth every calorie and more. She licked her lips to make sure she didn’t have any leftover frosting on them.

“Are you
to torture me?” Reid shoved the rest of his brownie into his mouth.


“Licking your lips like that.”

Must have been the intense sugar overload. “You mean like this.” She slowly traced her lips with the tip of her tongue.

He shook his head with a smile on his face. “I guess your headache is gone.”

Hmm. Funny, it was.


“Brownies and shopping? Are you trying to seduce me?” Julianna walked next to Reid inside the strip mall on edge of the city.

He raked his fingers through his is hair. “Is it working?”

She stopped at a window to admire an outfit displayed on the mannequin. “It could be.”

He followed her into the store. They both needed a few new outfits. The clothes on their backs were overdue for a change. They’d need a place to stay too, until they could devise a better plan. Julianna grabbed some clothing and went back to the dressing room. As the clock ticked by, he stood watch to make sure they weren’t being followed, stalked like prey.

She walked out, smiling. “Your turn.”

The look on her face was priceless. He loved seeing her happy. Reid shook his head when Julianna held up a reddish-pink sweater and again when she held up purple.  He could wear sweaters, but drew the line at pink and purple. She frowned and lifted the same sweater in green.

“Okay.” He walked over to the table and found pants in his size. Unlike Julianna, he wouldn’t be trying anything on. They’d wasted enough time today already, but seeing the grin on her face as he paid for their new clothes made it worth it. 

When they got out to the parking lot, Reid handed Julianna the bags, so he could comb the loaner car for any devices. He was taking every precaution. All his training and experience had prepared him for just about anything, but Boss had been their mentor which made him even more dangerous.

Once he was satisfied it was safe, Reid started the car.

As they drove by a gas station, Julianna grabbed his arm. “Can we stop?”

He looked down at the gas gage. “We have almost a full tank.”

She bit her lip. “I just though of a couple more things we need.”

It was hard for him to tell her no. “Okay, but we have to make it quick. We’ve risked being out in the open for too long.”

“I know exactly what I want. We’ll be in and out.”

“There’s a hamburger place next door, we might as well grab some dinner too.”


Chapter 7



eid checked them into the St. Charles hotel using a random name and paying in cash as usual. It was the nicest place they’d stayed at so far. Reid had really made the day special. In a way, it was like their first date, at least to her. It’d been nice to do some normal things, if only for a bit. They took the elevator up to their room, both holding a bag of their newly purchased clothes. Julianna planned on telling him everything she’d been keeping from him. She stood beside Reid as he opened the door with the gold keycard.

She stepped inside and felt at ease. The room was small, but elegant. A magnificent glass chandelier hung in the middle of the space. The bed was dressed with many layers of white linens making it appear cloud-like. Mirrored night stands flanked either side. A muted mauve rug atop the plush off white carpeting anchored the room. The only seating was the upholstered bench at the foot of the bed. The thought that they’d have to share the same bed both excited and terrified her.

Julianna excused herself and went into the bathroom to change into the silky gown, she’d added into the clothing purchase. She was tired of sleeping in an uncomfortable shirt, which she’d stripped off most nights. When she slid the sleek fuchsia fabric over her head, she sighed out of contentment. She picked up the brush and lip balm that Reid had purchased for her at the gas station. Running a brush through her hair and gliding balm over her lips was like pure heaven after having gone without for so long.

She walked back into the room where Reid lounged on the bed wearing boxers and T-shirt. She sat down beside him on top of the fluffy duvet and crossed her legs. The love in his eyes was evident and it felt as though they were playing house. Spending so much time with Reid had made her grow more and more relaxed with the man. Maybe too relaxed.

“You look beautiful, Jewels.”

There was no mistaken that they were both attracted to one another, but Reid was in love with someone that Julianna couldn’t even remember. It was time to set things straight. “We need to talk.”

He grinned and stroked her leg with his finger. “If that’s how you want to end our perfect day. I had something else in mind.”

She drew in a deep breath. As much as she hated to ruin what was a wonderful day, she had to make him understand how she felt. “I’m not the same woman you were engaged to. You have to realize that.”

He placed his hand over hers. “You are, you just don’t remember.”

She shook her head. “And I may never remember. The Julianna you lost… I’m sorry, but I can only be who I am now.”

He touched the tip of her nose. “Red is your favorite color, you use milk and honey body wash, you love sweets, your nose crinkles when you are mad at me and you’re one hell of an assassin, shall I go on?”

“Yes, all those things are true.” She turned her head to look away. How could she explain that she wanted him to want her for the woman she was now, whoever that may be? She pulled her hand away from his, already regretting it. “You give me no choice. I’m breaking off our engagement.” If she had any hope of any kind of relationship with him, they needed to start fresh.

No emotion registered on his handsome face. “Okay.”

She fought the cry that had almost slipped her lips. She hadn’t seen that one coming. Taken aback, she crossed her arms. “Good. I’m glad we got that out of the way.”

“Me too. Maybe we should just put everything on the table tonight. Get it all out in the open.” The hurt in his voice betrayed his indifferent expression.

She uncrossed her arms and leaned back on the upholstered headboard. “Fine.”

“Fine, let’s start with where you were for the past six months.”

“The day I woke up my head was empty. I didn’t know my name, or anything else. A few weeks later, Brandon Voss checked me out of
Mercy Hospital. He told me I was destined to do great things.”

His eyes widened. “B. Voss? The same man that ordered our hit? Shit! Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I’m telling you now.”

“Mercy hospital? Where’s that?”

“New Jersey.”

New Jersey? How the hell did you end up there?”

She laughed dryly. “If I knew I’d tell you.”

Reid grinded his teeth. “I don’t like this.”

“He gave me a new identity, named me Julianna Fox and sent me to Boss.”

“Wait, named you? Julianna Fox was already your name.” He rubbed his eyes. “We should have had this talk days ago.”

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