Troll: Taken by the Beast

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Taken by the Beast



© Copyright 2013 Jayme Knight

All rights reserved.

This story contains sexually explicit material, and themes. All characters depicted in sexual situations are over 18 years of age and not of blood relation. The characters and situations depicted within are fictitious and do not represent any person alive or dead.






had always known this day would come but time had slipped from her. The summer was long gone, fall was just a memory and they were deep into the winter months, in fact the year was almost over. She celebrated her eighteenth name day in the time just before spring and this was the year of offering for her village. Every fifth year they brought the offering of a virgin to the troll that lives outside the village in a mountain cave. In return he keeps the village safe from the mountain orcs. Since this deal was struck no villager has died by Orc hands.

Tomorrow is the day of choosi
ng and the local priest of Thor would have a random lottery to choose the virgin to be given to the troll. The day after the girl is chosen she is prepared by any other girls in the lottery and then taken to the troll. Kara knew how important this was but still could not bring herself to accept that she may be the one that may be chosen. She walked down the snow covered main street of town looking at each building as she passed them, knowing people were watching from inside. She did not blame them, she did the same thing when she was thirteen and she watched Valka the miller’s daughter walk down the main street to the church. It was Valka that was picked to be the offering that year and Kara did not fully understand what was going on but knew she would never see Valka again. This year she was the one that was being watched by some thirteen year old girl in one of these shops or homes.

walked up to the large stone building that was the temple of Thor and looked at the structure looming before her. She reached out, her hand trembling as she opened the heavy wooden door and looked in. The temple was a simple building inside, no lavish decorations or adornments, only simple wooden benches for people to sit on and an altar roughly hewn out of granite into the shape of a stone headed war hammer. There were several people gathered by the altar, she noticed the priest of Thor standing there with five other young girls all of which celebrated their eighteenth name day this year. Kara walked in and the priest motioned for her to join the others so she walked into the temple and between the rows of benches to stand behind the other girls.

knew all the girls here as she had grown up with them all, played with them as children, and gone to school with them. Her heart was heavy knowing either she or one of them would be given to the troll. This was the day one of them would be sentenced to death, she knew this and fear welled up in her poking through her thin veneer of calm.

“Come child,” the priest said in a booming voice. “Calm yourself, there is nothing to fear here today. I have gathered you all here as the women who have come of age
this year and one of you will have the honor of saving countless lives in our village.”

Kara looked at the priest with tears welling in her eyes as a bit of panic
crept into her mind. She did not want to die, she had barely lived, and she needed more time. She looked at the other girls and saw similar looks of distress etched on their faces. She watched the priest take a leather sack out of a compartment in the back of the altar, followed by a small chest and laid them on the altar top. He carefully opened the chest and removed several polished white stones and one polished black stone that has become known as the troll’s eye and placed them in the leather sack. She watched as he shook the sack and came over in front of the girls.

“Each of you will take a stone from the bag and hold it in your closed hand until I ask you to show your stone
. The one with the troll’s eye is the chosen one,” the priest instructed. “Do you understand?”

Gooar, “she said using a respectful old term for the priest that performs the choosing, and she heard the other girls answer similarly.

“Which of you was born first in the year?” the priest asked.

Kara and the other girls discussed amongst themselves and found that Kara was born first in the year so she stepped forward. The priest stepped up to her making her feel small as he stood several inches taller than her and she was tall for a girl almost six foot. He held out the sack and Kara put her hand inside and closed her eyes as she felt each stone trying to find any stone that spoke to her through its shape. After several moments she closed her hand around one stone and pulled her hand out with the smooth stone clinched tight in her fist. She watched the other girls pick the same way and the last girl was left with what everyone else did not pick.

“Each of you, place your hand with the stone in it out in front of you palm up, and I’ll have you all open your hands at the same time
,” the priest instructed. “If you have the black stone you have been chosen, and will be prepared to go to the troll”

Kara held her hand out palm up and fist clinched so tight her knuckles were turning white. She was shaking
with fear and she could see the other girls were as well. The priest motioned for them to open their hands. Kara knew she had the black stone she just could feel it was in her hand, she closed her eyes and opened her hand not looking at first. She slowly opened her eyes and saw a gleaming white polished stone in her hand. She did not realize it but she was holding her breath and she exhaled sharply and a huge smile came over her comely face. Then a thought passed through her mind, ‘If not her, then who has the black stone?’

Kara looked around at the other girls and one was just sitting paraly
zed with fear the black stone sitting on her palm. Her name was Edda and Kara had gone to school with her and now she was to go to the troll. Kara felt deep shame because she was glad it was not her, happy it was all over, all that was left to do was to prepare Edda and deliver her to the troll. More shame filled her as she watched the girl start to shake and tears rolled out of her deep green eyes down her cheeks.

“No…..” came Edda’s soft voice. “I will not do this.”

“Child, do not make this harder than it has to be,” the priest said softly wrapping his hand around the silver hammer necklace that was his holy symbol. “Come peacefully and accept your fate.”

Kara watched the girl start to back away from them in apt fear, the priest started chanting softy, and Edda turned to run for the door.

“EDDA,” the priest yelled as a bright ray of light burst forth from his hand holding his holy symbol and hit Edda in the back of the head causing her eyes to roll back in their sockets. “SLEEP!”

Kara watched Edda stop dead in her tracks and crumple to the ground, her fiery red hair covering her face. Kara looked back to the priest and he stood there shaking his head.

“She is not going to accept her place,” he said with a grave look on his face. “Kara when you come back tomorrow stop at Oleg’s shop and bring some rope with you, four to five lengths should be enough.”

“Must we do this to her Gooar?” Kara asked in a low soft voice.

She watched his gaze come to rest on her and he walked to stand directly in front of her staring into her deep blue eyes as he spoke.

She does not have to go,” he whispered to her. “However we owe a debt to the troll for his protection. She can stay but only if you wish to take her place. Do you want to take her place Kara?”

Kara felt fear grasp her inside at his words and shame filled her as she answered, “No Gooar.”

“Then stop at Oleg’s tomorrow and bring rope,” the priest ordered.

Kara found she could not speak
she just nodded in response as she turned and walked from the building. It was a long cold walk home that night as it started to snow again, she stopped and looked up to the twin moons high in the night sky. She thought about how tomorrow the largest moon would be full and the offering would be made, she was going to give another person to the troll so she did not have to go. She hung her head in shame thinking her eyes not worthy of such a majestic sight and finished her walk home.

Kara walked up to the heavy wooden door of her home and entered quickly trying to keep the heat in and cold out.
She unbundled from her outer covering of layered furs and heavy wool shirt. She could hear movement behind her and knew it was her mother by the light steps in the wooden floor.

“Kara,” her mother said. “What did you pick?”

“I picked white mother,” Kara answered in a very relieved tone as she turned and looked at her mother worried half to death. She was a beautiful woman but this offering had taken a lot out of her and just hearing the good news seemed to breathe life back into her.

“Oh, thank the
gods child,” her mother said breathing deeply as she wrapped her arms around Kara and hugged her tight. “Who picked the troll’s eye? Oh, please say it was not Caecelia, her mother has lost one child this season to an avalanche, and she does not need this too.”

Kara let go of her mother and stepped back
, she could see her father leaning against the door frame to the larder his face solemn as he was ever the warrior. She was suddenly set back as she seen just the barest of smiles creep over his lips, and she shook her head and came back to answering the question. “No, it was Edda.”

Her parents both became very quiet when the
y found out who was being offered, she knew they were good friends with Edda’s parents. The rest of the night was quiet and solemn they did not talk as Kara sat and ate a late meal with her parents and turned in to bed for the night.


Kara woke from her fitful sleep and the morning sky was still dark, it was the way of winter here dark when you go to sleep and dark still when you wake with only a few fleeting hours of light. She could smell food cooking from the other room letting her know her mother was already up. She went through her usual daily routine checking trap lines, her household chores and then she headed to Oleg’s trading shop and picked up the rope the priest had ordered her to pick up. It was along walk and she had plenty of time to think on the way to the temple and she came to the realization that this was what was best for the community.

As Kara walked up to the temple she could see the Priest of Thor standing by the entrance waiting for her.

“Follow me child,” he ordered stone faced as he turned and walked away from the temple down the snow covered main road.

Kara followed the priest through town along the main road and then split off down a well walked path to the entrance of the hot springs cave just south of town.

The priest came to a stop and pointed into the cave as he spoke. “Edda is inside. She must be cleansed from head to toe in the hot spring waters and then anointed with oil from the silver decanter. Every inch of her must be covered in the oil as it will protect her from the elements until the troll comes for her. Once she is anointed in oil you will help bind her for the journey to the offering place. Once you have completed these tasks come and get me, I have a special rite to perform before we take her to the offering place. Do you understand my commands?”

“Yes Gooar.” Kara responded.

She watched the priest step aside allowing her full access to the cave. Kara walked tall and proud into the cave, she knew this place, all town folk did as it was the only place to have a good bath in the winter. There were oil lamps lighting the cave all the way in and she knew to step carefully as the cave floor was slick with moisture. She followed the cave down and back deep into the mountain side until finally it opened up into a large chamber with four open hot spring pools. She could see the other girls milling about the chamber and one by one their eyes came to her as she entered the chamber. She dropped the coils of rope and walked in to greet the other girls with warm embraces and kind words were exchanged.

Kara looked around the room and she could see Edda lying
beside one of the pools and beside her was a large silver decanter decorated with intricate etchings and Norse runes. She watched as the other girls began disrobing and getting ready to enter the pool. Kara’s eyes lingered on each of the girls as she stripped out of her own clothing. Kara was very tall for a girl with well-toned arms, long powerful toned legs that come up to a pert strong buttocks, a flat strong stomach leading down to a trimmed blond thatch and up to well-rounded perky breasts, shoulder length blond hair that framed her stunning ice blue eyes, high set cheeks, naturally pouty lips, and beautifully angled features.  

There was something exciting about this, something thrilling and she could feel something inside that was different
, something she only usually felt when she looked at strapping young men. She had bathed several times with other girls, it was hard to find the springs totally empty in the winter. This time was different they were going to be holding Edda  and washing her, touching her all over and this left her a little breathless at the thought.

Kara walked over to Edda and knelt beside her and began to undress the girl, she was soon joined by the other girls and they quickly
stripped Edda naked. Kara felt a sudden rush as Edda started groaning and moving slightly, they lifted her gently to her feet and her eyes opened slightly and she seemed to be able to support her own weight. Kara noticed Edda seemed to be only semi-coherent she moved and slurred her words like she was drunk or half asleep. She ushered Edda into the pool, picked up a bar of soap and looked at Edda standing naked up to her knees in water and could not help admiring her. Edda was tall only an inch or two shorter than her and she was lean with large well-rounded breasts, a firm toned buttocks, stark white skin, fiery red hair, and deep green eyes that complimented her soft feminine facial features.

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