Read Protecting The Billionaire Online

Authors: Christina Tetreault

Tags: #military romance, #contemporary romance, #romantic suspense, #sherbrookes of newport, #wealthy, #billionaire, #suspense, #family saga

Protecting The Billionaire (6 page)

BOOK: Protecting The Billionaire
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Switching off the light and the image in his head, he followed Allison downstairs. “Whatever you’re having is fine.”

Taking a seat at the table, he watched Allison glide around the kitchen. To say she walked just didn’t do justice to her graceful movements.

“How long have you lived here?”

“Since February.” She glanced over her shoulder at him as she poked around in the refrigerator. “Do you like milk and sugar in your coffee?”

“Black’s good.” Unlike most New Englanders, he preferred his coffee black and the stronger the better.

“That’s good because I’m out of milk.” She carried over two mugs of coffee. “If it’s too strong, let me know and I’ll make a new pot. I like it that way and sometimes go a little overboard.”

“No such thing as too strong.”

His statement earned him a smile that left him a bit speechless.

“Not according to my brother Derek. He insists on making his own when he visits me. Then he loads it up with milk and sugar. By the time he’s done, it’s more like he’s drinking a cup of hot coffee flavored milk.”

Lifting the mug to her lips, she blew on the liquid before she closed her eyes and took a sip, somehow making the simple act of drinking coffee erotic. Once again growing uncomfortable, Rock reached for his own coffee. “Do you like it down here?” If he kept a conversation going, his brain would have something other than her lips to concentrate on.

“It’s a little different than Rhode Island and I miss my family and friends, but I like it.” She leaned forward, folding her arms on the table and giving him an excellent view of her breasts. “What about you? How does Virginia compare to other places you’ve lived.”

Until that moment, he hadn’t noticed the tiny birthmark on her left breast. Now that he’d seen it, he couldn’t look away.
Answer her question.

“It’s better than some places I’ve been.” Grabbing his mug, he drained it in one long swallow, ignoring the way the liquid burned his mouth and throat. “I’ve got an early morning. I should go.” He eyes darted back to the birthmark and then back up at her eyes. “Thank you for the coffee.”

“Anytime. I’ll walk you to the door.”

If it gave him another chance to watch her move, he wouldn’t complain and tell her not to bother.

When they reached the foyer, he expected her to open the door. Instead, she reached for the doorknob and then let it go.

“Would you like to go out again?”

Now that classified as a grade A stupid question, and one requiring some thought regardless of what his dick said. This wasn’t some base bunny asking him out for a cold beer and some fun sex. This was a high-society woman who called POTUS, Uncle Warren.


Not counting when she asked Rock to act as her stand-in boyfriend for the night, she had never asked a man on a date. She’d never needed to. Tonight, an urgency to know him better gripped her. It had started the moment he picked her up and had grown as the night went on. Now, with him about to leave, she needed to do something while she still had the opportunity. Once he walked out the door, she might not get another chance.

His face remained expressionless. Had she misread him tonight?

She might have imagined the glances she thought he sent in her direction, but she hadn’t imagined the hard erection she felt when they’d danced. No, it had been quite real.

“Not to another event like tonight’s, promise. Something more casual. There are some nice restaurants in town. There’s also a comedy club not far from here that Jake and Charlie love.” Allison moved into his personal space. “Or we can do something closer to you. We don’t have to stay in this area. Any where is fine.”

His expression changed and he nodded.

When she opened the door for him earlier, she’d thought him panty-melting hot, but now as he smiled at her, she realized how wrong she’d been. Wow. Maybe it was a good thing the man didn’t smile too often.

“How’s next Saturday?”

She’d kind of been hoping for something sooner, but she wouldn’t complain. He’d agreed. “Whatever works best for you.”

He smiled again. Oh, yeah. He was protecting the female population by not smiling on a regular basis.

“I’ve got your number. I’ll call ya later in the week and we can work out the details.”

Well, she’d already done a first tonight and asked him out. She might as well do another first and kiss him, because it didn’t look like he planned on doing it. “Great,” she said, leaning closer and pressing a kiss against his lips. Since everything else about the man appeared hard, she expected his lips to be too. Instead, they were warm and pliant against hers.

Rough callused hands settled on her bare back and traveled lower, sending a tingle down her spine, and she rubbed her tongue against his lips. On cue, his mouth opened and she didn’t hesitate. Right away she slipped her tongue inside.

He tasted like coffee and cherries. She’d noticed him popping hard candies on the ride into DC, as well as the ride home. She guessed they were the source of the cherry flavor.

Rock’s hands moved again, settling on her butt, and an ache started between her legs. She hadn’t had sex since before Halloween when she’d still been with Charles, and until this moment, she hadn’t been the least bit aroused once in all that time. Now she was considering another first and asking him up to her bedroom. Never in her life had she had sex on a first date. She left that type of behavior to her brothers. Before she got intimate with a man, she liked to know more than just his name. Right now, anything else about Rock seemed irrelevant. She wanted him and it was evident he desired her. There was no missing the erection pressing against her.

Then, just like that, his hands settled on her waist and he put space between their bodies. Cool reason immediately washed over her and heat warmed her face. She’d just been considering sex with a man she barely knew. If her brother Trent ever found out, he’d never let her live it down. She’d given him a hard time for sleeping with women he barely knew before he married Addie too often.

“I gotta go. We’ll talk this week.”

A stray piece of hair fell into her eyes and she pushed it away, glad it gave her something to do with at least one hand. “Great.”

He gave her one last smile, which again had her reconsidering her ‘need to know a man before sleeping with him’ philosophy, and left.

Allison locked the front door and then doubled checked the door in the kitchen. “What a night.” On her way back through the front foyer, she tried the front door again before setting the alarm and heading up to bed. Not that she expected to fall asleep anytime soon. Between the coffee and the kiss, she expected to remain awake for sometime. At least upstairs she could relax in bed and fantasize about the handsome Marine she’d be seeing again soon.


Chapter 4

About time he left
. From the safety of his bedroom, he watched Allison’s unknown date for the night come down the steps. The guy paused once and turned to look at Allison’s front door before he climbed into a black pickup. He didn’t know the SOB’s name, but it was the same jerk who had changed her tire outside Siena. Even from this distance, the dude was hard to miss. Soon though he’d know who the guy was. When he and Allison left, he’d copied down the jerk’s license plate. A quick call to his friend Roger in the morning and he’d have the guy’s name and address. Once he had the information, he’d decide what his next step was. If he turned out to be some distance cousin or long-time family friend, he’d leave the guy alone. Otherwise, he’d do what he had to.

He glanced back at the townhouse when the pickup turned left and disappeared from sight. One by one the lights on the first floor went off, leaving the rooms in darkness. He pictured Allison climbing the front staircase and entering the master bedroom. Looking up, he zeroed in on her bedroom window. How many times had he sat and stared at the windows, wishing he was inside with her? Too many, but soon that would end. Soon she’d be his.

Unable to stop it, a smile spread across his face. Yes, soon he’d be spending all his free time inside with her.

Light spilled out of Allison’s bedroom moments before she appeared at the window. He only got a quick glimpse of her before she pulled the curtains. He didn’t need to see her with his eyes though. He’d committed everything about Allison Sherbrooke to memory. Right now he imagined her unzipping the sexy gown she’d worn tonight, a gown she should have been wearing for him. His smile died as he thought of the Marine who’d been with her tonight.

Next time she’ll wear it for me.
Allison’s silhouette passed behind the curtain and he let his mind go back to undressing her. With the zipper undone, she’d slide the dress down over her perfect breasts. She’d let the dress pool down around her ankles, revealing her legs. Legs he wanted wrapped around his waist as he made love to her.

He gritted his teeth. Damn he wanted her. Tonight he’d have to settle for someone else. As soon as he knew she was in bed, he’d pay Kitty a visit. She was always up for a little fun.

The light upstairs switched off. Allison was safely alone in her bed for the night. Now, he could leave. Later he’d check back.



Chapter 5


Rock glanced at the large screen television on the far wall while he waited for his buddy Connor. At the moment, the basketball game between Sacramento and Washington was on. Basketball wasn’t his favorite sport, never had been. From time to time he’d watch a game if he had nothing else to do, but he’d always preferred hockey and football. Tonight, various basketball games were on all the screens inside the sports pub near his apartment.

“Got tickets to this weekend’s home game against Boston. I can’t use them. You interested?” Connor asked, taking a seat across the scratched table. Like everything else in Shooter’s Pub, the table had seen better days. However, the joint’s run-down appearance didn’t keep the customers away. The popular sports pub had a steady stream of regular customers every day of the week, many of them military men and woman from the nearby base.

“I’ll pass. Give Landon a call. He’s a huge Boston fan.”

“Asked him already. He’s busy with the paralegal he’s been seeing.”

Something told him another of his friends would soon be making a visit to the church. Landon hadn’t spent much time with anyone other than Lisa for the last six months. When he did go out without her, he didn’t stop talking about her.

“Are you sure you don’t want ’em?”

“Got plans this weekend.” Plans he needed to finalize soon. He’d never said when he’d call, but it was already Wednesday. If they were going to do something on Saturday, he needed to get his ass in gear.

“If you think of anyone else that’d like ’em, let me know.” Connor smiled at the waitress when she appeared at their booth and placed his drink order.

“Do you want another, sweetie?” Candy, the waitress asked. She was a pretty redhead, and they’d flirted with each other a few times when he’d come in, and in the past, he’d enjoyed watching her move around the pub. She had a great bod and knew it, but tonight he’d forgotten she was there.

“Yeah and an order of Buffalo wings, please,” Rock answered as his stomach rumbled loud enough to be heard over the blaring televisions.

“Bring over an order of regular ones too, Candy.”

Candy gave them both smiles and an eye full of her cleavage as she bent low to collect the menus she’d left on the table when Rock first sat down. “Be right back.”

Across the table, Connor gave a low whistle as he watched Candy walk away. “Love the legs on that one. I’ve got to get her number before I leave.”

He’d had a similar thought on previous visits himself, just not tonight. “What happened to Bell?” The last time he’d talked to the guy, he’d been dating an accountant.

With Candy and her legs no longer in view, Connor looked at him. “She moved back to Mississippi last month. She missed her family. No big deal.” He shrugged and Rock got the impression his friend wasn’t all that broken up about it.

“You still seeing that airline attendant. Susan, Suzanne?”

“Shana. We went out twice.” And he wouldn’t be calling her again. Near the end of their last date, she’d started talking about wedding dates and having kids. He didn’t need any more red flags than that.

“Here you go, sweeties.” Candy returned with their drinks. “Your wings will be out in a few minutes.”

Once again, Connor watched the waitress walk away.

“Did you ask me to meet you here so you could watch her all night?” Rock asked.

“No, but since I’m here, why deny myself?” He picked up his beer bottle and took a swig as his eyes followed Candy until she disappeared through the kitchen door. Then, he turned his attention back to Rock. “You’ve heard of Elite Force Security, right?”

He’d heard of the expensive private security firm who provided protection to anyone who could afford them, including wealthy politicians and businessmen. Not that long ago, he’d read an article about them while in the dentist waiting room. “Yeah.”

“They’re recruiting. I gave them your name and number. I thought after this next trip to the sandbox, you might be ready to retire and rejoin civilian life.”

“I don’t do babysitting.” Following someone around so they felt safe while they shopped didn’t interest him. “Can’t believe you do.” Connor always struck him as the type to stay in the Corps for life. When he’d announced he’d taken a position with Elite Force Security, Rock thought it was some kind of practical joke.

“There’s more to the firm than personal security,” Connor said, his eyes once again looking away from Rock.

“Two orders of wings. Do you need anything else?” Candy placed two plates overflowing with wings and some appetizer dishes on the table.

“How about a phone number?” Connor asked.

Candy didn’t hesitate. She pulled a pen and pad from the apron around her waist, wrote what Rock guessed was her phone number down, and handed the paper to his buddy.

Connor shoved the paper into his pocket. “I’ll call you.”

The guy liked to pick up woman. “That took ya longer than usual,” Rock said once Candy left again. “Few months ago, you would’ve had her number before she brought our beers. Playing babysitter is slowing you down.”

BOOK: Protecting The Billionaire
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