Protected by Emeralds (A Dance with Destiny Book 5) (13 page)

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“Nae, he wasnae at that. Ye should take comfort in knowing each time that rotten Emperor crosses yer mind… it is because Apollyon is adding another stripe tae his forever damned flesh.”

“Yep.” Vareilious chuckled softly. “Beating the hell out of him on a daily basis.”

“That he is.” Vittorio kissed her cheek. “When Musashi enters yer thoughts, dunnae get angry, Lass—smile.”


“Aye, smile. Smile because ye know he cannae ever hurt ye again.
because ye know he’s now getting back all he dealt ye… an’ more.”

“I can almost imagine it.” Vareilious shuddered. “I know what I would do to the blasted vermin. But Apollyon—that old blue devil is the fountain
torture flows from. Hmpft. I bet he dreamed up all sorts of new punishments… just for Musashi.”

Then, she did smile. The very thought caused a warming sensation to fill her belly.


Chapter 9







“Lala!” Jenevier held her arms wide, scooping the tiny girl up. “I missed you too much.”

“I missed you more.” Lala giggled.

“You are the sun, little one.” She tickled her granddaughter’s ribs as she spoke.

The girl giggled wildly. “And you are the moon,” she gasped out between laughs.

“Naga, we have much to discuss.”

Jenevier rolled her eyes when she heard the cold voice behind her. Squeezing the happy girl, she whispered in her ear. “I must go talk with mean old Uncle Daichi now. Tell your mama I will be there for tea as soon as I get done. Okay?”

“Okay, Obaasan.”

The tiny girl ran down the hall, still laughing.

Jenevier sighed heavily before entering her room. “I present myself to be lectured, beaten, and chastised, Milord. Do your worst. I deserve nothing less.”

She quickly scanned the room, but there was no sign of her sapphire Blessing.


She yelped when massive hands grabbed her from behind, sweeping her into the air. He turned her to face him. Daichi’s regal features had barely come into focus when she felt his lips upon hers. It was as it had been that first time. Lightning coursed through her. Fire singed her muscles while ice blew through her twisting gut. Every cell, every sensation, every thought… he owned them all. She was no longer Jenevier. She was no longer Naga. In her Blessing’s embrace, she was but a piece of a new being the two of them entwined became. They blended completely. No individuality remained. They became one
creature. No Daichi, no Naga, just… one. A more glorious feeling could not exist. They would always be better together, always.

Custom made to be my… everything.
They shared the same thought in the same moment.

“Naga.” His proper voice was deeper, heavier. “Why did I only ever kiss you that once? I should have done thus daily. I will no longer be silent in this regard. Too long have I waited patiently for you to see what it is we are meant to be. Too many years have I let you take the lead in this most delicate of dances. Drifting about through the universe… you are never anchored, never truly strong. You are meant to have
lovers. Have you not been told thus over and over? Only with me can you be the creature you were made to be. My damn pride is what stayed my hand, Naga. But no longer.”

She was heady with the encompassing feeling of
. “Daichi.” She struggled to free herself. “Why now? Your timing is truly a dark jest.”

“Is the answer not obvious?” His arms tightened around her waist. Leaning down, he whispered the answer into her open mouth. “Vittorio.”

She closed her eyes against the sting of coming tears. She knew his words were true. Had Varick not told her the same thing—that her heart was meant to be bound to no one? Hadn’t her own life proved these very words time and again?  But her Daichi… he was different. Her connection to this glorious Angel was not meant to be one of the flesh. It was so much more than that. Their bond surpassed human understanding. Alas, the human in her still wanted to be loved as a man would love her… as Vittorio loved her. He was as essential to her fragile humanity as Daichi was to her ethereal soul.

“Since before I drew my first breath, I knew your heart concerning that mighty Guardian. He has always been the one. Even though your head constantly denied it, your heart never did. Since the moment he winged you away from that miserable scene in Detroit, he has been your soul’s desire… as you have been his.”

“But, Daichi—”

“Shhh, Naga. I am not as blind as are you, Little Fire. I know the truth. I always have. As has Tenshi. Vittorio knows as well. He has only ever waited for your weakening resolve on his behalf. And that day has come. His wait is over. You have finally accepted his love, openly. He needs now only to free your heart from the self-imposed restraints that keep it bound, fettered. It will not take him long. Only moments, I should think. But that is not your destiny, Naga.”

“Why, Daichi? Why can I not love him with my heart and blend my soul with yours at the same time?”

“Naga, you are not as foolish as that.” He smiled softly. “You tell me. What if Vittorio was given a helpmate? Not one he would lay with, no, but one that was essential to his wellbeing. Tell me true, Naga. Would you be jealous of the woman he needed to keep him whole, even if you were his one true treasure?”

Her tears escaped then. “I would hate her… always.”

“Yes, you would. And how long do you think it would take before you started punishing
for such? How long before you rended her, and cursed him?”

She sniffed. “The very first time I saw them touch.”

He chuckled softly. “You are a wicked Angel, Kagi Naga. But I know you speak true. Now, tell me. Would you want to put Vittorio through that same kind of torment?”

She didn’t answer.

He kissed her forehead. “I will not let him have you without a fight. He and I are on an equal playing field. If he wants you, he will have to win you away. I know it is possible. I am no fool. Yet, he will have to
you, Naga.” He caressed her trembling back. “You were manacled to Tenshi’s father when I was first created. You were so again to your beloved Varick when breath was given to my new form. When you lost Varick… I gave you room to grieve, room I knew you needed. I even relinquished you to the care of your first love, your Alastyn. And on my honor, I would not have interfered with your long awaited romance. Yet that Elf witch stole you away from me, away from yourself.” He kissed her closed eyelids. “When next I found my beloved Naga, the reason for my very existence, you had given your beautiful heart to a different mortal.”

Her soft sobs started then in earnest.

Daichi scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the balcony. “Oh Naga, I was so hurt—crushed by what I took as your betrayal. Alas, I determined to wait for you. We have eternity before us, dear one. And you were so happy and carefree with your rare Finnean. I dared not interfere. Yet you were never far from my sight.” He smiled softly. “I love you too much. And I love to see your smile. When you were on the arm of that brave young man, never has your smile been more radiant.”

Jenevier wiped her eyes but remained resting against Daichi’s broad chest. “I loved him true,” she whispered.

“Yes, you did. And when that valiant man was stolen from you, taken all too soon… I let you grieve yet again. In your own time, in your own way. I know what your soul needs, little Dragon. No one knows as I do what best will keep you whole.” He tenderly stroked her curls. “But no longer will I wait, Kagi Naga. Not this time. No longer will I step aside. Vittorio is a different opponent altogether. He can offer you nearly everything I can, save the healing part. And that mighty Guardian has always managed to find a way to heal you. Minus any divine appointment, that skirted warrior has managed to piece you back together so many times, it has become second nature between you. Without intention… it just naturally happens.”

She drew in a ragged breath, shuddering from the strain of it.

Daichi sighed. “And… you have already loved him for a lifetime. Vittorio is my greatest adversary. He will always be the one I must overcome. I cannot lose your heart, Naga. I cannot live without it. I will no longer restrain our bond. Tenshi once asked me how I first revealed our divine connection, how I had convinced you of my role in your life. When I told him I had but kissed you, he asked me why I did not do thus daily.” He felt her smile against his chest. “No longer will I withhold my deep, soul-stirring need for you, little one. As I said before, Kagi Naga… if Vittorio wants you, he will have to
you.” He lifted her chin, placing a tender kiss upon her quivering lips. “And I will do everything within my power to win you over completely.”




Tenshi sat staring at the dainty pot holding the cooling tea his wife had lovingly made for his mother. Lala’s happy giggles pulled his gaze to where she and Vittorio were playing near him on their balcony. Still, his attention remained fixed upon the fascinating developments playing out in an entirely different part of the palace. A slight smile curved up his perfect lips.

“Tell me, wee lamb. Where’d ye get such a lovely name?”

Lala tried to catch her breath. “Obaasan gave it to me when I was born.”

“Aye, did she now? An’ do ye know where she came by it? Did yer lovely Gran tell ye where she heard it?”

“I know where she heard it,” Tenshi said. “I know the story well. She learned it from you, Guardian. She said you whispered that word in her ear when you tricked her into buying that rare red dress you gifted her after her first mission. She said she loved the way it sounded when you said it. It has been her favorite word ever since. If I had been a girl, that’s what she planned on naming me.”

Vittorio’s vision drifted as his mind raced back through the precious memory. “Aye, Lad. I love yer mama with all there is tae me. I have since that very day.”

“Gratitude for bringing her back to us,” Tenshi whispered. “We were sick with worry. And all those injuries…”

“Aye, she refused the waters.”

“Ah, but your sacred pool can no longer cleanse that tiny, hardheaded little woman. Only Daichi can see to such now.”

A sad silence hung in the air around them then.

When Lala could no longer get Vittorio’s attention, she pounced on him. Then the giggles started again.

Tenshi smiled and went back to eavesdropping on the two Angels upstairs.

“Do you believe in necessary evil?” he asked, casually.

Vittorio cast him a sideways glance as he tickled little Lala once more. “Nae, Brother. That’s only a myth. One brought on by the whisperings of demons. Anything good that came tae ye because of darkness, would’ve come tae ye easier if there was naethin’ but light.”

“And yet… Fate is a demented mistress, is she not?” Tenshi’s smile was heavenly, yet wry.

“Aye, that she is. A more heartless creature doesnae exist.”

“Truer words could not be spoken.”

He looked to the kilted Guardian he counted as his dearest friend. Sadness washed over him.

“Aye, wee Tenshi. Spill it, Brother. Tell me what those damnable Angel powers have shown ye. Dunnae hide the truth from me. I cannae abide secrets where yer blessed mother is concerned.”

Tenshi closed his eyes then. Leaning his head back against the chair, he let the glorious power of the sun warm his ethereal face.

“My mind was toying with destiny. Sorting out mysteries… explaining the truth in magic.” He glanced back over at Vittorio. “Were it not for a demented madman, you would be holding my precious mother as we speak… drinking in the beauty of her angelic face. Beauty made all the more glorious by the gentle glow your now freed love would leave upon her fair cheeks.”

Vittorio stood. Walking away from the laughing little girl, he held tight to the banister—staring, unseeing—as the flowing lavender danced like a purple sea beneath them. He had no words.

“A sick mind upon a distant layer was bent upon slaughter,” Tenshi continued. “Your noble heart is tethered to the Angel of Death, Brother. She answered her summons—left to do what it is she was created to do.”

Vittorio snorted out a solemn laugh. “Nae would I have thought my immortal heart would be bested by a simpering wee knife wielder… especially one who claimed the fair likeness of her unnaturally beautiful Hand. Aye, Yui’s enchanted face has brought me low.”

“Not so,” Yui said as he entered. “I would never bring harm of any kind to the man who treasures my mistress above all others. What demon would whisper such lies as this?”

“It wasnae a demon, wee ninja. It was but a man.” Vittorio spoke, but he couldn’t turn to face them. He was too numb to move. “A human man with a black soul. My fair Angel couldnae kill him, for he wore yer lovely face, Master Hand.”

Vittorio’s words caught in his throat. He felt the burn of coming tears.

Yui looked at Tenshi, waiting for the Guardian’s tale to continue, minus the accented warrior’s words.

Tenshi met his sensei’s lavender gaze. “Mama was summonsed to layer eight. A man was slaughtering young maids, sprinkling their blood beneath the sakura and posing their lifeless bodies for his own twisted pleasures.”

Yui held up his hand, silencing the sapphire son of his beloved Empress.

“Mika? Come, little sister. Take Lala to play amongst the lavender. Words must now be spoken that I pray this child may never have to hear.”

Mika scooped up the giggling little girl and kissed Tenshi on the forehead as she left.

“Gratitude, Master Yui.” Tenshi sighed. “I fear I may never get used to my duties as a husband and father.”

“You are lacking in nothing, Milord,” Yui said.

Tenshi smiled. “You love me too much, good Yui. You love us
too much.”

Yui blushed when the Angel cast him a knowing smile.

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