Protected by Emeralds (A Dance with Destiny Book 5) (12 page)

BOOK: Protected by Emeralds (A Dance with Destiny Book 5)
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“Yes.” He nodded elegantly. “That is precisely my intention.”

She smiled then and gently took his hand. He flinched.

“Uriel, Brother… you have no idea how many times I have wanted to punch you right in the mouth.” She blushed. “Gratitude, Brother. That is the nicest thing you have ever offered to do for me. I am truly grateful. But there is no way I can actually fight you. Not now. Not while you’re being so kind and considerate.”

He gently tugged on one of her curls. “And yet… the offer stands, Vashti. If ever you need to just let it all out, call for me.”

She bit her lip, hurriedly wiping away the single burning tear that had accidentally escaped. She swallowed hard.

“Call for me,” he whispered. “…and I will hold Jophiel down while you beat the hell out of him.”

A relieved laugh burst out of her then. She wrapped her arms tightly around her angelic brother’s neck.

“Gratitude, Uriel. You have no idea how much that helped. You cannot imagine how your kindness has soothed me.”

“All is well, little one.” He gently rubbed her curls.

“Do you promise?” she whispered.

“Hmm? Promise what?”

“Do you promise to hold Jophiel… so I can hit him?”

He chuckled. “Any day you wish it, tiny Angel.”

“Can I hit him as many times as I want?”

He nodded. “Yes, little one. You have but to say the word.” He tenderly kissed the top of her head.

Did he just say what I think he said?

Oh, calm down, Jophiel. It’s not like he would actually—

When she squeezed him a little tighter, Uriel couldn’t help but smile—a soft smile, caused by her gentle gratitude
by the extremely animated commotion now going on between his angelic brothers




“Bloody hell!” Valen grabbed his chest. “Vashti, you nearly scared the life right out of me. What are you doing here?”

Jenevier didn’t respond. She only stood there, staring coolly at the massive Vanir warrior who looked so much like Vareilious.

“Is something wrong?” He furrowed his brow. “Vashti, tell me. Has something happened?”

“You owe me a debt, Brother.” Her voice was cold, minus all emotion.

He took a step closer, studying her. “Vashti?”

She did not speak.

“How is it you came to be in my home?” He glanced around. “And completely unnoticed, at that?”

“Answer me, Warrior. You owe me a debt. I came to see it paid. Do you yet hold the honor it takes to see such a thing to its end?”

He smiled a crooked smile and huffed lightly. “I have all the bloody honor I’ll ever need, Princess.” He raised a single eyebrow. “My debt, your rules, Milady. How shall I face you? As the dog that once wronged you? Or as the warrior you now behold?”

“It matters little. The result will be the same.” She walked past him, her eyes fixed straight ahead. “Meet me in the large field behind the springs in five minutes.”

“How’s about I just escort you there, little one?”

She reached for the door. “No. You need time to fetch a healer first.” She glanced back over her shoulder before leaving. “Make sure they are strong enough to carry you to those precious waters you all cherish so much. You’re gonna need them.”

He chuckled. “Is that so?”

“Yes. I guarantee it.”

“Guarantee, huh? Well, that’s a mighty big word, tiny Angel.”

“Yes, it is. And one I can most certainly deliver on.”

“Hmpft.” He crossed his arms. “I believe I’ve heard that threat before.”

“Perhaps you have, good Valen. But I am the first one you’ve ever heard say it… who can actually deliver.”

He smiled as she disappeared out the door.
Damn… I’ve missed that fiery little lady.




“So… you chose not to heed my advice.”

“Oh, was that advice? Hmpft. Funny… it sounded more like a command.”

She shook her head as one corner of her mouth turned up in a sardonic smile. “Damn your ego, Valen. I did not come here to kill you. Nor do I wish to be bothered with tending to your wounds once we are finished. Now, with that being said… Go. Bring some back-up. Fear not. I will wait.”

Valen only popped his neck, smiling as he came to stand before her. “Eh… I’ll take my chances.”

“Very well, as you wish.”

“And the rules, Milady. You have not shared them with me. I probably should know before we get started. Don’t you think?”

She shook off her angelic mask, flexing her shoulders as her smoky form gave way to glittering pale flesh.

“There is only one.”

“And it is?”

“…Don’t die.”

Valen snorted out a chuckle.




Dammit… I’m too late.

Vareilious could smell the blood long before he could actually see the clashing ethereal duo. His recent encounter with the Archangel flashed before his eyes…


“She’s had a rough day, little brother,” Raphael was saying. “The man who hurt her, the Emperor, the one Daichi slew.”

“Yes, I have heard the wretched tale. What of it?”

“A near replica of that same man’s likeness took her out of Vittorio’s arms while her twins helplessly watched on. The story is long, but time is short. Uriel tried to help her—”

“Get on with it,” Vareilious growled. “Where is she?”

“Your celestial city.”

“What? Vanahirdem? But… why?”

“That unspeakable wound is now newly opened—fresh and raw as the day it was carved into her soul.” Raphael looked away, trying to hide his tears. “I believe she went there to fight.”

“Fight? With whom?”

I do not know.”


The mighty Vanir Guardian pulled up short when he caught sight of Valen hitting the ground. Jenevier was standing on trembling legs, not far from the felled warrior. Were it not for her pink curls, he would not have recognized her. Blood poured down from a large gash over her swollen left eye.

I’m too late.

Valen’s next blow landed just as Vareilious did. When the giant Sentinel of God touched down in the field, both beaten warriors were lying face down in the grass, struggling to stand. He just stood there, undecided on what to do. A smirk turned up one corner of his mouth when he heard the approaching footsteps of his accented brother.

“I hear you’ve been out causing trouble again,” Vareilious mumbled.

“Aye, Brother. Nae by choice, mind ye.”

“You can fill me in on the gory bits later. Let’s get these two cleaned up, shall we?”

“No! Don’t touch me!” Jenevier barked as Vareilious took hold of her arm. “I’m not finished.”

When she pushed back her sodden curls, now matted with blood and sweat, he saw the tear-streaked paths parting the bloodstains on her cheeks. His heart fractured inside him.

“Come on, Princess. Let’s save the remains of this battle for another day.”

“No!” She slapped away his reaching hand. “I said I’m not done. It still… it still hurts…”

Vareilious bit his lip, holding back his own tears. “As you wish, tiny Angel. But Valen
done.” He glanced over at the unconscious Guardian draped across Vittorio’s shoulder. “If you wish to proceed, I will be your partner.”

He stepped back when she finally pulled herself up on her knees, patiently waiting until she could halfway stand on her own.

“Don’t you dare go easy on me, Brother.” She spit out a mouthful of blood. “This will all be for nothing… if you just stand there.”

“Fret not, little one. Unleash your rage, Milady. I won’t hold back… promise.”

Jenevier lunged for him, just as Vittorio returned from the healing pools. He saw the giant Sentinel catch her as she stumbled.

Aye, Lass, my heart breaks for ye.

Vareilious steadied her until she regained her footing. “Let that be all now, Princess.”

She hit his chest with both fists as she rested her forehead there. “Not yet. Just… not yet.”

When she mustered the strength to push away from him, she stumbled backwards and landed in Vittorio’s waiting arms.

“Have ye had enough, Lass?”

“…No,” she whimpered, letting him lift her up and carry her to the springs.

“Aye, then. Let’s just wash away some of the muck—help ye get a better view of yer ugly adversary over there.”

“Yeah, Princess.” Vareilious pinched one of her toes. “It looks like you got some of Valen’s blood on you.”

“I’m not a Princess.”

He chuckled. “Apologies…
Empress Jen

She tried to smile. “Is he okay?”

“Who? Valen?” Vittorio sort of snorted. “Aye, Lass. He’s on the mend. He’ll be stitched up in nae time at all.” He kissed her forehead. “Now let me see tae
, my wee darlin’.”




“But… why Valen?” Vareilious asked as he poured another pitcher full over her head, watching the warm waters swirl about, tinged with red. “Why did you think of him, of

“He bit me,” she grumbled.

“Bit you?” Vareilious chuckled again. “When did he bite you?”

“…During the trials.”

“Aye, Lass. Yer trials—that’s a wee bit long tae be carrying around a grudge, is it nae?”

“Yeah,” Vareilious added. “You were but a babe then.”

“A debt’s a debt… no matter how much sand has passed through the hourglass. Besides, I didn’t actually
to collect on it,” she whispered. “Not before today.”

“Ahh, now you say the truth of it.” Vareilious gently lifted her chin. “I can’t even begin to imagine how hard this has been for you, Maiden. If it were within my power, I would resurrect
… only so you could slay him again and again. Alas, such a thing is not possible. Listen, little one. Time is the great healer. Each grain of that sand passing through your hourglass… each grain carries a tiny piece of your pain away with it.”

“That’s just it,” she growled. “I do not wish for time to erase the memory. I wish to always remember what happened, what that man did to me.”

“Aye now, Lass. Time wulnae erase the memory… nae matter how oft I wished it would. The magic time holds for ye—it washes the pain away. Ye’ll retain the recollection, wee rabbit. But with each passing day, the
that recollection brings will grow less an’ less. Blessedly so.”

you will allow it to,” Vareilious whispered.

She turned from them, bowing her head.

“Hey now, don’t try to hide from me, Princess. I know you. I know what you do. You like to punish yourself—wallow in your mistakes.”

“I do not punish myself,” she snapped. “And… I never

“Aye, Lass, ye wallow.”

“See? Even Vittorio’s backing me on this one. Listen, Jen.”

“Don’t call me that.”

Vareilious cleared his throat. “Listen, Jenevier. This is one time you have no right to wallow.”

She spun back to face him, anger burning brightly in her ethereal pink eyes.

“You have no right to wallow, little one, because you didn’t make a mistake.”

When Vareilious smiled at her… she bit her lip again, determined not to cave in to her coming tears.

“He speaks true, my wee darlin’. What Musashi did tae ye… that’s all on him. Ye dinnae cause it, an’ ye couldnae stop it. It is what it is. But as long as ye let it master ye, ye give him the power tae control ye from beyond the grave. Dunnae give him such a precious gift, Lass. Dunnae waste a single breath more on that damnable bastard. If ye wanna fight someone, fight him, fight the scars he gifted ye.”

“But… how?”

Vareilious nearly crumbled at the sound of her tiny, trembling voice. He met her watery gaze and swallowed hard.

Vittorio wrapped his arms around her. “By dealing with it, accepting it… an’ then letting it go. Defy that vile man by continuing tae live, tae breathe, tae smile.”

“Yes,” Vareilious whispered. “And don’t forget the most important part.”

She sniffed. “…The most important part?”

He nodded. “Yes. The fact that he is dead—gone forever.”

“Aye, an’ nae only that, wee rabbit. Have ye forgotten who claimed him after Daichi removed his head?”

She only looked up at her beloved Guardian and slowly shook her head.

“Come now, Lass. Think on it. Gone he is, yes. But he dinnae simply disappear.”

Vareilious snorted. “The old devil wasn’t that lucky.”

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