Protected by a Mobster 2: A Russian Mafia Romance (Volsky Mafia) (8 page)

BOOK: Protected by a Mobster 2: A Russian Mafia Romance (Volsky Mafia)
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“It’s going to be alright,” I say, keeping my voice soft and even. Calming. “The fight was coming no matter what. It’s just happening a few days earlier than originally planned. This is good. Soon it will all be over.”

Liliya lets out a breathy sigh as she clasps her hands together. “I... I know. I’ve just been thinking about how little we know about each other. When you win the fight, we’ll have to get married and...” She stops short and sinks her teeth into her bottom lip.

“I too have been thinking about how little we know of each other. You want to know what I think about that?”

Liliya smiles and nods slowly.

“I think that we will be a good match, you and I. Trust is a big thing for both of us. From the moment I saw you at that old diner, I knew you were special. Beautiful, sure, but it was more than that. There’s a light and innocence about you that calls to me.”


Placing my fingers to her lips, I silence her. She frowns back at me, that feisty irritation blooming in her whiskey eyes.

“Let’s spend the rest of the day together. We’ll get to know one another and build off of that. Sound good?”



Chapter Nine - Liliya

I don’t know what I expected the afternoon to bring when Ruslan suggested we spend the day getting to know one another. To be honest, I had no clue what to expect, but the simple carefree afternoon had me feeling better about what the future might bring.

We started off by having lunch at one of his favorite restaurants. It was a small place with beautiful pictures of Russia displayed around the space. It served up authentic Russian cuisine, as Ruslan explained as we took our seats. It was warm and inviting. Romantic, in my opinion. We sat at a table in the back corner, away from prying eyes and the bustle of customers and staff. Cafe Tatiana was just lovely.

“So this is your favorite restaurant? It’s nice.”

“It is. It’s like going home for me. I haven’t been back to Russia in years. I miss it very much. The food here is as close to home as it gets. Do you like Russian food?”

“To be honest, I’ve never tried it before. Well, not authentic at least. Our cooks were... well let’s just say my father had his favorite dishes and they were served often. The best way to describe them would be bland and boring. So maybe this will be a better experience.”

Ruslan laughs, waving at the menu. His eyes light up at the obvious challenge of getting me to like not only the restaurant, but the food, too. And I find myself eager to give it a shot, even though I fear I won’t like the food at all.

“Well, Liliya, let’s see if I can’t find something you’ll enjoy. I love a challenge. Do you mind if I order for you? The menu is in Russian but I don’t mind translating if you want to pick for yourself.”

“I trust you. Go ahead. Surprise me. Can I ask you something?”

“Sure. I’m an open book.”

“What’s Dolce Vita?”

As soon as the words leave my mouth, his body goes stiff. I immediately regret the question. He glances around the room as if making sure nobody is close enough to hear his response.

“Where did you hear about that? Never mind. It doesn’t matter. I own a number of businesses, and Dolce Vita is one of them. It’s a special club that isn’t for everyone. It’s a bit too wild for some people.”

“Too wild? How exactly can a club be too wild?” I ask as a waitress approaches our table.

I sit quietly as Ruslan orders our lunch and a bottle of Russian Standard. After the woman leaves, he explains that Dolce Vita is a BDSM club. I’m shocked and extremely curious at the same time. He tells me he acquired the club from an Italian man that owed him money and couldn’t pay the debt.

After some prodding he scooted his chair closer to mine and explained in some detail exactly what happens in the club. I could feel my cheeks burn with each description. What shocked me the most was the throbbing between my thighs as he talked so openly, without shame, about things so private and naughty.

“So you... you like this stuff too then?” I asked, feeling shy and embarrassed as his sea-green eyes looked deep into mine.

A cold chill swept down the length of my spine, followed by a warm flood of heat between my thighs. Ruslan’s hand settled on my thigh just as I clenched them together to hold my desire at bay. It didn’t help. I don’t think there’s a single thing in the world that would keep my body from reacting to his touch or the sound of his voice. It’s as if my body knows him and recognizes him in ways I can’t put words to.

“It is something I tend to enjoy from time to time.”

His hand slid along my thigh, moving higher and higher. I licked my suddenly dry lips, noticing how his eyes followed the movement. He leaned in, his breath mingling with mine, then his lips were on mine. A smooth velvety warmth followed as his tongue worked along the seam of my lips, flicking against them, begging for entrance.

A small moan escaped me, offering him the chance to delve his tongue deep into my mouth, searching and tasting me. I melted against his body like butter when his fingers pressed against my heated core. Even with the denim as a barrier to his touch, I felt it.

Breaking the kiss, I gasp for breath hoping it would settle my thoughts before I said or did something stupid. God have mercy on me for what I feel I have to say. I might regret it later, but in this moment I just want to be near him in every way a man and woman can be. “Will you take me there? I want to try it... with you.”

“We’ll work up to that, moya koroleva. In time you will be ready. I think you will enjoy the journey, and the pleasure it will bring you.”

Lunch only got better after that. The food was divine. Whatever the crap was my father’s chefs made was far from authentic. The Solianka, a spicy and sour soup, was followed by Golubtshy, a stuffed cabbage roll. Both were amazing and quiet flavorful. We ended our long lunch, sharing the most decadent dessert. Ruslan told me it was called Praga cake. It was a wonderfully sweet layer cake, and a perfect end to our lunch date.

From there we walked through the park, discussing our childhoods and experiences we had growing up. It was nice to see Ruslan shift from his Bratva boss persona and into the gentleman that I met at the diner. I knew they were one in the same, but seeing him like this was breathtaking. When he talked about growing up in Russian and his family there, he was so animated.

We laughed and joked around most of the afternoon until the real world blew it all to hell in a hand basket. It was just nice to be in a bubble, just the two of us, without interruptions. If only for a little while.

I watched from a bench in the park as Ruslan talked to someone on the phone a few yards away, probably Gabriel or Vlad, if I had to guess. When the real world came calling, he had to answer. I couldn’t be angry about it. He had to handle business. He turned around, a smile on his face as he strode toward me. I felt lighter, as if we had made headway in this strange arrangement of ours. Marrying Ruslan could be a great thing. We seemed to mesh together surprisingly well. And the sex was so incredibly good. That in itself was a bonus if you ask me.

“Sorry, sweetheart, but duty calls. I’m needed back at the house for a quick meeting, and then we’ll pick up where we left off.”

“That sounds good to me. Thanks for today. Any doubts I had about all of this...” I waved my hand between us “... is pretty much gone. I’m still scared of not being enough for you, though.”

“I think we’ll be just fine. How about we agree to ask questions and deal with whatever arises as it comes. Nobody truly knows anyone completely, no matter how long they know each other. We just need to be honest with one another every step of the way. Agreed?”


Chapter Ten - Ruslan

Liliya sat on the edge of my bed, shaking like leaf. I’ve tried to calm her nerves about the fight, but nothing has worked. She’s scared to death that something bad is going to happen, and there’s no changing her mind. I don’t have the heart to remind her that someone is going to die tonight because I don’t want her to get it in her head that it will be me. That would only make her condition worse than it already is. So instead, I say nothing about the fight.

Normally, I’d wear my usual black suit to a Commission meeting, as is appropriate, but not tonight. Tonight I’m opting for a pair of loose-fitting workout pants, a plain shirt, and a pair of tennis shoes.

David threw together a first aid kit and added it to the rolls of tape and the change of clothes that were in my gym bag, just in case. In all the time I’ve been involved in the Bratva, a fight like this has never occurred. The only rule is there are no rules. I’m nervous. I won’t verbally admit that shit, but I am. I’d be crazy as hell not to be. Dane’s a snake, and there’s no telling what the sneaky little piss-ant has planned. Abram assured me weapons would not be allowed in the fight, but like all things, shit happens. I hope he’s right, though.

“Lil, are you ready, sweetheart? We need to get on the road to make it there on time.” I gently brushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

“Um... yeah. As ready as I’ll ever be. I just have a bad feeling about this.”

I sit down on the bed beside my girl and pull her small frame into my lap, wrapping my arms around her. She leans her head against my shoulder. I hold her tighter, wanting to take her worries away, and in some way or another I must, because she calms down.

“Why does he want me there?” she whispers against my neck. “I don’t understand why that makes a difference.”

“I don’t know, Lil. Abram says he has the right to require your presence. I guess he wants you there so he can take you if he were to win. He won’t win, though.”

“I won’t go back with him, Ruslan. I can’t do it. I’d rather die than be his wife.”

“Look at me, Lil.” I cup her face, look into her beautiful eyes, and make a promise I hope like hell I can keep tonight. “I promise that going back with him is something you won’t have to worry about. I swear it.”

“Okay.” She wipes away her tears, her voice weak and shaky, filled with the fear she feels.

She scoots off my lap, pads across the bedroom, grabs my gym bag, and holds out her hand. I offer her a bright smile and slide my hand into hers, linking our fingers. This woman means everything to me. It’s strange, but I feel like we have known each other for a lifetime already. After spending time with her yesterday, we seem to have finally connected. It’s a special bond. One that doesn’t always require words to express a feeling. Last night, she moved her things into my bedroom –
bedroom – and settled in for the long haul. Waking up with her body pressed against mine just made everything more clear for me.

Gabriel even noticed the change this morning. For once, he didn’t bombard me with questions. I think he’s still in shock that I’m completely okay with having one woman when I could have a different one every night like he does. He’d asked me yesterday what was so special about her that would make me want to give up the single life, and the only answer I could give him was she makes me want to fully live and enjoy my life. That’s a big deal for any man.

Yesterday made me realize that, while I have plenty of money and authority, I have never truly enjoyed a damn thing in my life. I’ve survived it but not really lived. Liliya has shown me that, and when this fight is over, I’m going to make sure we truly live. I want her to have that freedom her father stole from her. I want to be the man that gives her the world.

We make our way downstairs, where Vlad, Gabriel, Maksim, and Bastian are waiting. Normally, I would only bring Vlad with me to a meeting, but given the fight, I want more eyes on Liliya while my attention is elsewhere. She’s sworn that she will obey Gabriel and stay at his side at all times for her safety. I’ve explained to her that there will be a number of Bratva men in attendance from various families, and not all of them are like me. To be honest, very few of them, if any, have an honorable bone in their body. Being caught alone would be dangerous as she bears no mark of protection, and without that, she’s up for grabs by anyone.

Our group filed out of the house, locked it up tight, and made for the black SUV in the driveway. Liliya slipped into the backseat, sliding to the middle. Gabriel and I slipped in on either side of her. She gripped the gym bag so tight her knuckles turned white. I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her into my side, and placed a kiss to her temple. She looked up at me, her eyes saying everything she couldn’t.

Vlad hopped in the driver’s seat. “Are we ready, Boss?”

“Let’s get this show on the road,” I stated firmly. “The sooner we get there, the sooner we can fucking leave it all behind.”

Vlad cranked the car and we were off, with Maksim and Bastian piled into a second SUV. The drive was quiet. I held Liliya close as I watched the lights of Las Vegas slip further and further away as we headed outside the city. Thirty minutes later, we pulled up to a large warehouse in the middle of God’s nowhere, surrounded by the desert. Several dozen cars and SUVs filled the space around the building. As directed, Vlad found a spot allowing a quick getaway if that should be needed. Bastian and Maksim pulled up beside us and parked.

Everyone else bailed out of the vehicles and stood around waiting. I wanted a minute with my girl before we had to go inside. I could feel the tension rolling off of her in waves. It was torture seeing her so panicked by the situation, but there was nothing that could be done about it now.

“Lil, I need you to listen to me. When we get out of this car, you stay beside me until I hand you off to Gabriel. It’s important that you stay with him. Vlad and the other guys will keep an eye on you, too. There is a possibility that your father might be in there. You don’t have to talk to him but the Commission will want to speak with you before the night is over. Just remember to stay calm and answer them honestly. That’s very important. Leave nothing to question.”

“Will the fight happen first? Or will they question me first?”

“I don’t know. Even though I am part of The Commission, I have not been provided with details because of the fight. Abram has provided me with all of the information he can, even though he shouldn’t.”

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