Protected by a Mobster 2: A Russian Mafia Romance (Volsky Mafia) (5 page)

BOOK: Protected by a Mobster 2: A Russian Mafia Romance (Volsky Mafia)
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Liliya stopped short at the doorway to the gym, taking in the sight of David and I coated in sweat, wearing nothing but gym shorts. Her eyes sparkled like diamonds as her eyes swept over my body before meeting my gaze.

“Sorry to bother you guys. I just wanted to see if I could hang out at the club tonight while you do your thing. It’s getting kind of boring hanging out here day after day.”


Liliya nodded.

Before she could turn to leave, I remembered she hadn’t met David. “Liliya, this is David Lawler, an old friend of mine.”

“Hi, David. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She offered a bright smile and made her way across the room to hesitantly shake his hand.

“It’s nice to meet you too, Liliya. I’ve heard a lot about you from our boy here. I just hope you know what you’re doing getting involved with this guy. He’s pretty intense for a sweet little thing like you.”

“I’m pretty sure I can handle him,” Liliya said, her eyes darting between us as a blush crept over her cheeks. “All bark and no bite, isn’t that how the old saying goes?”

David gave her a nod.

“I’ll just leave you guys to... um... your training,” she stuttered, her eyes sweeping over my sweat-drenched body, obviously noticing my cock straining against my workout shorts.

I watched her hustle out the door, shaking that sweet little ass as she went. Shaking my head, I cleared my throat. It took everything I had in me to not rush across the room, press her against the wall, rip her damn clothes off, and bury my cock deep inside her sweet little pussy, taking her right there.

David cleared his throat, pulling me out of my thoughts.
“So that’s the little lady that’s got you in knots?”

“Yeah, man. Fuck me, I have no idea what I’m doing. She’s so damn sweet, it has to be a sin to want to corrupt her the way I want to. She makes me want things. Scares the hell out of me.”

David let out a laugh.
“I can’t say I ever thought you’d go for the innocent type, but I do see the appeal in doing the corrupting. She’s one fine woman. Absolutely gorgeous. Nice little body, too. You always were the lucky one with the ladies. Love’s a scary thing.”

“Just remember she’s mine, David. Make no mistake about that.”

“Well, you better scoop her up and put a damn ring on it before someone beats you to the punch, old friend. Women like her don’t stay on the market for too long. Have you taken her to Dolce Vita yet?”

“No. I’m not sure she’s into the sweet life of whips and shit. I don’t want to run her off or scare her. I’ll ease her into it over time, if she’s interested. With everything that’s happening right now, that conversation is the farthest thing from my mind. Plus, the sex is plenty fine without the bells and whistles. I can wait.”

Liliya Markow was driving me wild with need. I can’t help but want this woman. I was right, though. Once was not enough. Once only made me want her even more. She had ruined me with one taste.

She intrigues me in ways no other has before her. There’s something wild and untamed about her that speaks to the darker side of me, and yet I still find the pure innocence she has tucked within her so enduring that I ache to make it a part of me. I want her to be my queen, to stand at my side. When I gave her the choice to be with me, to let me fight for her hand against Dane, I needed her to say yes to me. I half expected her to run for the hills.

When she agreed, I was just flat-out stunned by her need to go the distance, regardless of the danger that came with her decision. I wanted her to make the choice to have me in her life. Never have I given a woman a choice. But for Liliya, I offered just that, and I love the way it warms my dark soul.

After working out a while longer, my arms sagged with exhaustion, my muscles burning, sweat soaking through my shirt and shorts. David ran his hand over his blue-tipped black Mohawk and called it a day. We’d pushed my body to the limits and beyond, as was usual for mixed martial arts athletes. I just hoped it was enough to win.

With the fight nearing, David wanted to bring in a couple of his fellow fighters to run practice drills with me. No man on earth could resist an opportunity like that and I agreed without a moment’s hesitation, leaving him to set everything up for later this week. After that intense training session, I would need to take it easy until it was time to meet Dane and settle this shit once and for all.

“Thanks for helping me out, David. I really appreciate you taking the time to help me prepare for this shit. And for being open to training Liliya.”

“Anything for you, Ruslan. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to repay you for helping me all those years ago. I just wish I could watch you fight this asshole.”

“Me too, man. If there was a way, I’d make sure you were there. Trust me on that. See you same time tomorrow.”

“Yep. Same time. Make sure your girl is with you. I’ll give her a short lesson tomorrow, too.” He collected his gear and headed out.

I plopped down on a bench, grabbed a bottle of water, and downed the entire thing as I began to consider David’s advice about Liliya. From the moment we first met, back at that little diner on the outskirts of Las Vegas, I felt a connection to her. It was as if the woman was a damned siren, her voice so soft and seductive, calling me closer with each and every word she spoke, but her body – my God in heaven – it was like a fire burning its desires and needs into my skin, my soul, my mind.

She consumed me in every way that she could. And I didn’t mind it one damn bit. Maybe David was right and I should put a ring on her finger. Choices seemed to make a big difference to her. I can understand why, too. She’s never been able to make a single one on her own before me, and I’ll make damn sure she always has choices.

Chapter Five - Liliya

Ruslan Volsky had finally made his move, and it was better than I could have dreamed. We spent much of the morning in bed and it was sinfully sweet.

His body was insane. His hard, defined abs leading down to that glorious V. Every inch wrapped in thick corded muscles. I ached to lick every one of them. I’d never seen a man so mouthwateringly hot in all of my life. Okay, so that’s not surprising given my lack of experience and handful of men to compare him to. But Jesus, his body is hot. And the things he did to me just... unbelievable. Perfect. Blissful.

One time wasn’t enough. Oh no. I wanted him again. My pussy still ached for him even now. The only thing that would have made the whole experience even better is if he had actually still been in bed with me when I woke up. Maybe next time. A girl can hope. Right?

I spent most of the afternoon online, trying to find the perfect outfit to wear to the club tonight. My wardrobe was rather slim, but that didn’t matter because this was Vegas, baby. Being that I hadn’t left the house in over a week, I wanted to make sure that I looked good. Not that I was worried about another woman trying to snag Ruslan’s attention, but I wanted what we had this morning again. So it was time to up my game and push my blue jeans and yoga pants aside for a more sexy and enticing look to drive him wild.

It was already nearing six in the evening and we would need to head to the club soon. As always, Ruslan had business to attend to there before he could cut loose for the evening.

I applied light makeup, giving myself a smoldering, smoky-eyed look before adding a little lip gloss, then blew myself a kiss and gave my hair a quick once over with the brush, smiling. I was almost ready.

Pushing up from the cushioned seat, I grabbed the garment bag hanging on the bathroom door, grinning from ear to ear at the dress I had selected. It was a lovely red dress with a super ultra-cut deep V-neck that damn near showed my navel and half of each of my breasts. As if that didn’t show enough skin, it fell just above mid-thigh, if that, barely covering my ass, but what had sold me on the dress was the open back

So freaking sexy.

Totally sinful.

It was one of those one hundred and ten percent goddess dresses that could make a woman feel like she could rule the world, and any man in it. At least I hoped it did all of that. I wanted Ruslan. I wanted to get to know him, not just in the bedroom, but to really know him. So I was putting myself out there for a man in a way I never had before. Sure, it was a little scary, but if all went well, it would damn sure be worth it in the end. The dress was fabulous, though, showing off all of my assets. I slipped it off the hanger, smiling like the cat that ate the canary as I put it on.

“Damn! I look sexy as hell,” I whispered to myself just as someone knocked on my bedroom door. “I’ll be right there. Hold on a damned second. Christ!”

“Boss is ready to head out whenever you are, Lil,” Vlad said loudly from the hallway. He was a sweet guy, if a little strange. There was just something about him that made you trust him without knowing why. He was easy on the eyes, too.

“Fine, Vlad. Give me a minute. I’m almost ready, I swear!” With a huff, I removed the lid from the shoebox on the counter and slipped on my shiny new silver Louboutin peep-toe heels. God, these shoes were gorgeous as all hell.

With a flick of my wrist, the bathroom lights went off. I headed downstairs to meet the guys who were, no doubt, ready to go. Obviously, mobsters were more than a little short on patience. As I reached the top of the stairs, I watched a startled and obviously shocked Vlad almost choke on his tongue when he caught sight of me. I held back the giggle because the one man I wanted to shock had yet to see me.

“What the hell is wrong with you, Vlad?” I heard Ruslan’s voice boom from just out of sight, the sound of his footsteps getting closer and closer as he approached, and then another shocked gasp.

But this time it was from the man I intended to shock with my attire. He did not disappoint. His tongue darted out, wetting his bottom lip, and that raging inferno swelled in his eyes as he clocked every single movement I made. “Oh my fucking Lord.”

I couldn’t stop the giggle that escaped my lips. Shaking off the excitement of his reaction, I slowly eased down the stairs, my gaze never once falling from his. Vlad stood frozen, his mouth gaping open at his boss’ side. The two were quite the sight. Two big commanding men that put the fear of God in those under them, and little old me had stunned them into complete and utter silence.

“I take it you approve of my outfit for the night,” I purred into Ruslan’s ear as he leaned in for a kiss.

“You have no idea. Very nice. Shall we head out?” His voice was like liquid sex, and as much as I tried not to let it affect me, it did. Heat pooled down deep, bringing with it a throbbing ache I knew only he could relieve.

Game on. Tonight I would tempt him to let go of that pesky control he seemed to love so much and just take me.

“Sure. If you think you can handle it, Boss,” I quipped over my shoulder, making sure I purred the word ‘Boss’ just to get him all worked up. The hungry look in his eyes said I was successful in my attempt. Score one for Liliya. It was going to be one hell of a night. I headed out the front door to the waiting car, my heels clicking on the concrete with satisfaction.

Both men stood frozen at the front door, mouths hanging open like little boys. The laugh I’d held back broke free into the night air as I slid inside the car. “Are we going or not?” And just like that, they hustled to the car as if the devil was chasing them. Tonight was going to be so much fun.

We reached Seduction, Ruslan’s most popular nightclub, in a sleek black SUV. The front doors of the club were roped off, a long line of partygoers lining the sidewalk, anxious to get inside.

A large burly man in a black suit with a noticeable bulge under his jacket approached and quickly escorted us inside. No matter how many men I’d seen with weapons tucked under their clothing, it was still unsettling to me. But I was glad they were here.

We pushed through the doors and entered the club, where the music was loud and the crowd was insane. Lights flickered overhead, playing over the crowd of bodies dancing and dry-humping each other on the dance floor. My heart raced and my body vibrated with excitement. I felt free for once, like anything was possible. A smile crept over my lips. Ruslan and Vlad followed behind me as I made my way through the tightly packed crowd of bodies writhing against each other, their inhibitions lowered.

Waitresses in short skirts and tight tops that left nothing to the imagination fluttered around the room, hustling booze. The bartenders were dancing around behind the bar, twirling bottles of liquor around on their hands and tossing them into the air. I was mesmerized.

The last time I had shown up here, I was three sheets to the wind with one thing on my mind – getting a meeting with Ruslan Volsky. I had accomplished that obviously, but hadn’t bothered to take in my surroundings during that visit.

Ruslan wrapped his arm around me, pulling me into his side as we made our way towards the bar. A young waitress with super-sized fake tits and long blonde hair appeared out of thin air at Ruslan’s side. The smile faded into a frown as she eyed me with laser precision. Her eyes slid up and down my body. Her nose wrinkled in disgust before she tossed her hair over her shoulder. What the hell is her problem? Jealousy maybe?

Vlad slipped up beside me just as I was considering grabbing a chunk of the girl’s hair and jerking her attention off of my man and back to me. If there was one thing I found distasteful, it would be rudeness. Well, that and women who obviously didn’t know their place. I mean it was obvious that Ruslan and I came together and for that reason alone, she should keep her distance. Nasty little bitch.

Just as my anger was being to thrive Vlad swooped in and beat it into submission. I guess he sensed my unease.

“Sweep the green-eyed monster off your back, Lil. Candy is beneath you, and there is no way in hell Ruslan would ever go for that.”

I huffed out a breath and looked up at Vlad. “It’s rude. She’s a disgusting cunt. I mean hell, I’m standing right the fuck here, and look at how she’s acting. Cheap ass cunt!”

Vlad smiled, amusement written all over his face. Maybe he was right. But I was still a little pissed off. Giving the girl one final look, I took a deep breath and let it go. For now.

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