Prophet of ConFree (The Prophet of ConFree) (44 page)

Read Prophet of ConFree (The Prophet of ConFree) Online

Authors: Marshall S. Thomas

Tags: #Fiction : Science Fiction - General Fiction : Science Fiction - Adventure Fiction : Science Fiction - Military

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"But – but – those patents are in isolation!" He was almost speechless.

"Not anymore! And if anybody tries to stop me, there's going to be blood in the halls! Get outta my way!"


Ice was in a separate floor, Room 550. As I approached it, Doctor Well was following me, keeping his distance, accompanied by Nurse Grim and a couple of husky orderlies who were probably going to try and restrain me if I got too crazy. I was looking forward to that.

"Get out of here, you
" It sounded like Ice's voice. A weird plastic helmet shot out of the doorway from Room 550 and shattered against the corridor wall, strewing plastic shards and wires. A young nurse ran out the door, shaken.

"Doctor Wellesley!" the nurse said. "She's attacked me! She won't take her medication! And she removed the head restraint. Wait, sir. You can't go in there!" I pushed the nurse aside and entered the cube.

Ice turned to me with a snarl, drawing back a fist. When she saw who it was, she gave a little whimper and rushed into my arms. She was in one of those stupid hospital gowns. She held me tightly and would not let go. And that was fine with me. We stood there embracing, and she was trembling and crying, presumably in relief. It was so wonderful to see her again. It was almost miraculous. I felt Deadman was standing right beside us.

"Get into your blacks," I said. "We're bustin' out of this place. Are you all right? Can you walk?" Her face was covered with purple bruises and patches of her lovely golden hair had been shaved off and ugly scars ran down her throat. She walked over to the door and slammed it in Doctor Well's face.

"I'm fine," she said. "Those bozos don't think so, but I do."

"How is Saka?"

"I don't know. They won't tell me."

"What! After all this time? Get dressed." I yanked open the door and confronted Doctor Well in the hall. "What the hell is it with you people? You won't even let her see her comrade, Saka? What are you running here, a concentration camp?"

"They're both in isolation. For their own good. We didn't…"

"We're going to see Saka next. Both of us. If you want to come along, fine. Just don't interfere." The two orderlies moved closer. "Boys, if you attack me, I'm going to kill you both," I said. "That's a promise. You'll be dead before you hit the ground."

"Now, now, no violence, no threats please," Doctor Well said. "There's evidently been a lot of misunderstanding here. Prophet, we apologize if we did not consult you before initiating treatment. It's just that – it's so important and we were so anxious to examine you. And as for your two colleagues, the field surgery used on them was – well, miraculous. And we were so worried about them, the wounds were so bad that we had to ensure they were unconscious and did not move their heads or necks. It was all in a good cause. Yes, sure, let's visit trooper Saka. No problem."

"You're damned right it's not a problem. It'll only be a problem if you try to stop us."


Saka was sitting up in bed, his head encased in a plastic helmet designed to stabilize his head and neck. A look of unrestrained delight came over him as Ice and I marched into his room.

"Ice! Prophet! Deadman! Oh my God!" Ice leaned over his bed and embraced him. He looked terrible, ugly purple bruises all over his face, his neck and chest seared with deep scars. I took one of his hands and held on. It felt so damned good. I started getting all misty-eyed. Together again – at last!

I ripped off his transfusion device and slammed it to the deck.

"Does this helmet come off?" I asked.

"Let me do that," Nurse Grim said. "The healing is complete and we were going to take it off today in any case."

"Do it," I said. She eased it off.

"They wouldn’t let me see you," Saka said to Ice.

"I'm going to report these bastards for mistreating wounded soldiers," I said. "That's a death penalty offense in wartime, Nurse Grim. You tell Doctor Well that I said that." I was furious.

"Get into your blacks, Saka. Prophet is taking us out of here," Ice said.

"Doctor Well, are you there?" I asked. He was standing in the doorway. "The three of us are checking out of this hospital right now. I wouldn't recommend resisting us. I'm going to be submitting a full report on your treatment of Ice, Saka and me. I'm going to recommend arrest and prosecution for mistreating wounded soldiers."

"Prophet, on behalf of the Legion Neurological and Physiological Reconstructive Recovery Hospital, I wish to apologize for any perceived failures or oversights in our treatment of you and your comrades. I wish to reassure you that you have all received the most advanced, innovative and thoughtful medical care and services available anywhere. If we have failed you in any way, we will strive to improve our services."

"Do you feel all right, Saka?" Ice asked. Saka moved his neck and head carefully.

"Feels fine," he said.


Well arranged for a hospital aircar to take us to where we wanted to go – Galactic Information. I marched Ice and Saka into the mess hall, and we found an isolated table and went through the food line and loaded up on wonderful things and then returned to the table and dug in. What a wonderful feast. I sure needed it. The bastards had been feeding me through a tube.

"So you were admitted, too?" Saka asked. "Were you wounded?"

"No, I wasn't wounded. But something strange happened to me, and they wanted to examine me."

"What was it that happened to you?"

"I'll tell you that later. First I've got a question. Did they tell you what happened to you?"

"They told me I was badly wounded," Ice said.

"That's it? How about you, Saka?"

"Badly wounded, yeah. Very badly wounded."

"Did they say anything about Brights?"

"Brights? No, not to me," Saka said.

"Nor to me," Ice said.

"All right. Well, that's the same as lying to you. They were not focused on you, but on what happened to you."

"What do you mean?"

"Here it is. There's no easy way to say this. You were killed in action, both of you. Ice, your skull was shattered. Yours too, Saka. You were nearly decapitated. Both of you were dead – I saw it, Bees confirmed it. Then something miraculous happened."

I told them what had happened. They stared at me, stunned.

"I know it's hard to believe. That's why the Recovery Hospital was involved. They wanted to examine the Bright 'field surgery' as they called it. They wanted to see how it was done."

"Oh my God – Bees! Is Bees all right?" Ice asked.

"Bees wasn't hit," I said.

"But is she all right? I mean, how is she taking my – my wounds?"

"She's overjoyed that you recovered. She says the Brights are angels. She seems convinced of it. She prays for you every day. And you too, Saka."

"Bless her," Ice said. "I'll have to send a startracer. If they'll let me."

"And how about Lan Hwa? Has anybody told her I was killed – or wounded?" Saka asked.

"No. Not as far as I know," I said.

"Don't tell her. Don't!"

"And Kwan?" Ice asked. "I've been dreaming of him every day and night. Having visions. And nobody in the hospital was interested."

"Again – last I heard, nobody had notified him. We were all on comdown and – well, I don't think he knows."

"Good. That's good."

"Could I join you folks?" The Director of Galactic Information stood there by our table, holding a cup of dox. We shot to attention, startled.

"Sir, yes sir!" I stammered.

"At ease, please. So, Prophet, will you introduce your friends?" We resumed our seats and he joined us.

"Yes sir. This is Ice and Saka, my squadies. Ice, Saka, this is Snow Leopard, the Director of Galactic Information."

"Ice and Saka. I'm very pleased to meet you. Yes, the doctors have been learning remarkable things from both of you. So – Prophet. They tell me you've been terrorizing the staff over at the hospital. What was that all about? What happened?" His hot pink eyes did not seem to be alarmed, but it was an experience just to have him focus on you.

"Sir," I said. "I'm going to write up a report recommending arrest and prosecution of some of those staffers on charges of mistreating wounded soldiers. Ice and Saka are heroes. They don't deserve the treatment they received at that hospital. Neither do I. Sir, we’re not whiners. We're soldiers. I came here on the Cosmic Sea. It was full of wounded heroes. I was proud of the treatment they were getting from all the doctors and nurses on board – they were heroes, too. But once I entered that recovery hospital it was all downhill, and fast. It was disgraceful. I'll not waste your time, sir, but it will all be in my report. I took my squadies out of there because I refuse to see them abused and treated like laboratory animals. And we're not going back there. We'd rather see the inside of a brig than spend any more time in that hospital, am I right?"

"He's right, sir," Kwan said.

"Absolutely!" Ice said. "They treated us with contempt. It was like a concentration camp. I thought they were there to help us."

Snow Leopard was looking at us closely, and I could tell he was getting very, very angry. His hot red eyes were almost burning. "What's the name of the lead doctor who was in charge of you folks?"

"It was Doctor Wellesley," I said.

"I'll not have anyone treat Legion soldiers in that manner," Snow Leopard said, calmly. "Prophet, you write that report and bring it to my office as soon as it's ready. I'm going to have a little talk with Doctor Wellesley. In the meantime you folks are TDY to Galactic Info Hqs. The TDY quarters are on the fourth floor. Check in, get some rooms and have a rest. Ask them to call my office for confirmation."

"Sir, yes sir! Thank you sir!"


The TDY suite cube was a delight. After the hospital, it struck us as a paradise – a sitting room, a commodesk with a huge d-screen, a giant bedroom, kitchenmod and bathroom. We were stunned and delighted. We had only asked for one cube because Ice said she did not want to be alone. Saka and Ice pretty much collapsed once they got there and were asleep in moments, Ice in the bed and Saka on the sofa. I sat at the commodesk and wrote up my report. I made it short and factual. I didn’t bother to check it with Ice and Saka because they had already given me enough data. When I was through, I found my way to Director Snow Leopard’s office and handed it to his assistant. I had marked the envelope XA

When I returned to the cube, I used the facilities and took a wonderful long shower. It was almost as if I was washing that hospital right off my skin. When I finished, I put on a sleeveless undershirt and Legion shorts and stretched out in a reclining airchair. By then it was dark outside and getting late. Ice and Saka were stirring. Ice went into the bathroom, took a shower and came out in her undies. Saka then went into the bathroom.

"Did you turn in that report?" Ice asked me.

"Sure did."

"I’m so tired."

"Do you want to eat?"

"No, I want to sleep some more."

"Fine. Do it."

"It’s so wonderful to see you again, Prophet."

"Ice. I am overwhelmed every time I look at you. Overwhelmed with gratitude. For the Brights, for Deadman, for us all. I saw you dead. And you’re alive! It’s a miracle."

She reached out and touched my cheek. "And I am so grateful. To you, to everyone. I’ve changed a lot. Profoundly. You found me Kwan. That was another miracle. And I know I’m blessed. Just to have survived. Thank you, Prophet. For everything."

Saka came out of the bathroom in his shorts. He had giant scars all over his chest. I motioned for him to join us. I took them both in my arms, a group hug. It felt so good I could hardly believe it. "I think it’s time for us to pray," I said. "Bees would be praying now, if she were here. I don’t know any prayers but I’d like to pray anyway. Dear Lord – Dear Deadman. We thank you so much for protecting us in battle, and for bringing Ice and Saka back from the dead, to join us again in the land of the living. We are so grateful for your divine intervention. Please Lord, we pray for your continued protection for all our comrades in Squad Delta. Please protect them from the evil. Amen."

"That’s pretty good," Saka said. "What does Amen mean?"

"I don’t know, but Bees always ends her prayers with an Amen."

"Let’s go to sleep." Ice said. "And I’m not going to sleep alone. I want both of you to join me in the bed."

"Both of us?" I could hardly believe it.

"Yes, both of you. I want to sleep with my squadies. No sex, we just sleep. I’m lonely, and I’m sick of sleeping alone in that hellhole hospital and I want both of you beside me."

And that’s what we did. Ice slept in the center of the bed, and Saka and I were by her sides. Ice held hands with both of us, and drifted off to sleep just like an angel. We slept like children, innocent and carefree.

At one point I woke up. I thought about the Brights. Yes, it was miraculous, what they had done. Bees said they were angels. Well maybe they were. Maybe the Brights were angels, or maybe the angels were Brights. The answer was probably lost forever in prehistory. But whatever you called them, they were damned formidable folks and could do wonderful – even miraculous – things. But what was a miracle anyway? Maybe it was just technology that was so advanced that it appeared to be magical to primitives like us.

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