Promises, Promises (27 page)

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Authors: Janice Baker

Tags: #Contemporary, #romance, #Adult, #sex

BOOK: Promises, Promises
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Clark came jogging downstairs. “Are you coming today too?” Matt asked him.

“Nah, I’m not going. Too family-ish.” Clark answered.

“Aww come on! Sherry will be there again. She was asking Mom about you!” Matt said as he smirked.

Clark chuckled “Yeah? Fuck, I don’t know. She was hot, but too clingy. Took me weeks to get her to stop calling me. Nah, I’ll just hang back today. Tina is still upset. I might go visit her again.” Clark said laughing.

Izzy came running down the stairs. How the hell does she manage to look so hot in just jeans and a cute top? Her top wasn’t too revealing, but showed the amazing swell of her breasts and just a slight cleavage that was respectable. She had her hair down with long curls bouncing. “You’re such a lucky son of a bitch.” Matt whispered to me while smiling.
Yes I am

“Hey!” she said smiling to everyone while grabbing a mug and poured some coffee. She looked a bit nervous and spilled some on the counter. “Shit,” she cursed under her breath, reaching for a towel. I walked over to the fridge to get the cream for her. She turned with her mug and ran right into me spilling coffee all over me. “Oh God, I’m so sorry!”

I laughed. ”It’s okay, really. What’s up with you? Are you nervous or something?” I asked rubbing my hands on her arms after I mopped up the coffee with a towel.

She set the half empty mug down and wailed softly, “Yes, I am!” Then she threw her arm out, pointing at Clark and Flynn and grumbled, “They reminded me last night that I’m meeting your parents for the first time. I’m getting pretty nervous!” She whined shaking her head, pouting. Fuck. That’s the sweetest pout I’ve ever seen.

Matt laughed, “You have nothing to worry about Iz! I was the big test. Our parents are going to love you! Not to mention when we tell Dad about your pool hustling!” His eyes lit up and he said, “Fuck yeah! We need to get Izzy to hustle Mr. McGowin! That might shut that bragging asshole up!”

I laughed and hugged Izzy. “Seriously, Matt’s right. Our parents love everyone. They’re really easy going. You have nothing to worry about,” I said softly as I kissed her. I couldn’t wait for Mom to meet her. She’s really going to love Izzy and how sweet and funny she is. Mom had said she already feels like she knows her as much I go on about Izzy every time we talk.

She shrugged as if not convinced, turned to pour more coffee into her mug and then poured the cream in. She set it down as Clark asked, “Hey Iz, can you pass me the creamer? …Please…ohhhh please” he moaned the last part, of course. Her eyes shot up and she flushed red. All the guys burst out laughing. She turned quickly to go to the cabinet. I couldn’t stop laughing and grabbed her from behind and hugged her. I kissed her neck in between my laughter.

“Guess your room echoes down the stairs.” I whispered in her ear.

She closed her eyes and shook her head taking in a deep breath. She turned around and set her mug back on the counter, obviously trying to change the subject she asked, “So, we’re stopping by Allure and loading up the liquor right now, right?” She gulped her coffee looking anywhere but the guys.

I shook my head knowing the guys sensed blood. They were going to be relentless with Izzy now that they saw her embarrassment over them hearing us have sex. Matt was smirking big time, “Aww, Izzy, do you mind if I
with you too?” We all busted out laughing. Izzy threw her hands to her face, laughing and shaking her head.

She looked at me cringing, “They heard everything?”

Flynn answered with a sly grin, “Yep, we may have forgotten to mention that when you moved in. Your room is like an amplifier!”

Clark started laughing. “At least you guys sound better than Lucy and Max. Holy shit, one night I thought they were hurting each other!” Flynn shook his head laughing remembering that.

I figured I better get Izzy out of there before she died of embarrassment. “You ready to go? We’ll head out and load up the truck.” She nodded, grateful to get away.

We headed out and the guys continued to harass her, “Oh come on Izzy, we were just about to
with you!”, “Please ooh please, let me come with you!”, “Fuck that was hot!” I heard one of them say as we hit the door. I just shook my head.

We started walking over to Allure and Izzy was shaking her head, laughing, “I’m so embarrassed!”

I slung my arm over her shoulder, “Aww, don’t be; it’s not like they’ve never done it. Not to mention I know they’re just jealous!” She didn’t respond.

We got to Allure, loaded up the liquor and kegs of beer I had already set aside and headed over to my house so I could grab a shower before heading over to my parent’s house.

On the drive over, Izzy was fidgeting and her leg seemed to be shaking a mile a minute. I put my hand on her thigh and gently squeezed. “Baby, seriously, my parents are so easy going. They’re going to love you. I promise.”

She gave me a half smile and huffed out, “Promises, promises,” as she rolled her eyes.

I laughed. “Well, this one is an easy one to keep.” I looked her in the eye. “I promise they’ll love you.” She just rolled her eyes and looked nervously out the window.

We finally arrived at my parent’s neighborhood. The block party is larger than what most neighborhoods do. It was a great place to grow up, where you felt you could go to any of the houses and feel safe. They were already setting up when we pulled up. I backed up my truck to the bar area they set up.

“Z!” I heard Mr. Dowling call me. We exchanged pleasantries and I introduced Izzy. The whole neighborhood was setting up, so we had lots of people coming up saying hi and meeting Izzy.

We finished unloading and we got back into my truck so I could park at my parent’s house. We pulled up into the driveway and I noticed Matt’s car was already there. Mom came running out giving me a huge bear hug. Izzy came around the truck, smiling nervously. “Mom, this is Izzy.”

Mom smiled and threw her arms around Izzy, giving her a huge hug, “I’ve heard so much about you! I’m so thrilled to finally meet you!”

Izzy hugged her back and was smiling shyly, “Thank you. It’s great to finally meet you, too!”

“What do you need help with, Mom?” I asked knowing she had a ton of food she had to move out to the tables. “Come in and I’ll show you.” She linked her arm with Izzy like they were best friends. Izzy glanced over her shoulder and smiled brightly back at me. I winked at her.
I told you, you had nothing to worry about. Promise kept.
Shit, Mom’s probably already making wedding plans. Not that I would mind that with Izzy. Just not yet. But soon….definitely soon.

We walked into the house and I noticed Mom rearranged the furniture again. I swear it’s like an obsession with her to rearrange it every year. Dad walked up holding two beers. I took one knowing it was for me. “Hey Pops!” I clapped his back.

“Zander, good to see you, boy. How’s the bar doing?” Dad asked, smiling. He was just a hair taller than me, and I caught that gleam of pride in his blue eyes.

“Great, it’s actually doing really well. How’s retirement going?” He retired just last year and I knew from Mom he was itching to do another project and was getting bored around the house.

“Ehhh…I thought it would be great, but it’s getting old quickly. Only thing good is not having to wear a suit every day. Other than that, your Mom has a long of list of things for me to do around the house.”

I chuckled because Mom had told me about the huge to do list she has for him. “Why don’t you guys take a trip or something? Take Mom on a cruise. I’m sure she’d like to get away too.”

He smirked, “Well, don’t tell your Mom, but I already booked a trip for the Caribbean in two months.”

“Great Dad, that’s great! She’ll love it!” Of course Mom already knew because she handles the bills and already noted the amount, but she didn’t want to spoil his surprise of telling her. “Did you meet Izzy yet?” I asked excitedly.

Dad smiled, “No, not yet, but between Matt and your Mom, I feel like I already have.” He patted my back and followed me into the kitchen.

We walked into the kitchen where Mom and Izzy were discussing recipes. Izzy looked just beautiful as she smiled at my Mom, who was explaining how to prepare some sort of dish. I slipped my arm around her waist as she finished her conversation with Mom. “Dad, this is Izzy, Izzy this is my Dad, Ed.”

Izzy’s face lit up smiling as she reached her hand out to meet my Dad. He scoffed at her hand and pulled her into a hug just like Mom had done. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Izzy! We’ve all heard tons about you already!” Dad said to her as he looked down at her stunned face.

“It’s great to meet you too!” She said brightly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, glancing over at me.

“I heard you play pool really well!” Dad said laughing. “Matt said we need to have you play McGowin, that bitter old ass. I need to try to shut him up! We’ll have to set something up!”

Izzy started laughing, “Anytime, that’d be fun. Just let me know when!”

Mom turned to the trays laid out on the kitchen island. “Alright everyone, grab a tray! We need to get this food out there before I have Helen pounding on my door!” She glanced at Izzy and mumbled, “Crazy woman has some sort of time table for this block party every year!” Izzy giggled that gorgeous giggle of hers. I wanted to grab her for a kiss, but knew she’d feel awkward in front of my parents.

We all grabbed a tray and carried them out to the designated tables. I sensed that Izzy felt comfortable enough with my parents, so I went back over to the bar area to help set up cups and everything else. Mr. Dowling had the ice buckets filled and looked up while he dumped the last one out. We chatted a little bit and soon enough the party got underway.

I ran into tons of friends and reminisced about old times. I noticed Mel and Izzy holding their own talking to the other women.  Izzy came over to me after a while and I put my arm around her. I introduced her to some friends I grew up with that I haven’t seen since last year’s party.

Matt and I started walking over to the Miller’s house. They had a huge front yard; we could all play football near the party. “So how’s it really going with Izzy? You told me she had a weird childhood. Anything else going on?” Matt asked.

“She’s been through a ton of shit. It’s like every day I’m finding out more stuff she’s been through.” I started remembering her telling me about the pool hall and her mom. I began to get nervous that there might be other stuff I might find out that maybe I wouldn’t want to hear about.

Matt shook his head. “What is it with you and finding these gorgeous fucked up girls? It’s like you attract them!”

“Nah man, Izzy’s different. I feel like she’s the one, even with all her crazy baggage.” She was nothing like Fucking Whore, Marie or any of my other exes.

Matt stopped me. “Wait, didn’t you tell me she’s also got some controlling crazy ex after her too? I mean, how many neon flashing signs do you need to hit you over the head that she could be crazy or something.”

I huffed, “No, it’s not like that with her. She just has problems and shit, but she’s still cool. I mean, you talked to her and everything. She just had bad shit happen to her.” I felt like I need to convince him. I didn’t want him thinking anything bad of Izzy. She was perfect, even with her fucked up childhood.

Matt shook his head, “I don’t know brother. I get what you see in her. She cool, she’s hot, fun and a great sense of humor, but sometimes when they have that much crap following them, it might be best to leave that shit alone.”

“Not this one, Matt, Izzy’s different. It all just feels different. I know she’s the one.” I said insistently.

Matt shook his head “Alright, brother, if you think that, then I’m here for you. Whatever you need.” I smiled. My brother always had my back. “Thanks.”

We went off to play our game.


Chapter 20



Mel and I sat in lawn chairs drinking our beers and watching the guys play football. I told her that she needs to stop bringing up the bad stories of when I hustled pool like she did last night. She had no memory of blurting out the story about that horrible night. We were followed home by the guy I hustled and luckily Brad and Mack were headed to our apartment for some drinks. Brad arrived just in time as the guy had me backed up against the wall and Melanie was trying to punch him to get him away from me. That was a scary night and I really had no desire to try to explain the whole ordeal to Z.

“That settles it! We have to call Brad and Mack now and have a reunion!” Mel exclaimed. She took out her phone and started texting him. She looked up and Flynn was watching her, looking a bit pissed. She huffed. “See that? That’s what he does! Like he’s positive I’m always trying to hook up with a guy! I haven’t even bothered telling him that Bill was transferred to our Chicago gallery.”

I was shocked as I glared at her. “What? Why wouldn’t you tell him that? That would settle a ton of questions he has in his mind. I would think you’d have jumped to tell him that!” I just didn’t understand their relationship at all.

“No, I’m not telling him. He’s never going to trust me regardless. What does it matter if Bill is here or not!” She looked like she was trying to pick a fight with me.

“Because, I thought the main reason you guys fight is because he thinks you’re still messing around with Bill.” I said, still in shock that she had some weird game going on in her head.

“That’s not the main reason we fight. He keeps trying to make me jealous too.” She said sadly.

“Wait. I’m sorry. Have you guys ever even gotten together? Or was there one day when you guys just started fighting?” I was totally confused.

“We kissed a lot and fooled around, but we’ve never gotten farther than that.” Mel said frowning.

“Why is that?” I asked, shocked.

“Because when we first started kissing, he had a girlfriend. Then he broke up with her so we could start something up, but then he found out about Bill and me and ever since then we’ve been going back and forth like this.” She said shaking her head.

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