Promises, Promises (26 page)

Read Promises, Promises Online

Authors: Janice Baker

Tags: #Contemporary, #romance, #Adult, #sex

BOOK: Promises, Promises
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Mark started laughing, “You okay? You seem a bit nervous.” He leaned in closer, “Don’t worry. Matt won’t kill you; he’ll just try to mess with you!”

I looked up at him surprised. “What?”

Laughing, Mark patted my back, “Go run to the back and get a new top!” I just stood there looking at him wondering what he meant by that comment. “Go change. We’re slammed out here!” He said still laughing.

I ran and grabbed a new top from Z’s office and went to the bathroom. I glared at my makeup and how horrible it looked. There was a reason I didn’t wear much, this was it. I tried my best to fix it, but noticed the bathroom was jammed with girls, so I knew it was even worse out at the bar. I gave up on my makeup and ran back behind the bar.

Z called me down to where they were seated at the bar. “Izzy, this is my big brother Matt. Matt, this is Izzy!” He smiled proudly, clapping Matt’s back as he introduced us.

I was so nervous; I wiped my hand on my bar towel and held it out to shake his hand. He grabbed it, leaning forward across the bar and pulled me close, giving me a sensual kiss on my cheek, uncomfortably close to my mouth.

His sexy, husky voice gave me shivers as he whispered in my ear, “It’s great to finally meet you Izzy. I’ve heard a shitload about you. My brother did not do you justice when he described you.” As he pulled back slightly, his eyes grazed over my body, especially over my chest. “You are gorgeous.” He sat back down, eyeing me again.

I stood there looking dazed, while Melanie and the rest of the guys just laughed. I smiled meekly as I shook off my shock. I realized this is just how his brother is and being that they all knew it, I figured I would tease back, hoping to shake off the weirdness that I felt just occurred.

“It’s great to meet you too. You seem to be exactly as Z described – sleazy and creepy!” I looked at Z and winked, hoping he wouldn’t take me seriously.

Matt clapped his hands, “HA! Sexy and feisty!” He licked his lips and his eyes grazed my body again, “Nice.” Thrown off by his eye-grazing, I was thankful to hear “Miss” and turned to serve more customers. They were still laughing when I left and started talking about tomorrow’s block party.

Because it was a packed night, I really wasn’t able to chat too much with the gang. I still ran down to serve them drinks, but the bar was so slammed. I kept glancing down and there were a ton of girls surrounding all of them. Melanie didn’t seem too happy about it, but Matt was thrilled and went dancing several times. Z danced with a couple, but I tried not to get upset because I assumed he did that so he could still chat with his big brother.

We started closing up and Clark came running in. “Matt! I sent several hot ones in for you!” He yelled out loudly. Ah…and now it made sense why they were always surrounded. Although, they were all really good looking guys, so I could imagine that happening without Clark’s help.

Matt started laughing, “I knew it! You are awesome man!” he said high fiving him.

“Did you see the smoking brunette in the black tank dress? Fuck she was hot! I told her to see you and Z at the bar!” He made boob gestures when he said “smoking brunette.” I continued to clean some glasses, chuckling at Clark and his ambitious ‘matchmaking.’

Mark and Sandy were done and headed out. I ran to the back to the office to grab my purse, came back and threw it on the bar. Z said goodnight to everyone, but the gang stayed at the bar, still drinking. Z was eyeing me after looking up from his phone. I smiled sweetly at him. Just then I heard my cell phone chime a text. I opened my purse and saw a text from Z.

Are you mad at me for dancing with those chicks? X.
I rolled my eyes laughing and looked up at him. He winked at me.

As long as you’re not mad at me for the comment about your brother. X

You are so fucking hot. If everyone would leave, I would lay you down on the bar and take you right now. X 
I flushed and looked up at him. He was smirking, and I noticed he probably had more than just a buzz right now.

Promises, promises. X

I turned and grabbed a beer since everyone else was still drinking. I winked at Z as I took a long drink.

Clark screamed out, “Matt, you’ve got to watch Iz play pool!” I swallowed hard. What if I was too nervous to play like I usually do? Nah, I tried to tell myself that I could do this no problem. I took another long drink.

“Yeah, Izzy! I told Matt all about hustling those guys the other night!” Z chimed in, excited.

Melanie started laughing and added in, “That’s nothing! She’s hustled guys before that wanted to beat her up! Well, actually a couple wanted to get their money back in other ways!” I gave her my ‘shut up’ look, but it failed because she was pretty drunk. “Remember that one guy that followed you home trying to get his money back a different way and Brad had to beat his ass?”

Thankfully, Flynn interrupted her, “Come on Iz!”

“Alright!” I said holding up my beer, glad to walk away from Melanie telling anymore of that story. “Who am I playing?”

Z laughed, “Matt, of course! He needs the full experience!”

Matt laughed and put his arm around my waist pulling me tight and whispered, “Yeah, Iz, I need the
experience.” His voice was husky and breathy. My face fell and I became really uncomfortable. Did Z not hear that? Is this how his brother is? They’re not into sharing or something weird like that, are they? He kept his arm around me the entire time we all walked over to the pool tables.

I glanced over at Z. He winked at me, smiling big. Maybe he doesn’t know how his big brother acts. I wondered if he did this to Sheila or any of Z’s other girlfriends.

I racked up the balls and handed Matt a cue stick. “You break ‘em!” Clark came running up with another beer for me. Glad he’s good for something!

“Thank you,” I smiled pleasantly at him, taking my beer.

They were all smirking like they had some inside joke I wasn’t privy to. I heard Melanie try to whisper, but failed miserably, “This is going to be great!” Flynn ‘shh’d’ her. What the heck was up? I glanced over at Z and his hand was covering his eyes, he was smirking and shaking his head.

Matt broke and chose stripes. He missed. It was my turn. I was nervous to say the least. I took another long drink from my beer and set it down on the nearby table as I heard several snickers from the gang. I shook it off and lined up my shot and called it.

All of a sudden I felt a cue stick glide up along the inside of my leg. I was so shocked that my cue stick missed the ball entirely and scraped hard against the felt.
. Fuck. I

What the hell? I turned to see Matt grinning sexy, “Wow. That’s really too bad, honey. My turn.” Then he paused again and looked over at me. “I thought they said you knew how to play.” Several louder laughs came as Clark could barely contain his laughter.

I turned and finally realized this was some type of messed up initiation.
Screw them.
I took another swig and watched Matt miss, probably on purpose so he could have another shot at me.

I flicked my hair, licked my lips and gave him a sexy pout. “Oh, poor baby. My turn.” I bent over shoving my ass out, looking right at Z, called my shot and made it just as I felt a cue stick linger on the inside of my calf.

Z smiled at me and winked. I walked to the opposite side facing Z and bent over to give him a good show, looked him in the eye again, calling my shot and nailed it in the corner pocket. This continued, and on the last one, I made sure to bend over shoving my ass to Z and took my shot. I looked back and Z was grinning ear to ear, biting his bottom lip while staring at my ass. I turned, sauntered over to him, placing my hand on his chest. “Did I pass?” I asked as sweetly as possible.

He laughed, gave me a kiss and whispered, “With flying fucking colors.”

The gang erupted into laughter and clapped. Matt came over and hugged me. “Aww, you’re awesome Iz! You now have my blessing!”

I smacked his arm. “Well, thanks!” I shook my head while laughing.

He turned and asked, “Who else wants to play?” Mel and Flynn said they’d play Matt and Clark.

I squeezed in between Z’s thighs and hugged him tightly. He kissed me hungrily. His eyes were bloodshot from drinking too much. It reminded me of the night of our first kiss, not that he remembered much of it.

After a couple games we decided to head back to the townhouse. There was no way Matt or Z could drive.

We walked in and it was obvious Matt had done this before as I watched him crash on the couch.

I realized this was the first time Z was staying overnight here in my bed. Actually, it was my first time sleeping back here all week.

 Z walked up to my bed and fell on it. I went to the bathroom to wash up and brush my teeth. I came back and he was passed out. I changed into my tank and shorts and stared at my passed out boyfriend. He was so adorable, just like that first night he kissed me. I took off his shoes, socks and struggled with taking off his jeans, but managed. I snuggled in next to him, feeling the warmth of his body, then fell asleep hugging him tightly.

I woke to sweet kisses on my neck and his hard cock rubbing gently against my leg. I giggled and turned to kiss him. Our kiss deepened and became more longing. His hand ran along my body, cupping my breast. He lingered, felt my nipple and bent his head down to kiss and tease it.

“Mmmm,” I moaned as his lips kissed me tenderly. He ran his hands down in between my thighs to feel how ready I was for him.

“Iz, you’re so wet for me,” he whispered with a sexy husky voice. I kissed him again deeper and reached down and stroked his length. I giggled and said in the same husky voice, “Z, you’re so hard for me.”

He kissed me again as he reached over to the nightstand searching for a condom, but we weren’t at his house, so there were none. “Shit! Where are my jeans?” he asked frustrated.

I smirked and reached over my side of the bed where I tossed them last night and handed him his jeans. He reached in his pocket and took one out. I looked at him wondering why he had one in his pocket. He chuckled answering my silent question. “Matt handed me one since he wasn’t getting laid last night!” Ah. Big brother comes through.

Giggling, I reached for it and put it on him, rolling it slowly over his shaft. He took a deep breath and then lunged at me, pushing me onto my back and kissed me passionately.

I reached my arms up over my head and let him have full control. He ran his hands along my body, cupping my breasts and I moaned with pleasure. His hardness moved right to my opening. He kissed me again vehemently, his tongue searching my tongue with a hurried desire. He entered me slowly and continued to kiss me deeply. His thrusts became deeper and I matched his, raising my hips, grinding into him faster and faster as he thrust into me and I felt myself on the verge of climax.

“Please…” I moaned….he increased his speed and I moaned again, “Please…more…please” He thrust harder into me finally saying, “Come with me baby, I’m right there!” I let go and my body exploded with pleasure while moaning “Ahhh” just as I felt him start to shudder as he groaned out “Oh God, Izzy.”

We lay there, kissing and snuggling for a little while.

“Shit. What time is it?” He asked lifting his head, breaking our quiet snuggle. I glanced over at my clock that read 8:56. He followed my glance. “Shit. We need to get going.”

“What time does the party start?” I asked as we started to get up. I watched him take the condom off, wrapping it in a tissue and throwing it in my wastebasket.

“Noon, but I’m the liquor committee. I need to get a bunch of liquor and beer over there and help set up,” he said as he put on his jeans.

I watched him pull them up quickly and as he buttoned, my eyes lingered on his tight ab muscles. I started thinking about another round, but knew we didn’t have time. He smirked at me following my gaze. “Sorry, we need to get going and I only had one condom!” He teased with a head tilt and gave me a quick kiss.

“Okay,” I said with a disappointed pout. “I’ll go jump in the shower real quick then.” I grabbed my robe and the clothes I had already set out to wear for the party.

We both headed to the door together and he gave me another sweet kiss. “I’ll meet you downstairs. We’ll load up the truck and then head to my house so I can grab a quick shower too.” He gave me a quick pat on my butt as I headed to the bathroom.

I jumped in the shower and realized I was going to meet his parents soon. At least I ‘passed’ whatever test that was with his brother. I started to get nervous and dropped the soap about ten times in the shower, thinking about what test his parents might put me through.


Chapter 19



I came downstairs to Flynn and Matt drinking coffee at the island. I noticed they were smirking at me as I grabbed a cup and poured some coffee.

Matt immediately started in, “Ohhh please…ohh please” he moaned while laughing. Then Flynn joined in breathlessly, “come with me baby, I’m right there”….they were laughing hysterically. I didn’t think we were that loud, at least we tried not to be. Assholes.

I snickered. “How’d you hear all that? We tried to be quiet.”

Flynn pointed towards the stairs and laughed. “That bedroom is like a fucking amplifier through the stairs! We heard you guys loud and clear!”

I laughed and shook my head. “Shit.” I turned to Matt. “Thanks for the condom!” and clapped his back, laughing.

“Anytime little brother!” he said, still laughing.

“Mel still pissed about the girls last night?” I asked Flynn. I definitely noticed her getting ticked off with him last night. I was waiting for a fight, but Matt testing Izzy seemed to be a nice diversion.

“Yeah, she made a couple of comments on our way back here last night before heading up to bed. What am I going to do? I didn’t flirt with any of them. How come Iz was okay with that? Or didn’t she see it?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know why she wasn’t pissed, but I’m glad she wasn’t. Maybe because she’s seen me dancing with other chicks before, or because she works at the bar and knows it’s just dancing? I don’t know.” Flynn just shook his head.

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