Promises 2 (15 page)

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Authors: A.E. Via

BOOK: Promises 2
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“No. I think it was a onetime thing. I may have been sitting too long.”

Cayson watched Duke for a moment. “You sure?”

“Yeah. I’m good. I haven’t felt it anymore, and even then, it only lasted a few minutes.”

“Alright, then.” Cayson closed the worn notebook and gave it back to Duke. His was a classic fairy tale story. Vaughan swept in like a white knight and saved Duke’s life, in hopes they’d have a future together. Cayson was glad he’d got to be a part of that. It made all that time in isolation at medical school and residencies worth it. “If it happens again, please call. Don’t wait until your next appointment. I’ll want to get another MRI and see if there are any new developments.”

Duke stood and clapped his hands once. “Sure thing, Doc.” He turned to Quick. “Ready to go, buddy?”

“Sure.” Quick stood and stretched his back. “I’ll meet you out front.”

“Good to see you, Duke. Everything looks fine. Make sure you see Nania to schedule your next appointment. You know the drill.”

“Sure do.”

When Duke closed the door behind him, Quick didn’t waste a second before he had his arms around Cayson’s waist, pulling him into him. Quick held him, caressed his back, his neck, dipping down, he placed a sugary sweet kiss on Cayson’s cheek. “How’d your surgeries go this morning?”

Cayson adored that question. Smiling in the safety of Quick’s arms, his cheek pressed against the hard steel that was Quick’s chest, while he recalled his day. He absently fingered the gold bounty hunter star clipped to Quick’s thick belt. He was enjoying their current position, so he took his time answering. 

“It was good. It was routine, no complications.”

“My brilliant surgeon.” Quick kissed his forehead in praise, continuing his light massage.

“I-I actually had Dr. Joe as the anesthesiologist for my biopsy.”

Quick stiffened before he pulled Cayson back, concern etched all over his gorgeous face. “What happened? Did he hurt you? Did he say some shit to you?” Quick wasn’t yelling, but his posture shouted how upset he was.

“Nothing happened. No, he didn’t hurt me; he didn’t utter a word. Matter of fact, Joe acted like he’d never seen me before. I think he was more terrified than anything.”


Cayson rubbed his hand over his chin, thinking about Joe’s abnormal behavior. He should’ve known Cayson wouldn’t out him. For years, they’d been civil, but mostly friendly colleagues. “Uh-huh. He came into the OR looking pale and sick. I gave him a curt nod, ya know. Kinda saying hey. But he ignored me and turned around. He kept his back to me for the entire forty-five minute procedure.”

“Fine. As long as he doesn’t step out of bounds, I don’t care how silly he acts.” Quick pulled Cayson back to him. He loved how Quick used touch to express himself. Cayson was the same way. He loved being embraced, moved, and even manhandled. Quick tilted his chin up. “I thought about you today.”

“You did?” Cayson grinned. Hell. He really shouldn’t be that happy about such a very broad statement. Quick could’ve thought anything about him, and here he was prematurely celebrating. Straitening himself he asked, “What did you think?”

“Well, I made the preparations for our date tonight, and I couldn’t help but picture you happy and leaning into me all night while I wine and dine you.” Quick’s smile was amazing. Behind those full lips were pretty white teeth, although the bottom ones were a little crowded. Cayson felt it gave Quick more character.

“I can’t wait. I’m looking forward to it.” Cayson looked Quick in his eyes and said honestly, “I thought about you, too.”

Quick didn’t ask what about, like he’d done. Instead, his bounty hunter leaned in and let his tongue do the talking. Cayson groaned as soon as Quick’s tongue met his. Oh, god, he tasted wild and new. Cayson linked his hands behind Quick’s neck and let him take the reins while he enjoyed the exciting new ride. His stomach rose and fell as if he were on a rollercoaster at Busch Gardens.

“Taste so damn good,” Quick murmured against Cayson’s mouth before he delved in again.

Cayson knew he needed to put a stop to this. This wasn’t the time or place for intimacy. He knew of several doctors who fucked in the hospital – albeit nurses – or spouses who showed up in the guise of simply bringing a surgeon dinner, all the while, they’re naked under their long cashmere coats. Cayson had class, if nothing else. He wouldn’t be caught bare-assed, bent over his desk. He was the one to break the kiss next, but Quick wasn’t having it.

“I’m not done,” he said in his roughened tone, pulling Cayson back in. His lust and passion flowed off him in waves, filling a huge void within Cayson. He wasn’t done either, not by a long shot, but he needed to have this exact moment in his living room, not in his office with his nurse just outside the door.

“I don’t want you to be done, either. But can we continue a little more of that tonight?” Cayson blushed.

Quick clasped both of Cayson’s hands and removed them from behind his neck, placing a quick couple kisses on his knuckles before releasing him. “You can have whatever you want tonight. I promise.”

Cayson was starting to become fond of Quick’s promises. At least it wasn’t just verbiage, or a common term he threw out on a whim. Quick meant it. If he promised, it’d be done. Quick was a confident, sure man. Just the type of man he needed in his life. Had always wanted, but didn’t find. Quick may have gotten off to a rocky start, but Cayson couldn’t keep holding it over the man’s head. He’d accepted Quick’s apology, now he needed to forget about the past and focus on a future. He wasn’t over the hill. He had a lot of good years left. Years he didn’t want to spend alone, no matter what pep talk he gave himself. He needed to be positive. He wasn’t going on this date with animosity in his heart. He wanted to give him and Quick a real fighting chance.

Quick hugged him tight one last time before he let his hands go. 

Cayson took off his white lab coat and hung it on the coat rack behind his door and grabbed his blazer and his parka. He was done for the day, and he chuckled at Quick’s surprised smile when he noticed that Cayson was leaving with him.

“You’re done for the day?”

“I am.” Cayson flicked off the light switch and closed his door, double-checking it was locked. “Finished the last of my rounds right before you got here.”

Duke was standing there charming Nania while he waited patiently for Quick. Cayson only made brief eye contact with a smug, slightly amused Duke. It was as if the man saw through the reinforced steel that was his office door and watched him tongue down his best friend.

“All set?” Duke looked back and forth between them.

Cayson sucked his kiss-swollen bottom lip into his mouth, trying to hide it. It was useless. He’d been kissed until he was gasping for breath, and there was no hiding that. Cayson released his pink lip and gave Duke a wary smile.

“We’re outta here,” Quick confirmed.

With Quick’s steady hand on the small of Cayson’s back, he plucked the two pink message slips from Nania’s inbox as he bid her a goodnight.

“Goodnight, Dr. Chauncey. Have a good weekend. And come back on Monday as happy as you were today. Whatever you took this morning worked wonders for your mood.” She laughed loud, making Cayson blush.

Of course. Cayson could fell the warmth all over his neck and at the tips of his ears. Quick walked alongside him, and looked down to wink his appreciation at what he’d heard. There was only one reason Cayson was so happy today, and it was because of his hearty dose of Roman Webb right before it started.

Duke nodded at Quick and put his hand up for a high five, then left his flat palm up for Cayson too. “Bout damn time you guys got that party started. Put it up, Doc.” Cayson laughed, but he slapped Duke’s hand anyway. He felt like one of the guys. At least that’s how he felt on the inside, but the outward appearance – him walking with two huge bounty hunters down the hall – made him look like he was being escorted to jail.

“Where are you parked?” Cayson asked Quick. Remembering the man had insisted on driving Cayson to work instead of letting him drive himself. It was okay. Cayson could’ve gotten a ride home with anyone. He wasn’t far away at all. Walking distance if it weren’t so brisk out.

“I’m in visitors’ parking.”

“Let’s cut through the ER, it’s faster. Not interested in the scenic route today,” Cayson said, trying to avoid the busy main lobby.

When Cayson came through the ever-swinging double doors of the emergency room, he was met with quite a few curious, but mostly shocked stares from the nurses and a couple over-worked doctors.

“Dr. Chauncey. Everything okay?” Renee asked him. Standing to get a better look at his large escorts. That woman was the biggest gossipmonger. She wasn’t concerned for him; she wanted scoop to talk about on her lunch break.

“Yes, Renee. I’m fine, thank you.” Cayson kept his stride, and only managed to get another twenty feet before he was blocked by the ER’s security guard. Cayson was familiar with the stout man, but couldn’t say he knew him.

“Is there a problem?” he asked, jutting out his chest, his shiny silver badge gleaming in the harsh fluorescent lighting as though he polished it every night.

Duke scoffed at the guard and Cayson elbowed him in the arm for it. “I’m not being arrested, they’re friends.” Cayson stood in front of Quick to sort any confusion, and Quick eased in right behind Cayson and placed a protective arm over his chest. The security officer was fast to get the hint and moved aside.

“Dr. Chauncey, introduce us to your
,” Renee purred, leaning over the nurse’s counter, eyeing Duke and Quick like they were on auction.
Why did I come this way, again?
Renee not so subtly licked her lips, and Cayson almost busted out laughing. If she only knew.

Cayson was known as a really nice guy in the hospital. All the nurses loved when he came down to help out. He may not have had Joe’s last name, he wasn’t a Wellington, with medical-administrative-clout flowing out of his ears, but he was a highly sought after nephrologist. He’d been flown all over the country to give consultations or second opinions. Despite what Dr. Joe thought, Cayson was doing just fine on his own. Most everyone enjoyed working with him, simply because he respected them. He didn’t bark at the nurses, and the doctors didn’t mind that he’d cover for any of them in a heartbeat.

“Hey, you. In the red tie, behind that computer. Don’t I know you?” Cayson craned his neck, looking at Quick to see who he was talking too.

Following Quick’s line of sight, he spotted Dr. Joe, practically hiding behind one of the computers in the HUB. “Roman. Don’t,” Cayson admonished seriously, but Quick was ignoring him. 

“Is that him?” Duke whispered, oblivious to Cayson’s pleading. He’d had a feeling Quick would tell Duke about Joe and what happened last night, but he didn’t think they’d gang up on the man.

“That’s him, alright.” Quick wasn’t loud, but he wasn’t quiet, either. They now had the attention of the entire damn department. Everyone turned and looked at Dr. Joe, wondering what Quick was referring too. Intrigued. Trying to figure out the relationship between the four of them.

Quick snapped his fingers as if he was really contemplating. “I have seen your face somewhere before, haven’t I?”

Dr. Joe looked as sick as the patients, his usual peach coloring rapidly leaving his face, making it appear transparent and gray. Joe shook his head in mortification, looking around at all the eyes now trained on him. It was Joe’s biggest nightmare come true – he was going to be outed. There was no way Cayson was going to let that happen.

Cayson put his back to the staff and looked up at Quick’s eyes, hoping he’d pay attention. “Don’t do this, please. Leave him alone. If you have any respect for me. Don’t do this,” Cayson begged on Joe’s behalf. Sure, Joe had done him wrong on more than a few occasions, but this wasn’t the way to get even. The game Quick and Duke were playing with Joe wasn’t going to end well. Everyone would lose.

Quick finally looked down at Cayson. “Stop it. Stop, now.”

Duke flicked his head in the direction they’d been walking. “Let’s go, Rome. That’s not who you think it is.”

Quick held Joe’s eyes, putting his huge arm protectively around Cayson’s shoulders. Now Cayson’s own face was blooming bright with color and embarrassment.

“No. You’re right.” Although they were talking to each other, Duke and Quick kept their hunter eyes on Joe. Whatever private cryptic message they were trying to relay to Joe, Cayson didn’t think he got it. “That’s not him. Sorry man. Thought you were someone else.”

As soon as Cayson got outside, he walked off in the other direction, leaving a laughing Duke and Quick to themselves. If they thought that was funny, Cayson wanted nothing to do with them. If that wasn’t a form of bullying, he didn’t know what was. Joe probably would’ve preferred they stuff him in his locker than embarrass him in front of his peers.


“Uh-oh.” Duke pointed at Cayson’s retreating back and Quick spun around, his laughter dying fast, replaced with confusion. He wondered where his handsome doctor was rushing off too, and without him. He told Duke to get in the truck, while he jogged up the sidewalk and caught up with Cayson.

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