Promises 2 (12 page)

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Authors: A.E. Via

BOOK: Promises 2
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“He’s still here?!”

The shouted question yanked Cayson out of his thoughts and away from the encouraging rub he was receiving. Joe had finally noticed Quick standing behind Cayson like a bodyguard, equipped with a dark death-bringer in his right hand. He felt Quick tense behind him – like he was ready to act – but he didn’t make a move. He was sure Quick knew tons of moves, but hurting Joe was not an option in Cayson’s mind. He was hoping Quick would stay cool. “I’m calling him a cab. I’ll be upstairs, but I’ll be watching.” Quick had lowered his voice, but surely not low enough that Joe didn’t hear him from only a few feet away.

“Thank you, Rome,” Cayson whispered, almost shyly. He hadn’t had someone dote over him in a long time. It felt good.

Quick moved from behind him, running his big hand along Cayson’s back as he stepped in front of him, his next words specifically for Joe. “You put your hands anywhere on him and you’ll regret it. I promise.”

That was all Quick said, then he was taking the stairs three at a time, his long ponytail swaying slightly with each long stride. Cayson watched until neither Quick, nor the black gun now tucked against the small of his back, were visible.

“A gun!” Joe shrieked. “He has a gun in your house! Did you see that?” Joe was hysterical and still way too fucking loud for midnight. “You hate guns, remember! Guns kill.”

“No. I never said I hated guns. And guns don’t kill people, Joe. Ignorant people with guns kill people. And of course, Rome has a license for that weapon. He’s in law enforcement… sort of.” Cayson didn’t need to give Joe any definitive information about Quick. The less Joe knew, the better, because he and his family had plenty of money and power. He didn’t need them to stir up trouble or make Quick’s life hard.

Joe looked like he was going to burst into flames. Cayson was shocked Joe could turn that damn red. But when Quick was out of sight, Joe changed from wild, to livid, to achingly sorry, too fast for Cayson to keep up. Next thing he knew Joe was sobbing, leaning heavily against the wall next to the closet, his head pressed into his fist. “I can do better, Cayson. I can, if you give me some time. I just need a little more time. I-I can’t come out, but I can do better by you, I promise I can.”

Cayson placed his hand over his chest. This was going to burn both of them. But Cayson knew it was the absolute right thing to do. With his eyes closed, he started speaking slowly and concisely, so there was no mistaking his intentions. “Joseph. I can’t do that. You’ve made lots of promises before, and I don’t think you’ve kept even one. It’s time we both move on. Our season is over, good friend. Our friendship doesn’t have to end. I don’t want it to end, because we still have to work together. But any romance that was between us ends here and now, Joe. I’m sorry. But this is it for us in that capacity.” Cayson shook his head. Damn, even the way he ended their
sounded like a contract being terminated. All technical and no emotion.


Quick wasn’t even going to pretend he wasn’t listening. He was in full-on guard mode. If Joe acted like he wanted to hurt his sweet doctor, then Quick was going to stick the entire barrel of his pistol in his mouth and make him deep throat it like the pussy he was, then he’d pistol whip him with it. Yep. That was Quick. Fuck with someone he considered important, and a side of him no one wanted to meet came out. A fierce bounty hunter who had trained masterfully in several styles of martial arts since he was a boy. Joe would be absolutely no competition for Quick. He didn’t need the pistol, he was a warrior, but the gun was his bottom fucking line. Hopefully, Dr. Joseph was smart enough not to make Quick cross it.

When Quick hung up after calling for the cab, he peered over the railing, and though Dr. Joe was groveling, he was keeping a safe distance. Quick looked down to the floor. How fast could he get to Cayson if he needed to? He could jump over the railing, but he’d land on the dining room table, his brawn shattering it. He shrugged. He’d jumped further and landed on worse. The table was replaceable… not so, Cayson.

Quick sat gingerly in the chair in Cayson’s room that was closest to the railing. He debated sending Duke a text, but thought better of it. He could handle this alone if things took a turn for the worst. When Quick had threatened Joe if he touched Cayson, he almost wanted to frisk the man before he left the room, but knew that would escalate things. He decided to just keep an eye on them. If Joe appeared to reach for something nestled in his waistband, then Quick was going to reach for his first. He’d win that old-style Wild West standoff, too. He was too quick to let a man get the jump on him. Hence the name.

Now, Joe was crying for another chance, promising Cayson he was going to change and be good to him.
Shit, fuck, goddamn you, you sneaky motherfucker.
Quick knew the asshole was gonna come back, but he didn’t know he’d come like this. Joe came equipped with a different kind of arsenal, one that Quick was yet to possess, regarding Cayson. Knowledge and longevity. The two men arguing downstairs had a long history of friendship, and Dr. Joe knew how to pull Cayson’s heartstrings perfectly. Could read him and play off the kind doctor’s emotions. Joe would know how to get Cayson to fold and accept his apology. Quick hoped Cayson was strong enough to see past the bullshit. He didn’t know Cayson very well yet, and he didn’t fully understand the two doctors’ relationship to know how this was going to end. He couldn’t help but think that any second now Cayson would come upstairs and tell Quick he was going to give Joe another chance. That they had too much invested to throw away. It would really do a number on him, but he’d bow out gracefully.

After a few more minutes, Joe finally stopped whining long enough to let Cayson get a word in. When his sexy doctor did speak, he declined Joe with sincerity and gentility, and it made Quick the happiest man in the world right then. Hopefully, it was because he’d given Cayson such a nice evening that he wasn’t ready to stop seeing him.

But Joe heard that no and the evil, I’ll-get-you-back stare was aimed right at Cayson. It was time for Quick to make his presence known again. The conversation was over and there was a car horn honking out front.

“Your ride’s here,” Quick said with a rough finality, standing midway down the stairs. Crossing his arms over his chest. His 9mm now tucked securely in the front of his jeans. Faster access. “It’s time for you to leave. If Cayson’s wants you back… he’ll call you.”

Cayson plopped down on his couch while he and Joe had their stare-off. Quick never blinked, and neither did Joe. Quick nodded once. Challenge received and accepted.


Cayson was pretty quiet while he and Quick walked around the corner to his truck the next morning. He was still upset about Joe. The guy had been a mess when he finally left. Although he told the cab driver Joe’s address, he hoped his old friend made it home safely. He wasn’t going to call Joe. Right now, they needed distance. His friend may have his issues, but Cayson couldn’t deny Joe’s immeasurable intelligence. When he calmed down, he’d see that Cayson was right. They had no real future together.

Quick opened the passenger door first, before jogging around to the driver side. “I wish we’d had time for me to make you breakfast, but I thought you’d like to sleep as long as you could. I can swing by an IHOP and get something to go if you want.” There wouldn’t be enough time for anything else.

Cayson placed his messenger bag on the floor at his feet and fastened his seat belt. “No. I’m okay. I’ll grab a muffin or something from the coffee cart. I don’t like to perform surgeries on a full stomach, anyway.”

“Okay, then.”

Cayson was in a sour mood and he picked up that Quick was trying to bring him out of it. He appreciated the effort, but the wound was still very raw. He’d lost a friend last night. He was sure of it. Cayson wasn’t ready to give up on Quick, or even the smallest chance that he could be loved, just so Joe could have an arrangement with him. It didn’t take his thirteen years of college and graduate school to know who held the better chance at keeping Cayson’s heart safe.

“I haven’t even checked my schedule for today yet,” Cayson said absently. He pulled a tablet out of the front flap of his bag and began tapping. Quick was focused on the road, the traffic starting to pick up. It was only about fifteen minutes from Cayson’s house to Emory Hospital. Quick opted to take Briarcliff instead of Lullwater Road, and while Cayson waited for his schedule to load, he watched the cars whizzing around them, everyone with somewhere they were supposed to be.

The chime on his tablet alerted him that his first appointment was only an hour away. The rest of his schedule looked pretty light for a Friday, and he felt instant relief. Hopefully, by three at the latest, he’d be leaving. He needed time to process everything that’d happened. No covering in the ER tonight, either. He had a total of three checkup appointments, no names were listed, but he knew Nania would have a detailed schedule on his desk when he got there. Only two surgeries. The last was an incisional biopsy – no sweat – with monitored anesthesia. Oh, no. Please, no. But a quick flick of the screen and… fuck me! Cayson groaned. Not Dr. Joe.

“You alright, Cays?” Quick asked.

He only managed a slight curve of his mouth in reply.

Cayson pinched the bridge of his nose, his head lowered and his eyes squeezed shut, he couldn’t imagine his luck being so bad. Joe was employed by a network of hospitals, so he could show up in anyone’s operating room in any of the four hospitals within that network. He went where he was assigned. However, Cayson hadn’t had Dr. Joe in his OR in almost two months, and of all the times, he was paired with him after what’d just gone down between them. Cayson would be professional. He was certain Joe would, too. He wouldn’t dare risk anyone whispering about him, spreading rumors that he was behaving erratically in an OR. Joe’s surname had to remain untainted. Besides, it was a general rule not to bring your personal bullshit into anyone’s surgery. It meant life or death for the patient.

“I have a great idea!” Quick’s jovial voice broke into Cayson’s exhausting thoughts.

Cayson smiled a little brighter.
Of course he does. I hope he’s full of great ideas.
“What’s that?”

Quick rounded Clifton Road and pulled into a reserved parking space for physicians at the main entrance of the hospital, killing the engine. Quick turned in his seat, giving Cayson his full attention. Quick just watched him for a few seconds before he leaned over the large center console and kissed Cayson gently on the lips. “Good morning.” He beamed. Those gorgeous green eyes gleaming with all kinds of delicious mischief.

Cayson fully laughed this time. It felt good. Real good. “Good morning, Roman,” he replied breathlessly, absently licking his lips. Quick tasted just as good in the morning as he did at night.

“Duke texted me a moment ago. We have a bounty this afternoon. Usually I go and unwind somewhere after we’re finished, but I’d like to unwind with you... um, wait.” Quick’s eyes widened slightly. “Not unwind like that… you know… like I want in your pants… unwind, ya know… like go to a—”

Cayson put his hand on Quick’s hard shoulder, still chuckling at the big man’s fumbling. “I know what you meant.”

“Good. I’m still trying to redeem myself with you. I know last night was a clusterfuck.”

“No, our date wasn’t. The dinner was special to me and I enjoyed it very much. What happened with Joe was not your fault at all. Besides. You were right. He came back, pissed off and out of control. Things may have ended differently if you weren’t there. Joe wouldn’t’ve left. Not without a police escort.”

“I wasn’t concerned with being right. I was concerned about you.”

Cayson’s head swam with emotions. Was Quick really for real? He hoped so. But he’d already hoped for so long. He needed to be about the actuality. Meaning, he would judge on actions alone. No more fancy words or empty promises. Walk the talk or get the hell out of his face was his new motto. It seems Cayson thought of a new slogan each day. The fact of the matter was, Quick had been there for him. Told him he would be and then he came through for him. “Thank you for being there.”

“No thanks needed.”

“Yes, there is.” Cayson was feeling lightheaded and slightly tired, but at least he’d gotten five hours of sleep thanks to Quick, so he’d make it through the day. Thank god, it was Friday. He needed a couple days of reprieve.

“Well then, you can have dinner with me tonight as thanks, since you insist.” Quick slowly kissed the inside of Cayson’s palm while looking up at him through his dark brown lashes. No man ever did that to him. What did Quick see in Cayson’s hands anyway? It was the second time he’d done that. As if he read his thoughts, Quick spoke.

“These hands saved my best friend’s life. My son’s life.” Quick turned Cayson’s hand over, and began to sensually kiss and flick his thick tongue at each fingertip. “So soft,” he whispered, massaging Cayson’s palm now.

If Cayson didn’t leave soon, he was going to walk into the hospital with a mad hard-on that wouldn’t be concealed behind his dark gray slacks. But he swore that if he’d had no appointment scheduled right now, he’d probably be eyeing the space capacity of Quick’s backseat. Shaking away his lust, he responded to Quick’s request, when he finally remembered what it was. “You want to cook again?”

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