Promise Me Forever (12 page)

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Authors: Cyndi Raye

Tags: #Romance, #series, #saga, #contemporary, #women's fiction, #literary, #new adult, #short story, #dating, #relationships, #marraige, #love, #doctor, #hospital, #falling in love, #independant female lead, #singlehood

BOOK: Promise Me Forever
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But he never gave up. “Abby do you love me too?” he asked her one morning as he got out of the shower.


She was sitting up in bed, her head back against the pillows. She opened her mouth to tell him she did and then stopped. It broke her heart when she saw how hurt he looked but it’s better this way, she thought. She nodded her head and turned her face to the window. The ocean looked stormy today. Like her heart.


Jon came over to her as he buttoned his shirt. She could smell his scent as he leaned over, his head so close to hers. “Sooner or later you have to come out of this and I want you to know I’ll be right here when you do.”


She turned to look in his eyes. “Why bother? I can’t.”


“You can Abby. You won’t.”


She looked out the window again. “I can’t. I don’t deserve this.”


“Look at me baby.” He ran a finger across her jaw, but she yanked her chin away. “Please.” She heard him sigh and felt his weight leave the mattress. He stood up and walked back over to the dresser.


Jon slammed the drawer closed and turned to her. “Abby, I’m fast losing patience with you. I love you, can’t you see? Can’t you feel my love for you? We’ll work through this together. Maybe it’s time you stop being so selfish and think about the two of us.”


His words cut through her like a knife. She closed her eyes. “I’m sorry.”


He opened the bedroom door and stopped. “It was my baby too.”


Chapter 10


His words felt like a slap across her face. The realization hit her as if a brick slammed against the wall and smashed in tiny little pieces. He hurt as much as she did and she ignored him for too many days. After Kevin, both their worlds fell apart, but they held each other and loved their way through the horror of his death. She was ashamed to admit all she thought of was herself in this case.


Abby got up and opened the door to the veranda. She slipped outside and pulled her robe tighter against herself. The winds rushed against her skin and she shivered but stood by the railing of the veranda and stared out over the water.


How much time did she waste feeling sorry for herself like a spoiled brat? She rocked back and forth, angry to have wasted so much energy on a pity party. “I love life,” she yelled out to the ocean breezes. “I won’t let it hold me back!” Abby had to find Jon and tell him how sorry she was. She loved him more than anything. How could she be so blind!


Abby raced through the house and to the garage but when she got there the place where he parked was an empty spot. She never heard him leave. She ran back inside and called Maggie.


“Hi Abby. I’m getting a call? Wow! Yeah, that’s it, just wow.”


“Funny Maggs. Sorry I didn’t call you. I’ve been an ass.”


“I’m not sure how I would react in your shoes, I can’t judge, but I’m glad you called.”


“Thank you. I’ll get right to the point, I’m desperate here. Can you make me some of your gourmet cooking tonight? I’m not up to doing a lot of that stuff but I want to have a special dinner tonight when Jon comes home. Somehow I have to make it up to him. I’ve been a horrible partner.”


“I’d love to, yes. I’ll put something magical together and drop it off. What time does he get home?”


“Not sure, maybe about seven.”


“No worries. I’ll have all the food there by six and be gone before he comes home. Abby?”


“What Maggs?”


“I’m glad to see you back among the living.” She hung up and Abby ran around the house cleaning up and dragging a table and two chairs down to her favorite beach area. Penny followed along, she bounced and jumped and seemed happy to be part of the action.


Abby stopped and then dropped to the ground and rolled around with Penny. “I’m sorry, Penny. You’re my best friend. It must be horrible to watch me act like a child.” She rubbed her fur and played for a while before jumping back up.


The sailboat sat in the water, her Dad in his favorite spot, cigar in his mouth. Abby ran down to see them. “Mom, Dad, I’m back.” She jumped on to the sailboat and gave each one a hug.


“That means we can leave now?” Danny asked.


“Right now?” Abby placed her hands on her hips and laughed at her parents. They stood side by side like two little kids ready to take off at the drop of a hat.


“We have plans to spend some time on this deserted island. Well, not deserted. There is an island keeper there to fill the shelves and bring us food when we need it but I’m eager to check things out. I think it’s time we took a break away from it all.”


“I doubt you’ll do so, but it may be a good idea if you leave now,” Abby told them. Their shocked expression made her laugh again. She hadn’t felt this great in weeks. Talk about feeling free! “I’m saying, Ma and Pa, there may be some heavy action on this beach right here tonight and I doubt you want to be a witness.”


“Too much information child,” Danny told her, a grin on his face. He gave her a big old hug before getting ready to sail. “We’re leaving right now.”


Abby stood on the beach once again as she waved goodbye to her parents. They lived a great life. She wondered how much relaxing at the deserted island they would get? She doubted her parents could go too long before they jumped back in to the thick of all things spy related.


Abby turned around in circles on the dock, thankful and grateful for all she had. She looked up and smiled at the heavens and her Grandfather, who she knew was looking down and as glad as she was that she decided to rise up and stop being a baby. He entrusted her with so much and for her to stop living like she didn’t matter was foolish and she caused more pain by her actions than she realized.


Jon loved her. He stood by her and didn’t walk away when she wanted him to. He could have given up on her, said it wasn’t worth it but he didn’t. She woke up every single morning since her miscarriage with him by her side, pushing her, forcing her to face the day.


She wouldn’t brush him away ever again.


Two forms stood outside the little cottage beside the house waving at Sara. “Oh, Margie! Elvin!” Abby ran across the sand, her toes digging in to the sand and then the grass when she came to a stop in front of them. Then she grabbed both of them in a big hug.


“Oh Abby, what was that for?” Margie laughed at her when she danced in circles.


“I’m so happy! I saw the light, you might say?”


Elvin looked dumbfounded. “What light?” He looked up in the sky.


Abby laughed so hard she clutched her stomach and bent over. “Elvin, it’s a saying. There is no light.”


“Oh.” Then he laughed too.


“What are you two doing out and about.”


Margie shuffled her feet. “It’s time for us to be on our way Abby. We’ve imposed long enough.”


She cocked her head. “Where are you going?”


“Back home.”


“Where is home?”


“Georgia, remember? I wasn’t lying to you about that. I’m feeling good enough now to get back on the road.”


Margie still looked as if a train ran over her. The last few weeks took years off her life. “Will you two be okay? Do you have enough money to get back home?”


“Oh, I have my social security check, it came in the other day and Elvin, he can get back to work when we go home. I think I’ve had enough travel for a while.”


“Wait right here.” Abby ran in the house and came out a few minutes later. She noticed they stood by their RV parked in her driveway.


“Abby, we’ll miss you. If you’re ever in Georgia, come see us.”


Abby gave her a hug again and slipped something in her hand. “A little something for you, I hope it helps.”

Margie looked at the check and wad of cash in her hand. “Abby!”


Abby brushed it off. “You’ll need cash to get back home until you can deposit the check. Think of it as a little padding so you don’t have to go off stealing again. Promise me those days are over.”


They both raised their right hand. “I promise,” they said together. “You don’t have to -”


“Now hush. I don’t, you’re right but I don’t think you two meant to have a life of crime. This is your chance to turn that side around and start a life doing good things.”


“We will, promise.” Margie hugged her again with tears in her eyes. “I’m getting to be an old lady. The past few months let me know I can’t live like this much longer. I got bored after my hubby died, I guess I stole from people because I was angry he died, not sure. I learned my lesson. Thank you dear. I will miss you.”


Abby waved good-bye as the RV left her driveway. She smiled to herself and was glad they were on their way. She hoped the money would do them some good. It was up to them to change their lives.


Tonight would be epic. Abby was about to show Jon how much he meant to her. She ran back in the house and made some phone calls before she jumped in her car and drove up the road to the Urgent Care Center. She wanted to invite Jon in person, let him know she had something in store tonight.


Abby walked in to the center. “Is Jon here?” she asked Patty, the receptionist. After checking, she shook her head.


“He went upstairs to take a break but we know he went out on the porch to have a smoke.”


Abby laughed out loud and went out the back door as she remembered the first night they met how he sat on the balcony with a cig hanging out his mouth. She walked out in the fresh air and looked up to see his shoes propped on the railing. She leaned against his bike parked on the macadam. “Hey.”


His feet dropped off the rail and his head came around the corner so fast she giggled. He grinned, the cig hanging from his mouth. “Baby.”


She smiled and put her hand over her eyes to keep out the glare from the sun. “What time are you getting off?”


When he shrugged she realized he looked rough, as if he wasn’t sleeping well. She almost cried out because she put him through hell these past days. He had been so worried about her and all she thought about was herself, she didn’t see it before now. “Not sure.”


“Make it seven because I have a big surprise for you tonight.”


He leaned over the rail. “What’s the surprise?”


She pushed away from the bike and tilted her head. “Me.” She blew him a kiss. “I love you Jon, always.” She walked away.


“Wait, Abby. Don’t go yet.” He disappeared from her view but she ran around the building and got in her car before he could come down. She pulled out of the parking lot and spun the tires right as he appeared on the front porch of the center.


She smiled in the rear view mirror before she turned on to Highway One. It would be a great night.




Jon watched the clock. He wanted to leave but had two more patients to see. He didn’t know what Abby had in store but his throat closed up when he thought of the way she looked earlier. She seemed like her old self, no, maybe even better. All he knew was he wanted his Abby back.


At six forty-five Jon turned the lock on the urgent care center’s door and spun his bike tires as he drove down the road to their house. As he pulled in to the lane, he noticed how quiet the house seemed. Penny always met him at the door, but he didn’t hear the pitter-patter of her feet or her barks and whining because she was so happy to greet him.


Inside, the house was empty. He helped himself to a bottle of beer and when he looked up his heart skipped a beat. Looking out the kitchen window was a table set up at their favorite beach spot. The love of his life was sitting at the table in a white flowing gown, her shoulders bare, the gentle breeze flowing through her hair. He wanted to run his own fingers there, on her shoulders, all over her gorgeous body.


He didn’t hesitate but kicked off his shoes and loosened his button down shirt and strolled outside to the veranda. Jon made his way down the path to the beach. “Hey.” She looked up at him and opened up to him as he leaned over and kissed her soft lips. “You look beautiful.” He brushed a knuckle across her cheek. His heart swelled and for a moment all he could do was stare down at her beauty.


“Sit down Jon.” He shook his head and grinned.


“Let’s not waste time,” she told him, her voice a soft whisper. “Maggie cooked us a meal for a King and Queen.” Abby took the lids off their plates and reached across the table to pick up Jon’s napkin. She opened it up and leaned forward as she tucked it under his chin. He grabbed her hand and held it to his mouth.


She lowered her lashes as if shy and pulled back her hand. “Eat,” she said. “You’ll need energy for the night I have planned.”


Jon grinned again and dug in. She didn’t have to tell him twice. He noticed a blanket spread out on the sand a few feet from their table. “Is that for us?” he asked and when she nodded he put down his fork. He leaned over and took her hand, rubbing tiny circles across the top of her flesh. She shivered and when he looked in to her eyes, his heart ached to hold her.


He got up and pulled her in to his arms. The silk material of her long gown covered her legs. He wanted it off so he could feel her bare skin against his. The soft music in the background and the tiki torches that sent flames in the air even though it wasn’t dark yet enticed Jon to hold her even tighter as they swayed to the music.


“Jon,” she whispered.


“I want to hold you baby,” he said, his voice so low and husky he almost didn’t trust himself to speak. She was giving it all to him tonight, showing him she needed him as much as he needed her. Whatever happened before, it didn’t matter. They could work out whatever life threw at them.

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