Pro Puppet (59 page)

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Authors: Jeffrey McCune James Turnbull

BOOK: Pro Puppet
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Similar to the server configuration file, the operator configures the pre-shared key that MCollective uses to authenticate messages. In addition, the Stomp server the client will connect to is configured as,
with the username
and the password

With the client configured, the operator uses the
command, as shown in
Listing 11-20
, to test communication with the MCollective server processes. The operator has also configured the MCollective server on the web and mail servers.

Listing 11-20.
Using the mc-ping command

$ mc-ping
webserver       time=43.11 ms
mailserver      time=46.81 ms
---- ping statistics ----
2 replies max: 46.81 min: 43.11 avg: 44.96 Agents

command informs the operator that the MCollective server is running and responding to messages on both the web server and the mail server. This command verifies that the configuration settings in the RabbitMQ middleware and the MCollective server and client configuration files are working.


If the mc-ping command does not return results for the MCollective servers running on your network, the following things may be the source of the problem:

  • The pre-shared key in the client and server configuration files does not match.
  • The Stomp user name or password are not correct in the client or server configuration.
  • RabbitMQ is not listening on TCP port 6163.

Debugging information for RabbitMQ is located in /var/log/rabbitmq, and may contain information about invalid logins if the Stomp username and password are not correct. In addition, the MCollective log file is located at /var/log/mcollective.log and may contain useful troubleshooting information.

With the MCollective server and client processes configured, the operator is in a position to execute Puppet runs on an ad-hoc basis using MCollective. Let's see how he accomplishes this now.

MCollective Plugins

MCollective is extensible in a number of ways. The most common way to extend MCollective is to re-use already written agent plugins. These small Ruby libraries enable MCollective to execute custom commands on the entire collective.

An agent plugin usually contains a Ruby library that must be distributed to all of the nodes running the MCollective agent. In addition, a data definition file provides a description of the input parameters the plugin accepts. This DDL file should be installed on the MCollective client systems. Finally, a script to execute MCollective using the specified agent plugin should also be installed on all of the MCollective client systems.

In this section, you'll learn about a number of MCollective agent plugins. Additional plugins are also available at
. These plugins provide a good example of how to write your own agent plugins for MCollective to execute additional commands specific to the tasks you need to manage.

Puppet Agent MCollective Plugins

MCollective does not contain an agent for Puppet out of the box. An agent plugin is provided, however, in the plugin repository located at

In this section, you'll learn how the operator downloads and installs the MCollective Puppet agent plugin (
). This plugin allows the operator to execute Puppet agent runs on-demand. He does not need to wait for the run interval of the Puppet agent, or kick off jobs using other tools.

Downloading the Plugins

First, the mcollective-plugins repository should be downloaded to gain access to the Puppet agent plugins. This download is easily accomplished with the
git clone
command, as shown in
Listing 11-21

Listing 11-21.
Cloning the mcollective-plugins repository

$ git clone git://
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/jeff/plabs/mcollective/mcollective-plugins/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 1233, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (817/817), done.
remote: Total 1233 (delta 463), reused 864 (delta 287)
Receiving objects: 100% (1233/1233), 162.19 KiB, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (463/463), done.

Alternatively, if Git is not available, the GitHub site provides a downloadable tar archive of the repository. Simply download the tar archive and unpack into the current working directory to obtain the Puppet agent MCollective plugin.

Installing an MCollective Agent Plugin

Next, the operator distributes the Puppet agent Ruby library and data definition,
to all of the MCollective agent systems. MCollective plugins should be placed in the directory specified by the
setting in the
configuration file. Puppet is an excellent way to distribute these plugins. On the Debian test system, the operator puts the plugin into place using the commands shown in
Listing 11-22

Listing 11-22.
Determining the plugin directory

$ sudo grep libdir /etc/mcollective/server.cfg
libdir = /usr/share/mcollective/plugins

Once the plugin directory has been located, the operator copies into place the
agent files from the mcollective-plugins repository (see
Listing 11-23
). The operator has cloned the mcollective-plugins repository into his home directory.

Listing 11-23.
Installing the Puppet agent plugin on an MCollective agent

$ cd /usr/share/mcollective/plugins/mcollective
$  cp ~/mcollective-plugins/agent/puppetd/puppetd.rb ./agent/
$  cp ~/mcollective-plugins/agent/puppetd/puppetd.ddl ./agent/
$ ls /usr/share/mcollective/plugins/agent/

We see the operator has copied the puppet.rb plugin library and the data definition into the agent subdirectory. This directory is a subdirectory of the library path specified in the MCollective
configuration file.

Loading the Agent Plugin

With the plugin installed, the MCollective daemon needs to reload all of the agent configuration files. The operator uses the
command in
Listing 11-24
on a MCollective client to tell all servers to reload their agent plugins.

Listing 11-24.
Commanding MCollective daemons to reload agents

$ mc-controller reload_agents
Determining the amount of hosts matching filter for 2 seconds .... 1
                        www> reloaded all agents
---- mcollectived controller summary ----
           Nodes: 1 / 1
      Start Time: Sun Mar 13 20:43:43 -0400 2011
  Discovery Time: 2002.84ms
      Agent Time: 46.47ms
      Total Time: 2049.32ms
Verifying the Agent Plugin is Loaded

Once the MCollective servers finish reloading their agent plugins, the next step is to verify that the new plugin is available. In order to verify the list of available agent plugins, the operator uses the
command as shown in
Listing 11-25
to obtain an inventory of available agents. In this example, the operator calls the
action on the

Listing 11-25.
Using the mc-rpc rpcutil agent_inventory command

$ mc-rpc rpcutil agent_inventory
        [{:license=>"Apache License, Version 2",
          :author=>"R.I.Pienaar "},
         {:license=>"Apache License 2.0",
          :description=>"Agent to manage the puppet daemon",
          :name=>"SimpleRPC Puppet Agent",
         {:license=>"Apache License, Version 2.0",
           "General helpful actions that expose stats and internals to SimpleRPC clients",
          :author=>"R.I.Pienaar ",
          :name=>"Utilities and Helpers for SimpleRPC Agents",
Finished processing hosts in 44.89 ms

Notice the
:agent => "puppet"
line in the output report of the available agents on the system named Debian. The output of the agent inventory RPC command indicates that the MCollective server running on the Debian system has properly loaded the newly-installed Puppet agent plugin.

Running Puppet from MCollective

With the Puppet agent installed on a MCollective server, the operator decides to kick off a Puppet agent run using MCollective. To do so, he executes the
script on a MCollective client system. The
script is a convenience wrapper around the remote procedure call agent and associated actions. The
command may be copied from the plugin directory into the
directory on the MCollective client systems. Alternatively, the
command that comes with the MCollective packages may be used to call agent actions, as shown in
Listing 11-26

Listing 11-26.
Executing mc-puppetd to start Puppet agent runs

$ mc-puppetd -v runonce
Determining the amount of hosts matching filter for 2 seconds .... 1
www                                  : OK
---- rpc stats ----
           Nodes: 1 / 1
     Pass / Fail: 1 / 0
      Start Time: Sun Mar 13 20:55:53 -0400 2011
  Discovery Time: 2002.94ms
      Agent Time: 1926.36ms
      Total Time: 3929.30ms

Here the operator used the
command, turned on verbose output using the
flag, and commanded all of the MCollective servers to run the Puppet agent once. This is equivalent to executing
puppetd --runonce
on all of the systems in the collection.


When running Puppet from MCollective, the Puppet agent daemon on all managed nodes may be disabled. MCollective will spawn a new Puppet process each time the
agent is invoked using the
command. This process will be in addition to any already running Puppet agent daemon, duplicating functionality.

If the Puppet agent daemon is disabled, periodic catalog runs will no longer take place, so please make sure to trigger periodic runs using mc-puppetd or configure the agent to run periodically through
In any case, if multiple Puppet processes run simultaneously, only one will perform a catalog run at once. Multiple simultaneous catalog runs are prevented by the use of a lock file at /var/lib/puppet/state/puppetdlock. This file may be in a different location on your system and may be found using the command:
puppet agent --configprint puppetdlockfile

When Puppet is run with the
option, the agent will fork to the background. The actual Puppet agent run may not have succeeded, even though MCollective successfully launches Puppet. The Puppet reports should be inspected for the overall status results of each Puppet agent run. The OK result from MCollective indicates only that the MCollective server was able to successfully start the
process and did not receive any output.

Listing All Loaded Agent Plugins

command is useful to work with the Puppet agent directly. However, as additional agents are installed, it may become cumbersome to keep track of a large number of different commands on the MCollective client systems. As an alternative to the
command, most agents are callable through the
command. The
command has the added benefit of reading the DDL file for each agent when the client is invoked. Let's see how
is able to provide information about
the input and output parameters of an MCollective agent by reading the DDL file for the agent, shown in
Listing 11-27

Listing 11-27.
Using mc-rpc to obtain actions from an agent

# mc-rpc --agent-help puppetd
SimpleRPC Puppet Agent
Agent to manage the puppet daemon
      Author: R.I.Pienaar
     Version: 1.3
     License: Apache License 2.0
     Timeout: 20
   Home Page:
   disable, enable, runonce, status
   disable action:
       Disables the Puppetd
              Description: String indicating status
               Display As: Status
   enable action:
       Enables the Puppetd
              Description: String indicating status
               Display As: Status
   runonce action:
       Initiates a single Puppet run
              Description: Output from puppetd
               Display As: Output
   status action:
       Status of the Puppet daemon
              Description: Is the agent enabled
               Display As: Enabled
              Description: When last did the agent run
               Display As: Last Run
              Description: String displaying agent status
               Display As: Status
              Description: Is the agent running
               Display As: Running

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