Midnight Sex Shop

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Authors: T. A. Grey

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Midnight Sex Shop



WARNING: The content in this book contains
explicit sexual content. This book is intended for mature audiences only. It
contains sexually explicit scenes that may be offensive. Please keep your file
in a safe area on your computer and away from minors.


This book is not
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copyright of this work and violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent
of the law.


This book is a work
of fiction. All characters, names, places, and scenarios are solely the product
of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, though reference to
actual events or locations may be real.


Cover image by: passigatti/www.Bigstockphoto.com

Midnight Sex Shop
T. A. Grey


Copyright 2013

All rights reserved





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Chapter 1


Your darkest desire is our
only pleasure. -Midnight Sex Shop


Detective Lina Blackmore passed the bouncer’s inspection and
stepped into a club unlike she’d ever seen.
Midnight Sex Shop
was a
“legal” underground sex club. The club that supposedly offered everything to
your heart’s desire and for the right price a customer could get anything. And
Lina was here just to see how far that

Moving onto the main floor
of the club, Lina leaned against a maroon wall and watched. Her eyes took in
everything quicker than the average person did. Years on the force first as a
cop then as a detective taught her eyes how to see things differently.

Where a middle-aged man sat
drinking a beer at the bar, watching a naked female suck the breasts of another
in a cage suspended from the ceiling, Lina saw a dangerous man. A man with
hard, mean eyes. She knew his type without question—prison time for assault. Probably
on an unlucky girlfriend or wife. But that wasn’t what she was looking for

Her superior, Captain Jake
Drammer, received an anonymous tip that the
Midnight Sex Shop
underage girls for sex. Just the thought of it had Lina’s fingers itching to
touch the gun at her back.

Distaste rolled on her
tongue at the sight of the club. A place like this would have made her angry or
even revolted, but she’d seen far greater atrocities than this. Desperate human
beings grinding against each other, participating in decadence of naked flesh. She
didn’t feel more than passing disgust. These people had no control.

Shiny gold birdcages formed
a zigzag pattern across the ceiling. Each filled with what Lina assumed were
employees engaging in all kinds of sexual acts. Two heavily muscled men were
locked in a tight embrace kissing, rubbing their strong bodies against each
other. Other cages held a variety of men and women some engaged in intercourse others
in oral sex. No control at all.

At the upper balcony, glass rooms
lined the edge of the dance floor. They were made to be seen from below and so
they could watch the crowd. Right now they filled with people fucking. Lina
smirked even as something in her tightened at seeing the lewd acts. A
leather-clad man spanking a girl over his lap, two men fucking one woman by her
mouth and her pussy. The men’s mouths moved but no sounds were heard over the
blaring thump of the club’s techno music.

Lina located a carpeted
staircase that was blocked off by two very large guards. If the boss is in then
he’s always upstairs.

The music changed and the
bass thumped hard enough to produce a similar beat in her temples. Lina pushed
herself through the dense crowd of undulating sweat and sex soaked half-naked
bodies to reach the stairs.

This should be interesting.

“I’m here to see Mr.
Vanderoth,” Lina said. The ebony-skinned guard had to look way down to see her
short figure. He nudged the second guard, whose pale head was so shiny the gold
from the birdcages glinted off it.

Pale head looked down at
her; his eyes careened over her body looking bored before asking, “Name?”

Lina flipped him her badge then
pocketed it again. “Detective Blackmore. I have a few questions for Mr.

The guards shared a bored
look with each other. “You’re not on the list,” the muscled dark man replied.

Lina ground her teeth
together, then rolled her shoulders back. If these guys thought they could send
her away, then they were in for something else.

She flashed her badge again
for good measure. “I’m sorry. I don’t think you heard me. I’m Detective Blackmore
and Captain Drammer sent me.” At the mention of her Captain’s name, the guards grimaced
and stiffened. “And if you don’t let me see Mr. Vanderoth, then the Captain’s
coming down here with a few extra police officers.”

“One moment,” pale head said.
After a brief exchange over his headset, he grudgingly lifted the separating
rope. “Mr. Vanderoth will see you, Detective.” If he sounded any more irritated
Lina was afraid she might slap him. “You’ll be escorted at the top of the

Before he finished his
sentence, Lina was pushing past him. The second floor was definitely more
secluded. No dancers bumped around up here and even the music was quieter.

Three hallways forked the
main area where a big room with glass walls sat overlooking the crowd below. Only
a small party used the room. She quickly averted her gaze before seeing too

What interested Lina more were
the closed doors along the hallway. At least a dozen of them lined each of the
three halls. They must get a lot of company.

Once again, Lina found her
gaze swinging back to the clear-glass room. The current customers were getting
a hell of a party. G-string women—all employees—gyrated and danced over three
middle-aged men’s laps.

Lina’s mouth nearly fell
open when one of the females moved between one man’s legs and unzipped his suit
pants. His erect cock sprang free.

Lina barely managed to
stifle her surprise when the woman opened her mouth and started pleasuring the
man. His head fell back against his chair as pleasure drenched his features. She
didn’t know what surprised her more, that this woman was openly sucking a man’s
cock or that his friends participated.

Another man took his dancer
and positioned her to grab onto the balcony railing overseeing the dance floor.
He pushed down his pants and pulled on a condom before plowing anxiously into
the woman.

One after the other clothes were
shed, cocks taken out, and the muted sounds of sex fogged floor. Who the hell
would pay to have sex in the open like this?

“Excuse me!” A sharp voice
jolted Lina back to reality. A very tall and very blonde woman wearing an
outrageous outfit consisting of a black bowtie, lace corset, black stockings,
and five-inch heels, glared at her with slender arms crossed.

“Oh, sorry,” Lina said, a
blush creeping over her cheeks.

“This way,” she said. The
woman rolled her darkly shadowed eyes and turned on her heel, leaving Lina

The moans and groans of sex
trailed behind her, serving as a reminder of what she didn’t have. Lina’s tight
shoulder muscles loosened by increments the further away they got from the club
and that

The leggy blonde led her through
a series of hallways and turns before finally coming to a double-sided door
with a number-pad locking system next to it.

Conveniently blocking Lina’s
vision, the blonde punched in the numbers. A high-pitched beep alerted that the
door was unlocked.

The blonde nodded for Lina
to enter. “He’ll be with you shortly. Have a seat and don’t touch anything.”
And then she was gone.

Lina glared at the room. The
study was very fashionable. The overall tone was like a desert sunset. All dark
oranges and reds covered the room in the form of vases and lush rugs. A set of
brown leather chairs sat opposed from each other and in between was an elegant
wooden table. It was hardly the style she’d pictured for the owner of a sex
club. She looked harder, half expecting to see a semen stain on the leather.

She shivered in disgust; she
definitely wouldn’t want to see what a black light would turn up in this place.

She made her way around the
room—touching everything. The blonde’s warning brought a small smile to her
face as she rubbed a hand across the smooth leather sofa. The musky scent of
real leather filled her nostrils. Mr. Vanderoth definitely made money in this

There was only one other door
in the room. His office, probably.

Seeing how long I’ll wait,
Mr. Vanderoth?

All night.

Realizing that she was
pacing around the immaculate room, Lina took a seat on the leather couch. It stiffened
under her like a person had never even used the damn thing. All this nice stuff
was starting to make her twitch. Her own furnishings at home were all used or
hand-me-downs. Being a detective didn’t pay much.

At the sound of a doorknob
turning, Lina stood and for the second time that night, her jaw almost hit the


Chapter 2


Cade Vanderoth was not the overweight, short, balding pervert Lina
had anticipated. Instead he was tall and lean with shoulders that filled the
doorway he shadowed. Hair the color of a raven and looking as soft fell into
unruly waves at his shoulders. He wore a black suit with a matching jacket that
he left unbuttoned, revealing the soft white shirt underneath where several
buttons were open. Lina was sure the suit cost more than her monthly rent.

What captured her attention
most of all—what made her heart flutter in her chest and her nipples harden
into little firm points—was his eyes. Eyes the color of a dark thunderstorm; a
swirl of blue and gray so beautiful it stole her breath away. A square jaw and lightly
tanned skin made Cade Vanderoth into one fine man. A man to dream of at night.

“Detective…do come in.” His
voice was pure silk and hot honey.

She didn’t know how she
managed to make her legs work, but she did. He didn’t move out of the doorway,
though. Instead he stepped to the side and made her brush past him. As she did,
she took in his scent, which should be illegal. No man deserved to smell and
good. It simply wasn’t fair. He smelled like dark, sexy man. She
had the sudden urge to press her nose into his neck and just breathe.

Luckily his crisp voice
reminded her of what she was here for.

“Have a seat.” He motioned
to the chair across from his desk. Elegant and expensive, but not as flashy as
she would have thought. He took the seat behind his desk, his body relaxed, but
his expression was an unreadable mask.

Being a cop, she knew how to
read postures and expressions, but this man’s façade never wavered. His
eyebrows sat low, his lips closed and flat, his eyes bored.

“What do you want?”

He made the air in the room
disappear and her clothes feel tighter. Lina closed her eyes and gathered her
wits. She didn’t work her ass off to earn her detective badge just to falter at
the first handsome face.

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