Privateer Tales 3: Parley (29 page)

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Authors: Jamie McFarlane

BOOK: Privateer Tales 3: Parley
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“We’d like to claim the frigate as a prize,” Nick said.

“So awarded,” Sterra responded. “Will you be filing a suit against the station for firing on your ship?”

“No. It was not station personnel that were operating the weapons,” Nick said.

“Recorded. I’m very sorry to be so brief, gentlemen. It is a pleasure to see you again, but the news Qiu Loo brought back is not good.”

“Anything you can share?” I asked.

“She brought back intelligence on a forward operations base for the Red Houzi in the Neutral Territory. Neither the PDC nor the Navy are willing to take a swipe at them. I’m hoping Qiu’s testimony will change that.”

“Qiu said that Flark had been expecting her. Have you made any progress on finding the leak?”

“No. And I'd ask you to keep that to yourself. There’s a rat on our side, and if I’m going to find ‘em I need to keep that information quiet.”

“It will remain between us, Commander.”

I’m sure you understand that if not for you boys, we’d have lost Qiu and we wouldn’t know about this new threat. But listen to me - you need to lay low for a time. You’ve become a real threat to a powerful organization.”

“Understood. One last thing? How’d those miners fare against the hauler that was stealing the co-op asteroid?” I asked.

Commander Sterra chuckled
. “Their attack style was reminiscent of someone else’s I've seen recently,” she said, raising her eyebrows at us. “By the time we got there they’d tossed more than a dozen fully loaded containers of ore into the barge. The pirates were begging us to take them into custody. Did you have anything to do with that?”

“No, we were pretty busy with our own problems,” Nick answered.

“Liam, Nick, thank you. The Navy owes you a debt they will most likely never repay nor acknowledge. Know this, however. You’ve made a difference today.”

Sterra left the room as quickly as she’d entered it. The corporal allowed us to take the sandwiches and put them in a bag that was sitting, thoughtfully, next to the plate. She escorted us from the
and back onto the frigate.

By the time we returned, it was empty of prisoners and everyone else was sitting on the bridge eating ration bars and drinking pouches of water.

“We brought sandwiches,” I said. I didn’t have to say it twice. Marny unloaded the sandwiches and handed them out. I gave her back the one she handed me, I’d already had two while on the Kuznetsov.

“Any word on Qiu?” Marny asked.

“None yet,” Nick said. “They have a full combat med-tank though.”

“So what now?” Ada asked.

“Think you can push this tub over to the ore sleds?” I asked.

“Of course,”
she said.

“We should lash the frigate to the sled just like we did
Sterra's Gift
. Nick, do you think the gravity generator on the frigate will fight the ore-sled if we lay her down on her side?”

“Should be fine,” Nick said.

“Marny, can we use the frigate's guns for defense if we do that?”

“Aye Cap, you’ll only be able to use one side, but there isn’t much out there that’d want to get in a scrape with even half a frigate.”

“Sounds like a solid plan to me. Nick, any thoughts on how we’re going to come out on this deal?”

“Not sure what you mean,” he said.

“Well, we trashed
Sterra's Gift
but we have a scratch ‘n’ dent frigate and a load of ore.”

“Ah. I haven’t had a lot of time to do the math, but it’s not as bad as it looks. Even a roached out frigate is worth more than
Sterra's Gift
to the right buyer and the auctioneers have moved most of our loot, I think you’ll be surprised at how well that turned out.”

I stood and mussed Nick’s hair even though I knew he hated it when I did that. “Well little buddy, I think we’re going to have to go ship shopping when we get back to Mars.”



Jamie McFarlane has been writing short stories and telling tall tales for several decades. With a focus that only a bill collector could inspire, Jamie has finally relented to recording some of his most of requested stories.


During the day Jamie can be found at his home, writing in front of a neglected fire, with his two cats both conveniently named Dragon. When not writing, Jamie can be found at the local pub sharing his stories with any who will listen.




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