Prince With Benefits: A Billionaire Royal Romance (52 page)

BOOK: Prince With Benefits: A Billionaire Royal Romance
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“You like that, Claire? Yeah, you fucking missed this. Just like I missed pumping my balls dry in your hot cunt,

That word.
Holy shit.

It's the fucked up, taboo, filthy nickname that sends me over the edge, into a whole new pleasure zone I've never experienced.

I don't care that we're not technically siblings anymore. Our parents are divorced, leaving their mistakes behind. But without their screw ups, we wouldn't be here, fusing our bodies together.

He'll always be my step-brother, my best friend. My lover, my husband, and everything else a woman needs, everything there can be on some crazy cosmic level. And my twisted pussy will always love hearing him say
, clenching on his dick like a vice when he reminds me how we met, right before he pours himself into me.

With a growl, he comes. His jets pump scalding fast, filling me to overflowing. His pulse joins mine, and we're hooked together, thrashing in ecstasy, one earthquake shaking two bodies.

I'm so damned soaked by the end of it that I wonder if I'm really melting. There's a huge, cooling puddle in the middle of the bed, right where he pulls out, and sweat drips off us both in rivulets.

Ty kisses me, gently rolls out underneath me, and then walks to the window. He flings it open. The fresh Alaskan breeze feels like the sexiest shower in the world as it sweeps in.

Then I realize if nobody's heard us before, they'll hear us for sure next time. I sit up, tucking my arms across my breasts.

“What's up, babe? Thought we were both gonna die of heat stroke for a second.”

“I like the fresh air, but do you really want to leave that open?” I point to the window.

He looks for a brief second, then stares at me and grins. “Sure. Might as well put Alaska's chill to good use. That wind's only gonna get a lot colder. It'll pummel us all winter like a motherfucking freight train before Jack Frost has had his fill.”

“Um, I know this building's pretty fancy, but you've got to have a few neighbors. Don't you see a problem here?”

He tips his head back and laughs. “The two guys a few doors over will be gone hunting caribou and black bears all month. As for old lady Connelly next door, she's got her TV cranked up so fucking loud half the time that I'm sure she's half deaf. I don't give a fuck if anybody hears what's going on in here.”

“I do!” I stick my tongue out. It's impossible to stay mad.

Still laughing, he topples into bed again, shadowing my body in his huge muscles. His cock rubs enticingly against my still wet pussy. One groan later and I start to forget all about the neighbors.

“I can't believe you're making me do this,” I sigh, grinding back on his dick.

“Shit, you serious? Did you really think I didn't want the whole damned world to know we're tight now that we've made it official? We let some media shits come between us before. I'm not making that mistake again. I don't give a fuck if everybody in Anchorage hears what's happening in this bedroom.”

“I do!” I say again, trying to fight him a little harder. I should know better. It's over before it's begun with his cock teasing me like this, tight against my entrance.

“Save that shit for the altar, babe. We're keeping that window open all winter with the fucking we're doing. I've missed a whole year of this pussy, and if you're still caught on trivial shit, then we'll have to screw twice as much as I was planning to un-fuck your head. Now, bite your tongue and put your legs on my shoulders. Nothing's stopping this dick from owning you tonight.”

I smile and let it go. He's right about one thing – there's nothing stopping this utter
of a man from claiming me and fucking me until I'm a limp, steaming mess.

By the time he pushes inside me and I let out the world's loudest, most shameful moan, I remember I love the asshole, not just the good guy underneath. Lucky me, we've got the rest of our lives for him to drive me all kinds of crazy.

Big Day (Ty)

Nine Months Later

y greedy dick
steals more blood from my brain every time I look at her. She's fucking magnificent in that long white dress, and I almost forget about how bad I want to rip it off and lay her down. If only being up here at this makeshift altar didn't hit me right in the feels.

I look at our “priest,” really a Buddhist monk we've chosen to marry us here in Denali. The thin man smiles and says the words I've been waiting for. “You may now kiss the bride.”

Thank fuck. I'd been worried I'd freeze up and forget a few crucial words.

Our little audience explodes as I lift Claire's veil back and taste those lips. Having her pressed up against me, tight and salty and hot as fuck makes this all real.

She's officially my wife. I suck the air outta her precious lungs and leave her panting for more. Damn if I don't enjoy a long buildup, and I tease her mouth with everything I've got, hand on her ass, heart thudding like a goddamned jet engine in my chest.

It's late spring in Alaska, and the high afternoon sunlight glows down on us approvingly, as if the whole world's decided to celebrate along with us. Damned straight.

When I pull back, her cheeks are rosy red, the same hue they usually turn before we fuck. I gotta give her one more grin and look away before my cock rips right through my expensive trousers.

She leans into me. “Tonight.”

My dick does a hard jerk in my pants. I grab her by the hand and we walk down the aisle, listening to our small crowd clapping and cheering for us.

All my boys are there. Tommy, Ed, Mike. They're the only remnants of my old life in Washington worth keeping.

On Claire's end, there's her ma, an aunt, and several cousins I just met yesterday. I can't believe how much the power hungry Congresswoman's changed, and I can almost believe she's given up her dreams of going back to DC. Hell, she's the one who got us this monk to make things official, and I can't say it's a bad idea with all the eastern spice we're inviting into our lives.

She's brought Joan too. It's nice to see the old housekeeper again, and even better that they'll be working for us after the honeymoon. Claire's ma kept her gainfully employed after blowing my dad's estate, and now she's coming home to work for me, just like I promised.

I'll need all the help I can get to keep things running in the household too.

I'm due to open the doors on Club Tao next week, Anchorage's first full service bar and lounge, complete with an authentic West Coast feel. My boys are up to watch me tie the knot and make sure things get off to the great start.

We stop near the curb, not far from where our limo's parked, and wait for everybody to come up and give us their congrats. One big plus about having a slim guest list means it doesn't take long to see everyone.

I'm goddamned thankful for that. The sooner we have our dinner and reception means the sooner we'll take off for the high end resort at the park's edge. After that, we're fucking the whole week away, whenever we're not taking long walks into the wilderness and staring at the stars with champagne flutes in our hands.

Claire's ma comes up and kisses her. She throws her arms around me and I hug her back.

“Congratulations, Ty! Welcome to the family.”

I outta cringe hearing that shit again. She said the same damned thing on the day we met, but this time it's happy. It's real. I study her face carefully for any lingering bitterness. There's nothing.

She's learned to live and let go of her mistakes. I can do the same, even when we're getting married in the same national park where Mandy tied the knot with my bastard of an old man.

Don't worry, he's got his comeuppance. Even if I'd sent that fuck an invite to wedding, there wouldn't have been a response. Spree's in somebody else's hands now.

I hear he's busy selling off his properties and drinking like a fish. Even the family estate on the coast is up for grabs, part of a whirlwind auction to raise sorely needed cash.

Turns out, the fuck got into a multi-billion dollar dick waving contest and tapped his company's money behind the shareholders' backs. The experimental shit Dad tried to fund to take a private rocket into lunar orbit ate up everything, and the fucking thing exploded on the launch pad, killing two engineers.

The media ruckus blew his finances wide open, and it only took a week for the board to come for his head. Now, he's CEO of nothing, and he'll be lucky to live a quiet, comfortable life of mediocrity on whatever the hell he's got left.

It's not much. Looks like it's up to me to rebuild the family fortune, and his greedy old ass won't be getting a dime.

Maybe I'll make an offer for the
this summer, assuming the new club takes off and I can stand letting my lawyer send him a letter. Or maybe I'll leave him to die alone. His bullshit stole a whole year away from my woman, never mind watching his goons fry her before my eyes, and that's fucking unforgivable.

I don't miss his sorry ass. Everything I need's right here at my side. I swing Claire's hand in mine, letting out a possessive growl.

“Ready when you are, Mister and Missus Sterner.” A neat dressed chauffeur I've hired holds the limo's door open for us.

Claire looks at me and smiles, flashing her bright white teeth. “Oh, Ty. I never thought this would go so perfectly.”

I smile back at her as we slide into the car, breathing in the rich scent of leather. “I did. And you'd better hold on tight because it only gets better from here.”

* * *

he dinner
and dance lasts long into the night. By midnight, I can't fucking wait anymore. I let her kiss her ma one last time and share a laugh with her best friend, this chick named Dana. Then I pick her up, throw her across my shoulder, and head out to the car.

“Floor it,” I tell the driver, stuffing an extra tip into his hands.

He drives like a secret service agent ushering the President through some war zone, and I pull Claire onto my lap, pressing my lips to hers.

“I hope you've got something hot on under that thing, babe. I'm not wasting any more time with you changing once we're back in our room.”

“Lucky for you, I've come prepared.” She puts her hand on my dick, pulls up the hem of her dress, revealing the hottest pair of soft white stockings I've ever seen.

Fucking shit.
Pounding her into the mattress with this lingerie accenting her would be hot as hell alone, but there's another reason my balls won't stop blazing like hot coals.

“You're sure you're clean? All that shit's outta your system?”

“It's getting there. The doctor said it might take three or four months before everything works right. You know it's normal for a lot of couples to try for a year, right?”

I slam my glass of whiskey down in the cup holder and grind my cock on her ass, fisting her and jerking her ear to my lips. “Fuck that. Statistics don't mean shit when we're this serious. Get it through your pretty head right now, babe, and burn it there. I'm filling you every fucking day 'til something takes. We're fucking all night, every night, and we're not taking breaks 'til you tell me you're knocked up.”

She flashes me a mischievous smile. “Oh? Maybe I shouldn't tell you anything, Ty. Sounds like you'll cut me off cold turkey when the job's tone.”

She's such a fucking tease. I slide my hands up under her wedding dress and finger her panties, reaching for the softness between her legs. She's soaked.

“Just a couple more miles, babe. You're giving me the best wedding present a man can hope for.”

“And it'll keep giving for the rest of our lives,” she says, right before she closes her mouth over mine in a sultry kiss.

I suck her lip and kiss her like I own her, because I fucking do.

She's right about us, building our future piece by piece. I've always wanted a big family. Since her, I know I
it. We both come from fucked up places, missing a mother or a father or sometimes both, but us?

Well, shit, we can do better. And tonight, we're gonna start, laying down roots by putting my first born of many inside her.

The car pulls up while we're still wrestling lips, hot and heavy. It's a quick walk into the fancy lodge and a ride up the elevator. I carry her the whole way, barely ever pulling my lips off hers.

Upstairs, I kick the door open and carry her over the threshold. Very traditional. Something about that feels nice, a small beacon of sanity in our huge, crazy ocean.

She's laughing as I pull her onto the bed and run my hands all over that dress. I feel like I'm gonna fucking die if I don't get it off, and I try to do it without tearing the damned thing to shreds. I let her help, if only to get her naked faster.

My tux is a lot more familiar. It comes off in a blink as soon as she's naked, except for those knockout stockings. I press my seething, tattooed skin against hers and spread her legs wide, pulling them around my waist and hooking them tight.

“Fuck me, Ty. Fuck me good and deep,” she begs.

That's all I can stand. I can't wait a micro-second more to push inside her. My dick thuds like it's trying to leave my body as I push up into her.

I'm growling into her mouth next time we kiss, savoring her hot, wet heat as long as I can. But the fire churning in my balls won't stop 'til I move my hips. We fuck hard and deep, finding a whole new passion in this babymaking fuckery.

When she starts digging her nails into my neck, I grab her hair and jerk her head upright, exposing her neck for my lips. I suck her skin just like I fuck her.

I can't get over marking this woman. I'm jealous, possessive, and crazy as fuck, and I want the world to know. That pretty ring on her hand isn't enough. I won't throttle anything back 'til I see her belly stretching with my seed, and she's got a whole wardrobe of turtlenecks to cover the love bites I leave on her flesh.

Shit, she's marking me too. Her nails rake deep down my back, harder when she starts to moan and thrash her hips into mine. Her whole body's begging at a primal level for my come, and I'm gonna give it to her.

But not 'til she's an insane, sexy, sputtering mess. I slam her harder, rocking her whole body, grinding myself into her clit.

“Oh, Ty – Ty! God.
” The wet heat wrapped around my dick pulls tighter as she starts to come.

I lose my shit and move my body like a runaway train. Her pussy sucks so hard at my dick I nearly lose it, but somehow I keep fucking her through her first climax of the night, never slowing down a single beat.

Those silky stockings brushing my sides feel damned good. When she's done coming and scratching my back to pieces, I flip her over, mounting her from behind.

Her sweet ass bounces each time I thrust, so deep my balls slap her little tender flesh. I'm gonna shake her all the way down, watching her tits swing beneath her. This is a full blown animal fuck, and it's gonna end the way animals mate too – breeding her.

My dick leaks inside her just knowing I'm gonna knock her up. My balls are about to split and spill, but I keep my control, plowing her with deep, long strokes that shake the entire fucking bed.

She's clawing desperately at the sheets now, ripping a pillow near the headboard and stuffing it into her mouth. It's the only thing that muffles the screams pouring outta her mouth.

I grab onto her thighs and pull them up. She's halfway in the air and I'm fucking her deeper, reaching all the way to her womb, feeling my balls ready to erupt.

The second orgasm hits her, and it's her pussy's death grip that does me in. I can't fucking hold it anymore.

“Scream your fucking brains out, babe,” I tell her, lightning striking through my nuts. “I'm gonna fill this pussy up. Here comes our kid!”

There's shrill, sexy music coming from her pillow. My hips go wild and I growl, slamming her completely into the mattress and holding her there, shooting the first thick rope up her smoldering cunt.

Fuck. Shit. Christ.

This woman sucks the life outta me, and then some.

I lose my load and flood her, feeling the remnants gushing out around us. Her pussy's still massaging my dick as my brain throbs pleasure. I don't stop thrusting, rooting myself inside her 'til my balls pulse every last drop they can.

Everything ends, just like it began, in one feral kiss.

“I love you, Claire. Love you 'til I'm nothing but dust and bones,” I growl, touching my forehead to hers.

“And I love you, husband. Even when you're being the world's biggest dick.” She smiles.

Cue me slapping her ass playfully as we roll, pulling her on top of me. “Shit, babe, I don't care. We're cool, just as long you keep loving me for having the world's biggest dick.”

“Whatever.” She smiles, rolling her eyes. “You're a cocky, sex crazed asshole, but you'll always be my Prince Charming.”

“All for you, Little Miss Perfect.”

We both smile and laugh. I spread her legs and push into her again. There's no fucking way I'm going soft tonight.

My cock's hard and happy, and so's my heart. I can see our whole future unfolding while we rock the bed, warm and beautiful as the rare Alaska summer.

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