Prince With Benefits: A Billionaire Royal Romance (46 page)

BOOK: Prince With Benefits: A Billionaire Royal Romance
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“New rule – hands over your head, or anywhere I tell you when you're underneath me like this.”

“Oh? Just underneath you?” She swings her legs over the backs of mine, giving them a long, silky stroke with her feet. I almost blow my load on her belly like a fucking high school kid. “I didn't know you wanted to fuck missionary all the time.”

“Babe, missionary's just a classic warmup. You're gonna feel your brains coming out your ears before you stop and try to make sense of all the ways we're fucking.” My eyes narrow and I reach underneath her, grabbing her ass, aiming my cock perfectly for her entrance. “I need this like I've never needed anything else my whole damned life. I need
You're mine, girl, all fucking mine and then some. Hold on tight while I make you feel it.”

She opens her mouth to say something, but I cut her dead off by pushing into her. Fuck, she's wet, hot, and tight as the first time. I push good and deep, loving the fact that there's no reason to ease her in slow this time.

The shy, sweet virgin girl's fading. I'll miss her, but I love the woman I'm about to meet. Fuck by fuck, I vow to turn her into the hottest ball buster I've ever buried myself in.

I was the one to break her in, and I'm not done yet. Not 'til I've brought her into the world of raw, sweaty, unrepentant fucking. I swear I'm not stopping 'til she's stamped with my cock from the inside out.

I slide balls deep and then jerk back, ramming it home harder this time. She gasps, tenses, squirms beneath me. Her fingers are doing that adorable curling thing against the brutal hand I've got holding her wrists, and damn if I don't love it.

Holding on for leverage, I fuck her hard. I thrust 'til she opens her mouth and struggles to get oxygen into her lungs, shaking her sweet body, moving my mouth down against her throat. Her nipples brush me as I fuck faster, and I sink my teeth into the soft spot along her neck with a growl.

I marked her once, and I do it harder now. She moans loud, sharp, but doesn't stop. On the contrary, my girl pushes her neck harder into my teeth, and I gotta hold myself back from drawing blood.

We both come up for air and lock lips. I time my tongue to match the strokes of my cock, totally throttling her now. It's sloppy and imperfect, but fuck it feels good, the only kinda bliss that really matters.

My heart's chugging – not from the exertion either. I can't fight it. I can't pretend. There's truly something here when I'm rampaging between her legs, the same thing that's there when she's lying next to me steaming after a good fuck, running her pretty brown eyes over my body.

I think it's love. But her pussy won't let me think too hard about anything at all, and neither will my dick. That greedy motherfucker jerks me deeper into her body, faster, sending pure hellfire into my balls. He pulls me in to the hilt, and won't stop 'til I spit fire up her womb.

We're fucking so fast and hard the room thumps again and again with our flesh, smacking together in waves. She's screaming when I finally grab her wrists, throw her hands over my shoulders, and then fall back on my calves, pulling her up with me. My fingers dig into her round ass so hard it hurts – not that it slows me down for a single beat.

Her legs pinch tight around my waist and her ass rises off the mattress, suspended in my raging hands. She's right where I want her – wide open and totally wanting.

I slam her deep. I turn into a human piston. She tenses up and digs her ankles into my back, throbbing with the fury that lets me know she's on the cliff.

I send her right over it a second later. Claire comes on my dick; a convulsing, screaming, bucking mess. My balls are gonna burst if I don't shoot inside her soon, but it's too fucking good making her come undone like this.

Holding her hips, I slam deep and strong, raking my pubic bone across her clit. The added friction makes her shriller, and then she completely loses her voice.

Everything around my dick gets hotter, wetter, tighter, stretched to its very limit. I think I've just taught her to squirt, and it's so fucking hot I almost lose my load then and there.

Somehow, I keep fucking through her climax, slowing my strokes a little as her limbs uncouple from their death hold on me and she starts to breathe.

“God, Ty. How do you do it?
did you ever learn to do half the things you do to me?” Her curiosity's real cute.

I pull out, settle her on the bed, and nudge her to roll over. “I'm showing you right now. Fucking's just like making music, babe. Practice makes perfect – except the practice is pretty damned sweet too.”

She doesn't need to know about the dozens of women I've had before her, the hundreds of times I've rocked beds rough. All she needs to care about is that it's all hers now, my gift and my sacrifice for making her mine.

Her laugh turns into a sharp gasp when I clap my palm on her ass. I'm almost looking forward to another lashing from her tongue someday, giving me all the excuse I need to throw this ass across my lap and give it a proper spanking.

For now, I'm too fucking hard and eager to stop. I jerk her up on all fours and reach for her clit, holding onto her fine ass with my other hand. Her legs go wide like a good girl, and I sink right in, picking up where I left off before.

I'm gonna fuck her molten before I come. I watch her hands go out and claw at the sheets and pillows above her head. It's not enough with the way we're fucking. Every thrust slowly moves us closer to the headboard, where she steadies when she finally smooths her palms on the wood.

Shit, maybe this full body practice we're making today

Claire's legs start trembling closed after another minute of bullet fucking. Growling, I grab them, pull them apart, and hold her by the thighs while I ram into her.

“Jesus,” she whimpers, her fingers going white as she presses them flat against the headboard. “Oh, Ty. Ty!

The last word shoots out like a gunshot. I'm off to the races.

My hips go insane, slamming into hers so hard her tits swing like soft pendulums. My dick throbs, and the lava churning in my balls won't hold back any longer. I'm gonna explode.

Soon as her pussy locks around my cock, sucking as she comes, I'm toast. I throw my head back and add my roar to her screams.

“Fucking shit, babe – don't quit on me now! We're not done 'til you're dripping my come.”

I don't know how true it is 'til I bust a second later. I pump hot, thick ropes straight into her. It feels like I'm fucking melting.

All my energy runs straight into my balls, and then they shoot. I fill her deep and hard. I scorch her from the inside out as my nuts pump like foundries. Seed flies straight up my dick, last stop before I'm hurling it into her.

Coming was never like this before. This is something else. This shit squeezes my whole body and twists my muscles in knots, as if some giant picked me up and wrung me out like a rag.

I pour everything into her. I'm growling, spitting, swearing. She's turned me into a feral fucking animal grinding my hips into hers, pulling her back and forth against my dick, jerking myself off with her killer body.

That's when it hits me. Every year of sex I've had before her's fucking ruined. I thought I did good, rutting wild oats into the harem I collected over the years, right before Little Miss Perfect came along and dropped me to my knees.

Now, there's no going back. That shit I did before in bed with other girls? Absolutely fucking nothing.

What's right here in front of me, twitching and moaning as spastic aftershocks run through us, this is heaven. This is nothing
fucking nirvana in its purest form.

I root my dick inside her like a madman and don't stop 'til my balls are drained. Thank fuck she's the hottest thing I've ever seen, or else I'd have a hard time getting up again for the minimum four or five romps I've got planned for tonight.

Claire's slumped beneath me, her head on one pillow, trying to replenish the air in her empty lungs. I pull out and hop off the bed to grab a towel. It's gonna take a massive cleanup for anyone else to ever fuck in this bed again after the mess we just left, and we're only getting started.

She's still leaking my seed when I return. Something primal inside me wants to growl, push it back inside her, knock her the fuck up. The beast in my skull doesn't care if she's on the pill or not.

That's crazy talk, right? I've never imagined letting my seed take in any girl before. I wonder who the fuck I'm becoming. Fuck, who the hell is

I take a good long look.

This baby girl looking at me like I just handed her the goddamned moon's my lover, my confidant, my partner in crime. And yeah, she's still my fucking step-sister too, which is a big problem now that we're

My dick doesn't care. The greedy SOB is already getting hard before I climb into bed with her. Guess I'm not the only one who's got lust fever today.

Claire reaches for my cock and starts stroking it, slowly guiding her soft sweet lips to mine. I'm about to dive in when I feel something hot and wet splash my cheek.

What the fuck?
Reaching up, I brush away a tear. I gently pull her head back and see there's a few more brimming at the corners of her eyes.

“Shit. What the hell's the matter, baby?”

“My life's a fucking mess, but I don't think I've ever been this happy. Why's it have to be like this? I wish we didn't have to go home, Ty.”

I wrap my arms around her, pull her close. “We don't have to. We'll stay out here as long as we can. I've got the coin to keep this big bastard gassed up and supplied for at least a month. Maybe longer if my old man drags his feet with freezing my trust fund.”

She looks up at me, her eyes narrow and hurt. “Then what? Something this good can't last forever, can it?”

“We'll make it,” I promise.

And I mean it too, even if I don't know how. I bring my lips to her forehead and stamp them there tight. This closeness is nice, even though my dick's thudding impatiently against her thigh.

I hold her for a few more minutes 'til she moves her head. Then she shifts her lips into mine, and that's the kiss that leads me to savoring her hot warm heat all over again in the most carnal ways imaginable.

Somewhere Between Heaven (Claire)

up to my phone ringing off the hook. Ty's left the bed. By the time my feet are on the cool floor, I realize we're moving again.

Big Pacific waves slosh outside the windows, broken only by the outline of the shore beyond. We're probably making good progress to southern Washington by now, and we'll be in Oregon's waters in a matter of days.

I can't wait. The beaches are warmer, brighter and more beautiful than the gloomy sands of Washington's shores ever will be.

My phone dings again and I snatch it off the floor. I already know who's calling before I hit the button.

“Claire? Claire!? Oh my God.” Mom's voice goes from panicked to relieved when she hears me breathe.

“Where the hell are you?” She snaps. “You've got to give us something so Gary can send someone to come get you. Jesus, I hope they drag Ty home too. I'm going to murder that boy myself if I find out he's hurt you.”

“No, no, no.
” I let out a heavy sigh. “There's nothing to worry about. I left with him by choice. It's voluntary.”

There's a long pause. Then she explodes.

“What! Jesus Christ, Claire!” I hear her take a sharp, steadying breath. “Have you lost your mind?”

“No. Dan Jacobsen made a rude advance on me yesterday, and he decided to let me go when I turned him down. There's nothing else there for me this summer. Ty had something in mind that sounded a lot more exciting than sitting around trying to find a new job, so away we went.”

I swear I can hear her teeth grinding on the other end of the line. I can't blame her completely – it's a lot to take in – but nothing I say will ever justify it in her mind. I can't make sense of what she'll never understand.

“Claire, listen to me. I don't know what he told you, but that's not his boat. He
it from the house, just broke in and sailed it right out into the open sea!”

“Mom, please. He didn't break into anything at all – it's not like the thing was even locked up. We both promise to bring it back in one piece. He knows how to handle it. And don't worry, we're not heading anywhere crazy. I'm looking at the coast right now. It's never out of sight.”

I count ten seconds of nothing. I'm starting to believe maybe Mom won't have a shitfit over it, maybe she's more open minded than I ever believed.

God damn it,
Claire!” Her voice is so loud I need to jerk the phone away from my aching ear. “Don't do this to me. Just

“I'm not doing this to you. It's all for me. I need the time and space to clear my head, Mom. Stop worrying. I know it's sudden, but nothing crazy's going to happen.”

Another slow building explosion. I wait for it, seriously tempted to open one of the windows and chuck my phone into the water.

“You're ruining everything, honey! Everything! And you're wrecking yourself too,” she adds hastily.

You're ruining my Senate bid
is all I hear. My lips tighten.

“You've got to come home, Claire.
. Just tell him to turn the ship around and come home now. I'll talk to Gary, make sure the consequences aren't too serious. I'll do it for
of you.”

So we're going to be treated like common thieves? Christ. Maybe what Ty said about the Coast Guard barging in and dragging us home in handcuffs wasn't so far off.

“The only one ruining anything is you and your controlling, greedy freak of a husband. You two deserve each other. Goodbye, Mom.”

I swipe the call angrily to end it and then shut the damned thing down. I probably won't be needing it where we're going.

I dress and wash up, then head outside, racing toward the bridge. Ty mans everything with rock music piping through the satellite radio, humming along with it. I walk up quietly behind him and throw my arms around his rock hard waist.

God, those muscles are tight. I'll never get tired of holding them. He's like my own personal mountain,
as much as he calls me his.

He doesn't even flinch. It's like he's been expecting it. He smiles, gives me a good morning kiss, and pulls me closer.

“Everything all right, babe?”

“Yeah,” I tell him, and I'm not exaggerating. I feel it. “Everything's just fine.”

* * *

he next few
weeks are heaven. Ten days zip by in a blur, and then a few more. Before I know it, we're docked in Lincoln City for the Fourth, watching as the fireworks explode above the little seaside resort town I've always loved.

It's like coming home. It's one of the few places where Mom and I went on trips before she went Congress crazy.

She's tried to call about a thousand times since I shut her off. I only check my phone once a day, and I don't listen to the voicemails anymore.

There's nothing new in them after the first ten. Nothing but threats and stern warnings, pleas and selfish whimpering. She isn't worried about me coming home safe. It's all about her career, and it hurts to see how deep she's been bitten by the same greedy bug perched on Gary's shoulder.

The woman who raised me and bought us ice cream in the town we're spending our holiday in is all gone. I barely recognize the woman I call
now, the woman who married a bastard of a billionaire for convenience.

She's not my youthful, vibrant, Lincoln City loving Mom anymore. I can't be her pawn.

Now, I'm hoping I can build some new memories here with Ty. Luckily, Independence Day has gotten things off to a good start.

Before the fireworks, we walked along the warm, sleepy beach. The sun glowed high and we ran barefoot, hand in hand, finding a few nice private spots not touched by the holiday throngs. Money and GPS can go a long way.

We hit a restaurant with an amazing wine bar for dinner, and then I insisted on buying him ice cream. Ty snuck away for a few minutes while we were at the ice cream shop. I swear I saw him run across the street to one of the little boutiques, and now I'm wondering what he's got up his sleeve.

The only thing we didn't like were all the tourist cameras. One sneaky photo with the right tag online could blow our identities wide open. Then Gary and Mom will really have a good reason to come after us if we hand them a real scandal, wrapped up in a pretty neat bow.

We're sitting out on the boat's main deck. Bright, orange contrails rocket up and explode magnificently into red, white, and blue, plus a sprinkling of almost every other color too.

It's beautiful.

“I've got good news and bad news, babe,” he says, squeezing the arm he's got around my shoulder tight. “Take your pick.”

My face scrunches. “Give me the good first.”

“I'm gonna make sure this paradise we've found isn't just temporary. I know that's what you're worried about, and you don't fucking need to. Yeah, it's gonna take work. It won't be easy. But I'm gonna make it. I swear to you, Claire, deeper and more seriously than anything I've promised in my whole damned life.”

He doesn't wait. Ty swoops in for a kiss, and I lock my lips on his long and hard, just as another fireball goes off above our heads, splashing our faces with a brilliant orange glow.

I don't even want to ask about the bad. Unfortunately, I have to. Breaking the kiss, we stare at each other, and he slowly opens his lips.

“My asshole old man's frozen my trust fund account. I've got plenty of my own money to haul this beast home and figure out the rest, but not much more. It takes a couple thousand a day to operate this boat. Sorry, babe, but we've gotta cut our trip short.”

I'm not shocked. I expected it. I push my face into his rock hard chest, unable to resist dragging my fingers down his abs.

Jesus, those abs, they're like small hills beneath my fingertips. I'll never stop being awed by his body.

“Say something,” he growls.

“Ty, it's okay.” I look up and run my hand across his cheek. “Really. The whole point of this trip was to get away and figure things out. I think we've done that. If we can survive through all this turmoil without wanting to kill each other, then I think we can do anything.”

He smiles. “You shitting me? Who's got time for murder when I'm too busy fucking your brains out?”

My eyebrow quirks and my pussy heats. “Oh? Is that all we do?”

He gives me another growl and lifts me up from my chair, walking to the edge of the deck and laying me down on the hard wood. A bright blue firework goes off in the sky, dancing its light across our skin and the ship's white hull.

“Don't play dumb, woman, or I'll have to show you what we do.” He's got his hands on his belt, and I reach forward eagerly, helping him take down his pants.

His cock springs out, hard and alive, pulsing with a need that won't stop until it's satisfied. I lick my lips and roll my hand over his shaft, marveling at his size. He groans, and everything below my waist goes hot and wet and tight with satisfaction.

Well, satisfaction and flaming lust.

I take him into my mouth and shudder when his head swings back. He tastes amazing.

” Ty rumbles. “You're learning to suck better every fucking night. You're gonna kill me one of these days, girl.”

I can't smile with my mouth full of his dick, but you'd better believe I'm happy. Pleasing him makes me light up just like the sky. I moan, tightening my hand on his base, and slide down his length. My tongue flicks up at the ridge underneath his head, twirling, begging to bring him off.

Ty groans. “Fuck. Shit. God. Damn.”

Everything coming out of his mouth is vile to the core, and I love it. I can't imagine sex any other way except crude and hard and absolutely filthy.

For a second, I can't believe what I've become. There I am, shy virgin girl turned wanton runaway, kneeling on the deck of a billionaire's yacht with my mouth stuffed full of my step-brother's cock. I'm sucking off the most arrogant man in the world, an utter bastard I never expected to fuck, much less fall for.

But the facts don't lie. Neither do the last few weeks.

Ty Sterner isn't such a soulless bastard after all. And I'm not such a good, plain girl anymore.

“Ah, damn. Holy
” His growls deepen. His rough fingers move through my hair, grab several locks, and pull.

My head automatically follows his motion. I sink down on his cock and just keep sucking him, tonguing his ridge, feeling his balls tighten in my palm. I'm ready for him to explode in my mouth.

Hell, I'm ready for him to take me anywhere, any way. I'm not shy anymore. I love this man as bad as I want him, even if saying the L-word out loud still scares the crap out of me.

His calloused palm feels hot, bobbing my head in quick strokes, holding me on his magnificent cock. I take another breath, pull him against my tongue, and wait, wiggling my cheeks and waiting for the explosion.

He pulls out at the last second, rips my head back, and stares at me. A bright red rocket explodes and reflects its fire in his glistening blue eyes. It's an incredible contrast, rare and frightening as everything about this relationship with my step-brother.

“What's wrong?” I ask softly.

He drops to his knees, grabs me, and pushes me to the floor, tearing at my clothes. I hear his pants kicking off behind him. Before I know it, the tank top I'm wearing is disappearing over my head, and so is my bra. He grabs my breasts in both hands and squeezes them tight. My nipples bloom between his fingers and he pinches them harder, working to roll me over.

“What's wrong is you trying to make it too easy, babe. It's the Fourth of July for fuck's sake.”

“Oh?” One hand slides down, shoves its way beneath my shorts, under my panties, and catches my clit.

Okay, forget
It's all

“You thought I wouldn't strip you bare and fuck you right here on the deck of the ship with fireworks exploding above us? You think I'd waste my load down your throat instead of making you leak my come for hours?”

Both hands zip down to my shorts and pull. In one jerk, everything is gone, and I'm completely naked. He centers himself between my legs and I get a perfect view of him rolling his shirt off his head.

Jesus, he's always so tightly wound, no matter what I do. I'd give him crap about it if it didn't always lead to such mind blowing sex.

His cock presses hard against my belly, throbbing with raw need. His lips are all over me, kissing mine into submission and then sliding down my throat, where he stops and sucks so hard I know he'll leave another mark.

My body screams. I can't help him. Call me sick in the head, or slap me across the face, but I've finally accepted I'm addicted to every depraved thing he wants to do to me.

His hips glide low and hook to mine a second later. One perfect push and he's up inside me, thrusting slow, but hard. These strokes cut deep, his trim hair grinding on my clit, and I'm glued to the floor by the shock alone.


It's all I think, all I feel, all I say. My entire universe is wrapped up in that single two letter word. It's a short, staccato curse for this Greek god with the mind of a demon, not to mention a massive dick and a pair of balls that leave me in a coma.

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