Prince With Benefits: A Billionaire Royal Romance (43 page)

BOOK: Prince With Benefits: A Billionaire Royal Romance
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I'm already missing it when the pleasurable hurricane washing over us fades. Baser sensations return to the numbness pooling in my toes, and it rolls up my body. I'm going to hurt like hell tomorrow.

I'll probably be sore, inside and out, but it's not like it stops me from wanting more. I bring my lips to his and bury myself in a long, wet kiss.

His lips taste sweet, full, and addictive. Okay, now I'm in really big trouble.

What the hell are we going to do? The deed's done, and I hope to God it's not the last time. But if he really has to leave before the end of the summer, that means I'll lose these monstrous muscles wrapped around me.

His hands help me settle on the bed. Slowly, he pulls out, climbs over my legs, and flops down. I lay on his chest, just savoring his heartbeat, trying to quiet all the hateful worries flooding my head.

“That was so good, Ty. Better than anything I imagined.” My voice purrs faintly, robbed of its energy by our sex. I like it.

“Good. We'd both be in trouble if I disappointed a fucking virgin.” He smiles. “You rocked my world too, in case you're wondering. It doesn't take mad skills to get me off. Long as you look half as pretty as you do now, I'm gonna need to rub balm on my dick or some shit before the summer's out.”

The joke's so crude and ridiculous it makes me laugh. I roll my fingers down his chest, fixing them around the tiger's black eyes staring out through his muscle.

“Okay, what's the deal with the cat? Did you eat too many Frosted Flakes as a kid, or what?”

He slaps me on the ass. I yelp, shocked, but quickly return his soft smile when I hear him chuckling.

“That's my latest and greatest, babe. Probably got room for a few more, but this one will be hard to beat.” He stares at the ceiling, as if he's taking a long journey through time and space. “I had it done a couple years ago, right after I got back from India. I pretended to give a shit about Spree's new market so I could tag along. Soon as I was off the plane, I slipped out and explored. Ended up having tea with this shaman, who did some mystic reading and told me this was my spirit animal. I thought he was full of shit 'til I saw the cat staring at us out his window.”

“No way!” I slap his chest, wondering if he's just jerking me around. Then again, I guess we already did plenty of that.

“No bullshit. That big, beautiful bastard came right up to the window and showed his teeth. Man eating tiger, stripes and all. He looked right at me. The old guru just shrugged like he was expecting the thing to come in and drop off a package. The sly smile on that fucker's face trumped my doubts.”

Flashing him a mischievous smile, I slide my hand lower, resting on his tight packed abs. “Oh? I thought you told me you weren't the superstitious type?”

“No, not really. Shit, I'll leave the door open to anything, even a little crack. This world's a strange place. Besides, I'll say anything if it gets me more of this pussy, babe.” He preempts my slow, plodding circuit to his dick by pushing his hand between my legs and finding my clit. “I'm not just saying that to be an ass. I'm hooked. I dunno about nirvana beyond this world, but the pink between your legs is as close to heaven as I'm gonna get.”

He rubs just enough to bring me into the zone. Then, without warning, he pulls his hand away, bringing his fingers to his lips. I watch in stunned silence as he licks my cream into his mouth.

His hand darts out and slaps my ass again, this time a little more playfully. “Now, stand up and get dressed,” he orders.

What the hell? We can't be done here!

“Huh? Why?” I stutter.

“Because somebody needs to go upstairs and make sure the coast is clear. If you don't see your ma or Joan putzing around, we'll go right back to fucking, and I won't even have to gag you this time.”


I'm smiling, trying to fix my screwed up sex hair as I quickly dress. Asshole or not, I want to hurry up and return to this bed as soon as I can. Anything to have him inside me again.

“How the hell am I going to survive the rest of the summer?” I ask him, pulling my shirt down over my belly.

Ty folds his hands behind his head and shrugs. “Fucked if I know. Good thing we've got about seven or eight weeks before my old man has me arrested for hanging here. That's plenty of time, and I'm gonna do more than break you in. Your pussy's gonna fit my dick like a goddamned glove by the time I ship off for Alaska. That's a fucking promise.”

I wish I could make him promise not to leave.

Tomorrow's a complete mystery to me, and so is next week. It doesn't bother me as much as it will later. Today, all I want to do is fuck my step-brother a few more times until I can't move.

Is that so wrong? And if it is, I've got a bad feeling I won't know what's right ever again.

* * *

'm dragging
on Monday morning.

Every time I stand up, walk, or even just sit with my legs stretched out, my body reminds me of the filthy fuckfest we had all through the night.

Ty on top of me. Ty thrusting into me from behind, pinching my ass cheeks tight in his hands, shoving my face into the pillows. Screaming my pleasure to the steady clap of his balls against my skin. Ty all around me, burying me, owning me, fucking me, growling threats into my ear about all the ways he's going to make me crave him forever.

I think I know how a freshly fired pistol feels.

The worst part? He's absolutely right.

I'm on day two since getting my v-card punched, and I'm already hooked to this man and his savage bedroom ride. And if that's not incredible enough, Ty got up early to drive me into work. It's hard to be around him all dressed up, thinking about the ways he can mess up my neat business outfit all over again.

I can barely concentrate during the team meeting this morning, much less this list building exercise Dan Jacobsen wants done by the week's end.

The names wash over me. I see nothing but vulgar, sweaty, tattooed fucking in every name and email I click through. The gutter has officially pulled my mind in deep.

Of course, none of it changes the fact that we're going to face a terrible reckoning when Ty really has to leave. I'm not sure what'll happen. It hurts just to think about it.

This crazy thing can't last, can it? But I don't want it to be over. Not when it's barely begun.

I bite my lip, working as well as I can, imagining all the insane possibilities. I'm seriously considering joining him in Alaska after my internship ends. It's starting to sound a lot better than struggling to move into a high priced apartment in Seattle for whatever political gig I can wrangle up next.

No, I
want anything to do with Mom's Senate campaign. I'm still pissed she's decided to march to Gary's brutal drum. If she can rationalize him kicking Ty out and leaving him cold, what else will she cave in to?

And I definitely don't want a cent more from the billionaire prick who wipes his shoes on his own son the same way he does to the rest of the world. I don't care if he bought me a car. He's a total bastard who puts appearances over everything else.

“Claire.” There's a knock at my cubicle.

I spin around and see Dan standing there, tall and genteel in his dark brown suit. “What's up?”

“I'd like to see you in my office at the end of the day. There's a special project we need to discuss.” He pauses and winks. “Don't worry. Nothing about the quality of your work. That's been fantastic, and I can see the lists are going splendidly.”

“I'll be there.”

Dan doesn't wait another second. He takes off and leaves me staring, wondering what the hell he's got in mind.

. I guess there's such a thing as working

I don't exactly want more responsibilities dumped on me with Ty tempting me to follow him to the ends of planet earth. Having a quiet, lazy summer is starting to sound really good, especially if it's the only way I'll get to be alone with him. Well, before I have to make another fateful decision about uprooting my life.

Am I really willing to chase this tattooed bad boy's cock all the way to Alaska?

The good girl inside me stares at me like I should be wearing a straitjacket. The rest of me knows damned well what she wants. She sneaks up and starts choking the hell out of the perfect princess, my conscience, screaming for me to follow my heart into the wild.

At least there's a few more weeks to decide what I'm going to do. Who knows, maybe I'll find out once and for all if Ty's heart really matches the oversized flesh hanging between his legs.

* * *

ister Jacobsen
? Dan?” I knock on his office door and it swings open.

He's never got it totally shut. Guess he subscribes to the new Zen of office openness all the managers are preaching these days, especially in the relaxed, progressive work environment Cascades Now! represents.

“It's beautiful out there, Claire. Too good to waste.” He's standing by the window, and turns to face me when I'm inside. “How about we get out of the office and talk over drinks? There's a little Irish place I know up the street. Killer happy hour.”

My heart stops. Mother of God.

My boss isn't seriously hitting on me – is he? If he is, I'm more worried about how the hell I'm supposed to let him down.

I can't say I have a boyfriend. Somehow, I don't think telling him I'm secretly starting to love my foul tempered step-brother and his massive fucking cock will go over well either. Dan's a traditional man, however radical his environmental views.

I freeze up and try to think through it, letting the rational side take over.

It's just a drink. It's innocent. He won't force anything on you unless he wants a harassment suit. Just go with it.

I shrug and give him a small, friendly smile. “Sure. It's been a long day. I guess I can use a beer or a glass of wine. Um, a friend drove me in today, so I'll need a few minutes to call a cab.”

“Nonsense!” Dan pounds his fist on his desk. “We'll go together. Just let me know when you're friend's coming to pick you up later. I'll drop you back here at the office and you can go home from there.”

Jesus. His eyes are wide and hopeful like a puppy's staring through a pet show window. I feel awful about leading him on. Even worse that Ty's the one who'll be picking me up. He snuck a few more grabs at my thighs and ass before I slid out the door this morning.

He can't keep his hands off me, and I don't want him to. I start to wonder what'll happen if he pins me down and smothers me with his lips right in front of my boss. I shouldn't let him, but I can't promise I'll keep a grip on anything the instant his hands are on me.

For a crazy asshole, my prince has got
nailed down.

I need to be careful. Jacobsen can't see the badass in the fancy car picking me up – and no fucking way can he see the look Ty gives me when his eyes are glued to my body. It'll be a dead giveaway for everything.

I have to get out of this, and I need to let my boss down easy. I want to be polite and professional, no matter how good it feels to let Ty wreck everything civilized with his kiss.

“Okay,” I say smartly. “Just let me grab my purse and we'll go!”

I'm trying to stay upbeat all the way to the bar. It's a little further than Dan says – just the kinda cruising distance a man in full courtship mode plans for small talk. I go along with it, always steering the topic back to work and wildlife preservation when he starts to get too personal.

The bar is really pretty decent. Thank God for small favors.

It's been way too long since I've had a nice, tall, bitter Guinness. It's a welcome distraction from the awkward scarecrow sitting across from me. Yeah, even if I didn't have step-brother on the brain, I wouldn't date a man as lean and soft as Dan.

“Tell me, where do you see yourself in five years, Claire?” Dan asks, staring down at his half-empty lager.

“Kicking ass and taking names.”

He laughs like a fool at my lame cliché and I want to shoot myself. My mind's still drifting back to Ty. My pores open up and sweat when I think about how good it'll feel to sink down on his cock later.

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