Prime Deliverance (Katieran Prime Series (Book Five)) (6 page)

BOOK: Prime Deliverance (Katieran Prime Series (Book Five))
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The next few days seemed to go by so slowly. She and her aunt hosted quite a few activities involving the EWG. At first the Earth males did not seem to have the same attitude toward approaching her, but the moment they realized she was a Prima and what Prima was, they backed off.

Her aunt had begun to dress differently as well. Normally her Katieran dresses were conservative and often had straps for each arm. However lately, she noticed her aunt wore dresses that had one neck strap or no straps at all. She also started to wear her long hair down. AriELa suspected it had something to do with Leo Carreli, Lindsey’s father. They had started spending a lot of time together.

She was happy for her aunt. She had taken AriELa in her home to raise after her family had been attacked and killed by the Morins. She was like a second mother to her and SandELa deserved to be happy. AriELa just wished that she could find happiness for herself.

In fact, there were times AriELa watched over Leo’s youngest daughter, Lisa, whenever Lindsey wasn’t available. She enjoyed spending time with the little girl. She taught her the most about Earth and in turn, she taught the little girl more about Katiera. Lisa especially loved to hear the stories involving the Goddess KatieRI.

“What does the Goddess look like?” little Lisa asked her with a child’s curiosity.

“There are varying stories about the Goddess KatieRI. But most of those describe her as being much darker in her appearance.” She quoted the poem her mother had told her when she had been a young:


“Our Goddess KatieRI,

a lovely vision in white.

Her smooth ebony skin,

as dark as the night.

With silky, black hair,

twinkling suns in her eyes.

Her beauty so fair,

her love be the prize.”


“That is so beautiful,” the little one sighed a dreamy sigh.

“My mother taught me that. She also told me the moment the war God KiljOR looked upon the Goddess, he knew she was his bond mate. He pursued her until she agreed to mate with him.”

“You’re mother died?”

AriELa gulped. “Yes, many years ago.”

“My mother left me. She didn’t want a family anymore.”

Oh Goddess.
AriELa’s heart went out to her. “But you have your father and sister who love you very much.”

“I know and I love them back, but sometimes I wish…I wish I had a mother.”

AriELa took the little girl in her arms. “My Aunt SandELa took me in and raised me when my family died, but I sometimes wish that I had my mother and father. Even now I still miss them.”




As the day of the mating ceremony approached, everyone became more and more anxious. Cassie had to remain in the suite at all times. TarAK was her security liaison so he stayed with her. AriELa envied the time they spent together. It was clear to everyone that Cassie and RendEL were true bond mates and both deeply in love with one another.
One cousin down
, she wondered if the others would soon follow and when it was finally going to be her turn.

She also wondered if TarAK still harbored affection for the Earth female. It didn’t matter anyway. She was a Prima. Only another Prime or someone on a council would offer to mate her. She was thinking of accepting the first available offer, just so she wouldn’t have to be alone anymore.



Chapter Six


The day before RendEL and Cassie’s mating ceremony—all Kitana broke loose. Cassie was taken off planet by the Earth male who had left her with young, along with Senator Rowe and his daughter, Erica, all with plans to dispose of Cassie in space. Captain Malone, the female warrior from Earth, slowed down their plans with the assistance from their neighbors, the Kiljorn Nation.

The Kiljorn people were originally from Katiera, but they broke off and created their own world many years ago. There had been disagreements between both the Kiljorns and the Katierans. The Kiljorns were visiting Katiera to start negotiations for an alliance against the Morins.

The troubles seemed to keep coming, the episode with the EWG sending Cassie into labor and the reason AriEla found herself sitting in the Medic Wing waiting area with her aunt and two cousins along with a lot of others. All waiting on the birth of the first set of twins to be born on Katiera in nearly a millennia.

While everyone waited, she was briefly introduced to the Kiljorn Prime Leader, KadEN. He was a very attractive male. She suspected that there was a purpose behind his interest in her. After all, she was the only Prima available for mating. Well, if you didn’t count her aunt.

“What do you think of the Kiljorn Prime Leader?” her aunt asked her in a low voice. Both Katierans and Kiljorns had advanced hearing so she didn’t want to speak too loudly.

AriELa shrugged. “He seems to be a nice male. He has a lot to say.”

“Would you be opposed to a mating with him?”

AriELa turned to look in her aunt’s curious eyes. “Why?”

“He is showing interest in you. He’s a Prime and you’re a Prima. It would not be a bad match.”

“He’s not my bond mate. That concerns me.”

SandELa smiled at her sadly for a moment. “I was not a bond mate for my KrendEL. We still loved each other and had three sons. I do not regret one moment of it.”

“You’re right. Bond mates are so rare. I am grateful Ren found his, but who’s to say anyone else will? I would be open to a possible match with the Kiljorn Prime Leader.”

They didn’t talk anymore about it. The room had grown especially quiet, and then there were two distinct cries. The twins, GabriELa and IsabELa, were finally born.




Three days after the twins’ birth it seemed like all of Katiera was on the sandy shore in front of the green waters of Katiera to witness the mating ceremony. Cassie stood beside RendEL as the two suns were setting in the background making everything glow golden. It was beautiful. Both AriELa and SandELa held the two young in their arms while watching her cousin and Cassie exchange their ceremonial words.

To hold a young made AriELa want one of her own. Her aunt and cousins were great, but she wanted a mate and young to care for. It put things in perspective for her. She had a chance to have this with the Kiljorn Prime Leader KadEN. Her cousins finally told her about the Kiljorn Leader’s offer of a Prime Mating to solidify the alliance. It was not necessary, but it would be a better foundation for both nations.

She had never shirked her duties as a Prima. Sometimes it pressed on her and she felt that she didn’t belong to herself at times. However, the people of Katiera had been good to her. Whatever she needed or wanted they provided willingly and without complaint. How could she not serve them in the same manner?

During the wedding banquet, Prime Leader KadEN danced with AriELa for four or five dances. She had also danced a couple of times with each of her cousins, but it was with KadEN when she felt everyone’s eyes on her. Watching for her reactions to him, trying to see if there was a spark of interest on her part.

She glanced over KadEN’s shoulders and noted that Miss Carreli was watching carefully. She had an expression on her face that belied the calm that she usually projected. She was relieved when her cousin, RendEL, offered to dance with the other female. She began to suspect that maybe something was going on between the Earth female and the Kiljorn Prime Leader.

“Have you met Miss Carreli?” AriELa asked the Kiljorn Leader, pulling back far enough to look up into his very handsome face.

“Yes,” his answer was very short.

“What do you think of her?”

“She is a difficult female to deal with.”

AriELa smiled. “She is very intelligent, and very beautiful. Don’t you think so?”

“Are you thinking about coming to visit Kiljor?” He wanted to change the subject and focus on the reason he was here.

“I am thinking of it. I haven’t decided.” She saw Miss Carreli was sitting down again. This would be the best time to test her theory. “I think I’m going to take a break from dancing. Feel free to dance with another female. There are many here this evening waiting to dance.” With that she walked away toward the darkened corner of the large reception room. She watched as KadEN slowly circled the dance floor before he zeroed in on Miss Carreli. She smiled to herself. She was right, he was interested in the Earth female.

A dark shadow fell to the side next to her. She turned and found TarAK staring at her angrily. “We need to talk.”

“There’s nothing to talk about.” She was still upset with him for getting her excited in the lift and then leaving her. He hadn’t approached her since then either. She resolved herself to the fact that they would not be together. She was trying to move on, but it did not help matters whenever she had to see him.

She started to walk away, but he grabbed her arm and pulled her behind him through the balcony doors. She glanced back and saw Captain Malone giving her a concerned look. Once they were out on the balcony far enough away that anyone looking out would not see them, TarAK pulled her to a stop in front of him so they were face to face.

“What is your problem?” AriELa couldn’t restrain her anger anymore. His treatment of her was outrageous.

“What are you doing with the Kiljorn Leader?” he demanded. He ran a hand through his hair. Something in him snapped when he saw the other male with his hands on AriELa. All the feelings he had been trying to suppress over the years came rushing back.

“I am doing what is expected of a Prima. The Kiljorn Prime Leader KadEN has offered to mate me.” She tried to step around him but he blocked her, moving them further away from the balcony doors.

“The Kiljorn High Council has pushed the Kiljorn Leader into making this offer. It is not a personal choice but a political one.” The moment the words left his mouth he regretted them. AriELa flinched like he had struck her.

She straightened her shoulders. “Are you saying the only reason a male would mate me is because of my being a Prima? That no male would want to mate me—for me?”

“I’m not saying that no male would want to mate you. I’m just saying the Kiljorn Leader is mating you for political reasons.”

AriELa pointed her finger at him, tapping him in the chest with it to emphasize her point. “I may not be as exotic as an Earth female, but I am still considered pretty among our people. Many males have shown interest in sharing sex with me.”

“Who? I demand their names!” TarAK stepped forward, pressing AriELa against the railing.

Both of her hands pressed flat against his muscular chest trying to push him away. “It’s not any of your business. Just because you are not attracted to me doesn’t mean…” She couldn’t finish what she was saying. TarAK’s mouth came down covering hers.

She was caught off guard. His lips were warm and firm. She squirmed but it was a weak effort on her part. AriELa gave up the fight. It only took a moment before she opened up to him. It was like waking up to the suns. Everything was so bright, clear, and warmed her whole body. TarAK enclosed her in his arms and kissed her hungrily. She arched her back, pressing closer and started kissing him back.

He ate at her lips like a starving man. One large hand reached to cup her face and hold her in place. TarAK moaned from the sweetness of her. He wanted to taste all of her. He could take her back to his living quarters. The two males who shared the space with him were still inside the banquet. They would be alone and he could…
what in Kitana was he thinking
? He released her suddenly and stepped back away from her.

AriELa had to grab hold of the railing behind her to keep herself on her feet. She was so confused. “TarAK?”

He shook his head. “My apologies. That never should have happened.”

Her heart sunk. He was pushing her away—again. She couldn’t keep being rejected over and over. It was too much. She straightened her dress and made sure her hair was in place. “I agree, it was a mistake.”

She moved around him and headed back into the ballroom. She walked toward her cousin, KydEL, who was standing next to the Prime Leader of Kiljor. She stopped in front of both of them, each giving her curious looks. She ignored the way the Kiljorn Leader sniffed at her.

“I would like to visit Kiljor. When can we leave?”



Chapter Seven


A few days went by and AriELa thought that things would go back to the way they were with TarAK ignoring her. But she was wrong. Things were even more strained between them. He attempted to keep his distance but whenever she spoke to another male, especially the Kiljorn Leader, he would frown and at times, growl. All the other males saw his aggressiveness and backed off. All except for the Kiljorn Leader. He didn’t seem intimidated in the least and enjoyed spurring on TarAK’s behavior.

She was so frustrated with everyone. Her cousins, her aunt, and TarAK. The Katieran High Council was thrilled she was going to visit Kiljor and was considering mating the Kiljorn Leader. Her family was having second thoughts. Especially her cousins. They were becoming unbearable. Were they actually trying to talk her out of it?

“I hear the Kiljorn people do not bathe frequently,” KydEL commented one evening when they were having a private family dinner in SandELa’s suite.

She looked at Cassie who spoke up in AriELa’s defense, “I am sure they bathe. KadEN always smells very nice when I’m around him.”

RendEL growled, “Why are you smelling another male?”

Cassie giggled. “I wasn’t smelling him. I just noticed…” She was interrupted when RendEL kissed her soundly.

It was kind of uncomfortable watching two people completely in love expressing that love. They were expressing
hard. Everyone tried to look away.

“Break it up or go to your own suite!” KydEL spoke gruffly, causing the couple to separate.

The twins were sleeping soundly in their little carriers that RendEL had made special for them. AriELa looked at the sweet, sleeping faces, longing for her own children. But even if she mated, chances of her breeding and carrying to term were slim. It pained her to think that she may never hold a young of her own. She needed to leave before she broke down in front of her family.

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