Prey Drive (30 page)

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Authors: Wrath James White

BOOK: Prey Drive
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Joe almost crashed, jerking the wheel to the left to avoid drifting into oncoming traffic, when Selene climbed into his lap, impaling her sex on his tumid flesh and bouncing her voluptuous ass up and down the length of his shaft. She produced a small razor and began cutting her breasts, slicing her one remaining nipple and bringing Joe’s mouth to her breasts to lap up the blood.

“Suck it, Daddy! Oh, fuck me, Joseph!”

Unable to contain the monster any longer, Joe lapped at the blood then and sucked the erect nipple into his mouth. He bit down, eliciting a gasp from her as he nearly severed it from her breast. Fireworks went off in Joe’s head as he imbibed Selene’s essence. It tasted richer, fuller, wilder than he remembered from the small taste she’d given him before. Her blood was white lightning and blue flame. Joe felt electrified. Selene’s kegels contracted around his cock and he struggled to keep the vehicle on the freeway. He heard the bumpity bump of the big SUV tires hitting the road reflectors along the median line and steered it back onto the road, overcorrecting and crunching the gravel along the breakdown lane before managing to straighten the vehicle.

“That’s it! Bite me, Joe! Bite me! Oh, God! Oh, fuck! It feels so good! I think I’m going to cum!”

Joe bit through her nipple and ripped it off her chest, chewing the tiny morsel of salacious flesh like meat-flavored bubble gum before swallowing it. Selene grunted in pain and sped up the motion of her hips. Joe roared and came, thrusting deep in Selene’s sex, emptying his seed inside her. Selene raked her nails up his back and across his neck, flensing away skin then leaning down to suck the blood. It was too much. Joe didn’t like it. It reminded Joe of what Damon Trent had done to him. He felt vulnerable again like he had back then. Helpless. Victimized.


“Oh, Joe! I think I’m going to cum! I think I’m really going to cum! Fuck me harder! Harder, Daddy! Harder!”


Joe grabbed her by the hips and tossed her back into her seat. He was too late. He’d been distracted from the road too long and the SUV angled off the road and down an embankment. It went up on two wheels, and for a moment, Joe thought it was about to flip. Then it righted itself and came to rest with its front wheels in a ditch.

“Dude! That was fucking wild!”

Joe had almost forgotten about Nathan. He looked over his shoulder and Nathan was still strapped into his seat belt. His pants were around his ankles and he had semen splashed on his stomach. Nathan had been watching Joe and Selene the entire time, masturbating to the show. And from the position Selene had been in while she straddled Joe’s cock, there was no way she could not have seen it. She had been putting on a show for both of them, getting Nathan off as well as Joe.

The vehicle was surprisingly undamaged. Selene had a bruise on her forehead from where she must have struck the windshield. Other than that, she seemed fine, though somewhat perturbed.

“I almost came. Why’d you stop me?”

“We almost died, Selene. Did you miss that part?”

Selene shrugged her shoulders.

“Can you think of a better way to go? That would have been one hell of a climax.”

Her lips were stained with Joe’s blood and his seed dripped from her neatly shaved snatch. If the virus was real, there was no doubt she had it now, and Joe was certain she had intended it that way. She had wanted to get infected. Joe remembered Luscious and Devon back in the penitentiary with their teeth filed like his, eyes vibrant with the same predatory lust. He had left them alive and now they carried the infection. Human predators like him. If he left Selene alive, she would become a murderer too.
But she already was, wasn’t she?
Joe thought.

He looked over at her. Despite her injury, she was still rubbing her clit, grinding her hips against the air in a circular motion, frustration writ large in her expression. She still wanted to fuck. Joe had left her unsatisfied. She licked the blood from her lips then slid a finger up inside her, stirring the creamy soup of semen and vaginal fluids. She scooped the frothy custard cocktail of juices from her pussy, brought her fingers to her lips, and licked them clean. Joe turned away. He put the SUV in reverse and pulled them out of the ditch. That was the beauty of four-wheel drive.

“MMmm. Why did it have to end? I was so close. I think we need to stop for a while. I’ll rent us a room. Drive to the nearest motel,” Selene said.

“Maybe we should keep going? We’ve got a long way to go,” Nathan interjected and the look Selene gave him would have melted steel.

“I need to rest. We all do. Just for a couple of hours.”

Joe did feel tired after the orgasm and the near-death experience. He’d been fucking and killing since late the previous evening. His body was on overload. The meat he’d eaten weighed heavy in his belly. He hadn’t eaten real food in almost a full day. His belly was still fat off Cindy’s flesh.

“Okay. We’ll stop at the next hotel.”

“I need to stop at a pharmacy or a gas station first. I’m still bleeding.”

Selene’s breasts were awash with red where Joe had bitten off her nipple. Blood dripped steadily from the wound.

“Wow. You guys make quite a couple, you know that? I’ve never seen anyone fuck like that. I thought you were going to tear each other apart. That was pretty fucking intense. You had the car going over a hundred and ten miles an hour at one point, just before you came, Joe,” Nathan said. “I really thought we were all going to die. It’s funny, but I was cool with that, you know? Weird, huh?”

Joe nodded, still staring at Selene’s breasts as he tucked his own cock back in his pants. He was getting hard again. He’d had so many orgasms in the last twenty four hours that getting an erection hurt. The monster throbbed in pain and Joe had to tear his eyes away from Selene’s blood-soaked globes to keep from attacking her again. He stared at the road and forced his mind to avoid thoughts of cannibalism.

Her breasts were so much fuller now. Cindy’s tiny bosoms had been wonderful, but barely more than a snack. Selene’s would be an absolute feast. He remembered the white hot fire that coursed through her blood stream, the taste of her passion that had nearly scalded his tongue and seared his brain as it ignited inside of him. He wondered if his blood tasted the same to her; the blood of a kindred monster.

Selene managed to get the bleeding under control by putting pressure on the wound with a rolled up sock. She slipped back into her shorts and T-shirt. Joe felt a pang of regret as her breasts were once again covered. They passed a sign that announced a rest stop at the next exit.

“We’ll stop here. You should probably go clean up,” Joe said.

“Pass me my bag, Nathan. I need a change of clothes.”

Nathan hefted a small suitcase into the front seat and Selene quickly rifled through it for new underwear and something to wear. Blood was already beginning to leak through the one she was wearing. Luckily, she wasn’t bleeding half as bad as she had been.

They pulled to a stop in front of a gas station that was also a restaurant and general store. Joe pulled up in front to let Selene out.

“Does anyone else want anything? Something to drink?”

“Can you get me a soda?” Nathan asked.

“Sure. What about you, Joe?”

“I could use some milk and maybe an energy drink. We’ve still got a long drive ahead of us. I need something to keep me awake.”

Selene frowned.

“I thought we were going to stop at a motel.”

Joe shook his head.

“I think it’s best if we drive straight through to San Francisco.”

“That’s still five hundred miles away. It’ll take us another seven hours to get there. You can’t drive that long.”

Joe shrugged. “I can try.”

Selene walked off in a huff, leaving Joe sitting in the car in a cloud of confusion. He had originally planned to kill both Nathan and Selene, but he was finding their company enjoyable and he feared now that killing anyone else would curse him forever. He hadn’t felt human in years and he longed to rejoin the society of man. Sitting in the bloodstained SUV with the taste of Selene’s blood and flesh still fresh on his tongue, he felt anything but human.

Joe reached into his pocket and took out two small pills wrapped in cellophane. After his last meeting with Professor Locke, the professor had given him Riluzole pills to try instead of the ketamine injections. They were designed specifically to modulate glutamate in OCD patients. Joe hadn’t taken them, but had palmed them instead to save for later. He’d known he would be escaping the next day and didn’t want anything blunting his aggression. Now, he needed something to quiet the monster. It was the only way he could resist the urge to eviscerate and devour his two traveling companions. Joe looked back at Nathan.

“Nathan, after we get to San Francisco, I think we need to part ways. You’ve been a great help. Really, I can’t thank you enough for helping me get out of that place, but if you stay with me, I’m afraid it’s going to end badly for you.”

Nathan was silent, but Joe could sense the man wanted to interject something. Joe waited, but nothing was ever spoken. Minutes went by in complete silence. Joe’s thoughts drifted back to his mother. After their last meeting, Joe had partially blamed her for what was wrong with him because she had known what her husband was up to or at least suspected. Now, he found himself forgiving her, understanding her more. There was something charismatic about murderers, something magnetic and attractive. From John Dillinger to Ted Bundy, society has long been fascinated by them, women in particular. Joe suspected it was the instinctual attraction to the alpha male. Females of all species were wired to seek out the strongest mating stock available and the man who hunted other men naturally stood out as a powerful mate as proven by his dominance over other members of his species. Even other men were programmed to follow the leader, the alpha male, the one who was the most violent, the most powerful. It was a genetic predisposition of social animals. Men like Nathan and women like Selene, Cindy, Alicia, and even his own mother may have had no choice in the matter. The more they were in tune with their primal instincts, the more those instincts would lead them to men like him. Nathan’s pull toward Joe undoubtedly came from the same dark, primal place, from his Neanderthal, primate brain. Either that or he was just a sick fuck getting off on the carnage. Maybe they all were.

Joe thought back to how his mother had been before his abduction by Damon Trent, before the monster had begun to emerge. He never had any clue there was anything wrong with his family. His mother had always been loving and affectionate. His earliest memory of his mother was of pies. It seemed she was always baking. The house smelled of fresh pastry. He still associated his mother with the taste of cherry pie. He remembered her hugging him and mussing his hair when his father wasn’t looking. Joe’s dad didn’t think boys should be hugged too much. He was of the opinion that too much affection turned boys into homosexuals. So, Joe’s mother always hugged and kissed him secretly.

The clandestine nature of his mother’s affection had almost made it feel dirty, wrong. As he got older, Joe often wondered if perhaps he’d been molested and just couldn’t recall. He just remembered the way he would stiffen and feel uncomfortable whenever his mother touched him, expecting his father to come around the corner and punish them both. After joining Sex Addicts Anonymous, he had considered that his lust for the flesh may have been partly due to love and affection being a dirty secret in his home. He never saw his parents show each other affection and his father had never hugged him that he could recall. So, he had grown up starved for human touch, sensual love. Perhaps it was as simple as that. Perhaps his lust for the feel of human flesh had simply morphed into a lust to consume it. He had to at least consider the possibility that his psychosis was strictly a mental illness and that there was no viral component to it at all.

During their last few sessions, Joe had gotten the distinct impression Professor Locke was no longer pursuing the viral theory of signature sex murderers. When Joe was first incarcerated, the professor had hired a virologist and a geneticist to study Joe’s blood for signs of infection. That lasted only a few weeks. The last few years, he’d mostly employed a neurologist, studying Joe’s brain for physical and chemical abnormalities. If the professor didn’t believe him, perhaps it was all a fantasy Joe had concocted to justify his psychosexual rampages. And if that was the case, killing his grandfather wouldn’t do anything but end a man’s life and make Joe’s addiction that much stronger.

“No more killing,” Joe whispered. Hearing himself say it made it more real for him. “No more killing,” he said again. From the backseat, he heard Nathan clear his throat to speak but seemed to think better of it and fell silent again. Moments later, Selene returned, looking refreshed in a canary-yellow summer dress and Birkenstocks. The dress seemed to hug her curves in all the right places and Joe wondered how she could make even such a formless garment seem sexy. Her bloody clothes were rolled into a bundle and tucked under her arm. She carried a bag full of drinks.

“You look good,” Joe said timidly.

Selene beamed.

“Thanks. I feel a lot better. I took a bit of a whore’s bath in the women’s room. It was hard cleaning all the blood off my skin. Here, I bought you an energy drink. And I bought you a cola,” Selene said, handing a fountain drink over the backseat to Nathan. Joe noticed the drink had no lid and thought it odd, but couldn’t quite put his finger on it. He popped the tab on his energy drink then and tore open the little package of cellophane-wrapped pills.

“What are those?”

“It’s Riluzole. It’s to control my compulsions.”

Selene frowned.

“You mean it’s to chemically neuter you. You still want to change what you are? How can you still think about that after what we just did together?”

Joe shook his head and looked down.

“I can’t do it anymore, Selene. I never wanted to be a monster. I never wanted this. I just want to be normal and I feel like I’ve gotten worse since they locked me up. I’ve forgotten who I am. I let them make me into a monster. That’s not who I am, Selene. That’s not who I want to be.”

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