Prey Drive (23 page)

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Authors: Wrath James White

BOOK: Prey Drive
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Dirk took the pink disposable razor and scraped it gently over his wrinkled testes. Removing the hair along with an occasional sliver of skin.

“Ouch! Fuck!”

Dirk threw the razor down at his feet and checked his nuts for grievous injury.

“I’m gonna fucking castrate myself! Fuck this shit!” Dirk said, but, contrary to his words, he obediently retrieved the razor and finished the job. He had just stepped from the shower when he heard the door to the suite open. Moments later , Selene stepped into the bathroom and Dirk’s modest erection swelled.

This is it
, he thought.
I’m gonna get laid!

“So, let’s see how everything turned out.”

“What?” Dirk said, covering his genitals with both hands while water sprayed his back and shoulders.

“Let’s see how you look.” She reached into the shower and turned off the water, and Dirk shrank away from her. His hair was wet and plastered to his face. With his bony arms and legs, hunched shoulders, his hands cupped between his legs, and his pale skin, Dirk looked like a prisoner of war or a terrorist captive. He felt uncomfortably vulnerable. Selene reached out and brushed the hair away from Dirk’s clean-shaven face.

“That looks much, much better. Very good. No chest hair. Good. Let’s see your arm pits. Good. Okay, now let’s see the rest of you.”


“Now, Dirk, don’t tell me a big boy like you is shy around the ladies?”

Selene winked at him and suddenly Dirk felt even more powerless. He wanted to crawl through the cracks in the shower tiles and hide where her piercing stare could not reach him. Instead, he allowed her to pull his hands away from his private parts. Selene’s smile widened and she nodded, appraising him with obvious approval.

“Very good, Dirk. Very nice.”

Selene grabbed the hem of her shirt and lifted it over her head, tossing it to the floor. Dirk’s eyes immediately dropped to her breasts. He was transfixed as she reached around in back of her and unhooked her bra. Her breasts bobbled free while her bra slid down her arms and fell to the floor. One of her nipples looked as if it had turned inward. It was merely a dimpled scar on her left tit, but the other one jutted out like a .22 bullet. Dirk could hardly breathe. His cock was so hard he could feel the skin on his shaft stretching. It felt like it was about to rip.

“Fill the Jacuzzi. Let’s relax.” Selene dropped her pants then, hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her underwear, and slid them slowly over her heart-shaped hips and ass, down her smooth, thick thighs and muscular calves. Dirk felt faint.

“Oh my God, you’re beautiful.”

Dirk had forgotten his modesty and was standing there with his erection bobbing in the air like a divining rod as he stared at Selene’s naked body in slack-jawed amazement.

“Damn, I don’t think I’ll ever look at another skinny chick again.”

Selene smiled and blushed. It was the first genuine expression of emotion Dirk had seen her display since he first laid eyes on her.

“Thank you, Dirk. Now fill the tub while I get our drinks.”

Dirk walked over to the large tub, which sat on a raised platform halfway between the bathroom and the bedroom in the center of the suite. As instructed, he turned on the faucet and began filling the tub. Selene walked back over to him carrying two large jugs with Asian characters written all over them. She held the two bottles underneath her own impressive jugs. Dirk drank in her naked form. Her hips were wide, tapering into a narrow waist and down to thick but muscular thighs parted by a thin rectangle of perfectly groomed pubic hair. Her labia appeared engorged. She was clearly aroused, which Dirk found confusing. Earlier she’d seemed apathetic toward him, even annoyed and disgusted by his very existence. He’d like to think the shave and shower had turned her around, but something still felt off. There were alarm bells going off. The prospect of pussy, however, was seriously muting his self-preservation instincts.

Selene turned her back to him and Dirk appraised her ample buttocks, an enticing combination of muscle and fat though a bit more fat than Dirk usually liked. Something about this woman defied all his normal preferences. Perhaps it was just that it had been so long since he’d been laid or because she was forbidden fruit, his cousin’s girl. There were just too many thoughts going through his head. He just wanted to get drunk and shut his mind off for a few hours, lose his inhibitions in alcohol and let the night unfold.


“Chinese rice wine,” Selene replied holding out the big, blue jug to him. “Try a swig.”

Dirk took the bottle and looked around for a glass.

“Just drink. You’re not a germaphobe are you?”

“Hell no!”

Dirk turned the bottle up and took a large gulp. His eyes widened and he swallowed hard.

“Whew! That’s some strong shit!”

Selene opened the other bottle and took a gulp of the wine herself. She cocked one hand on her hip and stuck her breasts out further. Dirk’s eyes raced her curves from her feet to the superior grin on her luscious lips. Dirk took another long swig.

“You like? It’s one of my favorite wines.”

“It’s not bad.” Dirk took another drink. “I never pictured you as the type of girl who drinks wine straight from the bottle.”

“I’m probably going to do a lot of things tonight you couldn’t picture me doing.”

Selene walked over to the edge of the Jacuzzi tub and took another long swig from the bottle of rice wine. She leaned down and kissed Dirk, pouring the wine from her mouth into his. Dirk reached out for her breasts, rubbing his hands over her one stiff nipple and feeling the buoyant weight of each breast. She pulled his mouth to her breast and poured wine down her chest where it gushed down her cleavage and into his mouth. Dirk gulped again and again, swallowing large quantities of alcohol faster than he wanted to but unable to pull away. This was the sexiest shit he’d ever done with a woman without her actually touching his dick and he didn’t want it to end. He wanted to see what Selene was going to do next.

Dirk was already feeling woozy and lightheaded when Selene grabbed him by the hair and jerked his head back. She took the bottle from his hand and poured it into his open mouth. Dirk sputtered and coughed. It felt like he was drowning, like he was being waterboarded with rice wine. Selene laughed.

“Too much?”

“Fuck! I almost gagged. Slow down.”

Selene continued to giggle.

“How about a little more? Stick out your tongue.”

She sat on the edge of the tub now and pushed Dirk down between her thighs. He slid his tongue inside of her and felt her vagina contract, sucking it in deeper as she poured wine down between her breasts, over her stomach, through her patch of pubic hair, and down his throat. Dirk lapped at her swollen clitoris while the intoxicating cocktail of her sweet vaginal juices mixed with wine flowed into his mouth. He gulped it down like the last drink of a dying man.

The tub was full now and Selene reached over and pressed a button that started the bubbles, then she shut off the faucet. The combination of the warm bath, the water jets massaging him from all sides, and the alcohol was making Dirk sleepy. More than sleepy, suddenly Dirk felt like he could barely stand. He tried to climb out of the tub and stumbled backward, splashing down in the tub and smacking his head on the edge of it, which made the fuzziness in his head even worse.

“I feeeeel fuuuunnnyyy.”

“You’re okay. It’s just the wine. Relax and enjoy the bath.”

The room blurred and began to wobble like he was in a slow-moving earthquake. His skin felt too hot and then like he was freezing. The last thing he remembered was Selene pulling the plug on the Jacuzzi and letting all the water out just before everything went black.

When Dirk reawakened he was still in the tub. His limbs felt heavy and everything was still blurred like he was looking at it from underwater. He tried to lift his arm and it didn’t move. He tried to roll over, to stand, but his body did not move. He felt completely paralyzed. He tried to call out for help, but all that came out was an inarticulate jumble of slurred syllables.

Selene was still in the room, still naked, still completely fucking gorgeous. She had two more bottles of rice wine in her hands and she was slowly pouring them over his body. Dirk couldn’t even feel the sensation of the wine pouring onto his skin.

She drugged me. This bitch fucking drugged me!

He remembered her turning her back to him while she was opening the bottle. While he was busy staring at her ass, she must have slipped something into the bottle.

Rohypnol. Roophies. It had to be. A fucking date rape drug.
He’d used it himself a couple times in college. Not to rape anybody. He’d popped one at a club once to get high and then he’d given one to Jessica, his roommate’s big-breasted, empty-headed girlfriend. He slipped it into her drink one night when his roommate wasn’t home and then undressed her and jacked off on her tits, but he hadn’t raped her. He wasn’t that degenerate. Now, someone had used it on him and Dirk had the feeling that, whatever Selene had planned, it was much worse than what he’d done to Jessica.

Selene poured another bottle of rice wine into the tub. She must have put the stopper back in because the wine had filled the bottom of the tub. Selene walked out of the room. He could hear her moving from room to room fiddling with something. When she walked back in, she had three smoke detectors in her hands. She set them down on the bathroom counter and walked over to Dirk with a book of matches. That’s when everything finally began to click. Selene looked in his eyes and smiled.

“You’ve figured it out I see. Remember when I told you about my favorite Chinese dish, drunken shrimp? Do you know how they make it? Traditionally, live shrimp are doused with a strong rice wine. The shrimp ingest large quantities of the wine, hence the name. Then they are set on fire and flambéed. The result is a crispy texture with the taste of wine in every bite. The thing is, I realized after my last experiment that I don’t like carrion. I can only get off on eating something that’s alive. The trick is to flash cook you without killing you. I want you alive right up until the final bite.” Selene threw the match and flames leapt up immediately. It was all he could see. Burning tendrils of blue flame crawled all over his body.

The searing agony was worse than anything he could have imagined. He tried to scream, but the Rohypnol had paralyzed his vocal chords. Dirk’s mind, however, let loose a shrill cry. His very thoughts shrieked and begged and sobbed uncontrollably as his world became pain, a landscape of white-hot anguish that obliterated all other thoughts or sensations. His flesh sizzled, turned brown, and then began to blacken. He could feel the subcutaneous fat boiling beneath his skin, frying his muscles and fusing tendons. His fingers and toes shriveled and burned away to nubs. He could smell his own hair burning like the scent of boiling tar. Then he realized why Selene had wanted him to shave. Between his legs, Dirk’s penis now resembled a barbecued sausage link that had fallen from the grill onto the charcoals. He finally found his voice.

“Aaaaaargh! AAAaaaaaahhhhh!”

Dirk inhaled smoke and flame, singeing his tonsils and scalding his esophagus. The flames grew higher until they looked like they would consume the entire room. Selene turned the water in the tub back on, dousing the conflagration before it got out of control. The cool water made Dirk’s fried nerve-endings sing out in stomach-churning anguish. Selene sat beside the tub, smiling down at him with eyes that sparkled with madness and glee. It was the most terrifying sight Dirk had ever beheld … until he saw the knife.

The flames had felt like the last moments of Dirk’s life but the first cut, the blade sawing through his fried muscles down to the bone, felt like the end of the universe. The smell of marinated meat filled the room. Even to Dirk, it smelled delicious.

Selene cut away one of Dirk’s biceps, staring into his eyes the entire time. As she brought the scorched meat to her lips, Dirk could see her other hand down between her legs, furiously masturbating. She looked like she was crying even as she aimed the knife down at him again and punched it into his chest.






Dirk was dead long before Selene carved out his heart. His eyes had gone blank soon after she severed the first artery. There was a square-shaped section of flesh missing from Dirk’s chest where she’d removed his left pectoral muscle and much of the surrounding flesh to expose his ribcage. Dirk’s heart had still been beating when she’d first opened him up. She could see his purple and gray lungs expanding and contracting in a shallow rhythm as she cut away the large square of charred meat. Selene took the large carving knife she’d purchased for her first “meal” and began sawing through Dirk’s ribcage. She wanted to eat his heart while it was still beating. The ribs were thick and cutting through it was taking a long time. Finally, after nearly ten minutes of sawing, she cut through to the heart. She pulled back the pericardium, the thin membrane covering the heart, and quickly severed the pulmonary and coronary arteries. She sliced the inferior and superior vena cavas, feeling her excitement peak once again. Her pussy was throbbing as she lifted the heart from the thoracic cavity. Dirk’s lungs had stopped their rise and fall and his eyes had fixed in place. He was dead, but his heart continued to twitch and spasm in her hands.

The heart itself had been untouched by the flames. Selene held it in her hands as she lay back on the bathroom floor and massaged her throbbing clitoris, watching Dirk’s disembodied heart pulsate in her hands. Selene took one small bite then and then another and another. The flesh was tough and rubbery, but not completely repulsive. She grabbed a half-empty bottle of rice wine and doused the heart in it before finishing her meal, still furiously fingering herself as she devoured first the left atrium and then the left ventricle, the aortic valve and much of the aorta itself before tossing the rest back into the tub when she began to gag. She had eaten too much food. Her stomach felt bloated, but she had still not achieved the orgasm she craved. Selene was still furiously fingering her swollen clit when she climbed to her knees and looked into the tub for something else to eat.

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