Premiere (16 page)

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Authors: Melody Carlson

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Paige, for once in her life, is speechless.

“I told her not to wear that outfit,” I say to Granada.

Granada just smiles. “I’m sure she only wore it to get my hackles up. And it’s worked.”

“I wish I had my camera on while you were talking,” I tell Granada. “Paige is usually the one dishing out the criticism!”

She waves her hand. “I say things like that all the time—especially when I’m talking to the skeptics.”

“I don’t mind protecting the planet,” Paige finally says. “I just won’t call something unattractive stylish.”

“But don’t you think style, like beauty, is in the eyes of the beholder?” Granada gives Paige a quick head-to-toe glance.

“Yes, I suppose you’re right.” Paige stands a bit straighter. “But
On the Runway
is my show, so I guess that makes me the beholder. And, I’m sorry, but I wouldn’t be caught dead in these clothes.”

Fortunately Granada just laughs again.

“But what if someone died making your clothes?” I challenge my sister.

Her brow creases. “Well, that would make me sad. But I don’t think that’s really the—”

“Don’t be so sure,” Granada tells her. “In fact, why don’t you check out my website to see for yourself? I have a number
of articles there about pollution and inhumane practices in foreign countries. You might be surprised at what goes on…all in the name of fashion.”

I turn to Paige. “I think I’ll take you up on your offer. I would like to interview Granada myself.”

“I can’t promise you that it’ll air,” Paige tells me. She nods to the front door where Fran, our director, and the rest of our crew are just coming in. “But you can give it your best shot and see what Helen says when she sees it.”

And that is exactly what I do. For the next hour I interview Granada about her design work as well as her concern for the planet. Paige even helps me to rephrase some questions so they come out better. And then we actually film a conversation between Granada and Paige, very similar to the one they had earlier. My sister cooperates, playing the shallow fashionista (complete with her witty pokes at bad style and her ignorance about green issues) as Granada educates her about some atrocities going on in other countries.

When I’m done with the interview two things surprise me: First, I pulled this interview off, being comfortable in front of the camera instead of hiding behind it. Second, Fran seems to think that me as
’s conservation expert could be a good segment.

“I have an invitation for you,” Granada tells me as we’re packing up to go.

“What’s that?”

“Come be in my fashion show next week.”

this woman must be really desperate for models.
“Uh, did you notice my height?”

She laughs. “My models are from all walks of life, Erin. You are a beautiful girl and you would fit in perfectly. Trust me.”

Paige lets out a giggle and it’s not hard to guess what she’s thinking.

“Fine,” I say in aggravation. “I’ll be in your fashion show. And I’ll ask our producer if we can film some of it for our show.”

“That’d be great.” Granada hands me a brochure. “As you can see we have some well-known models participating too. Everyone’s time is being donated because the proceeds are going to FIFTI.”

“Fifty what?” Paige asks in interest.

“F-I-F-T-I,” Granada explains. “Fashion in Fair Trade Industries. We used to have fifty members, but thankfully we’ve gotten even bigger.”

“Oh?” Paige points to a name on the brochure I’m holding. “Is Sunera really going to be in your show?”

“Of course.” Granada nods.

“Who’s that?” I ask.

“One of the top models in the industry,” Paige informs me. “She was born in Nigeria. Totally gorgeous. Internationally famous. Just about the hottest thing in fashion.”

“She’s flying in from Paris just for this event,” Granada says.

Paige is still studying the brochure. “You have quite a lineup here.”

“All women who care about fair trade and preserving the planet.”

“Some of them are a bit past their prime,” Paige says, “but impressive all the same.” She hands me back the brochure now. “You
in good company, Erin.”

Suddenly all my insecurities kick in. “I don’t know,” I say to Granada. “Maybe it’s not such a good idea for me to model for your show. I mean, I’ve never done anything like that before and I’m totally inex—”

“Nonsense,” she tells me. “You’ll be great.”

I glance at Paige, wishing she’d save me from myself. “You’ll be fine, Erin,” she says in a congenial way. “In fact, it’ll be good for you.”

“Hey, why don’t you do it too?” I suggest hopefully. “It could be Paige Forrester from
On the Runway
the runway.”

Paige laughs. “I seriously doubt that Granada would want me for her—”

“Don’t be so sure.” Granada holds a finger in the air. “In fact, I am getting an idea…or perhaps it’s more of a challenge.”

“What?” Paige almost looks interested.

“You seem convinced that green fashion equals bad fashion, right?”

Paige shrugs with a coy expression, like, duh, the answer is obvious.

“So how about if I put together an outfit that I think you’d actually
to wear—I mean out in public. And if you like it well enough, you must agree to model it in my fashion show.”

“Do you think that’s even possible?” Paige frowns. “I’ve looked around your shop and I’m sure your clothes appeal to
people. But I’m not exactly an earth muffin, you know.”

“I know.” Granada seems to be thinking. “But I’d like to prove that green fashion can be high fashion.”

“Just keep in mind that I’ve got a reputation to maintain,” Paige says. “I’m known for being bluntly honest when it comes to style. And I refuse to act like I love some eco-fashion outfit when I really don’t.”

“Are you willing to give it a try?”

Paige seems to be considering it. “Sure. Why not?”

So they shake hands and it’s like the green gauntlet’s been
thrown. And while I like that Paige is giving this a fair shot, I’m worried for Granada’s sake. I know my sister’s influence is growing. What if Paige humiliates Granada on our show? And, if she does, will it be my fault? Will I be to blame if green fashion goes backward in the minds of some of our viewers?

Other books by Melody Carlson:


Mixed Bags
(Book One)

Stealing Bradford
(Book Two)

Homecoming Queen
(Book Three)

Viva Vermont!
(Book Four)

Lost in Las Vegas
(Book Five)

New York Debut
(Book Six)

Spring Breakdown
(Book Seven)

Last Dance
(Book Eight)


The Secret Life of Samantha McGregor series

Diary of a Teenage Girl series

TrueColors series

Notes from a Spinning Planet series

Degrees series

Piercing Proverbs

By Design series


These Boots Weren’t Made for Walking

On This Day

An Irish Christmas

The Christmas Bus

Crystal Lies

Finding Alice

Three Days


Hidden History

Ready to Wed

Back Home Again




Copyright © 2010 by Melody Carlson

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ePub Edition © MAY 2010 ISBN: 978-0-310-42667-7

This title is also available as a Zondervan ebook.


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Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Carlson, Melody.

Premiere / Melody Carlson.

p. cm.—(On the runway ; bk. 1)

Summary: When two sisters get their own fashion-focused reality television show, vivacious Paige is excited, but Erin, a Christian who is more interested in being behind the camera than in front of it, has problems with some of the things they are asked to do.

ISBN 978-0-310-71786-7 (softcover)

[1. Reality television programs—Fiction. 2. Television—Production and direction—Fiction. 3. Fashion—Fiction. 4. Sisters—Fiction. 5. Interpersonal relations—Fiction. 6. Christian life—Fiction.] I. Title.

PZ7.C216637Pn 2010



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