Premiere (10 page)

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Authors: Melody Carlson

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Chapter 13

We give our names to security at the front
door and enter the house with Paige and Addison leading the way. This house isn’t as enormous as the New Year’s location, but it’s equally impressive. We’ve been told to go inside since the house is also the entryway to the beach party, which is actually contained within a cordoned-off area of the beach with even more security posted all around. Apparently anything regarding the
Malibu Beach
show is a high security risk. Whether it’s a fear of being mobbed by crazed fans or mugged by enraged parents sick of the influence of teen reality shows is anyone’s guess.

We’re not even clear through the house yet, and it’s plain to see that we’ve made this “surprise” party even more surprising.

“What are
doing here?” Natasha says loudly enough for everyone, including a couple of camera guys, to hear. She’s standing near the back doors with a cluster of other girls and clearly not thrilled to see us.

“Hey, everyone,” Paige calls out in a friendly voice. “Before
you start stoning us, let me say that we come in peace. And, just so you know, we

“Don’t mind Natasha,” Brogan tells Paige. “She’s just mad because she was rejected for yet another modeling gig.”

“Shut up!” Natasha snaps at her friend. The cameras are focusing in on this little spat.

Then, with a beautifully wrapped present in hand, Paige just shakes her head. “That totally floors me.”

Natasha narrows her eyes. “Yeah, I’ll bet it does.”

“Seriously.” Paige looks evenly at Natasha now. “You really have the right look going on to model professionally, Natasha. Maybe you’re just talking to the wrong people. I can so imagine you on a New York runway.”

Natasha softens a bit. “Really?”

“Absolutely.” Paige nods firmly. “And you guys know me. I’m honest about anything related to fashion—even if I do step on toes.”

Natasha almost smiles now. “I won’t ask for your opinion on my dress tonight.”

Paige looks down at the yellow dress and smiles. “It’s lovely.”

“What?” Natasha peers closer at Paige. “Are you really Paige Forrester, the fashion fiend?”

Paige just laughs. “Hey, it’s a nice dress. What can I say? Michael Kors. Right?”

Natasha nods with a stunned expression.

Then Paige introduces both Addison and Blake to the girls. Naturally, she can remember everyone’s names. “We were told it was okay to bring dates tonight.” She slips her arm behind Addison, smiling into his face as if he’s her main man, which is so not true. I try hard not to roll my eyes.

“That might make
girls happier.” Brogan jerks her thumb toward the back doors leading to the beach. “The plan is to have everyone outside and to turn the lights off when we get the signal that Mia is here.”

“Which should be in about five minutes,” Avery warns.

“And food and drinks are out there,” Natasha adds. “We won’t start the music until Mia arrives. We want her to be surprised.”

“You mean she really doesn’t know about this party?” I ask.

Avery laughs. “Well, of course she knows we’re shooting a show. But no one told her that it was a show about her

“Won’t she guess by the security outside that something’s going on?” I ask.

“The camera guys in front are supposed to lay low,” Brogan explains. “We have a guy posted at the end of the street who’s supposed to call as soon as Mia and Benjamin are spotted.”

“But Mia probably already knows what’s up,” Natasha tells us. “It’s hard to keep secrets in this town.”

“Or from Mia,” Avery says, “The girl’s totally wired. If she’s not twittering, TMing, checking Facebook or email, she’s probably just on the phone. Not much slips past her.”

I wonder if that includes her boyfriend. But I don’t say this out loud. “Want to go outside?” I ask Blake.

“Sure.” He reminds me of a kid in a candy store. It’s like his eyes are glittering—almost as much as some of the jewelry these girls are wearing. And I can tell he’s trying to look good for the cameras, not that they seem to care. We are definitely not the focus here. And, even though Blake and I don’t quite fit in (the other girls’ dresses are far more sophisticated and revealing than mine), I don’t even care. It’s almost as if I don’t
to fit in. Maybe that’s just stubbornness on my part. Or an attempt to preserve my personal identity.

Once we’re outside, I do try to be friendly. I introduce Blake to some of the guys that I remember from before, including Juan and Vince. We are just getting sodas when the lights suddenly go off and someone near the door makes a loud shushing sound.

Before long, Mia and Benjamin arrive—the lights go on and everyone shouts,
“Surprise! Happy Birthday!”
Mia feigns shock and the party continues merrily along. That is, until Mia spots Paige. Then it’s as if the whole place goes silent and I expect to hear that weird music—the kind they play in old westerns at high noon when gunfighters meet in the center of the town.

Mia says in a voice that I’m sure she wants to sound normal. “I didn’t expect to see you here tonight.”

“Happy Birthday,” Paige says cheerfully. “You look absolutely beautiful.”

“Uh-huh…” Mia glances over at Benjamin and he looks slightly uncomfortable, as if he’s as surprised by this as she is.

“I’d like you to meet my date,” Paige says quickly, introducing them to Addison like he’s her trophy. “Your producer invited us and this time he allowed us to bring our own dates,” she jokes.

“Well, isn’t that nice.” Mia is smiling, but her eyes are like ice.

“And I brought you something,” Paige continues. I can tell she’s getting nervous, maybe wondering if this wasn’t such a great idea after all.

“Good idea,” Natasha says quickly. “Why don’t you open your presents now, Mia.” She nods to Avery and some others. “Want to help bring the gifts in for her?”

Mia looks uncertain, but she nods. “Sure, okay.”

Paige goes with other girls, returning with her present in hand. It’s the largest one there and by far the prettiest, but it sits conspicuously off to one side as Natasha starts handing Mia the other presents. And Mia opens them with what seems polite interest. A couple of spa certificates, some perfume—which she says is her favorite, a large basket of bath products, some fancy chocolates, and a charm bracelet from Benjamin that doesn’t really seem to hit the mark. I wonder if she expected a ring instead. Finally she is done, except for the package that Paige has picked up and is now holding out toward Mia.

“Last but hopefully not least,” Paige says as she hands the box to Mia. “It’s actually from our show,
On the Runway
, but I picked it out especially for you.”

Mia cautiously unties the lush satin ribbon and opens the box, removing layers of pink tissue paper before finally lifting out the dress.

“It’s from Vera Wang’s line,” Paige gushes. “We got a sneak preview for the show, but when I saw that color, I knew it would look fabulous on you. She’ll have one similar to it for New York Fashion Week, but she was hoping we’d use it on our show first.”

“Really?” Mia looks truly surprised.

“And we thought you might even want to wear it for your benefit show,” Paige says hopefully. “Or not. I mean, it’s your dress to do with as you like. But I think it’s going to look great on you.”

Natasha comes over to examine the garment. “This dress is
really nice.

“And it’s not a knockoff,” Brogan says with a twinkle in her eyes.

“Absolutely not,” Paige assures them. “It’s the real deal. Happy birthday, Mia!”

Mia looks stunned. “Thanks, Paige.”

Paige takes this little love fest even further and reaches down to hug Mia. “Bygones?”

Mia just nods.

I exchange glances with Blake, but I can tell he’s as impressed as I am. Seriously, how does my sister do it? I have no doubts that if Mia had mafia relatives, she would’ve had a hit out on Paige. Now they’re acting like best friends. Maybe my sister should give up being a fashion advisor and just teach charm school, as I’m sure she could make millions.

The party continues with no big incidents. Not that this makes the
Malibu Beach
camera crew happy. But the
On the Runway
crew seems pleased when Paige and I lure a number of cast members outside to do some quick interviews and “fashion chats,” as Paige is calling them. Even Mia, at her friends’ encouragement, tries on the Vera Wang dress then goes out to do a “birthday” interview with Paige while wearing it. Really, I do not know how this evening could’ve gone much better. And for the whole night, Paige keeps a safe distance from Benjamin. By the time we leave, Mia and Paige, once again, exchange air kisses.

“And I’ll see you next week for your fashion show,” Paige reminds Mia.

“Thanks for coming tonight,” Mia calls happily.

As we drive home, I relay the amazing story of Paige’s reconciliation with Mia to Fran. And yet Fran isn’t even surprised. “That’s why Helen Hudson picked your sister,” she says as if it should be obvious. “Paige Forrester’s got the magic touch.”

Paige is beaming at this high praise and suddenly I’m worried it might all go to her head, and there’ll be no living with her if that happens. Still, I must admit I admire her diplomacy skills. And there might be a thing or two she could teach me.

Chapter 14

Before I got a chance to sign up as the latest
member of the Paige Forrester fan club, and trust me, there is one, my sister did something that seriously tipped her halo. Not that she’s ever been much of an angel. Although some people think her golden hair, blue eyes, and sweet smile are angelic, I know better. And I should’ve known better than to think that Paige would continue along the high road when it came to Benjamin Kross.

“You’re doing what?” I ask, just two days after her Oscar-worthy performance as Miss Congeniality at Mia’s birthday party.

“Don’t act like I’m a criminal, Erin.” I’ve cornered her in the bathroom. Not that she cares since she’s only doing her makeup.

“I just want to make sure I heard you right. Did you just say that you’re going out with Benjamin tonight?”

“So?” She puts the mascara lid back on and blinks innocently.

” I stare at her. How can she possibly be so dense?
“What about Mia? What about your little spiel at her birthday? All that bygones and burying the hatchet? Was that just an act?”

She shrugs as she opens her lip gloss and refocuses her attention to the mirror.

“It was?” I want to shake her. “Really?
Just an act?

“No…not exactly. I mean, yes, I did want to smooth things over for the sake of the fashion show on Saturday. I couldn’t just let that fall apart, could I? Our show is supposed to be there, remember? How do we do that if Mia won’t speak to me?”

“Yes!” I point my forefinger up, as in
! “That’s my question too—how do we cover the fashion show if Mia is enraged at you for going out with her boyfriend?”

“He’s not her boyfriend.” She holds her blush brush in the air like she’s going to duel my forefinger with it.

“Since when?”

“Well, they haven’t
broken up…I mean on the show. But it’s over.”

“Says who?” I put my finger down and wait as she dusts a bit of blush on her cheeks.


“But what about Mia?”

“You know, Erin, it seems like you’re more concerned about poor Mia Renwick than you are for your own sister.”

“Oh, don’t worry,” I say. “I’m concerned about you too.” I follow her out into the living room. It’s obvious my opinion means nothing to her.

She gives me a photo-worthy smile as she reaches for her purse. “Don’t be. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself, little sister.”

“Fine,” I snap at her. “And if
On the Runway
falls by the roadside, I won’t be concerned about that either.”

“Stop being such a drama queen.”

I shake my head and go back to my room, firmly closing the door behind me. I cannot believe she’s the one calling
a drama queen. And as I sit on my bed, I tell myself that I couldn’t care less. Why should I care? Paige can marry Benjamin if she wants. Our show can be cancelled. So what? I don’t want to do a show with Paige anyway…remember?

I am getting increasingly frustrated that I gave up my spot in the film and TV program at UCLA in order to participate in a reality show that may never become reality. That is, if my sister keeps acting like a total idiot. I wonder if it’s too late to register for some classes for next term.

“Erin?” I hear my mom calling and think, yes, maybe this is the answer. Mom can talk some sense into my senseless sister. I find her in the kitchen putting away groceries, but before I can launch into my Paige complaints, Mom is telling me that she’s invited Jon to dinner.

“Tomorrow night,” she continues. “I want both you girls to be here. We’ll eat at about seven thirty.”

“Sounds like a big deal,” I say with a smile as I put the lettuce in the vegetable bin. “Are you and Jon getting serious?”

Mom laughs. “Oh, I wouldn’t call it serious. But I do think it’s time he met you and Paige. I also thought it might be fun for all of us to watch
Malibu Beach
together. You know, you girls might actually be on it this week.”

“Maybe Paige. I’m sure I ended up on the cutting-room floor.” I put the orange juice in the fridge. “But speaking of Paige…I still can’t believe she’s dating Benjamin.”

“Yes, isn’t that amazing?”

I close the door and turn to Mom. “Are you nuts?”

“Why?” Mom gives me a blank look.

Because Benjamin hasn’t even broken up with Mia yet. Because our show is supposed to be covering Mia’s big fashion show in a few days.” I shove a container of oatmeal into the cabinet. “Because Paige made Mia believe they were friends. Because it’s just wrong.” I slam the cabinet door too loudly.
“That’s why!”

“You sound angry.” Mom is peering at me now, like I’m the one with the problem here.

“I’m just frustrated, I guess.” My hands ball into fists as I consider how I dropped out of film school—a program that’s not easy to get into—just to help Paige succeed with
On the Runway
, and this is how she thanks me. “I mean, I’m giving up a lot for Paige’s stupid show and now she’s putting everything at risk for a stupid boy. How fair is that?”

Mom seems to consider this. “Do you think you could be blowing this out of proportion?”

“Mom, you haven’t been around those kids. Do you even watch
Malibu Beach

“Well, no…”

“Well, maybe you should. It gets pretty brutal. And if Mia finds out that Paige is dating Benjamin behind her back, I sure don’t want to be at Mia’s big fashion show to see what she and her friends do to get even then.”

“Okay, let’s back up the truck, Erin. Now did you say that Benjamin and Mia are still dating?”


“But Paige told me they broke up.”

“Benjamin might want to break up, but it’s not official. I
guess he thinks he needs to do it on the show.” I shake my head. “How mean is that?”

“Probably raises ratings.”

“Whatever. Anyway, do you think it’s right for Paige to be dating a guy who’s still going out with another girl?”

Mom gets a thoughtful look. “No, of course not. But at the same time, I can’t tell Paige what to do, can I?”

“You could advise her against it. Not that she’ll listen.” I look over to Paige’s partially closed bedroom door and wonder if she’s listening to us right now.

“I can tell her what I think,” Mom says quietly. “But she’ll have to make up her mind about it.”

“I can hear you guys,” Paige says as she comes out looking like she’s getting ready to pose for the cover of
“And I appreciate your concern, but you just don’t understand.”

“Why don’t you help us then,” Mom tells her. “Tell us why you think it’s wise to date Benjamin while he’s still technically going with another girl.”

“Because it’s only technically.
Malibu Beach
is a
TV show
,” she tells us as if we’ve both been living underground for the past several decades. “The kids on the show are paid to make things look edgy and real and complicated. And, like Benjamin said, the director is going to get a lot of mileage out of the breakup. Benjamin said they’re planning to use it to promote that episode—
the breakup episode.
Get it?”

“So…you’re saying that Benjamin is only acting?”

“Exactly!” Paige puts the strap of her Gucci purse over her shoulder and glances at her watch. “And now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go.”

“Isn’t Benjamin picking you up?” Mom asks with a creased brow.

“No, we’re meeting.” Paige gets a sneaky look. “A clandestine meeting, to make sure no paparazzi see us.”

“So if there’s no problem,” I inject, “why worry about paparazzi?”

“It’s all about timing, little sister. We don’t want to tip our hand too soon.”

“Then why not just wait,” I ask. “Go out with Benjamin after the big breakup episode airs.”

She looks shocked. “Are you kidding?”

I just shake my head no.

“That’s like forever. Benjamin and I want to be together
, Erin. And, trust me, we know what we’re doing.” Paige puts on an oversized pair of Gucci sunglasses she has somehow managed to afford, like she thinks that’s some clever disguise. “No one will know.”

“Right.” I roll my eyes and wonder where my sister was when God was handing out common sense—probably gazing at herself in a mirror.

“Later,” Paige chirps at us as she goes her merry way.

“See,” I tell Mom after the front door closes. “She’s oblivious. And she’s putting our show in jeopardy. I wonder what Helen Hudson would say if she knew.”

“Oh, Erin,” Mom says calmly. “I’m sure your sister is more concerned over putting your show at risk than you are.
On the Runway
means a lot to her. And, if anything, I’m guessing Helen Hudson would see this as a fantastic publicity opportunity. The star of
On the Runway
dating the star of
Malibu Beach
—just the kind of thing tabloids love. And, for all we know, Mia Renwick might simply be acting too. Maybe she’s not really into Benjamin as much as you think.”

“Maybe not. But I wouldn’t bet on it.” I let out a long sigh
as I trek back to my room. Mom’s probably right. Tabloids
love this. And maybe Helen Hudson and Fran will love it too. Maybe I’m the crazy person here. It figures.

In need of consolation, I call Mollie, but once again, she doesn’t answer. And I check my phone and see it’s been ages since she’s called me. That makes me wonder: Is she really this busy or is she snubbing me? I decide to check in with Blake.

“Hey, Erin,” he says cheerfully. “How’s it going?”

“Hey. Have you seen Tony or Mollie lately?”

“Well, I missed seeing them at fellowship group on Saturday night,” he begins slowly, “but that’s because I was with you at that birthday party. Then I slept in the next morning and didn’t make it to church.”

“Neither did I,” I admit.

“Hey,” he says suddenly. “It’s not too late to make the midweek service.”

“That’s right.” I run my fingers through my hair.

“Want to go?”

“Maybe I need to go.”

“How about I pick you up?”

“Sounds good.” Maybe Mollie and Tony will be there.

“See ya at seven.”

As I get ready for church, I realize that I have really been missing fellowship. Between being at my grandmother’s during the holidays, the New Year’s party, and the birthday party, I’ve only been to church about once in the past several weeks. And even though I try to read my Bible somewhat regularly, and I pray whenever I feel like it, I feel pretty spiritually dry at the moment.

We arrive a few minutes late, but soon we’re seated and the rich sound of the worship band playing and singing the
words to those familiar songs feels like medicine to me. And before long I’m feeling hopeful and positive, and by the end of the service, which happens to be about forgiveness, I even manage to forgive my sister. Do I agree with what she’s doing? No. But at least I won’t let it build a wall between us. Because whether Paige knows it or not, she needs me. And maybe I need her too.

After church, we mill around and visit with some friends, but I don’t see Mollie and Tony anywhere. Not that this is so unusual since they don’t always go to midweek service, but I had hoped to see Mollie tonight.

“Hey, Erin,” Lionel comes over to join us, eyeing Blake curiously. “Hey, Blake. What’s up?”

“Not much,” I tell him, suddenly feeling uncomfortable but not quite knowing why. I mean, Lionel’s been a good friend, but it’s not like we’ve ever been a couple. And yet I get the feeling that he’s not happy to see me with Blake.

“How was the birthday party?” he asks.

“It actually went pretty well,” I tell him with a smile. “Thanks for asking.”

“It was fun,” Blake adds. “In a crazy Hollywood sort of way. My little sister is telling all her friends that I’m going to be on the show now, but I kind of doubt that I’ll make the cut.”

“Maybe you should be glad for that,” Lionel tells him.

I want to ask Lionel what he means by that, but I suspect I already know. I think Lionel thinks this whole reality TV business is kind of shallow and silly…and a waste of time…and not very spiritual. I totally agree.

We tell Lionel good-bye and head out, but I can’t help but feel somewhat discouraged, or maybe I’m offended, by his attitude. And this bugs me on two levels. First of all, I wonder
why I should be bothered that he looks down his nose on reality TV shows. Wasn’t that my exact attitude from the start? Secondly, I’m disturbed that I’m feeling compromised—like I should defend my involvement with
On the Runway.
All this is seriously bumming me out, and I was actually feeling pretty good after the worship service.

“You okay?” Blake asks as he’s driving away from the church.


“You just got kind of quiet. You seemed happy during church, and now you seem down again.”

“I was happy in church,” I admit. “Thanks for asking me to go with you tonight. I needed it even more than I realized.”

“Me too.”

“The truth is, I probably need it more than ever now that I’m doing the show with Paige…assuming we’re still doing it, that is.”

“Assuming?” Blake glances curiously at me.

I tell him about Paige and Benjamin. And it’s a relief that his reaction is similar to mine. “Wow,” he says, “I wouldn’t want to be in Paige’s shoes when Mia finds out about this. I noticed the look in that girl’s eyes when she first saw Paige at her party. Paige was great at smoothing things over, but Mia does not seem like the kind of girl to take something like this lying down.”

“That’s exactly what I think.”

“I just hope Paige knows what she’s doing.”

“I doubt that.” I sigh. “In fact, maybe it would be a good thing if our show fell apart—I mean, if Paige messes it up so badly that we lose this opportunity.”

thing?” He frowns. “Why?”

“I don’t know…I’m just thinking maybe being on a show like that and being a Christian aren’t really compatible”

“I can’t believe you’d say something like that.” Blake looks seriously disappointed. “Remember how we used to talk, Erin, how we’d say that Christians need to get involved in the entertainment industry to show that life can be lived differently than the way we so often see it being portrayed on shows, say, like
Malibu Beach.

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