Possessed by a Stranger (20 page)

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Authors: Jeny Stone

Tags: #erotica, #fate, #contemporary romance, #strong female, #alpha male, #dominate male, #99 cent book, #chance meeting

BOOK: Possessed by a Stranger
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“Truthfully, I think about him a lot. Not
because of him but because of me. I’m disappointed in myself. I
knew I wasn’t in love with him and I should have broken it off
years ago. But you can’t change the past and I learned a valuable
lesson. In order to find happiness I need to be true to myself
first. You’re a man, so give me your honest opinion. If you were in
love with a woman that didn’t love you, would you want her to tell

“She wouldn’t have to tell me. I would

And he had. Home on leave prepared to propose
to the woman he loved, he knew the moment she opened the door.
After one long look, he had turned and walked away while she tried
to explain. She had to marry her new love to give her child a name.
If she hadn’t spread her legs for the fucker there wouldn’t be a
child. Making the same mistake twice wasn’t in his nature. That was
the last woman he would trust or love.

“Is that a guess or are you speaking from
experience?” Curious about the subject of love that lacked in her
life, she eagerly waited for his answer. His mood darkened giving
her an answer before he spoke.

“Experience and it’s not up for

Too bad, she would be very interested in
hearing about the woman that broke his heart. “At least you’ve been
in love. You should be grateful for that.” Grateful wasn’t what
showed in his eyes. It was a deep rooted anger.

“Were you ever in love with your ex? It’s a
valid question. After all, you agreed to marry him and then broke
his heart.”

“No … not in love but I did love him as a
friend. That’s where the lines became blurred. I didn’t agree to
marry him because he didn’t ask. He announced our engagement in
front of all our friends and gave me a ring. You have no idea how
bad I hated that ring. Quit looking at me like I’m an idiot or I’m
not going to tell you the story.” That horrible ring alone was
enough to make her run. But no, she stayed trying to find the love
she craved.

He wondered how someone with her self-
assurance managed to get stuck in an engagement she didn’t want. He
chalked it up to youth. “Okay, but I won’t promise not to laugh.
Did you forget the word no?”

“Very funny … We just graduated from college.
I had already started my business and planned on moving to the
cottage. I don’t know why he did it or why I went along with it. He
stood up in the bar at our graduation party and announced we were
getting married. I was rushed by all our friends congratulating us
and it just kept going after that. Maybe neither one of us was
ready to move on with our lives. You know … that big step into the
real world. But, I didn’t break his heart, just his ego. He wasn’t
in love with me either or he wouldn’t have been screwing all my
friends. I guess he didn’t want to lose the comfort of our

“Hey, give the guy credit. He would have had
a trophy wife and all the strange he wanted. Trust me, he had been
screwing around all along. How in the hell did you keep him off of
this sexy body? Or was he too tired from all his extracurricular
activities?” Garret deliberately rubbed salt in that wound wanting
to keep it fresh and permanent.

“I remembered the word no. It would have been
like sleeping with my brother. I wasn’t sexually attracted to him
at all. It really had me worried there was something wrong with me.
He seemed to think so too.”

Her statement surprised and elated him at
the same time. She was so damn honest about her feelings which he
found refreshing. He assumed they both had agreed to wait until
marriage. The fact she rejected Jay gave Garret a deep feeling of
satisfaction. She had given him her virginity and he had jump
started her sexuality. She was the first woman that belonged to him
without the excess baggage of other men.

“Do you still think there’s something wrong
with you? I can assure you there’s not. Give me his phone number
and I’ll call and reassure him. I’m sure the guy is worried sick
about your sex life and would want to know.” Oh, how he would love
to have that conversation.

Since their meeting in the bar, everything
was right with her. He opened a new chapter in her life by
awakening her sexuality. Garret had become the main character in
that chapter which worried her even more. Garret was also the
author of the book. Hannah knew the ending, they both did. All she
could hope for was a long novel and not a short novella.

“You’re being bad. I would give you his
number but it’s none of his business what I do.”

“Have you seen him after the break-up and
does he know where you moved?”

The prick had lost her by
getting caught but he couldn’t be so stupid that he wouldn’t try to
get her back.
She was worth a damn good
try if Jay held onto a sliver of hope to reclaim her. She wouldn’t
suspect the danger in confronting him alone with no help within

“I ran into him a couple times. He does know
I inherited the cottage but I don’t know if he knows I live here
now. He wasn’t ever interested in my work or my plans for the
future.” It was apparent Garret was wondering if Jay would come
looking for her. She had considered the possibly. It wasn’t a scene
she cared to experience.

“What would you do if he comes knocking at
your door?”

“Call nine-one-one without hesitation.
Changing the subject, well, not really. It’s on the same line of
lost loves and overactive libidos. I have to ask … since Pop’s told
me he had been married four times. Where are your four

“My grandmother passed away twenty years ago.
Pops’ other three wives are living it up somewhere on their
generous settlements. He’s the only Presley to get a divorce. He
decided to do it enough for everyone. I’m surprised he hasn’t asked
you to marry him.” Garret leaned back in the chair patting his
stomach. She was an excellent cook.

Hannah stood to clear the dishes from the
table. She teasingly bumped him with her hip. “So you still think
I’m after the family fortune. I think I’ll pass on the perfect
opportunity to steal your wealth if he does ask me. Having you call
out Granny in the heat of passion isn’t something I care to

Garret pulled her on his lap with her hands
full of dirty dishes. Garret helped steady the shaking dishes then
placed them on the table. His eyes sparkled with his genuinely
amused laughter.

“I hate to disappoint you if you change your
mind but I have his power of attorney. I wouldn’t sign off on any
nuptials, especially with you.” Staring into her face he threw out
a question to catch her off guard. “Are you afraid of your ex?”

“Cautious would be a better term. I’m not
stupid enough to take chances with his damaged ego. I’ve known him
since we were kids and I can handle the situation.” She hoped she
sounded more confident than she felt. Jay had a controlling
personality and he didn’t like opposition.

He raised her off his lap picking up the
stack of dishes. “I’ll help with the dishes. Thank you for dinner.
It was almost as delicious as you.”

“I enjoyed cooking. If you want to relax,
I’ll finish in here. It will only take a few minutes.”

“No, I’m helping. The faster we get this done
the faster I can get to dessert.”

After the table was cleared he stood behind
her at the sink. He kissed her neck while she rinsed the dishes
breathing in her sweet scent. Unable to contain his urge to touch
her, his hands wondered curiously over her sensual curves. Her
tender breast filled his hands starting a fire in his groin. Her
chest moved beneath his hands as her breaths deepened. She pressed
her hips into him. To hell with the dishes, he wanted dessert. He
slid his hands down to the bottom of her tank top. Raising it over
her breasts, head and arms, he tossed it aside.

Laughing, Hannah flipped water from her
fingers on his face. “You’re not helping.” She teasingly scolded

“Yes I am. I’m helping myself.” His hand slid
down her taut tummy inside her shorts. He nibbled her ear lobe.
“Now, I’m helping you.”

Yes he was. She was dying for his touch all
during dinner. She melted into a heaving mess of desire with his
hand pressing between her heated thighs. Trapped between him and
the sink, Hannah turned off the water. She braced her hands on the
edge as he widened her stance with his leg pushing hers out to the
side. One arm held her firmly around her waist against him. The
wonderful heat of his touch sent her in a whirlwind of passion, she
never knew existed. His breath and mouth on her neck, his fingers
magically tormenting her sensitive spot then sliding inside her,
drove her out of her mind. Her body trembled; her muscles
contracted rolling in a wave down her spine.

“God, I love that roll.” He whispered, low
and throaty nuzzling her neck.

Hannah moaned feeling the yearning quaking to
an explosive level. She teetered on the edge of the glorious
release, panting to breathe. He slowed his touch extending her wait
for the imminent orgasm.

“Garret … oh … Garret.” She moaned exploding
forcefully with spasms of pleasure. Her body shook. Her legs turned
to rubber. She knew she would fall to the floor if he turned loose
of his hold. She laughed softly leaning her head against his chest.
“You can help with the dishes anytime.”

“You liked that, did you?” He swept her into
his arms like a child. He had waited as long as humanly possible to
have her. He was bedroom bound with his hot wet possession.

She embraced his neck to kiss her
appreciation on his lips. “What wasn’t to like?” The ease in which
he carried her upstairs was a stimulating show of his strength. She
loved all his strong masculine qualities.

“I’m feeling playful tonight and you are
officially my favorite toy.”

Anticipation of his words sent tremors of
want through her. “Am I going to like being played with?”

“You’re going to love it. I’ll always make
sure of that.” He bounced her on the bed then ripped her shorts
down her legs. He rolled over on his back stretched out with his
hands behind his head. He shared a wickedly daring smile. “It’s
your turn to take the lead. Show me what you want.”

She returned his smile accepting his dare.
Hannah straddled him, shameless of her passion. She teased his lips
with her tongue keeping her gaze locked onto his. Her lips tasted
his extended neck before returning to his mouth. She moved lower
sliding on his muscle bound body. Heat radiated between their
perspiring bodies. Her hand held his manhood as she moved to
consume him inside her. The sensation of being touched deep inside
sparked an intense wave of quivering need. She arched her back and
neck to see his eyes. His neck muscles protruded as his body length
extended with anticipation. The sight of him extremely aroused,
desperately wanting her, set her ablaze with a yearning to rock his

Hannah ran her hands down his chest as she
pushed herself to an upright position. His hands clutched her
thighs. “Oh, yes sexy lady. Show me what you’ve got.” His deep
breaths, exhaled in low throaty growls, inspired her

Their bodies were in tune and he wanted her
as much as she wanted him. Their eyes were locked in a magnetic
force telepathically transmitting the wanton enchantment of their
bodies. With a slow up and down rocking motion of her hips, she
extended her arms tossing her hair. She controlled the rippling
flame burning in her groin with her hip motion rubbing against him.
His hardy breath grew louder as he lifted her hips with his hands.
She braced herself with her hands behind her on his thighs. His
eyes burned into her as if he could see the explosive currents
racing through her very core. She pushed hard against his raised
groin. Her hips rocked against him no longer able to resist her
burning need. Flames of pleasure spiraled through her, consuming

She moaned as her body convulsed with
ecstasy. He raised his upper body to kiss in the moment, encircling
her in his strong arms. His mouth dropped, deeply inhaling her
breath as Hannah gently squeezed his balls. She felt his violent
shudder travel to his manhood buried against the wall of her womb
sending her into coils of pure lust. He exhaled as he collapsed on
the bed, bringing her with him.

He played into the wee hours of the morning
enjoying every scream and ecstatic moan.

Saturday morning Hannah snuggled contently
into his chest. Her fun filled night had opened a new chapter in
her book of sexual experiences. It was a very thin book but if
Garret stuck around she expected it to turn into a full blown
novel. Last night he taught her how fun sex could be, with
wrestling matches and tickle fests.

Sort of lost when it came to men,
relationships, and sex in general, she had to know what they had

“There’s something I need to know and I don’t
want you to read too much into it when I ask. Will you answer a
question truthfully with whatever pops into your head?”

He had expected this talk. They just happened
without any of the preliminary courtship. “I won’t lie to you
Hannah.” There wasn’t a need to lie to her. She wasn’t out to trap

“What are we doing? I’m not asking for a
prediction of our future just sort of why you’re here now. I guess
I what to know what you expect?”

He pushed a wisp of hair off her face with
his hand. “I know what you’re asking. I wish I knew because I’ve
been asking myself the same question. I suggest we stick it out
until we find the answer.”

“Will you promise to tell me as soon as you
figure it out? No matter what it turns out to be? I’ve been the
butt of a joke once and I don’t want to ever make that mistake

“Yes, I promise. But you have to make the
same promise to me.”

It hadn’t occurred to him she was humiliated
over being betrayed. It should have after seeing her speech to her
friends in the bar. One of his rules was to firmly end any sexual
encounters when he was done. It saved him from any misconceptions
his partner might form. Some of them tracked him down anyway
determined he was making a mistake. Their actions only confirmed he
hadn’t made a mistake.

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