Possessed by a Stranger (18 page)

Read Possessed by a Stranger Online

Authors: Jeny Stone

Tags: #erotica, #fate, #contemporary romance, #strong female, #alpha male, #dominate male, #99 cent book, #chance meeting

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His hands slipped into the opening of her
robe to grasp her waist. “I was teasing. Don’t get your panties in
a bunch. Oh wait, you aren’t wearing any, are you?”

A seductive gleam glazed his piercing eyes
electrifying her need for him. “I can sure as hell go put some on.”
She teasingly warned, confident he would rip her panties off if she
did. She raised her head to meet his impatient lips. A lustful heat
formed in her chest, billowing up to her throat.

Her lips, supple and delicious, eagerly
embraced his. The sweet taste of her filled him with savage hunger
for more. He hesitated his kiss as he ripped his shirt over his
head, letting it fly out of his hand. His yearning body ached to
feel her warm bare flesh against his. Her hands smoothed over his
chest alternating her silky fingertips with her fingernails
bringing every nerve ending to the surface of his yearning flesh.
The heat of her moist lips pressed into chest. After taking a hand
full of condoms out of his pocket and placing them on her
nightstand, he unfastened his shorts. They dropped to the floor and
he kicked them off his feet.

She could easily drive him out of control
with her softly sensual touch, her delicious aroma, and her eyes
begging him to devour her. When his body was starved for sex, like
now, he preferred to control his pleasure leisurely extending his
arousal. Right now, he wanted to savor every inch of her, without
the distraction of her titillating touch.

“I should have brought my handcuffs. This bed
is perfectly suited for them.” He searched her eyes for any
reaction to his proposition finding a glimmer of curiosity. “If
you’re not ready to trust me that far now, you will.”

His voice teased. His eyes questioned with a
serious longing. Her heart pounded madly as she contemplated his
stomach twitching proposition. An erotic fire burned inside her at
the thought of being completely under his control. Her body
belonged to him. He read her needs like a favorite book knowing
what she wanted better than her. She trusted him to satisfy her in
every way possible.

She looked at the iron headboard with its top
rail and evenly spaced rods. Her eyes drifted back to his. His
wolfish glare filled with a ravenous craving spun her into a
quivering wanton ball of clay ready to be molded to fit his needs.
With her hand on his stomach, she walked around him. He turned with
her as if glued to her hand. She loosened the silky scarf tying her
drapes open. Handing him the long scarf, she smiled, consenting to
his request.

“You should learn to be creative. You can use
this…I know what it’s been tying up.”

His stomach jerked with lustful anticipation
pulling on his balls. This woman surprised him at every turn. The
more of her mystery he uncovered the more mysterious she

“Point taken. I’m about to show you how
creative I can be.” He slipped her robe off her shoulders exposing
the treasures she offered him so willingly. He watched her robe
crumble on the floor. Beyond waiting another second, he picked her
up with his hands around her waist tossing her into the middle of
the bed. She squealed from his sudden motion then laughed with
delightful glee in her voice. She squealed again when he dove on
top of her catching his weight with his arms.

Her arms and legs captured his muscular body
hovering over her. “I thought you were going to squash me.” His
eyes portrayed the thirst of a man lost in the desert and she was
the lifesaving glass of water. She wanted him to gulp her down then
ask for a refill.

“No chance of that. I have other plans for
you.” His mouth covered her perfect lips. Her sweet taste filled
him with anticipation of the long overdue play date. He was about
to lose himself in her warm eager body wrapped around him when he
forced his arms to push him away. He needed a long hard night with
her to get his fill. He propped a pillow on the headboard. Grasping
her under her arms he leaned her on the pillow. His lips grazed
over hers as he untwined her arms from his neck.

“I promise we both will remember this night.
I’m a man of my word.”

She knew he spoke words of truth from the
guttural tone of his voice. Tremors of anticipation spread over her
body following the heated path of her exploding desires. There
wasn’t any doubt he would hold true to his promise. She watched as
he bound her hands separately with about six inches of scarf
between them. His muscles visually tensed, his eyes drew her into
their depths and she willingly complied.

“Grab the top rail.” His throaty voice
commanded his orders. He guided her hands holding the center of the

The thought of being his captive was heatedly
stimulating knowing any lingering inhibitions would be taken out of
her control. She reached above her head to grasp the top rail. He
straddled her tying the ends of the scarf to the rail. She kissed
his chest feeling him shudder as she ran her tongue around his
nipple. He finished his task settling back to his knelt position.
His breathing was shallow and beads of perspiration formed on his
brow as he smiled devilishly.

He admired his handiwork trailing his gaze
over his beautiful possession. “I’ll stop anytime you want. Just
say stop. I’ve got a lot of making up to do after waiting on

“I know exactly how you feel.” She whispered
lost in her licentious cravings to be ravaged repeatedly by the
virile wanting man before her.

With her arms stretched above her head she
was exposed, helpless, and torturously aroused by the predatory
look in his eyes. A tremble started in her chest infecting her body
as he gazed over her. On his knees at her thighs he leaned forward
bracing his hands on the bed. Crouched over her, his lips possessed
hers feeding her need for him. Instinctively, her arms tugged
against the silky binding wanting to touch him, to wrap around him.
She was fueled with a hot flow of desire.

His total control or her lack of any control
was intensely arousing. Her skin tingled with millions of pin
pricks of anticipating his touch. He nuzzled her neck caressing her
pleasure zone with his warm breath. She felt the tip of his manhood
trail over her stomach up to her cleavage as he kneeled over her.
Her body’s movements compensated for her bondage. Her need to touch
was transferred from her hands to her body and lips. He held his
engorged shaft as she moved her head to hungrily take him in her
mouth. His deep groan lengthened as she transported her ravishing
need to his bulging manhood.

Garret was driven to lustful heights by her
open appreciation. His overactive libido normally diminished after
being fed. But the more he had of her, the more he wanted. He was
insatiable in his need for her and gratifyingly she reciprocated
with her need for him.

The length of her bindings allowed him to
twist and turn her with ease. She eagerly complied accentuating his
need to control her. The pillows propping her upper half gave her
and him an intimate view of his activities. He forced her to quake
in a gratifying release time after time reveling in her ecstatic

Consumed by the persistent urge for release
he glided inside her with her slender legs wrapped around his waist
as he knelt in front of her. Her hands grasped the rail suspending
her body off the bed to the pleasure of his eyes. His muscles
engaged in a rapturous frenzy fighting for relief. His thrust
deepened, quickened, as the vision cascaded him into lustful bliss.
After mere moments to recuperate the erotic vision infiltrated his
mind jump starting his urges. He flipped her over on her knees with
her hands still on the rail as he urgently repeated the vision from
behind. Guiding her by her tiny waist he watched his dick dive
inside her, emerging dripping with her juices. Her silky flesh
gleamed with moisture trembling beneath his hands. His balls
contracted with a crushing need forcing a devastatingly explosive
release. He held tight inside her as he felt her muscles
contracting around him. They convulsed in unison. Staying joined in
the pleasurable moment he collapsed sideways pinning her into

He felt her relax with their breaths calming
from their erratic gasps. He nuzzled her neck and she stretched her
head out of his way. “Don’t get too comfortable, baby. I’m not done
with you yet.” She sexily purred in response firing him back into

He rolled on the third condom of the night.
He adjusted the pillows to lie on his back then positioned her
straddling his face. She clutched the bedrail, his eyes danced with
hers as he watched her fall victim to another orgasm. He sucked her
sweet juices flowing into his mouth, hearing her ecstatic moans.
She shook violently with his hands holding her hips over his face.
She tried to raise herself but he held her firmly. He almost
relinquished to his male urgency but he wanted to watch her fall
victim to his control again. She panted through her mouth trying to
catch her breath. He felt her muscles tighten with the pressure of
his tongue swirling her to pleasurable heights.

Every nerve in her body was oversensitive
from the barrage of wonderful climaxes. She was caught in the
raging storm of his desires with only fleeting moments in the glow
of satisfaction before he swept her into another torrent of need.
His slightest touch sent quakes of pleasure surging through her.
His mouth covered her sweet spot consuming her with delightful
tremors. In a haze of euphoric pleasures, she was dizzily

“Oh Garret, you’re going to make me pass
out.” She whispered moaning louder. He slipped his finger in her
back entrance. She gasped “Garret…” feeling the invasion into
somewhere that shouldn’t be invaded. The immediate shock was
forgotten as she exploded harder than ever before. He pushed deeper
with his finger extending her orgasm.

She came easier, harder each time he pushed
her off the edge. He had one more good fuck left in him before he
collapsed with exhaustion. He wanted her to fuck his dick off. He
pushed himself up on the pillows in between her trembling arms.

Her face was filled with appreciation with
the sexiest smile he had ever witnessed. He hadn’t found anyone
that came close to matching his libido but she might just surpass
him in that aspect.

“Oh baby, ride me hard.” He commanded, barely
finding enough breath to speak.

She easily slipped over his hard dick without
his assistance. Face to face, her arms beside his head, he held her
hips. He was positioned perfectly to kiss her lips, stare into her
eyes and enjoy her fucking the hell out him.

Her tight slippery tunnel moved up his shaft
then engulfed him deep inside her. The roll of her muscles from her
chest down signaled she was getting close to exploding. He loved
that roll almost as much as her eyes glazing. Her eyes widened. Her
muscles rolled again as he slipped his finger in her back entrance.
He loved her eager response to all his wants. He soared into a
muscle tightening urgency. She breathed through her mouth in short
spurts. His fingers dug into her hips pushing his finger deeper
inside her. His hips thrust into her, deep, hard, quickening the
motion. She moaned in his mouth as he felt the explosion squirting
out from his balls to the tip of his dick. Pressed into her depths
her tunnel walls tightened around him, milking him dry.

He held her tight shuddering from his very
core. When his breath returned he reached behind his head and
pulled the scarf loose from the bed. One tug on each end untied the
knots. She collapsed in his arms.

Her body trembled completely exhausted and
unbelievably content. He had used her body as a vessel for his
pleasure but she didn’t mind in the least. Physical pleasure was
what bound them together. He had provided her with more pleasure
than she thought she could endure. With her hands free she touched
his face, neck and chest basking in the sweet glow that surrounded

“I swear I can’t move. If you can die of sex,
then this is the way I want to go.”

His arms held her close wanting her to stay
there. Her warm damp skin pressed against his filled him with a
peaceful contentment. This woman was created for his pleasure and
he wouldn’t be done with her for quite some time.

“We’ll save this for special occasions. I may
not survive another night like this one.” He knew it wouldn’t be
necessary to restrict her after tonight. When he had sex on a
regular basis he enjoyed the interaction. He planned on having
frequent sex with this one.

All she heard was there were going to be more
nights. More times that she would feel him inside her, more kisses,
more laying in his arms.

He shifted her over while he removed his
condom. He gathered her firmly back in his arms. Tilting her head
he gazed into her blue seas of contentment.

“I’m glad you trusted me. I know it couldn’t
have been easy. Believe me, everyone I have to deal with next week
will be thankful.”

Her lips grazed his playfully. “That sounds
like I’m your substitution for Valium. If so…I might want to start
an anti-drug campaign.” He tightened his hold with a possessiveness
that gripped her heart.

His stern gaze searched her eyes. “You’re my
prescription only. I won’t share you, so there’s no trespassing
allowed.” Finally after months of her evading his capture he was
able to lay down the law. She needed to understand the importance.
No one touched her but him.

Her mouth covered his passionately accepting
the terms of his agreement. He was the only man that would ever
have her. He owned her whether he knew it or not. Her hand on his
chest raised and lowered with each of his deep breaths. Nestled
securely in his arms she drifted into a sound sleep.

Floating contently in the haze of near
consciousness Hannah opened her eyes when she heard footsteps in
her room. Garret walked to the side of her bed carrying a cup of
coffee in each hand. His smile led her out of her dreamy state to
fully awake. He sat on the edge of the bed while she adjusted the
pillows to sit upright. He looked relaxed and rested as he handed
her one of the cups. His freshly showered smell told of his early

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