Possess Me (31 page)

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Authors: R.G. Alexander

BOOK: Possess Me
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She was impatient, too. She braced her hands on his hips, licking the head of his cock with a tentative tongue. She moaned, loving the taste, and opened her mouth to take him in.
“Fuck, Bethany.” His hands tightened in her hair, but he didn’t push, didn’t pull her closer. His body was nearly vibrating against her from holding back.
She tried to take more, her lips stretching, throat closing at the large intrusion. She took a deep breath and relaxed her throat muscles, wanting to drive him wild. Wanting to please him the way he’d pleased her.
He was swearing in French, praising her with a voice broken with passion as she learned what he liked. She swirled her tongue around his shaft, beneath the head of his cock, and he swore through gritted teeth, pleading for more. One hand left his hip to caress the balls stretched tight beneath his erection and he shouted his pleasure.
She couldn’t believe how exciting it was to please him. Recalling something she’d read from Allegra’s notes, she slid her fingertips along the skin between his legs, between the cheeks of his ass, and pressed.
He jerked against her then, unable to hold himself back. He tugged her head back by her hair, his eyes wild, shocked. “Where did you learn how to do that?”
She pressed harder, feeling the muscles part for her touch. “Why? Do you like it?” Where had her boldness come from? She’d always been bold in her head, but it was as if a dam had been broken by him. And behind it was the woman she’d always wanted to be. Strong. Daring. Provocative.
“Are you curious, Blue Eyes? Do you want to know how it feels? To know what my cock will feel like inside your sweet ass?”
She licked her lips, amazed that she was. She did want to know. “Will you show me?”
He closed his eyes, his expression pained. He dropped to his knees beside her, turning her around until she was on all fours. “I want to. God only knows how I want to.”
He spread her cheeks and she gasped when she felt the wet pressure of his tongue. He was kissing her, licking her—
. And it felt incredible. Indescribable.


He moaned at her sound of approval, spreading her wider, almost painfully, his tongue greedy as it lapped every drop of water off her skin. He lifted his head, reaching for the new condom on the rim of the tub and tearing the foil with his teeth. “I can’t, Bethany. Not this time. I can’t wait, can’t be gentle. I need to fuck you.
She scrambled for purchase as he lifted her hips high and thrust inside her. No waiting, no slow thrusts. She cried out and he growled. He reached up to wrap her hair around his fist again, using the other to grip her shoulder tight, pulling her back into him as he thrust.
“I can’t get enough, love. Every time I think I will, but I only want you more. Want you so much, baby. So much.”
She moaned, pressing back against him, reveling in the wildness of his pumping hips. His hand tightened on her hair and the sharp tug made her cry out. She was close. She could feel her climax waiting, ready to overwhelm her. Just. One. More.
Her internal muscles tightened around him again and again as her orgasm pounded against her like a summer storm. He called out to her, shouting her name as his release carried him away.
By the time their breathing had slowed and the water cooled, she could almost convince herself that he hadn’t said what she thought he had.
was in full swing. With the minister gone, the gazebo had turned into a different type of altar, lined with candles, flowers, even what looked to be miniature skulls.
The people who weren’t already dressed in black and purple had been given purple shawls to wrap around their shoulders. To honor Papa Ghede, and welcome him to the gathering.
Bethany watched as a man stood at the base of the altar and lifted his glass. “To my beloved Tamara. Wild at heart, free of spirit, and always ready to laugh.”
The crowd cheered for the missing Tamara and drank. A woman came forward next. “For Shelly, who never let the cancer kill her spirit.”
The cheering and drinking resumed as Bethany felt a shawl fall over her shoulders. She hadn’t noticed until he’d returned that Bone Daddy had gone to get her one, to help her blend in with the others. His hands were warm on her skin.
He spoke softly in her ear. “They are honoring the dead, now when the veil is thin between worlds. Telling stories and jokes about their friends and family, celebrating life.”
“I never understood why the celebration of life always seems to include death and skulls.” Bethany pulled the shawl closer, unable to stop the feeling of foreboding that fluttered in her stomach.
He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her back against him. “By acknowledging how temporary life is, you appreciate it that much more.” His tone grew thoughtful, somber. “Humans are fragile. Plagues, war, even a bad storm can take them away. Yet as long as you breathe, you build and strive and grow. Even amidst tragedy you find ways to laugh, dance, and remember things to celebrate. That is one of the things that attracts the Loa. The passion of humanity. The life you pack into the short time you have.”
She leaned her head on his shoulder. “Is it what attracts you?”
“You attract me, Bethany Sorelle. I cannot think beyond that right now. Are you sure you don’t want to go back inside before someone sees us?”
“Too late.” Bethany chuckled as she saw Allegra and Michelle heading in their direction.
“You came. I thought you might miss it.” Allegra’s freckled cheeks were flushed, her eyes bright from love and rum punch.
“Yes. Poor you. You might miss it.” Michelle smiled, but her green eyes were flickering all around, telegraphing her discomfort.
Bone Daddy reached around Bethany and took Michelle’s hand. “Don’t fear your gift, Michelle Toussaint. Revel in it. You can see them. Think of the comfort you could bring on this night.”
Michelle tilted her head, her smile growing. “You’re kind of a softy, BD. Who saw that coming?”
“I did.” Allegra singsonged, gasping as she came closer to Bethany. “You braided your beautiful hair again. And it’s wet. Oh. Well. Okay then.” She giggled. “You started the honeymoon without us.”
Rousseau appeared beside her and pulled her into his arms. “
going to start the honeymoon without you if you don’t stop letting Ben fill your punch glass.”
She kissed his lips sweetly. “Don’t worry, I’m not
“Don’t blame me,” Ben said. “Blame The Mamas. Every time I turn around mine is adding more rum to the spice punch.”
He smiled, and Michelle rolled her eyes at his innocent expression. “I see the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”
To Bethany the image was bittersweet. Both couples were just starting their lives together. So much time. She could hear the clock ticking on her and Bone Daddy, and it was killing her. How had she gotten so attached to him so quickly?
An answer that she didn’t want to consider kept echoing in her mind. Like a remembered dream. Or a memory long forgotten.
But it couldn’t be true.
She heard the sound of drums and they all turned toward the gazebo. The beat was hypnotic. One drum joined another and another, each beating like a heartbeat, as one heartbeat. As hers.
They moved closer and a circle developed around the drummers, people swaying and rocking together. Some on the edge of the circle were dancing. Bethany wanted to dance.
She swayed to the rhythm, watching as Michelle’s mother, Mambo Annemarie Toussaint, stepped into the center of the circle and called on Papa Legba, invoking his name for permission to begin. He opened and closed the doorway between worlds, looked over the crossroads. A messenger, Bethany had read, like Mercury. He was also synonymous with the Christian Saint Peter, the keeper of the keys.
The drums were making it hard for her to think, to concentrate on Mambo Toussaint’s words.
Bending over, the priestess sprinkled cornmeal in a design on the grass. Bethany felt the strongest yank yet on her braid, but, knowing it was Emmanuel, she shrugged it off and moved closer, wanting to see.
The drums were pounding faster, matching her breath.
It was an inspiring ceremony, honoring life, the earth, God. Honoring the Marassa twins, the Loa who looked out for twins like Michelle and her brother, Gabriel. And finally, Papa Ghede and his family. He was the Loa of death and fertility, the taker of the souls of the dead, protector of children who die before their time. She’d read something about him, but . . . the drums . . .
“You are paler than I remembered, and older, but I would know those blue eyes anywhere, Isabel.”
She turned and the world spun crazily around her. She shook her head, trying to focus. It was the bearded man who’d smiled at her. The one Bone Daddy had glared at as he’d come down the aisle.
“What?” What had he called her?
“Still such a silly girl, chasing after that trash when you could have been a queen. My queen.” He came closer and repulsion filled her. But that didn’t make any sense. He was a stranger.
He wrapped his fingers around her wrist, his grip painful, bruising.
“Let me go. I don’t know you. I think you have me confused with someone else.”
Silver glinted on the edge of her vision and she gasped, seeing the knife in his other hand. “I’ll have you confused with a corpse if you don’t come with me. Quietly. You and I have some unfinished business, Isabel. And Marcel isn’t invited this time.”
on his arm near the center of the circle. She patted his sleeve. “Thank you for being here. Annemarie is thrilled to have you so close for the ritual, and I know Allegra was overjoyed to have you walk her down the aisle.”
“Both are my pleasure,
. I have enjoyed my time with your family and their friends.” He thought of Bethany.
“And you don’t want to leave.” She wasn’t asking.
“No. I do not.” Now more than ever. He would be happy merely to stay beside Bethany, even if she couldn’t see him. Maybe he could get Michelle to convince her to move to New Orleans. If not, he would simply follow her to New York. Loa didn’t feel the cold.
“Perhaps Papa Ghede will hear your plea.”
She didn’t sound hopeful, and neither was he. He was fairly certain he wasn’t the most popular Loa right now. Especially after Rousseau. Although he had given them the soul of the
. Perhaps that counted for something.
“Love is a powerful force, Bone Daddy. It can make miracles happen, allow you to stay here on our side of the Gate of Guinee.” Her hand jerked on his arm. “It can even save a soul near death in time for a second chance.”
“What?” He felt the blood leave his face, somehow knowing that what she’d said was important. “What do you mean, Elise Adair?”
She shook her head, placing her other hand on his arm. “I don’t know, it’s your memory. It’s hidden, deep inside . . . but it is yours.”
The scar along his side began to throb painfully, as though the wound were fresh. He looked down but saw no blood, no open wound.
“Mama Elise, BD, there you are.” Michelle came rushing up to them, breathless. “Something is wrong. Emmanuel won’t stop crying.” She looked at Bone Daddy. “He says you need to help her, that you’re the only one who can.”
“Help who?”
Where was Bethany? He looked around the yard, seeking out her red dress, her long dark braid in the frolicking throng. He didn’t see her.
Michelle shook her head in frustration. “That’s just it. He keeps saying Isabel. But it doesn’t make any sense. Isabel was his sister; even if she hadn’t disappeared, she couldn’t possibly be alive to save.”
Bone Daddy stumbled backward and the only thing keeping him standing was Elise’s hands on his arm.
Isabel. Save Isabel
Memories filled his head. Ugly and cruel. Terrifying and empty. And suddenly he knew. Oh God, he knew.
“Bethany!” He jerked out of the older woman’s hold and ran toward Ben, grabbing him by his shoulder. “Bethany is in danger. I need you to take me to the St. Louis Cemetery now.”
Ben didn’t hesitate. “We’ll take my bike.”
Michelle, Allegra, and Rousseau were right behind them. “We’ll follow in my car. I’ll be right behind you, baby,” Michelle called out to Ben, running past them and into the house.
Bone Daddy hopped on the large, black motorcycle behind Ben, and seconds later the machine roared swiftly into the night. How could he have forgotten her? Even for a moment?
As they got closer to the cemetery, memories grew clearer in his mind. Blue eyes like the deepest ocean. An unusual upside-down mouth that he longed to kiss. Blood pouring down her flowered dress as she lay with her throat sliced open beside her crying brother.

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